Ban Iskender
From Star Wars: Age of Alliances MUSH
Ban Iskender
Title: Darth Durandus
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Prince-consort
Profession: Soldier
Homeworld: Cophrigin 4
Organization: Alderaan
Ship: Cophrigin Echo
- Log:Two Sons of Alderaan
- Log:Sith Empire: The True War
- Log:Sith Empire: Revanites
- Log:Sith Empire: Commander Traega and Nim's End
- Log:Sith Empire: War Drums from the Deep
- Log:Sith Empire: Troiken Siege
- Log:Sith Empire: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:Sith Empire: Dark Legacy III
- Log:Sith Empire: Black Fleet I
- Log:Alderaan: Shadow of Delaya
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past, Pt. 3
- Log:Alderaan: Belsavis Debrief
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past Pt 1
- Log:Alderaan: On Target for Spring
- Log:Sith: Becoming The Problem
- Log:Sith: Part of The Solution
- Log:The Queens Justice
- Log:The True War
- Log:Alderaan: A Noble, Notable Birthday
- Log:A Prayer for My Daughter
- Log:The Sound of a Heartbeat
- Log:Avishan Campaign II
- Log:Aldera Squad: Avishan Campaign I
- Log:Last Light and Dark Heart
- Log:Jedi Order: An Order in Healing
- Log:The Circle: Chaos on Kafrene
- Log:Delaya: Cavalry Skirmish
- Log:A Broken Saga
- Log:Jedi Order: Lightsaber Training
- Log:Last Light of Killesa II
- Log:Jedi Order: Revisiting the Ash Worlds
- Log:Jedi Order: What Was Lost Finale
- Log:Jedi Order: True Defense
- Log:Jedi Order: The Living Force
- Log:Jedi Order: A Seaside Lesson
- Log:If Stones Could Speak
- Log:Delaya: Last Light of Killesa
- Log:Jedi Order: Devils in the Details
- Log:Jedi Order: A Bridge Too Far
- Log:New Alderaan: The Red Summit
- Log:New Alderaan: Delayan Peace Summit
- Log:New Alderaan: Noble Shoot
- Log:Jedi: Auspicious Audience
- Log:Kilian Blitz: United Front
- Log:Jedi Order: The Lady's Wardrobe
- Log:Jedi Order: Finding Fondor
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Fate of Lord Harrow
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Corellia
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Roadblocks
- Log:Kilian Blitz: Interdicted
- Log:New Alderaan: Break the Rist
- Log:New Alderaan: Defend the Beach
- Log:New Alderaan: A Single Spark
- Log:New Alderaan: No Time Like the Present
- Log:New Alderaan: A Storied Knight
- Log:Jedi Order: Blood Feud
- Log:Jedi Order: From a Point of View
- Log:Jedi Order: Methane Cometh From Chad
- Log:New Republic: Use Your Instincts
- Log:Jedi Order: Eternal Eye
- Log:New Republic: Centerpoint Station
- Log:New Republic: Off the Rails
- Log:MM: Rotting Hope
- Log:Jedi Order: The Valley of the Jedi
- Log:Night at the Holy Day Inn
- Log:St
- Log:Jedi Order: A Call for Help
- Log:Mystery of the Obroan Core
- Log:Knights of Ren: Do Not Go Gently
- Log:New Alderaan: Spring Festival
- Log:New Alderaan: A Hunt in the Savannah
- Log:New Alderaan: Battle of Yvonne Forest
- Log:New Republic: A Safe Haven
- Log:New Republic: Hot Chow Come Morning
- Log:Jedi Order: The Bludgeonings of Chance
- Log:Alderaan: Contested Land
- Log:Jedi Order: Black as the Pit
- Log:New Republic: You Are Not Alone
- Log:New Alderaan: A Way Forward
- Log:New Alderaan: The Fall of Teraan
- Log:Alderaan: Much ado
- Log:Banquet of Fire
- Log:Swordsmanship Training
- Log:Whispers in The Dark
- Log:A Hive of Treachery
- Log:Jedi Order: Set the World On Fire
- Log:Jedi Order: Illuminating the A-Byss
- Log:Rotting Research
- Log:You're hunting what?
- Log:Jedi Order: It Belongs to Them Cloners
- Log:New Alderaan: Autumn Festival
- Log:Alderaan: Cophrigin Nights III
- Log:Rotting Missile
- Log:Battle for the Frozen Thrown
- Log:Jedi Order: Family and Visions Part II
- Log:New Republic: Ressl River Rampage
- Log:Cophrigan IV: Hard Exit
- Log:Miserere Nobis
- Log:Cophigrin Nights I
- Log:Battle for Carida: For the Republic
- Log:Tython Rangers
- Log:Full Moon Harvest
- Log:Jedi Order: Family and Visions Part I
- Log:Jedi Order: Cloak and Saber
- Log:New Republic: Parting Gifts
- Log:Jedi Order: Legacies Lost
- Log:Troiken Senate Meeting
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship II
- Log:Resistance: Technical Malfunctions
- Log:Follow the Science
- Log:Dug In: Part One
- Log:New Alderaan: Elder House Soiree
- Log:Jedi Order: Ghosts of Sullust
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship
- Log:Indoctrinate This
- Log:Devil In the Details
- Log:Jedi Order: A Lost Relic Pt: 3
- Log:Echoes Through the Ages IX
- Log:A Friendly Duel
- Log:Nugget Loop
- Log:Food for the Flotilla
- Log:New Republic: Taking a Stand
- Log:Canto Bight Goodbye!
- Log:Resistance: Prodigal Daughter Pt II
- Log:Ironing Out Some Questions
- Log:Jedi Order: The Frozen Ashes
- Log:Rotting Core
- Log:Jedi Order: A Lost Relic Pt: 2
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VIII
- Log:Bomb in the Ballroom
- Log:Jedi + Knights of Ren: Heroes and Heretics
- Log:Jedi Order: Plumbing the Depths
- Log:Resistance: Poison Crumbs Part II
- Log:Houjix Fix
- Log:Guilded Gifts
- Log:Jedi Order: The Saarai-Kaar's Lair
- Log:Jedi Order: What Lies Beneath
- Log:Jedi Order: A Lost Relic
- Log:Fighting Gravity
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Fountain of Yelsain
- Log:Resistance: A Very Fond Farewell
- Log:Spring Hunting Festival
- Log:For Ackbar
- Log:Push to Close
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VII
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VI
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages V
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages IV
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages III
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages II
- Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages
- Log:Resistance: Bloody Hypothesis Pt 2
- Log:Bloodlines and Duty