Vonn Daugh

Vonn Daugh
Title: Milkman
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Courier, Street Racer
Profession: Smuggler Master
Homeworld: Socorro (?)
Organization: Independent
Ship: Double Take
"I live my life a quarter parsec at a time."
Vonn Daugh is a wisecracking, fast-talking smuggler and pilot with a knack for turning chaos into opportunity. Raised on Socorro's criminal fringes and forged in the underworld of Nar Shaddaa, he's now aligned with a dangerous crew get back what he rightfully stole... and then some. Armed with reckless ingenuity, a deep respect for the Scoundrel's Code, and an endless love for holofilms and sneakers, Vonn is always ready for the next big score or fast getaway. Whether it's navigating cantinas, piloting anything with an engine, or outmaneuvering enemies with quick wit and charm, Vonn lives for the moment-- also, the credits-- oh and the latest pair of Star Treaders.
Smuggler's Guide
- Real Name: Unknown
- Nickname: Milkman
- Height: 1.73m
- Weight: 71.2kg
- Date of Birth: 8th of Nelona 1135
- Education: Streets of Socorro
- Affiliations: Criminals, Gangsters, Ne'er-Do-Wells, Pirates, Scum, Villainy (... and their wives, girlfriends, sisters, daughters, you get the point)
A wisecracking motormouth by nature and a hotshot pilot by nurture, Vonn Daugh was found alone and nameless as a small child, unconscious on the sands of Socorro. Enslaved and raised amongst the vast collective of criminal organizations, Vonn found purpose in making runs for every org or gang on the planet. When a(nother) particularly violent gang war broke out on the planet, Vonn used it as a way to escape his indentured servitude and the planet, escaping on the first thing smoking.
Eventually, Vonn ended up on Nar Shaddaa where he turned his piloting skills into his bread and butter. Leaning into the freelance of it all, Vonn made runs and deliveries both on and off world, saving up any spare credit he could make or hustle in order to buy a ship he had his eye on since he established himself on the Smuggler's Moon; a glorious YT-1300 Light Freighter in pristine condition. One of the local gangsters was been keeping it mint for clout and prosperity and because she could. When Vonn found out it wasn't for sale, he did the only thing he could think of: he stole it.
With his newfound ship, his smuggling career took off and his reputation grew, Vonn even scored a handful of regulars including some of the more visually appealing types. Smitten with most of them on sight, found himself working harder for anyone he found attractive than anyone else, despite how dangerous they may have been. He realized the error of his ways when a supposed easy delivery went sour. Fast forwarding through a beating, being left for dead on Corellia, his ship being "confiscated" and Vonn found himself with a pile of trouble in his lap.
Nursing himself back to health, Vonn realized that maybe being solely independent is not the best business model. So he fell in with a group of making some serious waves in the Underworld, offering his services and skills to the group for for unity, loyalty and some assistance to get his ship back...
- Cantina Cruiser: Vonn's been from one side of the galaxy to the other and he's spent more than a few days in various bars, cantinas and clubs. He knows his way around these places, some of the more strict or loose rules and the type of clientele they may keep. He also has tabs that need to be paid in most of them.
- Corellia: Since being left for dead on Corellia, Vonn's decided to make this planet his new home. He's made some friends and is always looking to make some more. Never know which one'll have the big score.
- Credit Hungry: Vonn's always down to make some credits. What's the job? Or, even easier, just hand him some credits for no reason. He'll take them. He's shameless like that.
- Fast Getaway: Vonn considers himself a highly capable pilot of all things vehicular. High speed chases, smuggling runs and other various vehicular based criminal activities are often up his alley. He's also almost always ready to talk about the various times he's done in the past.
- Holofilm Enthusiast: Vonn loves Holofilms. He loves watching them, quoting them and generally just using them for a basis on how to live his own life. His favorite genres are Action, Adventure, Comedy and Cult Classics. And this is not just the big budget stuff, Vonn's even into some of the more less beloved flicks; some of his favorite holofilms are direct-to-datachip like Smuggler's Run and Gone in 60 Parsecs. His favorite actor is: Anthon Mak'ie.
- Honor Among Thieves: Vonn was "raised" on Socorro and has a deep respect and loyalty for the Code that exists among criminals, thieves, smugglers, pirates and scoundrels. These are his people and he understands life with them more than anything. He follows the Scoundrel's Code unless someone else breaks it first.
- Milkman: There are a bunch of different stories as to why he's called "Milkman". Which one have you heard? Or, better yet, which one is true? Is it the one where he had to jettison Blue Milk all over Anchorhead?
- Music Lover: Vonn loves music. Especially flying or driving to it. Also singing and dancing badly to it.
- "Nobody Calls Me Tip-Yip": Vonn is triggered by being called things like "coward", "chicken" or even "tip-yip". Vonn thinks of himself as some sort of charming and fearless rogue and for anyone to threaten this viewpoint and reputation by calling him a scaredy cat, then thems might be fighting words. Or "impulsive action that should not be taken" words. Triggered, much?
- Reckless Ingenuity: There's thinking outside the box. There's creative application of skills. Then there's whatever the hell Vonn does. A man of specific talents but with a wild imagination, Vonn will often find potentially wild ways of doing things that may or may not have been attempted before. He watches a ton of holofilms so sometimes he thinks he's in one and tries something insane. Results may vary... and may kill him.
- Reputation: Vonn has a bit of a reputation in various contexts amongst the stars. He's a known and reliable smuggler and getaway pilot amongst the Underworld, a pretty hotshot driver on the riot and swoop racing (unsanctioned) circuits and to hear him tell it, he's a sure shot with the ladies. It make actually be more than he's "sure as shot" if they ever see him again. Same difference, right?
- Sneakerhead: Vonn is a sneakerhead. There's nothing like a fresh pair of Star Treaders.
- Who?: An actual Vonn Daugh that decided to just embrace the name, Vonn has no idea who his people are, who his family is, none of that. He actually doesn't even know if he was even born on Socorro but that's where he was found. That's all he has to go on. Though he may not act like it, deep down he probably would like to know something about his family or history.
- Starboy - The Weeknd, Daft Punk
- Feelin' Myself - Nipsey Hussle, Lloyd
- Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson
- Savage - Whethan, Flux Pavilion, MAX
- Dirty Work - Austin Mahone
- How Deep Is Your Love - Dru Hill, Redman
- 90s Rap Mashup - Austin Williams
- Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae) - Tyler Ward, Two Worlds
- On For The Money - Escape the Fate
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
@Work | @Home | @Work | @Home | @Home / @Work | @Home / @Work | @Work / @Home |
12:00 - 22:00 | 12:00 - ?? | 15:00 - 22:00 | 12:00 - ?? | 12:00 - ?? | 12:00 - 21:00 23:00 - ?? |
9:00 - 14:00 20:00 - ?? |
- Chronically Online - I'm almost always online in some form or fashion. If not connected to the game then I'm likely lurking around on Discord. This puts me in a unique position to be available to chat, plot, scheme and maybe even do some light social RP beyond my General Availability. Just poke or ping at me.
- Whistle While @Work - I've notated above when I'm at work and while I can usually RP from work there are times when I may have to tackle some actual work sometimes. It annoys me to no end but them do be the breaks. I will try to inform scene partners and event runners if I'm having work related distractions or if I must disappear because of such things. Also, if I know it's going to be a busy work day and I've scheduled or signed up for an Event, I will reschedule or bow out ahead of time, as early as possible.
- RL, Interrupted - Life is life. Sometimes I have errands, spontaneous house cleaning moods, requested quality time with the SO or vegging out self-reflection times. I'll be sure to keep people in the loop when these things come up so scheduling and scenes can be modified.