Black Sun/New Player Guide

Black Sun: New Player Guide (WIP)
This guide will attempt to get you, a new inductee in to the Black Sun, acquainted with the game and provide suggestions as to how to make the most of your time here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Guri via the paging system, @mail, or just by hunting her down on the grid. These terms will be explained later if you are not familiar with them.
The Game and Having Fun
Star Wars: Age of Alliances is a MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination) where the player is given a great deal of freedom to do nearly anything they want within the bounds of player consent, theme, and the coded systems that exist on the game. While there is a general story provided by the staff, and they make the final call when it comes to aligning the theme of the game with canon sources like the movies, most of the major story-lines are almost entirely player driven. As a result your level of enjoyment will hinge mostly on how much you attempt to seek out other players and drive towards the goals you have created for your character.
Fortunately, you are not on your own! There are feature characters, players that identify themselves as game masters that run scheduled events, the game staff, and the players themselves around to give you a hand in realizing your goals. By throwing your lot in with a faction, you have taken the first step to exposing yourself to events that reach beyond your character and provide you with greater opportunity to advance your own story.
Getting Stuff
There are a number of systems in the game that help to represent things like character abilities, attributes, wealth, and the ownership of various things. You can encounter ships, weapons, armor, boxes, and various other trinkets in your travels that have various levels of wealth. As you interact with other players your player will get stronger and more skilled at any number of things.
Events are scheduled activities where a player, acting as a GM, has decided that they will tell a story and have other players participate. Sometimes an event is restricted to a given group or set of groups. As a member of the Black Sun, you can participate in Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, and Civilian events. Take care to not act against the interests of the Black Sun and the Hutt Cartel as you may suffer IC consequences! Of course, sometimes it can be fun to get in to trouble.
Lists all events.
+event <number>
Displays all the details for a given event. For example: +event 513
+event/signup <number>
Indicates that you will be participating in an event. For example: +event/signup 513
+help +event
Shows additional information and commands.
Communicating with Others
There are many different ways to communicate with players outside of IC and OOC chatter in the same rooms. Pick the one that is appropriate to what you're trying to do!
Public Channels
There are many public channels on the game that allow you to talk with everyone on them.
This command will list all available public channels.
@chan/on <channel>
This command list allow you to join a given channel. For example: @chan/on Role-Play
@chan/gag <channel>
This command will allow you to silence a channel without leaving it. If you want to ungag a channel, use the command @chan/ungag <channel>. This is preferable to @chan/off.
Gags all channels.
Ungags all channels.
Group Channels
Group channels are specific to the groups that you are part of.
=<group> <speech>
Speaks on the group's OOC channel. For example for the Black Sun: =bl Hi there!
-<group> <speech>
Speaks on the group's IC channel. For example for the Black Sun: -bl Hi there!
Private Chat
page <player1> [player2] [player3]=<speech>
Sends a private message to one or more online players. For example: page Guri Ryo=Hi there!
You can send mail using the @mail system to both online and offline players. This is handy if you want to keep a record of communication or do not need to have a quick back and forth with another player.
help @mail
Displays additional information and commands.
More Stuff