BlasTech EL-16HFE

Background and History
The EL-16HFE blaster rifle was a blaster rifle manufactured by BlasTech Industries. Used by the New Republic, the EL-16HFE was the Heavy Field Edition of the smaller EL-16 blaster, though it was outdated surplus by the time of the Resistance's fight against the First Order thirty years after the Battle of Endor
Skill: Ranged: Blaster Rifles vs Dodge Ranged
Settings: Kill/Stun
Damage: 94 wound points & 37 stun points.
Charge: 0 shots left of 10 max. (BlasTech Powercell)
Accuracy: 99%
Range: 50 meters optimal/300 meters max.
Legality: D - Illegal
Modifications: 0
Modification Slots: T3 Barrel, T3 Sight
Firing Modes: Single shot per-combat-round.