Clan Distayre
[hide]Clan Distayre
Clan Distayre is one of those Clans that has remains in the background throughout the histories that have been bandied about. One of the Clans that was part of the Mandalorian Invasion. A firm supporter of the Crusade to expand and test out the mettle of the warrior stock of the inner Core worlds. To some they are the booggie men, those that watch, listen, and learn, To others they seem to be nothing as they rarely claim worlds. Perhaps they learned something at Mallicor. Perhaps they have learned that to move is often better when hunting.
They have nearly perished, and risen again to strength several times since those much famed days. The last time no more than a paltry decade past when the clan was nearly all slaughtered in a last ditch effort of their pray to end them. But they prevailed and one lived to rebuild the Clan again.
Followers of the Resol'nare in more than just lip service, they grow slowly as they pick those that are worthy of the legacy along with the name.
- A Mandalorian must wear armor.
- A Mandalorian must speak Mando'a.
- A Mandalorian must defend themself and their family.
- A Mandalorian must contribute to the overall well-being of the clan.
- A Mandalorian must raise their children as Mandalorians.
<The child is given the choice of becoming Mando'a or leaving the Clan at the age of 13 once trained. >
- A Mandalorian must heed the one true Mand'alor's call and rally to their cause.
Clan Distayre is slowly gathering it's numbers. Traditionally based off ships, most, if not all, are skilled pilots. Once upon a time they were some of the leading eyes and ears for the incoming Invasion forces before the Jetti stalled out their advance. So those with the skills needed for seeking out information are also encouraged. Often times seen more as support than the front line shock troopers. As they tend towards the technical side of things. Traders/Spies, Armorers, Technicians, Smugglers to keep the greater war machine of their People moving forward. As well as more often than not being the drop ship pilots depositing the troopers into those hell on earth landing zones under heavy fire, and going back for more.
This Clan date back to long before the Invasion, having fought it's way back from a few near decimations over the years.
They are also closely ties with Clan Sur currently, though the building of a City together as well as marriage bonds between the Clans.
Current PC Members
Clan Colors: Main body - Black. Trim/Accents - Follow Mando'ad tradition
Maeti Distayre - Alor - Colors: Black, Dark Blue, Gold
Arcael - Sidekick - Second Daughter - di'kut
Riwa_Sur - First Daughter - Married off to Clan Sur
- Eirik
Eirik - Newest Mad bomber
There are a number of NPCs that serve on the ships as well as are aiding Clan Sur in the building of the city on Lok.
Alliances and Allies
- Mandalorian Revivers - Alliance - Sworn to Service for Clan Ordo's current head, Narsai_Ordo
- Clan Sur - Allies and Family
History of a Clan
Clan Distarye is one of those odd clans that has found itself a bit lost in the fabrics of time. They can point out their banners flying over the raids that netting the planets of Cathar, Jeeble, and portions of the Jaga’s Cluster under the control of the Mando’ad, or Mandalorians to those not of them.
A full half of the Clan perished at Malachor V. The remainders wounded and discouraged were swep back to the edges of the Unknown Regions. Where they tended towards being a ship-bourne clan over the thoughts of many to conquer and claim lands for their future kin.
Always a Clan willing to slip through the shadows in fulfilling their Duties to the Mando’ade. They were slow to grow to the number they had prior to the Invasion’s ending. But for those that did make the mark, adoption was always a welcome thing into the Clan.
Minos Cluster has felt the passing of this Clan in their rovings. Along with most of the Outer Rim.
Once members of the Nite Owls, several of their numbers still bear the right to wear that sigil as well as that of their Clan. Though few of them remain to march in the here and now.
Members are charged to the core to recover what of the history as they can of the Mando’ade in general, and Clan Distarye in particular. Some have broached the claim over the years that the Clan as a whole works as a spy-network for the Mand’alor.
A long line of traders of all things resides in the annuals. Followed by armorers, engineers, medics, and bounty hunters. As what Clan of the Mando’ade does not boast several numbers of this profession, right?
There is even a record of one member that was recruited into the ISP, and worked to help establish the Black Fleet of stealth vessels for the Empire.
The current branch is in the rebuilding phase once more after the main Clan ship was destroyed in a suicidal raid by pirates. The battle cost the Clan all but one member, and the pirates everything as the Clan ship was detonated.
Maeti, the current alor, is slowly gathering up willing recruits that fit into what the Clan’s obligations and duties ask of it.
Clan Sur is allied through marriage to Maeti’s first adopted daughter, tying the two clans together in the formation of a small outpost overseen by Clan Sur.
Riwa, Maeti's first adoptive daughter , has married into Clan Sur, binding the two Clans in friendship and blood. She currently is named the Al'verde'Sur, or second in command for that clan having married the Alor of Cla nSur and earned the position through strength of arm and ferocity.
Arcael, Maeti’s second adoptive daughter, has stepped in to fill the role of Armorer for the Clan. The other fledgeling members returning to the fold are slowly filling out the Clan once more. <Yes, folks like every other group out there. There are NPCs filling out the numbers.>
Clans Sur and Distayre have worked together to settle and set up the fortress and Cerar'taap Settlement on Lok. Open to all Mando'ade. The dragon sigil of Clan Distarye not an uncommon sight around the place.
- Your armor is your skin, only among those that are 'family' may it be removed.
- Helmets are brain buckets, wear one when you are getting shot at.
- The base of the Clan's color is that of the Void. From when we come, and to where we shall return to in the end.
- Never turn over all your weapons. If you do not have a backup, or some built into your armor, you are naked.
- <More forthcoming>