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Log Title


Risani waits for the next missive that will describe another favor that is required of her. In the meantime, she works toward accruing enough credits and connections to wipe clean her debts or remove the owner of them entirely. Much like anyone else without a sense of direction, and having skill in dancing and the culinary arts, she has chosen to start her search in Hutt space. She believes that criminal element there and the mix of cultures and beings from across the Galaxy will provide her with the best opportunity for finding a solution to her problems or at least making a few credits.

  • Date: January 1, 2021
  • Rating: R
  • Plot: Not Applicable



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Morbi sit amet massa quis quam suscipit convallis sit amet ut mi. Suspendisse iaculis quam quis dapibus tincidunt. Sed sed feugiat libero. Nam vehicula nunc non nunc elementum porta. Praesent at egestas justo. Mauris a lorem eros. Quisque pellentesque, orci vel pretium sollicitudin, quam nisi porta enim, ut molestie justo leo vel magna. Donec sollicitudin erat in odio pretium pretium. Curabitur augue ante, egestas vitae diam at, ultrices feugiat ex. Aenean imperdiet porta mauris eget pharetra. Aenean eu diam id risus semper condimentum non in neque. Phasellus tempor tellus non justo iaculis, ut hendrerit lacus fermentum. Nullam sollicitudin ultrices sodales. Phasellus vestibulum lectus ligula, sed pharetra dui accumsan ut.