Log:When Terror Meets Iron

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A Swoop Gang Learns the Meaning of Terror

OOC Date: August 04, 2020
Location: Night City, Taris
Participants: Lorcan, Hadrix Kora, Zhu Yan, Aja, Eriu Jynx, Narsai Ordo, Brightspot, Avery Ihala Kora, Sajin, Dhr'rall, Sumi Kora

The Night City of Taris. It was unlike most 'Night Cities' in that this planet was still steeped with aristocracy. Tiered, much like the days of the Old Republic, Taris was rebuilt from its ruin after the bombing that took place during the great Jedi Civil War during the time of Revan and Darth Malak. Some say the surface of this world, the /actual/ surface of this world is still freckled with deep pock marks from the ordnance that detonated.

Fast forward nearly 4500 years, and the city has returned to its old glory, minus you know, a close star. A cityscape of bright night lights decorate the surface in a manner that can be seen from orbit. The higher levels of Taris are reserved for those fortunate to have money. The mid-levels for those who work for a living, and the lower is for everyone else.

It's the lower levels our heroes (and Yan) find themselves. Lawless anarchy rules these paved streets, and those unfortunate souls who call this home, live in a constant state of fear. Swoop gangs are frequent, but none have made quite the impact as the Fear Riders. A catchy name for a dangerous crew. They enslave the poor, misuse them, kill them for sport, or sell them for creds. A bleeding heart sent the message for vengeance, so imagine their delight when a Mandalorian answered.

<<"This is Sumi Kora. I've marked the Fear Rider's compound in your HUDs, and I've established a fall back position. Find yourselves a good ambush point with defilade. Their scheduled 'ride of terror' begins shortly. Make it their last. No one makes it out unless it's in our custody, or in a body bag.">> Sumi's voice is cold.


"Alright, Yan.. here's your creds." The Gangleader says. He passes Zhu Yan the credit chit, then snaps his fingers for his gang to collect the weapons. "I trust we're good then, yeah?" (No one can see this part.)

Lorcan clutches upon a front-heavy sidearm in his right, black gloved palm; the crimson set of durasteel over his immense figure likely expected on this particular day in the concrete jungle thick with the stagnant air of the urban sprawl. His mesomorphic figure holds no immediate caution in his posture, yet his gaze hidden behind a visor warily scans the surrounding and each alleway with the corner of his attention. A finger on the comms against the side of his helmet, he adjusts the familiar voice. And thus, the heavy, resounding steps of hard nylon soles of the combat boots echo, the one of many bounty hunters present is eager with a energized gait to find himself a paycheck.

Not a bounty hunter, but always something to do when money is offered for someone, or several ones, are wanted to be wiped out. Bad enough that a bounty and a merc-job for kills was put out. And they were slavers... that always makes it personal for Hadrix.

<<"Why aren't we above this.">> <<"Because it pays.">> <<"You're terrible.">> <<"Shut up, gripper.">>

Keeping to rooftops, ledges, and one balcony where he used a decorative torch to light the stump cigarra sized to be smoked inside his helmet, the big man has his new heavy weapon and a need to test it out in the field.

<<"Narsai, still with me, or did you go speeding ahead?">> rumbled over comms as he makes progress towards the target zone, landing on a terrace overlooking where the 'ride' is suppose to go.

<<"Al'verde to Alor'Kora. In position.">>

Gurl, tonight we're gonna run guns. You know how I know? Because it's Wednesday, and Wednesday night is the night that we usually run guns.

"Yes we are absolutely, thank you kindly. Like I said, just watch out for the blowback and you're good to go." That was Zhu Yan, the right man who just kept winding up in absolutely the wrong place all the fracking time. He was standing behind a crate full of BlasTech weaponry, unloaded, grinning like an absolute maniac, and was now in possession of a credit chit that contained a positively gaggling amout of money on it. All for reselling blasters that he'd recently obtained for what was probably literally a steal. Pay it forward, right?

You see, when it comes to doing business, Zhu Yan the Obvious Corellian With Zero Question About It didn't draw the line on many things. Okay let's be real, he didn't draw the line anywhere. It was a matter of what was practical, what was profitable, and what he could feasibly get away with. Slaves? Not normally, not worth the money, people asked questions, a certain Kasia Ashkuri might find out and she had /lawyers/. Ending sentences with prepositions? Yes, all the time, Yan was not known for his talented use of words. Except when he was.

Then he made the mistake of turning his back on a bunch of clowns to whom he'd sold guns. Well, Yan had to, he was leaving. "Time to go?" he asked of his companion, this one of more red hair than green and significantly less body-language diss. Just verbal diss. "Time to go." And he should probably stop answering his own questions.

On ground level, sticking to the shadows, Aja adjusts the visor on her helmet slightly, keeping surreptitious watch from below. Trying to stay out of sight, out of mind, the Farghul Mandalorian is almost preternaturally still as she waits for the signal to move. Keeping the coms open but staying silent to avoid detection. Even the normally expressive tail is still and lowered, hugging close along one leg to stay out of the way.

EJ stands beside Yan, Bryar at her hip and in the classy smuggler gear that has been dressed up to some extent to the Hapan's delightful tastes. She eyes that credit chit but is quick to set her amber eyes upon those questionables they are currently exchanging goods with. Her hand rests uneasily at her hip, ready to slide down and pull her pistol should she need even as her hand at her back is brushing lightly at the hidden throwing knives. She smiles prettily though, batting her lasses at the guards. "Good business here," she says openly. Little does she know things are about to go pear shaped.

She gives a shake of her auburn hair and turns to step around, taking a side step rather so that her back is not automatically turned towards the gang. It always goes wrong right about this time. Always.

Toss a little extra fuel on the barbie. (For you Aussies out there). The Hapan just gives them all a wink and a little hip wiggle - the smuggler gear - ala EJ helps with that.

"Its far past time to go, these are the types that pay, shoot you and then thus, do not have to pay."

It didn't take a particularly large amount of convincing for Narsai to agree to come along. One comm from Sumi later and the Thunderheart had changed course, a 'stop' on the way to Ordo to help someone close deal with something she'd probably have taken on for free. Worlds like this and people like the 'Fear Riders' were plentiful in the galaxy, regardless of what Empire or Republic was bringing 'peace and order', but that didn't mean it wasn't rather satisfying to put a beskar plated foot up the baskside of some psychotic raiders and slavers now and then!

Wrapped up in the red painted plating that still featured a few 'scuffs' from impacts revealing the dark Mandalorian metal beneath, Narsai moved through the street sweeping over the passers by and heading for a hide for now. Synching her HUD, she keys her comlink to answer the question sent her way. <<"I'm here...I'll give chase if anyone slips the net, but otherwise taking a blade to moving swoop bike tends to result in an out-of-control Swoop plowing into someone's house.">>

Brightspot takes up a position down near the street level, her blaster pistol in hand. Crouching on an old-fashioned 'fire escape' behind a bin of some kind, she waits quietly and watches her helmet's HUD for tactical info being fed from it from all the other similar helmets. <<"In position">>, she says, letting her helmet make it plain just who, via everyone else's HUD, is in position and ready to go.

The farghul hunter is wearing her guild armor, for a change, being as it's an official job. As with all her armors, it's modified and tailored for her body form, including pointy 'ears' on the helmet and an armored, flexible 'sheath' for her tail -- and her tail is still and 'quiet' itself, being as she's in hiding.

Avery follows along behind Hadrix, his eyes scouting the alleyways around them, trying to make up his mind on a position to take. <<"Hey, what do you think? Snipe to start or just be down here in the mix?">> He asks his friends and companions, his usual raised eyebrow hidden by the helmet on his head. The armor, save that scorch mark on his right thigh, seems to suit him better. The way he moves, the 'grace' of his step, it seems the ex-Trooper is getting used to being out of one tin can and in another. At the moment, his focus is on their surroundings, tagging along with the huge Mandalorian presence in front of him.

Sajin was only a Bounty Hunter for a short time. He found he made just as much money or more as a Mercenary running his own firm and being the King of an entire planet. Yet, he still kept up a relationship with Sumi Kora and her clan. so he came along on open missions when they needed extra muscle.

He didn't know how awkward this was about to get... or the ammont of thinking he'd probably have to do which was likely more than he ever did in his entire life.


<<"That's why I brought a rifle...">> The powerarmor wearing, Mitribnom jetpack having, handsome hapa had just settled into position and was making sure the rifle was sighted properly for moving targets. <<"As ready as I'll ever be.">>

Hiding in dark places awaiting prey is a Togorian pastime. Dhr'rall waits quietly, a heavily modified carbine in his claws. The Bounty Hunter taps at the left eye display with his left claw for a minute to get the targeting data up and running from Sumi. A low growl on the comlink is his confirmation. Jade pupils widen to give a better view in the dim lighting of the ambush sight. Ears swivel ahead and to the sides randomly, keeping an ear out for signs of swoop bikes and their riders.

Swoop Gang riders are emptying the protective cases and charging their weapons with power packs. The thought of betraying Yan had crossed their mind, but they were familiar enough with Yan to know he had an uncanny skill for surviving, and returning to murder everyone they cared about. Not willing to risk the chance the smuggler might come back for them, they leave business to be concluded with the handoff.

"MOUNT UP, BOYS!" So starts the chorus of the Fear Riders when 30 engines come to life on swoop bikes. ROARING swoop bikes. The gates to the COMPOUND open then, and external lights come on showing portion of the interior of their compound as a column of riders prep to leave their 'base' and head toward the lowest levels of the Night City. Zhu Yan and his partner, EJ can be seen moving away from the gang as they prep to leave.

Sumi's voice crackles over the comms then. <<"Weapons free. Wipe them the rekk out.">>

Propping himself nearby an alleyway, Lorcan stood beside the opening to the capillary at roughly the direct route of the scum; his palm lifting the sidearm at the confirmation over the comms buzzing into his disfigured ear. Three ice-blue blasts ring off from the barrel of the Glie-44, as the large Zabrak sets his jaws upon the frontal riders of the emerging column. Leaving himself the option to dive for cover deep in the alleyway, he remains fairly exposed for the time being.


The TA-16 - not well know, comparable to the more well known repeater blasters for certain, it's particular chugging sound is thunder rumbling as Hadrix opens fire from his elevated position. A stitch of wide 'bore' plasma bolts that stitch across the chest of one of the lead bikers, already prepping to work on a rear rider next.

<"Stang..."> He's in love. It just... felt so good to see that.

<<"Narsai... uh... I'm staying over tonight...">> within his helmet, the red pupil of his bionic blazes and the sheer manic joy in his expression is pooling off of him in waves. A quick adjustment to his sight and his HUD begins marking more targets.

Slipping from her hiding space, Aja swings for the head, missing on the first stroke with a growl. Shifting grip on the pommel, the backswing cuts deep across the chest and shoulder, bringing the rider down to the ground and facing an irritated bounty hunter.

And like that the night went to hell.

As the Fourth of Melona fireworks broke out around them, Yan cried out, "Get the frack down!" What was a casual amble became a sprint for cover, synthetic hand latched on EJ's wrist as he pulled her towards the side wall of the compound. Hide hide hide hide don't die don't die. Running almost face-first into the wall, he turned to put his back to it and looked at muzzle flashes. "Bounty hunters. For..." yeah, wrong place, wrong time, and it happened AGAIN. "Every single time. Every time." Now, how to get out of here. He turned to look at the fleeing bikers, noting a couple of exposed swoops, noting the WIDE OPEN GROUND between the Yan-EJ combo and freedom.

At least he didn't have a bounty on his head that he knew of.

"Look," he said, pointing at the now empty bikes, "there's our way out. If we're lucky, it's the Koras without that big schutta. If we're unlucky, it's Narsai Ordo." Because though Yan respected Sumi Kora, he /feared/ Narsai Ordo.

Yanked suddenly with the sound of blaster fire taking up the space around them, Eriu nearly launches from her feet and her arm screams as it is jerked about. "KRIFF YAN!" She declares loudly but quickly gets her feet beneath her to keep up, her legs pumping faster than Yan's means she starts to overtake him as her hand pulls the Bryar free. "I TOLD YOU! I SO TOLD YOU!" SHe growls out. "I EVEN SHOOK MY ASSETS AT THEM!" She is huffing this out as they go.

Slamming into the side wall she takes a moment to reevaluate there choices in life - for about three ..no two point five seconds. "We need another job. One where I don't sweat in my active wear." She leans out to get a look and then stops when he motions to the bikes. "Perfect. You are driving right?" She hisses through her teeth. "Spa day after this."

Brightspot rises up and fires down into the mass of bikers, picking her first target mostly at random. She tags him once, a glancing shot... then sees that Aja's wounded one without taking him down -- so she tracks her pistol up that way, but in her attempt to time it so as to not accidentally hit the other hunter, she ends up shooting wide of her target.

With a single slash of her tail, she uses it and her free grab the rail around the edge of fire escape and hops over, catching the bottom of it with her free hand to turn the 'fall' into more of a controlled descent, even as her tail lets go from above. Hitting the alleyway, she drops into a roll and ends up in cover behind a refuse bin.

<<"Are you now?">>

Narsai's amusement was pretty plain on the comlink...but the soft muttering of a curse as her first two bolts miss the speeding bikers made her irritation even plainer. A deep breath taken, the armored redhead stands from her perch, checking her armor and then prepping her thrusters. <<"Alright,">> the Ordo Alor speaks, rolling her shoulders. There was more of them then she thought, but chasing after speeding Swoops with a jetpack? If that didn't sound like Narsai's idea of a good time, what really would?

<<"Direct approach it is!">>

He peers at the HUD readouts that have been fed into his helmet, a pause while he considers the appropriate answer. It doesn't seem to matter anyhow as the riders have already begun their journey. <<"Probably should have made a snappier decision!">> Avery comments as he pulls the EL-16HFE off his back. <<"In the mix it is!">> And at that the slicer takes a knee, brings the weapon up to his shoulder and sights down an approaching foe. <<"Swoop rider, corner pocket...">> and he squeezes the trigger. The weapon springs to life, firing a large red bolt that streaks towards the rider. The gangmember is blasted right off the bike, the blast sending up a burst of smoke from his chest as the body ragdolls to the ground, the swoop screaming on riderless.

Sajin likely would have been one of those people who came back with Yan and murdered all the people responsible for stabbing him in the back, possibly their family members... probably not the children though. He drew a line. He was one of those people the last time Yan did anything like that. Revenge paid well and it helped to know people with money. Even if Sajin was one of those people now. He wasn't always.

The chaos down bellow from his makeshift snipers nest makes it impossible for Sajin to see Yan mingled and walking away from those they were about to take out. So he didn't see his long time associate and 'friend'. He'd given him the jetpack that was on his back... and the shadow plates that helped him stay out of sight... He lines up a shot, leading the target with the mildots in the advanced scope. Squeezing the trigger, a loud report and flash sounds and a super charged quarrel zips towards a swoop bike rider. It sparks, hitting them, and sending them falling likely to their death. The speeder continues on, likely crashing violently. <<"Guess Narsai was right... kriff...">>

Swoop Gangers, explosions, blaster fire, stabbery! This is like vacation-time on Nar Shaddaa! Dhr'rall has been waiting patient for the mayhem to begin and he was not dissapointed. Annoyed when he had to flatten his ears to the sound, and squint against the bright explosions, but not dissapointed. His Nagant settles on the core of the bikers, it is like a gizka shoot. So many at once one is bound to hit more than one. Not the case tonight, his claw is within the specially modified trigger guard and pulls twice. One successful, one not so much. There is a soft growl from the Togorian, and he is about to get more opportunity.

The chaos of the battle erupted the moment the first couple of shots came in. Ruby bolts begin criss-crossing as the swoop gang members struggle to comprehend just what's happening at first. The Gangleader determines it was YAN. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" He screamed, shooting in the smuggler's direction. "KILL EVERYONE!" The leader commands. Riders get off their prized rides, scared they might explode if caught in the crossfire! Fanning out, they begin to open upon on their ambushers, some shots having better luck than most. They show little fear in closing the distance!

From a distance, Sumi tries to take out the leader but misses profoundly! <<"Hang in there people. Keep shooting them. If you're too rekked up, fall back to cover.">>

Three crimson blasts head for the ground-level giant of a Zabrak; two striking nearly simulatenously into his durasteel plated chest. A light sizzle escaped as the crimson plate is no more, tissue certainly damaged to let a equally red fluid slowly soak into his dark jumpsuit beneath the armor.


Blast, blast blast. And three misses.

Lorcan quickly shuffles back into the alleyway following his three light-blue shots, pressing against a wall as he checks his torso for any of his two hearts waving hello.

<<"Indeed it is so!>> Hadrix laughs over comms as he draws a cylinder from his hip, clanks it against his shoulder to arm and throws it, hard, before he steps forward <<"Looks like I'll need to soak some attention, Nar'ika... See you on the ground.">> tipping a little salute with two fingers towards the Alor'Ordo,

<<"Stay alive, Avery!">> shouted, an order - though them an is likely too new to the culture to know it. And then he drops, no jets, cape blowing out behind him like a drag until he is barely two meters from the ground, gravity belt slowing him enough that he's only forced to crouch, one hand hitting the ground as he's forced into a very specific, and undignified landing before he looms back up to his feet.

<<"Zhu Yan... so, you're still alive.">> looking directly at Pre-Sala. Just needs a red fez. Has enough snacks.

When the escape stopped and the firefight began in earnest, Yan took a second to gauge who the new arrivals were. A bunch of them were getting shot! "Okay we're good, it's just run-of-the-mill guild clowns. We shou-".

And that was when he found himself staring at murder-dispensing figure of Narsai Ordo.

Yan must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brought total obliteration. And why wouldn't he fear? He just saw the woman take a blaster bolt without flinching. It was only when the spattering of shots landed around him and EJ and he saw it was from the gang he'd JUST sold weapons to that the fear disappeared. See, Yan is a bundle of hypocrisies wrapped in one lying bastard of a package. Loves attention? You betcha. Welcomes scrutiny? Go to hell. The same was true for betrayal. Yan would sell out his mother for a packet of chips but to be betrayed in turn? Well... there was a reason that so many bodies were buried on Cantonica that day.

The fear disappeared and was replaced by something worse.

"Son of a..." he murmured. The cheer, goodwill, and general amiableness dropped from his expression like a boulder landing in a small pond. His face abruptly went from terror to stone. This was the part where Zhu Yan and Hadrix Rol weren't too different, this moment where they called for Yan and something else answered. Yan's Bryar, bigger and badder than EJ's (it's genetics) was already talking, sending two positively gigantic yellow beams of death downrange and into someone's poor apartment block. This is why he should probably act on a more clear head, so he'd actually land the shot against the guy he'd JUST concluded business with. "No one turns on me," he borderline-growled. Forget about the big meat lunk that pointed him out. "No one."

Moving along past the rider she'd grounded, Aja stalks towards the next in view. A cat stalking its prey. That tail lashes low and sharp now, no long er seeking to outright kill but to simply disable as many as possible before they can do too much damage to the hunters. Approaching from behind, the blade flashes out, that thin line of energy crackling before it meets clothes and flesh. Hamstrung. She miscalculates her swing on the next in line, missing wildly and letting golden eyes narrow beneath her helmet as she continues to stalk through the quickly dwindling gang.

"You always promised me you would help me with my blaster skills! BEFORE THESE MOMENTS WOULD BE GOOD!" She declares sharply, the Hapan giving a glance towards Yan as the blaster bolt sinks into the wall next to her before she flattens herself. "THOSE DREK FILLED BANTHA LOVERS!" She growls out. "I TOLD you." SHe repeats for his benefit and slips out of cover for a second as he misses his target and she just gives him a look. "Nevermind, Yan...I will find someone ELSE to help with my blaster skills." She remarks. Knives fan from her hand and as two whirl towards and injured foe, one lands in the leg of a gang member and he goes ...down? "DID YOU SEE THAT YAN! HA!" She's gloating a bit. "Kiss me I am beautiful."

<<"The ground can wait, the sky is far more fun!">> Narsai's response comes, then she was leaping from the perch. But while the giant Kora landed below, the jetpack of the Ordo woman in red flared to life and she raced through the air, holstering her blaster midleap and drawing her Beskad from the small of her back just as the inbuilt thrusters roared. A bolt hits her, plasma and heat dispersed across the curve of her torso into the resiliant Beskar'gam she wore and Narsai flies through the mix of the team below, burning past EJ and Zan's alleyway until she became level with the riding terror-makers. A twirl in the air, her sword bites hard into the back of one biker before a second strike severs a limb and sends the rider bleeding and dying...the latter likely sped up by the 'sudden stop' when he loses control of his swoop. Landing in a 'perch' on the second bike, she drives her Beskad forwards into the next man's back before igniting her pack once more and letting the 'lift' pull her weapon and her form upwards into the sky once more, the path of the first exiting in a violent spray of whatever blood had kept the Fear Rider living till that moment.

Two blaster bolts from the swoop gang tag Brightspot as she's dropping from the fire escape and rolling behind the refuse bin. <<"I'm hit, but still here!">>, she transmits, though that she definitely FEELS having been shot twice is clear in the sound of her voice. Then she hears Hadrix speak a name... and her tail gives two frustrated thumps -- she's too busy, right now, to go after the bounty. Without even really poking her head out from behind her cover to look, she pokes her blaster out around the bin and wings a few shots into the battle in general.

His gloating is almost immediately wiped from his face as the swoop gang turns their blasters on the crew, two of which get an excellent bead on Avery and let loose. Both blaster bolts strike the young slicer, one in the arm and one in the chest, whipping his body around to land heavily on the ground behind him. <"That hurt...."> Wincing, he pushes himself up and slumps into a crouch, pausing a breath to examine the marks in his armor. Sumi's voice cracks in on his comms advising that anyone injured should retreat. Hadrix lends his voice to the call, specifically calling out him to be safe.

<"Fine then..."> Avery remarks, cradling the weapon in his arms and doing his level best to bring the weapon up to send another bolt of death into the group below. The man doesn't give up and retreating has never been in his nature, especially when those he cares for are in harm's way. Unfortunately for him, reminders of his Stormtrooper days pop into his head as the weapon leaps in his arms and the bolt flies well wide. He groans and sinks down in his spot, the weapon sagging in his arms.

Sajin watches the Cryoban explode... <<"Ohhhhh wait, I have one of those! Good idea!">> He reaches for the fanny pouch at his waist, sliding it to the front. He unzips it and digs inside. Under that helmet of his he's sticking his tongue out in critical concentration. His hand stops rummaging. <<"Aha!".>> He pulls out a Cryoban of his own... Stepping up to the ledge, he has a gander. Pressing the activation putton, he chucks it... past the bad guys and into the window of the next building. <<"Oooops.">> It explodes! Freezing whatever inside there. <<"Wait did you say Zhu Yan? Of course he's alive, why would he be dead? Saw him like last week. We had nerf burgers and tubbers with lots of gravy.">> The Dumb hapan goes on and on as he brings his bowcaster to bare once more.

There is much to take in, and he has his own issues to worry about. He'd snarled when the blaster bolt burned through his spare armor. He picked the wrong day to have his Hunters armor in the shop. He hop sidles behind cover to take his next two shots. Between this, Hapans and grenades, Dhr'rall's shots are distracted. This seems like a good time to play turtle a moment.

The explosions of grenades flash freeze bodies of some unlucky gangmembers, yet others take their place in the fight, putting up a hell of a return. Bolts still criss-cross but the incoming fire is tapered and the ambush has lost its surprise. Now it's just two sides slugging it out, with wounds on both ends. When Sumi witnesses a number of the posse taking hits, she tries to activate her jetpack but finds it inoperable. (She is Mandalorian afterall)

So moments later, she joins the group, wheezing heavy breaths while joining the fight. <"I... rekkin... hate.. running!"> She declares, drawing a handcannon from her side to fire it poorly. Being out in the open, Sumi takes a shot to the chest and flies backward, landing in a pile of garbage and a series of strewn about discarded cannisters. She's lost her blaster in her landing, but rises with a sword, and some sort of fruit peel stuck to her armor. <"WE FIGHT!"> Sumi screams, her armor and jetpack sparking from the damage taken, but she jiggy jogs into the fray once more, breathing heavy!

Oh yeah. Lorcan felt that crumble of material against the building's side that made his cover in the alleyway.

And noticing there was neither two, nor even a single one heart poking out of his bloodied chest, the Zabrak leans slightly aside, enough to gain a glimpse of the field ahead, whilst he tries his absolute best to keep his guts and essentially most of his body stuck against the wall, peering behind the mask to find that loud biker that was irritating his whiskey-less self... add some tabbac as well and you get a grizzled vet determined to hit his three shots that ring off his blaster pistol.

And a nice little body, with a mouth lacking a tongue falls.

SPANG! Hadrix turns his t-visor towards EJ next, <"Miss Jynx, you're still with this chakaar?"> A blaster bolt had been coming right at the Massive Mandalorian, and he had leaned backwards in a half twist to evade it like a snow-ball thrown by a kid as he'd turned to speak to them.

<<"Avery, cover fire position for these two. My HUD is marking them IFF... Questionable.">> a beat, <<"Sumi. Duck.">> Sassin' the boss today it seems. Repeater barking and blowing divits in the duracrete. Should have been looking. Little cocky -but that's the price you pay for hero landing. Hard on the knees.

Brightspot risks poking her head up just long enough to look and take more than just a random shot into the crowd of gangers. Her shot's off the mark, though, and she ducks back down behind the refuse bin she's using as cover.


Turning down a kiss from EJ? Yeah, Yan was mad.

The Bryar barked again, sending one shot wide but the second gave another guy an impromptu tracheaotomy. Nice. EJ was doing her thing with the knives and last time she did that he'd gotten a little bit hot and bothered but he was stonefaced as he marched out of the cover to keep on firing, wiping out all these sad sods as he went. "You don't betray me," he growled, completely missing that the guildie had already taken out the guy with whom Yan had done the deal. "You don't EVER betray me!"

Aja tends to avoid most damage. Most. Until she looks the wrong way and finds a hole suddenly in her side. Letting out a screech worthy of a banshee (because that will sound awesome in the helmet), she turns, swinging wildly at the one shooting her, missing with both strikes and sending her on a chase to hunt the man down.

The hail of fire now aimed at them is more and Eriu tries to keep hunkered up against the wall but she steps out and slam, a gaping hole that burns in her pant leg. SHe lets out a sound and goes to a knee as she grits her teeth. "I hate being shot..always have armor. ALWAYS have armor," she repeats and winces as she tries to push herself back up. "These are expesnive pants you .." she is in the midst of yelling when she hears the question from the vocoder attached to Hadrix. "OH! YES! Definitely still am though questioning a few life choices.." she rumbles out and removing another couple of knives from her line up she slams home a hit to the back end of one.

She may laugh about that later. But the second knife wings another left leg and one of the two goes down. SHe's not really paying attention as she pushes herself up to her feet.

Yan stomping off in anger leaves her sighing. "If you are heading for a speeder I am all for it." She favors her left leg as she goes, trying to keep up with him as she attempts to find cover to stay near him in case he needs help. BECAUSE she's like that.

While she might be making things look a little dramatic, sword-drawn and flying through the air, Narsai Ordo was far from perfect. Dramatic, fun even...but not easy. Zipping between teh bikes she lashes out, managing to slash one rider hard across his side and bring him down, but as she turns towards the next to stab? A paniced grasp of the breaks had her over-shooting, slashing at air and having to bank suddenly to correct herself.

A little clench of her teeth behind her T-Visor, Narsai twisted to a hover, lining up her next 'rush'.

After the abysmal shot taken while trying to hold the rifle, Avery decides he needs a new plan, something that can account for the debilitating wound in his arm. <<"Workin' on it.">> comes the reply as he scoots over to the edge of the building, laying prone and stretching the weapon ahead. He braces the EL-16HFE against a pipe to steady it for the shot to come. Breathing deep, he tries to sight in on any that might be encroaching on the two Hadrix marked. At least one noticed, the trigger is depressed and a bolt flashes into Night City, deep into Night City, no where near the target he had been scoping. <<"Havin.... having a hard time here Hads, not doing so well, I think they may have blasted me pretty good...">> That's an understatement, one more good hit and the lad is like to go night-night.

Sajin jukes out of the way of a lazer blast as he leans over the ledge of his snipers nest. He notices Sumi, Hadrix... Yan and... <<"Jynessa...">> He triggers the controls of his jetpack and he launches into the air, moving into a controled yet rapid descent towards the main fighting. His gunmetal camo armor with shadow plate fixtures maxes him shimmer oddly in the night. The thick leather cape, dark grey on the outside, but the most royal bright yellow on the inseam, whips around. He lands with a loud thud before the enemy. A gauntleted hand covered by what one might be able to see is a shock glove opens its palm. The large retro blaster pitol, heavily modified and with a longer and large barre, slips from its holster on his hip and into that hand. The muzzel raises, blasting one of the swoop gang members in the upp chest. It smokes and sparks, sending him flying onto the ground. He turns and blasts another one, injuring him gravely. He towers, much like Hadrix, over many there. His own armor rather terrifying to those uninitiated. <<"Yan, who the kriff betrayed you this time? Was it the soup you had for lunch... because man, I know how that is. See when you have IBS l-">> that's likely when everyone tuned him out.

Ears prick towards the screaming Vibrosword wielding Farghul. Aja runs off after a biker. He muses to himself in entertained broken growling basic. "Dhr'rall think he become food." His ears pick up Hapan complaining from somewhere over there. Mandalorians are Mandalorianing. Sajin becomes a ballistic missile arcing towards the somewhere over there. Bleeding Guild members everywhere. It's another tuesday night. He pops up from behind cover long enough for a couple more snap shots. Popping back down he starts smacking the weapon in its side.

The battle is closing down to its last combatants, and things are becoming personal. What gang members remain are locked into heated firefights, or in Sumi's case, CUT ACROSS THEIR CHEST with a loud <"YEAH!"> Sumi turns from her target, taking another shot to the chest that spills her over with a loud laugh and crunch of armor and gear. <"Hahahaha! Come on then!"> The winded Mando climbs back to her feet, two carbon-scored spots smoking on the beskar chestpiece of her armor. <"LINE UP TO DIE!">

Those gang members injured, begin to try to hide! Those who can fight, do so for their lives. <"KILL EM ALL!"> Cried Sumi!

Boom. Death. A ice-blue blast strikes one of the crawlers trying to find his way to his feet as Lorcan peeks out once again, taking a glimpse to ring off his shot before leaning against the wall. He's losin' a lil' blood. But it's not his first time bleedin' and killin'!

Zhu's visible rage is something that Hadrix can relate to... even respond to. Rage like that, for a man who lives with it gnawing at the back of his mind it's contagious. Shots are raining all around but inexplicably not at him.

But he can keep it down still. Somehow. Buried under months of work in his own head. Help from others, one in particular of late. But Hadrix does begin marching towards the gangers that remain.


The rifle spits again but goes wide, spraying all around the enemy as he snarls on his approach, vocoder going to static

A second shot hit the man that called himself Zhu Yan in the torso and he powered through it again, the pain just making his grimace even worse. He'd been shot before. This was nothing. But seeing the shots hitting EJ, well, that just pushed him into further anger. "You traitorous-" and the next word that tore screaming out of Zhu Yan's mouth was definitely not fit for an audience. "I'm gonna kill the lot of you!" The Bryar was aimed better this time, perhaps spurred on by his quivering rage. All of him was twitching except his right hand, which was sinking shots into both the fighters and the runners.

Running through the bikers without care or thought to the hole in her side, though it does slow her down some, Aja chase after the nerf herder that dared to shoot her! The calm may have slipped because she's swinging wild, missing her target but no less enthusiastic in the attempt!

"YAN SLOW DOWN!" They are walking out into fire and not just from the gang. There are friendlies? SHe can't tell entirely and as she slides across the ground beside him, trying to keep her footing she turns about, knives in hand and is about to say something quippy though her eyes are looking for the next spot of cover when the first bolt hits her back, making her jerk forward and twist. The second slams heavily into her chest and causes her to go down hard. It knocks the very breath from her as the smoking ring at her fight stomach still glows.

There is an anguishing suck of breath as her lungs fill with air and she makes a sound of pain. Her eyes wildly look about disoriented and the sky spins overhead. It takes her amoment to finds her voice and even then she lowers a shaking hand towards the wound. "NNNNNGH..." thats not a word but its all she can say before she starts to still, having smacked her head on the ground.

Armor was great, but it wasn't flawless. A sudden bolt slamming into Narsai had the redhead in the air spiraling for a moment before she manages to correct herself without colliding against the ground.

A swing of her blade, Narsai can't quite manage to land a hit. A gasp of pain given, the woman steps forwards, trying to steady herself.

That hurt.

Brightspot, seeing that the gangers are in full retreat, stands up from behind her cover and walks out, her free arm wrapped around her middle, where she was earlier shot. Her pistol held out at the other arm's length, she pulls the trigger repeatedly, sending blaster bolts after the fleeing gangers... but doesn't manage to land any solid hits to put someone down.

Avery curses loudly, a full stream of unintelligible words, when EJ gets struck twice and drops. He summons all of his resolve, inhales to invite calm, and takes aim on one of the remaining swoop riders. The breath held is slowly released and he fires the blaster rifle, a red bolt flying out to join the rest in the firefight. This one marks the durasteel walls as its mates had before, Avery's shot flying wild once again. He growls, his teeth grinding from side to side in frustration, unable to help while his friends and companions get gunned down. He can't will the blaster to fire better nor can he will his arm to heal from the wound that is causing so much agony. Instead, he can only grit his teeth and squeeze the weapon more firm, hoping that his next attack will find its mark. "Damn Stormtrooper training, never could shoot straight...." he mutters, through pain and clenched teeth.

Usually when Sajin was serious he'd pull the large ebon ryyk blade that rested across his back, drag it across the durocrete, and proceed to delimb the enemy with glee and bloodlust. This was something different though. As the flashes of blaster fire reflected in his helmet's visor only to see EJ fall to their scarlet death and Yan get shot again only to watch the love of his life crash to the ground potentially dead... something broke and cracked inside the Hapan. Sajin could be surly, especially when he hasn't killed someone in a while. But most knew him as a simpleton who could take a lot of abuse and manage to fool people into thinking he was just a janitor. When that click happened, he bacame a different person.

Sajin let out a roar, holstering his pistol. His fists clenched together. A loud snap crackled as electricity jolted from his gauntlets. His visor set eyes on the gang members, charging towards them. A Thunderous clack sounded as his fist connected with one of them in a very well trained, hard hitting, and fast hay maker. Just as quickly, the servo's and gears of his power armor almost strugging to keep up with the Hapan's movements, whined with stress as he punched yet another gang member down to the ground. He let out another thunderous roar of anger, primal rage seething through his voice. Thus the wrath of Sajin, King of Drik, had been known. The raging Hapan had now entered the battle.

Hopping in place a little is Dhr'rall. For some reason the leg hurts more than it should and it is a little distracting. He stops hitting the N'gant long enough to try cajoling it softly with words. Soft for a Togorian, anyways. It's more like a threatening snarl without intending too. All teeth and claws. Once again he becomes a jack in the box, popping up to snap off shots into one of the wounded Bikers before he can get to cover and aim properly. He drops down to check his weapon charge.

It's down to the final 6. Those who have hunkered down have emerged again to open fire. One who fled has gotten away, but he'll tell the others what happened to the most feared Swoop Gang on Taris. The others will learn to fear what stalks through the dark corners of the Night City.

Sumi falls over, wheezing, and avoiding being hit by a bolt intended for her. Showered in sparks, she places the tip of the sword to the ground and uses it as leverage to stand up. <"Only a few remain. Kill them, or capture them. This ends tonight! AHHHHHHHH!"> Oh no, she's running again.

Having emerged from within the alleyway; the desire for blood, given his own dripping down his leg at this point -- Lorcan lifts his palm as his other holds tightly against his second, more severe wound upon his chest. Three wild blasts go off, one skipping a single biker - the other going right through one's chest. Ironic, as the Zabrak had enough of cover and the dirty slavers.

Aja has been lead a merry chase by the poor bastard that shot her. He likely never understood just what sort of Hell he'd unleashed upon himself when he did so. Its a firefight! You shoot things! But sometimes. Sometimes you shoot the WRONG. FUCKING. THING. And sometimes. Sometimes the thing you shoot is more stubborn than you.

She takes another blaster bolt through her right arm, just above the elbow. He could swear he could SEE the Cheshire Grin that grows behind the visor. <<"Oh you poor rekkin' bastard. You almost got me. Too bad I'm LEFT-HANDED.">>

The vibrosword twitches, feinting this way then that. Toying with her prey, juking him out once, twice. That tail lashing in clear pleasure and enjoyment.

When it does come, its unseen. The sword whipping through the air and slicing clean into the man's chest, opening a hole with crisped edges. Reaching through with her weakened right hand, Aja's claws tear through muscle and tisue, letting the Farghul rip the not-beating heart right out of him. <<"Thanks for the snack.">>

Continuing to stalk forward, shoulders hunched and head hunked down and the repeater held to hip fire still, still barking. First instincts are to call out to Sumi, Narsai, and others as they're wounded. But everyone is wounded.

Everyone but he and golden Sajin. Sweet. Beautiful Sajin. The shining side of the coin of brutality they share.

Such glory.

Such wonder.

Imagine if they were both shirtless on a calendar together. Ovaries might explode; and not from gunfire. Because they're so damn pretty.

But another biker is blasted to pieces as a quartet of heavy bolts remove a leg and cast the man pinwheeling to one side to bounce and slide to a final halt on the ground.

<<"Still with us Avery?">>

It's here that Yan's wounds started to get to him. Grit Mode can only take someone so far, eventually some actual medical expertise would be needed to keep him functioning. His next step was on a twisted ankle, which caused him to fall to one knee, and had his shots going wide. "For..." there was a wracking cough which introduced blood to the ground, which he wiped away with his off-hand, smearing blood across metal and synthetics. "For frack's sake." How many were left? Too many. Not enough. An odd paradox, the conflicting statements were both completely true.

There was a clattering sound as the hand-cannon hit the ground, then a scrape as his hand half-grabbed it, and half-used it as leverage (along with his synthetic arm) to stand. It was a difficult thing, his legs looked like they were about to give way. His hair was sweaty, limp across his face, which is good because it hid just how scary some ordinary plain features and unassuming brown eyes could be. "Where is she?" Yan asked, his voice barely suppressing the anger that was coursing through him. "Where's EJ?"

The red haired Hapan has gone still, the wound in her stomach still smoking. Eriu Jynx is completely out for the count on her back though the shallow breath indicates she still breathes as the fight rages on around her. For good or bad that outfit is not going to be used again. Possibly.

Hit as she was, Narsai had lost her 'groove' a little, missing strikes as she flew and tried to slash and stab. A little bank away from a bolt headed towards her, the Ordo woman swiped and slashed, hitting nothing but air until finally she throttles up her jetpack, zooming forwards in a sudden torpedo of armor plating and tackling her target off the bike. Messy...but effective thanks to the 'tackle' also involving a sword in her hand.

Landing in the dirt and sliiiiiding a few meters atop the corpse there's a little grunt of pain before she rolls over, pack extinguished and her armored form sitting in the street clutching her arm for a moment. <<"Damn...that might have broken something...">>

Brightspot walks... STALKS forward, towards the remaining gangers. After Narsai's pass leaves another one down or dying, she fires a trio of shots at one of the pair who remain, tagging him in the shoulder -- but not on the side with the arm that holds his weapon. Her tail lashes slowly, seeming to move stiffly, side to side as she walks... all without saying a word or making a sound other than the shots from her weapon and, perhaps, the sound of her footfalls. Aja's the NOISY scary type... but does the 'silently stalking right AT you when she knows you're looking right at her' match up? Ask the gangers... maybe they'll say something about it -- if they can still speak after all's said and done.

As more blaster fire erupts around them, the shrill screeches flying by, Avery inches forward as if that might assist him in landing a shot. <<"Barely... but I'm here.">> The slicer responds as he prepares for the next volley. He squeezes the blaster rifle against his shoulder, grips the underbarrel, and offers words up to whatever will help him assist his friends. "Please... just one. Just one shot." Prayer done, the trigger is depressed and, for better or worse, the bolt is loosed. The red streak slams into one of the remaining two swoop riders, sending the already injured man flying backwards to crumple against the wall. A slow, crooked grin parts his lips and he quietly grumbles, "Take that, you so-n'-so...." Strong words from the groaning ex-Trooper as he pulls himself back from the edge, the last swoop rider having been dealt with in short order. He rolls onto his back and pulls off his helmet, gladly taking a deep breath of non-filtered air, and then coughing mightily at the smog in the air.

When Sajin struck down the last of the swoop gang, he wasn't cogniscent enough to realize that the first haymaker from his shock gloves sent the the man/woman flying to the ground. He really didn't understand in his focused rage that he was already knocked out as he pummeled their brains in. It was messy, we need not delv into further detail. He eventually runs out of steam, stopping, turning his head to look back. He notices everyoen else dead. Except you know, the BHG team and... there was Yan. He stands, regaining himself for the time being and meanders his way towards where he last saw EJ. <<"Over here...">> He mumbled, footsteps thunking loudly against the durocrete.

Much is going on. The important part, is his N'gant believed his sweet lies that he was not replacing it as soon as possible without exploding in his face. Dhr'ral rises upwards to find more targets and just stands there with the carbine limply in one hand as everyone is finally all down and there is nothing left for him to blast. A deep fanged growl of frustration at the sight of victory. "Always too late lately."

The fire fight was done. Aja got her kill, and everyone had kills on top of that. Today was a day for the Guild! Our heroes (and Yan) are surrounded by the dead. Sumi throws down her sword and falls over, choking and breathing, the sound conveyed over her helm. She's in no condition to address Yan, or really, anyone for that matter. After coughing, she pulls off her helmet and spits blood. "Where are my goddamn smokes?!"

So ends this tale of heroism and bloodshed. A new is likely to begin, when Yan exacts his revenge over the injury of his beloved Lady Eriussa!

Aja strolls past Dhr'rall, eating the heart of her prey, eyes his 'limp' carbine. "Its okay, I hear many Togorian have trouble performing in front of others..."

At that, Lorcan turns on his heel - carelessly wandering off. It wasn't his place to make friends here; and his chest had two holes.