Anadesi Driver

Anadesi Driver
A youthful woman of average stature and modest feminine attributes, Anadesi's lithesome frame is hardened on the edges by vigorous exercise or a rough and tumble life. A canvas of white skin that hints of a spacing or indoor life is marred by scratches and bruises with the scars to match. The damage seems to avoid her face for the most part: hinting at an intelligence behind whatever inflicted the wounds in the past. Short nails and calloused hands are visible to the observant.
Anadesi's wolfish, stone-grey eyes are framed in straw blonde tresses that would reach the length of her shoulders if not nearly always bundled up in to a simple ponytail. Her ears are lobed and her lips are generous to match strong features.
It is not uncommon for Anadesi to be found in simple outfits made up of rugged boots, durable hide pants, and equally reinforced tunics and jackets. If she's wearing gloves, they're likely the form-fitting medical variety or rogueish leathers. Astride her hips rests a utility belt with several pouches. The belt is very rarely found far from a low profile, hard-shelled backpack.