Log:What Tangled E-Webs We Weave

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Hex has an E-Web. Who wants it? These guys.

OOC Date: September 10, 2022
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Aphelion, Galen Dawnstar, Hex as Self/GM, Jehni'va Cihn, Kasia Ashkuri, Kohnner, Mandl, Tamsin Cas, Vega, Xana Otir, Xaz Kisus

[ Hex (X)]

The Undercity. Nar Shaddaa's finest, most glorious, most lawless shik-hole. Here where the light doesn't reach, this place is where everything runs downhill. Waterfalls of acrid, oily water spill dramatically from the heights of forgotten infrastructure, spraying droplets of disreputable liquid through the mephitic air.

It's the perfect place for a festive contest!

At an open space that was once a freighter-sized landing pad before other levels of city surrounded it and then decayed above it, a strange construction has been built. It is like a tower of sorts, a multi-faced vertical construction made of what looks like pieces of the Undercity, droid parts, ship parts, unknowable trash and mysterious detritus of every possible description. Disconcertingly, there are a few small turret guns and some blinking lights that might be mines. No sane person would go within 10 meters of it, much less climb it. But judging by the shiny glowing green button at the top, that's what it's for, climbing.

The host of this festive(?) contest is one H. Ashkuri, a big fat Twi'lek in famously ugly outerwear. If you haven't seen him for a while: He's fatter but hasn't lost any new body parts for a change, so, good job Hex. He is perched near the base of the tower on a stack of cargo crates, near... the E-WEB. It is a big gun. "Kah'lehalle so fendoon!" Hex greets, the Ryl 'the guests are welcome here' echoing a bit in this area. He is smoking, tabac smoke trailing through the air as he gestures. "Who are my brave contestants tonight? Step forward, introduce yourself... say something good about yourself, ok ka, but I don't care if it's true. Maybe it's better if it's not."

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen takes a breath lets it out and steps forward raising his hand in a wave towards Hex and then the crowds that might be gathering, "Greetings and salutations... Or something like that I think? I'm Galen Dawnstar and as far as good things to say about myself I'm not sure? There was one time I helped stop some thugs from doing bad things to okay people?" He shrugs, "That's bout it really."

. [ Aphelion (Aph)]

"I'm Aphelion Wrek. I don't think there's anything nice to say about me except that I appreciate the tabac you're smoking." Aphelion does pull out a pack of cigaras along with a lighter to avail himself of a smoke as well. Dirty habits die hard. That's the way it goes.

That E-Web he's leaning against is definitely given a long, considering look. That's a good, er... thing to avail oneself of, especially in a fire fight, if you're a bounty hunter. And a bounty hunter is what he is. Exactly what he is.

"I'll do my best for that E-Web to have my name on it."

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Kohnner has spoken to the good wife of Hex Ashkuri a while back and she had mentioned word of her husband and his exploits. You see, CHON KOHNNER was always looking for the next job. The next source of income. He was brave (Stupid) enough to loose a leg to the war on Thyferria working for a criminal he had owed a bit of a debt to. He was also brave (Stupid) enough to assist a rebellion on Tion II and help some of their lot and what connections they had to the whispers of a new Resistance. It earned him the name Comrad Dogface...

You see, Klatooinians were space pubs, but this one was one of their warrior types raised and bread by the Hutt Cartel to kill... but now he was out on his own, a story for another time. He had spent the time before at the Grot, fishing for any kind of trinkets he might find. Though he came up empty. Now he stood before Hex Ashkuri in his Void Armor, simple white hooded cloak torn and tattered with battle-ware. <<"Chon Kohnner... I'm always looking for the next job.">> Is all he says about himself.

He was someone who was known only to use bladed weapons, so perhaps competing for an E-Web was slightly out of character. Perhaps he was just after the clout, more accomplishment to add to his name.

[ Vega (Ve)]

Vega's rarely off of the Eravana or Tempes, so this was a rare sighting! The white haired woman is dressed down from her usual black robes and instead she's dressed in synth leathers, boots and a loose fitting red shirt. Her white hair is left to its own devices given the outing. A contest? She doesn't want to compete, but watching would be fun and she recognizes some of the faces that are in this crowd. The Echani finds a place to perch herself and watch the festivities.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

One might say that no Hex plan ever went awry. That no Hex plan ever had contingencies. Those ones would be wrong. Or...perhaps it was only happy coincidence that the Good Doctor Cas had made her way down from the heart of Ko Hentota to the Undercity. A place with which she was intimately familiar. She came with medical supplies in tow, though she took a place somewhere in the ring of spectators. One never knew when they might need bits or pieces glued back on, and who better to do it than she? Some of the faces presenting themselves were familiar, others not, but that rarely mattered in Tamsin's world. Hyposprays for everyone.

[ Xaz Kisus (Xaz)]

There are two Mandalorian's in similar-looking armor that wave when called on to introduce themselves. The male of the pair which can be figured out by the fit and form of his armor lifts one hand to wave. With his features hidden behind his visored helm, his voice can be heard through the modulation of his helmet << "I'm Xaz Kisus of the Mandalorian Revivers with my companion Xana Otir. We both have done much in service to our home world and seek to do more. We look forward to the festivities." >> Looking at his armored companion he steps back to let her speak.

[ Xana Otir (Xana)]

Xana, the other helmeted Mandalorian, turns her head toward Xaz when he speaks. She's still for a moment, then turns back to look at the others. A slow, proper nod is offered, indicating that she agrees with what he's said and doesn't feel the need to repeat it through her helmet. After that, she, too, lifts her hand, in a polite greeting.

[ Mandl (Man)]

Mandl kept to Tamsin's side, either rounding out the 'Ph.D-nut-gallery' or merely providing overly-verbose commentary on their trash-and-detrius-filled surrounds. "Ah, to be young and full of violence..."

[ Jehni'va Cihn (jehn)]

It's been some time since Jehni'va has seen this part of the system, let alone Hex, and while the sorry state of Ko Hentota is no surprise, the Twi'lek's lack of newfound amputations is. That right there? That's growth. Jehn's grin widens as she joins the growing group, hands stuffed into her jacket pockets, torn in several places by the arduous climb up. It feels good to be back on Nar after so long away; life isn't the same without the constant threat of a mugging, a murder, or a toxic spill, as it turns out.

In comparison to present company, Jehn looks about as intimidating as a shaved lothcat; but she isn't here to compete. With a little wave towards the familiar faces, the tall woman settles towards a side to watch the entrance speeches.

[ Hex (X)]

"Thugs can be okay people," Hex muses at Galen, "Depending on the thugs. I think I was an okay thug." He's writing names down with a stylus on a dirty piece of flimsiplast. "The tabac is about the worst you can buy, so you have bad taste, Aphelion Wrek. But I do too, so, it's okay. Actually I have no taste, I ate a coaster the other day cause I thought it was a biscuit." Nod, nod, he's listening to introductions. Kohn Chonner... wait no, Chon Kohnner. Good to have you. Try not to die, ok ka." He hand wobbles a bit at Xaz's introduction of helping his homeworld. "No offense ai'jou but your homeworld definitely needs it. It's worse than mine, and that's saying something. But you're helping!" He beams. "Kass kass." good, good. Hex points the stylus briefly at Xana. "Didn't get your name, so now it's Mandette. Don't ruin this for me, Mandette."

The big man looks up, lekku coiled around his shoulders like contented pythons. "This is how this is going to go, ai'jouku." young people. "You will all try to climb my beautiful tower in which there are definitely not any traps or pitfalls or things that explode or shoot you a little bit. You will all go on the signal, which is me yelling GO. First one to lovingly press the little green button at the top, they win a very big gun and get to swagger around going, CHECK OUT THE SIZE OF MY GUN, which is fun and entertaining and will make you so many friends."

"Any questions?"

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen looks at the tower then at Hex then the others then back at the tower, "Ohhhh this is going to be fun." He grins a bit but does look back over at Hex, "Well those thugs were shooting random people and when I asked them politely to stop they shot some more. So I'm thinking they weren't okay thugs more like gangsters wanting to cause chaos and havoc." He goes and gets ready to climb the tower like the madfolks they must all be.

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

Kasia is late. Whoops. While she might claim it's because she's a very busy lady with a lot of responsibility, don't let it fool you, she was absolutely watching some holo and lost track of time. She also had to stop for snacks, because any sporting event requires those, so it's with a stuffed bag that she hurries in, just a lil out of breath, and plops down to sit beside Jehni'va. "Hey," she says, smiling over at the familiar face. "Good to see you here! Has it started? Did I miss much? Did Hex notice? If he didn't tell me what I missed so I can pretend I was here the whole time."

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Tamsin, scooting aside to allow His Bithness to join her, gave the teetering, no, no, the utterly and completely stable tower a careful looking over, before she reached into her bag, the front pocket, not the back and retrieved a sealed drinks container which she passed over to Mandl. Not to worry, it had a straw attached. And then one for herself. "Look at the state of that thing. I'm not sure who will end up being the most useful. You or me."

[ Mandl (Man)] Mandl shrugs. "Let us hope my experience with cave-ins and search-and-rescue after disasters in which dozens die is... under-utilized this day." OH DID I SAY THAT TOO LOUD? HOW ACUTELY EMBARRASSING.

[ Hex (X)]

Hex scoffs at Mandl, "No one is going to die." Shrug. "Probably."

[ Aphelion (Aph)]

Stepping up to the challenge, Aphelion looks up to the tower, frowning deeply. Yes, that will be something... and one supposes he'll have to do some stretches for flexibility, right before engaging in this exercise of being a greater primate, right? Wrong. He's ready for this as he is, clad in that somewhat worn out light armor as he is. At least it doesn't seem like it's a heavy suit, so he'll have maneuvering room.

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Kohnner is raising an eyebrow under his helmet, thankfully no-one can see that. He clears his throat and steps back, steadying and readying himself for what obstacles come next.

[ Jehni'va Cihn (jehn)]

"A lot of very strong, stoic folks talking about victory - they 'aven't really gotten into it yet." Jehn answers as Kasia slides in beside her. She flashes a grin. "But I don't think he noticed, no - or he's handling it well. But - um - If they climb the tower, they get a big gun? I think - I didn't really pay attention to th'ad."

[ Vega (Ve)]

"You got this, Galen!" Vega calls from her perch. Roundy beeps in the affirmative as well. Apparently he has two cheerleaders. Given how quiet Vega tends to be this might be a change for the better. She swings her legs as she whistles and watches. She didn't use guns...so she didn't need to get into this. Wompwomp!

[ Xaz Kisus (Xaz)]

<< To be clear Hex, Xana was introduced as Xana Otir so there is no need to call her Mandette. She can be called Xana. >> Xaz nods toward the organizer and then looks to the tower as he studies it through the various augmented reality systems within his helmet. Checking his armor he turns his attention over to his companion Xana as the pair talk over their personal coms.

[ Aphelion (Aph)]

With a deep drag from his cigarra, Aphelion exhales air through his nostrils and discards it, crushing what remains of his little lung-polluting artifact beneath a worn-out boot. In truth he's not sure what he can do with an E-Web, but everyone knows about its terrifying reputation. So why not?

[ Hex (X)]

"I would never shoot random people," Hex lies to Galen. "I would definitely never cause chaos and havoc." There are a few people here who might know that to be a FALSEHOOD, one of which he enthusiastically greets. "Jehni'va Cihn! Come and spectate! Watch out for shrapnel!" Shrapnel. So like, standard day out with Hex n Friends. Kasia probably has gray hair from all this by now. He seems somewhat surprised as Xaz corrects him, with a, "What?" that sounds slightly disappointed. He exhales smoke through his nose. "Too bad. Mandette is catchy, like the unknown star of a holodrama who never takes her mask off, I think this has real potential, ai'jou. Think it over. But for now, Xana Otir, then." Back to business:

"Contestants, take your positions," the big alien booms. "You may take any path upward that you like. They are probably all equally terrible. First one to the green button on top wins. Are you ready?"

Whether they are or they aren't, it's on like bantha kong. "GO!"

[ Aphelion (Aph)]

"To the top, then," Aphelion murmurs under his breath setting foot on the tower while he grabs a steady point to hoist himself up. He's apparently good at imitating a Rhesus monkey, given he's able to swing his weight around from one side to another, slowly but surely working his way up. It's an effort-making endeavor, but he seems to be doing okay.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen takes a breath and then starts to climb. And is still on the ground while debris that he's trying to use just falls off in his hands, "What the crap is this.. Nevermind don't tell me I don't want to know. I'll be washing this off for a decade." Finally he gets a grip on something and starts climbing until some of the dirt and debris sticks to his hands that are now sticky from who knows, "Gross..." He's slowly moving. And by slowly he's barely moving at all but it's towards the top of the tower!

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Tamsin, who, between looking up to see if any had yet plummeted to their deaths, prepped her own drink, which, alas, turned out only to be yet another bottle of water, unlike the green smoothie Mandl was offered, frowned as she studied the contestants. "If any of them die, I wonder if Hex will auction off all of that gear they're working with." Because...well, free credits. Also, Hex.

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

Kasia definitely has gray hairs from all of this by now, but she also has a great stylist so those gray hairs are well hidden. She looks relieved when she hears Hex hasn't noticed, and the fact that he didn't yell at her in front of everyone suggests that it's true. "Good, good." She opens her bag and reveals a bounty of snacks to Jehn. "Do you want anything? I brought more than enough to share." She digs into the bag herself, searching for something. "So how have you been? We've missd you. Are you back on the moon for a while?"

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

There is... hesitation? Yes, that's what it is. Usually Pub the Space Ronin did no such thing, but there was no sword in his hand, nor was their an enemy in front of him. He wasn't exactly a fan of unteathered heights either.

Presently, he took to climbing though, his gauntlets helping him grip. The boots of the Void armor mag locking to bits of metal and helping him along. He was better at running than climbing, alas.

He stopped about half way up and made the mistake of looking down. Vertigo took hold and his grip slipped. He kicked his feet, debris falling. One hand remained holding him up and it was slipping. Quickly he pulled out is vibroknife , turned it on, and slammed it into a section of wall creating an anchor of sorts. He breathed but this would be costly to him overall.

[ Xana Otir (Xana)]

Xana stares at Hex from behind her helmet, but then just shrugs at what he says. Turning then, when it's time to climb, she does - or at least she attempts to. Maybe it's the terrain - maybe it's the pressure of the event - or maybe she's just never taken a bounty that could climb?!? She scrabbles and slides, not getting anywhere quickly.

[ Vega (Ve)]

"I immediately regret saying he had this." Vega deadpans down at Roundy as she shakes her head. "Up!" she motions. She recognizes another face out there, she'd eaten a few blaster bolts for Aphelion recently, but she didn't get his name. Classic Gremlin move. She quiets down and proceeds to watch, hoping that Galen doesn't injure himself...or others.

[ Xaz Kisus (Xaz)]

Xaz Kisus waits for the signal to go before lifting his left arm and taking aim. With a soft "thump" a hooked line shoots out and takes hold up near the top of the tower. Testing the line he starts to draw it in as he begins to climb, using the whipcord to assist but still not moving well or very fast with the assist.

[ Jehni'va Cihn (jehn)]

It is always good to see old friends, if anything to listen to the lies they tell others. Jehn flashes Hex another grin. "Hex! Model citizen. Y'look great -" The contestants begin scrambling, catching her attention for a moment to follow them up - laboriously so. "-Not missing any new pieces, 'least." She finishes, bringing her gaze back down to Kasia's bag of snacks, and her next words are spoken around the 'cruuuunch' of something salty. "Aye, I'm back on moon for th'forseeable future. Don't have a ship t'leave on - got a new room, though, think I'm happy slowing down for awhile. You, though? Boon?"

[ Hex (X)]

Hex watches the climbers climb and smokes contentedly, from his thone of old busted cargo crates. "Good job!" he calls to them encouragingly, then fishes something that looks like a remote out of his pocket. It's a clunky thing with several buttons. The only warning they get is a jolly, "Watch out, ai'jouku!" and then he jabs a cybernetic finger against a red button. WHIRRRR, turrets hum to life and then, PEW PEW PEW, blue stun bolts start shooting down at the climbers! Not enough to knock them out, but it'd suck to get hit.

Hex's advice to the onlookers seems to be, "You all should bet on this, ok ka. Look how close they are." To Jehn, a hah follows words he caught, "I look like shik and you know it. But I did before, too."

[ Aphelion (Aph)]

Stun bolts? Aphelion hears that familiar sound before he spots it, but when he does, he kicks his ass into gear as quickly as possible. A blue bolt streaks by him in a way that makes his heart race as he continues that inexorable effort to get to the top. He is determined to get there, now that he is being shot at by actual blasters.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

As the blue bolts of ouchies starts to shoot down at them Galen starts to move but that causes him to not have as good a grip anymore and he grunts a bit as he just... Takes it like a champ shuddering a bit from the pain, "That would be one big ouch!" He shakes his head a bit, "I wouldn't bet on me!"

[ Xana Otir (Xana)]

Xana's almost relieved when the challenge turns to getting shot at. Finally - something she's decent at - not getting shot! The Mandalorian moves almost automatically out of the way, not even needing the protection of her armor to avoid the sting. Pew pew? No thanks!

[ Xaz Kisus (Xaz)]

Xaz Kisus is focused on that climb using the whip cord cable. It may have been a mistake as he's slower than most of the others and with his focus on that anchored cord he can't move fast enough to dodge the stun bolts that hit his armor.

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Kohnner was used to hearing Pew Pew, but hanging from a sheer junk cliff while hearing that sound was not at all ideal. Looking up, the Klatooinian watched as the spray of bolts ripped across the line of contestants. He hugged the wall and thankfully the ones meant for him passed by.

With a sigh, he continued up the wall, lifting himself up and using the knife as leverage.

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

Kasia is also munching on something salty as she listens to Jehn, eyes on the competition all the while. "You lost your ship? Well you know you're welcome to come stay on the ship again if you need to, or the apartment. Are you all set up with everything else? Anything we can help with?" she asks, brows jumping as stun bolts fly. "He said he was going to go all out with this, he was not kidding." Crunch. She washes down her snack with the bottle of some colorful juice, offering one to Jehn as well. "Boon is great. We've got him enrolled in some classes and working with tutors, he's a smart boy. I'd say he takes after either Hex or I, but honestly we're both kind of idiots so we're just happy he'll probably do better than we do."

[ Hex (X)]

The climbers bravely continue up the tower, and hopefully none of them are afraid of heights -- it's not the tower's height itself of course that is the issue so much as the disreputable nature of it. Thing seems unstable. As the path continues upwards, some paths look alright, and some look plagued with hidden spikes, or loose pieces that will fall out... it will take a sharp eye to find the best path!

[ Aphelion (Aph)]

Aphelion has keen eyes, but they don't seem to be helping. Maybe that blaster bolt burned his retinae a little bit, because he does spot some of the firmer handholds and manages to climb his way up. And he also manages to see the armored figure of the Mandalorian surpassing him. Carefully, he tries to make his way past the less... certain parts of this tower climb.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Tamsin, having settled into her seat, sand snack, but plus water, turned her attention to the group now climbing their way up along the tower, free hand lifting to activate her goggles, the glass flickering briefly, before it settled back into stillness, whatever it was that the doctor was reading there clearly not hindering her ability to keep track of the movement of the contestants.

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Galen might be struggling bad with everything else but dang it this ex-scout knows how to spot something and there's the path... And starting along the not crumbling and not sticky path he starts to make up some ground he'd lost with his terrible start.

[ Xaz Kisus (Xaz)]

Xaz Kisus finds a good foothold and then breaks his line free to retract it quickly. Hoping to do better without it, he switches to the old-fashioned way. The change looks like it may be better but it takes him some time to spot the right path upward which leads to him falling to the back of the pack.

[ Xana Otir (Xana)]

Still slowly climbing, undeterred even if she's not great at it, Xana spots an advantage with her sharp eyes - the best path! Moving along it, she manages to gain the lead, making up for her poor performance in climbing itself!

[ Jehni'va Cihn (jehn)]

"Well you know I've always had poor taste." Jehni'va laughs, shaking her head at Hex before asiding: "They really want that gun." She winces as bolts 'zing' into some of the competitors. "An' I'd be happy t'be back on the Calamity, I appreciate it - any of the old crew still around?" Tracking the climbers, she taps at the creds in her pockets, the thought of a bet not having been lost - Jehn's just notoriously poor at betting /smart/. Someone is definitely going to die. "Can't believe Boon is old enough t'be smart. Am I old? Is that how this happens?"

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Kohnner is one that manages to take a path with a few good amount of thorns and bad foot holds. It cuts up his armor, and him, slowing him down greatly. He growls, but pushes through the damage and possible pain. Still climbing, up and up.

[ Hex (X)]

The climbers are getting closer and and closer to the top of the tower now, with the green button almost in reach! SO close and yet so far, because in their path now are... blinking devices. Blink blink! Those things... are definitely going to explode. There is no way around them, and they are gonna explode. Each has a platform like place to rest near it, to try to disable it... but doing so seems an uncertain prospect. Pressure feels intense, knowing that everyone else is racing against the same! How to handle it?

Hex hah's at Jehni'va and says fondly, "You're old as hell. All you onlookers, you got your final bets ready? We are almost there!"

[ Vega (Ve)]

Vega's climbing down from her perch as things proceed, she's not getting involved, but she can't see where she was and well, she's better on the ground if anything bad happens. She's been keeping an eye on Galen and Aphelion as they go along. Seeing what trouble they might be getting into.

[ Aphelion (Aph)]

It is rather unfortunate but Mr. Aphelion Wrek is apparently not that good at disabling devices. He hits the wrong button, then tries to shoot it, and the blaster bolt bounces and presses another button. Ultimately, he's dangling from a very precarious height now, and that's just what two others need to get past it and move to the next phase.

[ Kasia Ashkuri (k)]

"I think we're all getting crazy old now," Kasia laments with a glance up at Hex, amused at his remark. "I still look good for being old though, right ka're?" she calls over to him. She finishes off the small packet of salty snacks and stuffs the empty into her bag. "Some of the crew is still around. Tarion still shows up to be himself. I haven't seen Verza in a while. I think Stavros moved off world again, I don't think he's capable of staying in one place for long."

[ Jehni'va Cihn (jehn)]

Bets need to be in - Jehn panics! "Ah - um... Oh, he looks nice." She squints, trying to remember names from the introductions, but her memory was poor before the rankweed habit, now she's merely helpless. "Galed! Galed, I'll put, uh, twenty-five on that one." She means Galen. "And if I am old, what does that make you? Eh?" A laugh, directed at Hex - Kasia is right: she looks liable to outlive them all. Whether that is a testament to her physicality or her intelligence isn't clear. Probably both. "It will be good t'be back."

[ Galen Dawnstar (Galen)]

Settling on the platform at the beeping explosive device in front of him Galen just shakes his head, "I thought you said nobody would die?" He pulls out some metal crap from the tower around him and starts to crack open the device as he goes through the wires... Hmmmm, "Why are all the wires GREEEN!?!?!?!" He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before he cuts one of the wires to hear the beeping sloooooow and stop, "Oh thank goodness I'm not dead." Then he looks down, "Wait?!?! How do we get back down?"

[ Xana Otir (Xana)]

Pulling herself to the device nearest her path, Xana quickly considers it. She tilts her shiny helmet covered head left, then right, her true expression shielded by it - is she calm? Annoyed? Confused? Laughing? Then, she moves, quickly and decisively, ducking her head and giving the device a quick smack, shove, and a kick so she can yank open a panel, then pull several wires. Yoink! Convinced that it won't explode, Xana charges toward the green button, closing the distance so she can smash that button with her gauntlet covered hand.

[ Vega (Ve)]

"Don't jump!" Vega calls up to Galen.

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Explosives... there was one thing Chon hated more than blasters. Explosives. He stopped still, almost stricken with paralysis as he noticed the blinking lights and the slow methodical beep of a timer counting down. He sighed, reached forwards, and popped open the hatch.

Which wire? Who the hell knew. Being trained by the hutts, you were bones and guts for the meat grinder why waste their time training you how to undo the mines and bombs when they could just clear the field... with you.

Tension... waiting and waiting untill the time clicked on, quickening between rests of that annoying deadly tone. Beep Beep Beep!

Kohnner clipped the wire. At first there was nothing, his churning stomach settling. He sighed.

Then he disappeared into the explosion.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Ah well. A contest won, and no disintegrations. It was an easy night for the doctor. Tamsin, slipping her water back into the front of her bag, looked over to Mandl as the Bithness was still seated, having not been required to extricate bodies or parts of bodies from the wreckage, "How do you feel about going to look for a few mutated nexu?"

[ Hex (X)]

Hex cackles as the climbers struggle with the pitfalls of the tower, heartless toward their plight as they struggle with the last round of the challenge... explosives! boom! It's Xana who gets to the top first, and hits the green button! Fantastic! Confetti explodes out of the top of the tower, but it's only made of bottlecaps, so they sort of fly out and hit her and go dink tink dink tink against her armor.

"Mandette is the winner!" Hex declares, laughing, and extinguishes the cigarette on his cargo crate. "So well done, ai'jouku, so well done. Come and claim your prize! Dismantling it is your problem and it takes a while, ok ka. It's a pain in the ass. The rest of you -- come here! Come down and I have something for you as well." It's money!

"Unless you die on the way down." Ahahah! Pleased, Hex climbs down, and steps toward the bottom of the tower to distribute prizes amongst the litter of the bottlecaps.

[ Xana Otir (Xana)]

Xana is still as the bottle caps rain down on her, and then she nods her head, once, at Hex - she still hasn't uttered a word, but seems to be acknowledging her prize and gratitude to Hex for having run the competition. The gun is accepted, and then she jerks her head toward Xaz, clearly wanting her fellow Mandalorian's help in dismantling it. No doubt the gun will, in some way, be put toward their cause.