Log:Undercity: A Ramshackle Affair

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Do believe the hype. The Undercity really does collapse in on itself.

OOC Date: June 6, 2021
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Khalim, Tamsin Cas as Self/GM, Violet Spectra, Wrrlryyhn

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

It was rare that light, of any variety made it down so far as the Undercity of Nar Shaddaa. And yet, there were moments when some small air of hope did make it so far as these warrens of broken buildings and equally broken people. As had become, not a regular occurrence, but at least more often than before, which was never, a small soup kitchen of sorts and medical station had been, once again, erected to offer some aid and comfort to the denizens of the moon's true underworld. As was usual, a small cadre of those skilled in medical assistance were providing basic aid to any in need at the stations. At the soup kitchen, food was being handed out to any who had need or desire for it. It was not fancy fare, but it was hearty, and filling, and unpolluted. At both stations, mercenary guards were on hand to keep disturbances down and theft at a minimum.

Tamsin, who was at the aid station, was leaning over a thin, rather haggard looking twi'lek, who was quite heavily pregnant, her scanner making a slow sweep of the mother to be, as what could only be an equally harried husband looked on. "He does like to kick," Tamsin offered.

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

Violet Spectra probably looks just clean enough that anyone can tell she doesn't live down in the undercity, often just working down here on occasion. Detective work takes you all kinds of places. Though judging by the alleged level of aimless direction she's probably between jobs or at least not working one. The dark haired Kuati woman eyes the soup kitchen slash aid station and hmms with a smile at the fact that there are people that you could call nice doing right by people that would be so down trodden they'd otherwise leave stains in the carpet.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

The Wookiee had heard of the aid being provided for the unlucky lot that called the Undercity home. The Wrr, was not at present part of such relief efforts, though it was her intention to change that. Making her way warily via one of the few 'reliable' routes down, the Wookiee navigates a rickety set of ladders with loose rails. Once she's found a level with firm enough foundation to be considered level ground, she heads for the rumored location of the 'soup kitchen.'

Finding more or less what tales had reported, the Wookiee chirrs in surprise. Trailed by an uncertain R2, whorling his discontent, she heads towards the aid station. The tall figure picks her way carefully, looking for someone in charge. She carefully steps around the Kuati, rumbling her pardons, as she's not meaning to cut in line. Tamsin, she spots readily enough, but the Wookiee waits until the doctor finishes with her patient.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

"He is doing well," Tamsin offered to the obviously worried parents, "But I am concerned with your own nutrition levels. A child takes most of what you yourself need, especially in these last few months of gestation." Tamsin, who set aside the scanner, before she reached over for a small pouch which she had apparently set aside especially, "I have put together some high nutrition rations that I want you to consume. Don't worry about running out. When you feel hungry, eat one, I will have more ready for you when you need them. If I cannot deliver them directly, I will arrange for them to be brought to you." The pair nodded, the mother looking relieved, "For now, I want you to rest, food will be brought for you." She indicated a small chair which had been set close to the woman's cot for her husband to sit with her, "Call, if you need me."

And then, Tamsin rose, leaving the two and three quarters Twi'lek to rest, as she headed towards the supply area to check on what might be in need of replenishment. The sound of Binary brought her head around, in time to catch sight of Wrrlryyhn, "Ryn, it's good to see you." Violet she has not yet spotted. But she will! Dun dun dun!

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

The dark haired Violet knows better than to get in the way of a Wookie and does her best to step around Wrrlrhyn and not under feet. Lacking knowlegdge of Shriiwook the human shaped woman just tries to look apologetic. Then sooms to look for someone in charge. "Hopefully they don't mind volunteers" she mutters to herself curiiously while her head swivels around with brow furrowed and lower lip held in teeth while she figures out her plan. She can serve soup at least.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

The Wookiee just warbles to the dark haired Violet. Nothing in so many words that the small droid on her belt translates, but a sound she's often found most humans and near humans to find reassuring. Likely, just because it doesn't sound like she's going to pull anyone's arms out.

As Tamsin returns to supply area, the Wookiee chirrs a pleased greeting. If the doctor doesn't seem to mind, she's encased in long Wookiee arms for a traditional Wookiee greeting. "rwarrl rwowoal woeieowl rwowoal rwarrl rwarrl rwowoal rwowoal. rwowoal rwarrl woeieowl?" She asks with a questioning lilt to her warbling. She pats the med kit attached to her woven belt. Wasaka, the small droid, also on said belt translates with a mechanical drone.

Wasaka (21433) repeats after Wrrlryyhn, "I'm not surprised to see you here Doctor. Need a hand?"

[ Khalim (Kh)]

Stepping softly between aid stations, a form clad in the distinctive if vintage plate of an Old Republic clone looks from left to right as they pass the needy, wounded, and hungry. Passing Violet, who does not look to be from the undercity - or is perhaps the Queen of the Undercity if so - a nod in hello is offered.

He continues further, past a med-tent, and a tent handing out socks, medpatches, and toothpaste. In that order. And just ahead, a flash of fur, and there's perhaps a tilt-back of a helmeted head in a display of surprise as Wrrlryyhn is spotted. And next to her, Tamsin. Crossing that final distance, the white and green armored figured stops aside the pair. "I heard there's some pretty good soup somewhere around here. I read it on Space Yelp, five stars." Gloved hands rises to click and shift and remove the visored helmet, revealing a pear-hued, grinning face beneath as Khalim's dark brown gaze shifts from Firrorrean to Wookiee. "I'm starving. Can I work for a bowl?"

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Wrrlryyhn's hug was returned, though, being nowhere near as strong as the Wooiee, it was likely to feel rather less jovial than it actually was. Flimsy near-human will flimsy. Tamsin, looking back at her patient, kept her voice low, as she spoke to Wrrlryyhn, "It is rare to find a gestation as healthy as this one, with no sign of congenital abnormalities." She left off the 'down here'. Anyone who had spent even a short amount of time down in the Undercity understood why so few of its denizens ever left the darkness of the underground for the more rarified airs, pardon the gross exaggeration, of the rest of the moon. But the smile she offered as she heard the translation was warm, "Your help is always welcome. I never have enough hands for all of the people who need help. Especially as I can't plan these ahead, as I never know when I will get together enough supplies to come down here."

The sound that Ryn had made had caught her attention, and not being directed at her, it brought her eyes to Violet, "Everyone is welcome, if course. Is there anything we can assist you with?" As the armored figure came into view, Tamsin turned, and, quite oddly, seemed to move to put herself between Wrrlryyhn and the approaching figure, as if she had full faith in her ability to protect the much larger female. Don't judge, she was dangerous with a sonic scalpel. When Khalim revealed himself, though, her stance relaxed, "Eat first, work after. I'm sure at least one of the guards could use some relief. You'll need your strength."

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

"That was going to be my question," Violet replies to Tamsin with a smile and a core world accent that further marks her as out of place. "I find myself with more time between rendezvous than expected. And since I find myself amongst people actually looking to help others it would be rather rude to not offer to pitch in while I can. Not that I can do much more than dish soup or clean up." she says with a cheerful tone and a shrug at her own expense.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

Wrr warbled her understanding as Tamsin referred to her earlier patients. The Wookiee began unpacking her gear, and preparing herself to offer way triage she could. She might not be the full fledged doctor that Tamsin was, but the least she could do was help filter out the more serious cases, and tend to the ones not needing a higher level of care.

The Wookiee looked up at the familiar voice, and shambled around the protective stance of Tamsin. Despite his full armor, the Mirialan was hefted, if he did not object, bodily for an excited but careful hug. "rwowoal rwarrl!" Wrr warbled. Wasaka, her belted droid translated the literal 'GreenStar,' with a hastily added and mechanical 'Khalim.'

In the midst of this, she glanced at Violet. As Tamsin was charge, she didn't attempt to direct anyone. The Wookiee did however raise a shaggy hand, and wave in what she hopped looked like a friendly fashion. ​ Wasaka (21433) repeats after Wrrlryyhn, "Green Star!"

[ Khalim (Kh)]

Fastening helmet to waist, Khalim shares a simple smile with Tamsin and shakes his head. "I was just kidding. I had a delicious nutrient bar on my way down. I think it said it was double... no... triple concentrated in 'essential multi-species core vitamins and minerals'. Glancing about and seeing a couple of what appear to be hired security, the Mirialan nods. "Good call, I'll cut someone loose for a little bit."

Violet's reply to Tamsin brings Khalim's attention around. There's a hint of positive appraisal, this being the sort of place few from the surface, no matter their altruistic bent, dare to try and help. "That's very admirable," he says.

Then, from one moment to the next, the Mirialan is being hosted up. A return pat-hug is given, and a laughed, "Whirl, not surprised to see you and Doc Cas down here giving it your best." When he's returned to the ground, that dark brown attention shifts from face to face. Only one he is unfamiliar with, and there's perhaps an assumption made in the moment. "This is Doctor Cas, heart of gold," he gestures to Tamsin, for Violet's benefit. "And Whirl, field medic, also heart of gold." And to himself, with a smile, "Khalim. I still have my original heart."

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

"Never underestimate the power of a friendly voice or a helping hand. Certainly not here. If you are not medically inclined, there is the food line, supplies, and general conversation." That last was not at all an exaggeration. There were a number of conversations going on amongst the denizens and the staff, in that way of those who rarely have anyone to speak to willing to lend an ear, "But, you should eat yourself, first, if you're hungry. It might allow you a chance to rest and get a feel for what you might be interested in doing." Tamsin shook her head at the greeting of Khalim, amusement crossing her expression, moreso at the introduction, "Ah, then surely I am wearing my heart on my sleeve." Even in the dim light, it was impossible not to notice the sheen of gold in her skin. One of the security walked over then, and Tamsin tuned briefly away, as she listened to the quiet report, "Thank you, let them know they are clear to make delivery. I think we will go a bit longer today." And then back to the group, "We tend to run until the supplies run out."

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

"Violet Spectra." the brunette offers in cheerful introduction. "I've been in similar straits in Coruscant's undercitys in my younger, younger years." Violet explains. "Very jarring for someone that had been raised in a more privelaged life before that and have that life taken. So if it hadn't been for efforts like these. So to learn that it's that bad for people all the time, you do learn to empathise even when you've built yourself back up even a little ways. Sometimes a situation is very precarious." she says. "Well serving food and cleaning up dishes it is." she says and looks for where the scrubbing area is. But she soon turns her attention back to the group. As for how long the relief effort lasts, Violet smiles. "Which ever comes first. My appointment or we run out of supplies. Missing people when looking for other people isn't exactly professional." she adds playfully.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

Once she'd set Khalim back down, the Wookiee returned to setting out her supplies and checking her med scanner. She chortled at the introductions as they were made, her chortle sounding more amused as Tamsin added her own quip. Gold indeed! Finally having her gear in order, she started towards those waiting to recieve treatment. First though, she waved again at Violet. "rwal woeieowl." Of course, as Wasaka translated the warbling, Violet's name was turned into 'Light Purple.' So many language filters. ​ Wasaka (21433) repeats after Wrrlryyhn, "Hello Violet."

[ Khalim (Kh)]

Khalim's grin intensifies at Tamsin's retort, and a pair of pear-hued fingers reach out to tug at one of the Firrorrean's sleeves. "Yep, right there." Violet's return introduction draws out a smile, wide and genuine. "Sometimes the ability to both sympathize -and- empathize with someone' current condition is all it takes, isn't it? Your experiences can help, I'm sure." A pat on Wrr's arm follows and then the Mirialan is stepping out towards a nearby security posting. Words are exchanged with the hired guard, along with a gesture back towards Tamsin, Wrrlryyhn and Violet, and the guard - clearly tired - gives Khalim an appreciative smack on the arm and moves off to catch a bite, or a nap. Maybe both. The Mirialan looks back to Tamsin with a little thumbs up then proceeds to... well.. stare a whole lot. At people. Things. Tents. A whole lot of staring.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

"Good to meet you, may I call you Violet?" And, as Violet gave her window of opportunity, Tamsin nodded, "That is all that we can ask for, and generous besides." Tamsin's tone was genuine. It was a rare thing to give up time you could otherwise use for yourself, "Your help will be greatly appreciated. As will your prior experience, terrible as it must have been for you." Sympathy was a wonderful thing, empathy was often better. Into the relative peace of the day, such as could be found down in these quarters, a shrill cry pierced the air, the sound not in basic, but in some guttural dialect of duros, befitting the dust and dirt covered young male who ran at top speed towards the gathered group. It was a spot of good fortune that Wrrlryyhn's droid was currently in listening mode, as its voice soon piped up with the translation, "Help! The house came down, my little sister's stuck! Maman can't get her out!"

Tamsin, who had been looking up the opposite direction, as she watched one of the guards go off duty, in favour of the far fresher Khalim, lifted her head as the young duros ran in, even before his words. But as soon as she heard the translation, she reached for her medical bag, looking around at the gathered at the station, both the staff and the clients, many of whom looked torn between apathy, because this was no new occurrence, uncertainty in how they should respond, and a wary consideration of their own safety, "We will help if we can." She did look towards the other three she had been speaking to, to see if any were going to come with her, as one of the security team peeled off to join her, "Moisha will take over for me, keep going until you can't." That is, until they were done for the day. She headed off towards the young duros, reaching into her bag to pull out her own translator, in case Wrrlryyhn decided to stay behind.

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

There's an arch of Violet's eyebrows as the new arrival comes in and Violet hears the responding offer of help. "Okay, trouble?" she asks curiously. "I might not be good with or own a blaster but a pair of shock gloves is always handy up close." she says offering to help herself even if she seems to lack any idea of what's just happened other than it being less than ideal for someone.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

Wrr finishes her examination of a near human with a sprained wrist. The Wookiee applies the hypo spray, and then wraps the wrist in bit of bandage to help support the injured limb until the healing kicks in. As Wasaka starts to translate for the young Duros, the Wookiee rises. She heads towards Tamsin. "woeieowl rwal roarrl woeieowl rwarrl woeieowl wrall." She chirrs. Wookiee strength might come in handy given the collapsed building. "rwarrl rwowoal rwarrl worieowl." She explained to Violet as both volunteered to help out. ​ Wasaka (21433) repeats after Wrrlryyhn, "Sounds like something I can help with. A child is trapped."

[ Khalim (Kh)]

Khalim's attention is captured by that Duros cry, and at his appeal the Mirialan looks to the nearest hired guard. "Cover my area, I'm go help." The armored man steps back towards Tamsin, Wrr, and Violet with a quick step, helmet unfastened from that waist connector and replaced over pear-hued face. Not that Khalim anticipated combat, it's just that the helmet provided some vision assistance. Nearing the trio, he gestures to the Duros. "I'll help, my buddy up there is covering." Buddy of ten seconds, but hey, that's how buddies are made.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The young boy, seeing people come to help, was soon dashing off, now yelling, not for the group, but for his mother, which the droid kindly translated as variations of "Maman, I'm coming!" He proved a master of the streets, as he skipped and hopped over the detritus and debris that littered the crumbling down alleyways that served as streets, showing no regard for the people behind him. Which, was not at all callous, but simply a reflection of a youth who had been raised in these streets accepting that everyone could do what he did.

"I appreciate you," Tamsin spoke as she moved, the small team gathering and prepared to head off in the wake of the boy as he lead the way through the undercity. Word of advise, don't look up. Also, don't ask what that liquid splashing down into puddles on the ground might be or where it came from. Tamsin, for her part, managed to evade falling and breaking an ankle, though she did not avoid having water from above splashing down on her. It was fine. Surely this was clean, water, right? Right?

The deeper into the alleys the team went, the easier it was to see just how horrific the conditions were, the half rotten buildings and the shanty houses that had been built up out of scrap to wrestle some sort of shelter out of what would be, in Nar Shaddaa above, the worst sort of trash.

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

Violet Spectra didn't actually get to pick up so much as a ladle. So when Wrr's droid translates the predicament she nods her head. "So anyone got plenty of rope moving heavy things? Rescue equipment?" she asks expecting an answer of yes. And so with the others she jogs in the prescribed direction to follow the boy even as the terrain and obstructions get in the way.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

A large, unshod caught an upturned bit of duracreet when she first set out to follow the others. However, she soon found her stride and managed to catch up. She decided she was not going to sniff the puddles of water they ran through. As Violet posed her question, the Wookiee could only chortle and flex her upper are. A Wookiee was rescue equipment. However, Wrr also wore her utility belt with her armor, and aside from the med pack, and translation droid, it likely carried some other useful gear.

[ Khalim (Kh)]

Khalim had no rescue gear, beyond the enhanced optics contained with his helmet, and an integrated air supply that made it possible to breathe freely without the lung-sting that... well, the atmosphere down here wasn't spa-quality. Violet's question beings his head swiveling around; it was a good question, and Wrr's response would hopefully qualify as -enough-. Wookiee strength, Tamsin's advanced medical knowledge, and whatever Violet and Khalim are able to bring to the table.

As the group rushes after the Duros the Mirialan slows from point to point, navigating what can only be described as a treacherous wasteland of refuse and worse. Much, much worse.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

It did not take long for the young Duros to lead his erstwhile crew to the scene of the crim-- I mean, the scene of the disaster. It was a pair of shanty buildings, one of which had collapsed completely, the other leaning as if the slightest breeze would send it tumbling down too. The young boy ran right to his mother, grabbing onto her and pointing back towards the mixed group who had come to help, "I brought help, Maman!" The Duros female, who did not need translating, spoke in halting Basic, once she had assured her son in their own language that he had done well. Beggars were certainly not choosers, and she saw the medical bags, and at least Tamsin's face might have been familiar, "We felt the floor going, I tried to get them both, but she got away from me, and Nels was falling too." She looked a mess. A terrible choice for a mother to have to make in the midst of tragedy.

Tamsin, pulling up short as she got to the source of the distress, frowned, looking around to see what she could find that might he helpful. "I don't have any equipment on me, but let me see what I scan scrounge." And then she was off, heading towards some poor sod's laundry, or rather, the rope that had been strung up between two buildings to serve as a clothesline.

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

Violet Spectra puts the brakes on when she spies the problem, and probably for the best since it is a little on the dangerous side. But as she moves to climb in and down she grumbles. "I really hope I am not too heavy for this." she states while turning her head to try and look around frantically for any survivors whether they can be found or not.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

First thing was first, Wrr headed over the the Duros mother, and began to scan her with the scanner, checking for internal injuries beyond the surface scratches. She clearly paid little attention to her readouts, as she noted Violet disappearing from view, and the dangerous shifting of the remaining rubble. "rwarrl rwowoal rwowoal!" She warned with a rumble. And tried to urge everyone back. "rwarrl wrall grarrrl rwal rwowoal rwarrl." Still trying to urge the Duros mother back, before more of them became victims, she started pulling out her bacta patches and such.

Wasaka (21433) repeats after Wrrlryyhn, "It's not stable! Light Purple went into the debris."

[ Khalim (Kh)]

Arriving at the scene, Khalim surveys the surviving structure as the others begin searching for rescue rope, triage the mother, and climb down in the mire of its collapsed neighbor. Some points of impending failure are quickly noted, as weight combines with weight, and a creaking of stressed metal sheeting. "I think I can shore this home up, keep it from collapsing... at least for now." And the Mirialan tries, moving to the collapsed structure to drag a piece of twisted sheetmetal. He raises it, propping it so as to take some of the stress-weight. Then a second piece, a large wood post, which is levered as a counterweight in what he hopes is just the right spot. "That should, hopefully, help." They weren't light, and Khalim rests hands on knees for a moment, looking to Whirl and where he presumes 'Light Purple' had gone into the debris.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The mother, who did not release her child, and whose attention was more focused on the remains of her house than her own injuries, was still, a good patient, and allowed Wrrlryyhn to tend to her, so long as it did not require looking away from the rescue being made. "I don't know what happened. We just heard a cracking and then it was all falling down." She did not allow her voice to break, but it was a near thing. "This was the best place we could find. Nobody bothered us." It was certainly not the family's fault that the undercity was a literal midden heap.

Tamsin, who came back with the rope, looked around for Violet, on the off chance the Coruscanti had appeared again. When she hadn't, she moved to hand off the rope to Khalim, before she headed for Wrrlryyhn, "Let me take over for you. We need your strength."

Under the earth and beneath the building, the smell below was worse than the smell above. And it was dark, and dank, and drippy.

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

Violet Spectra might be out of practice but she does have experience and training moving along very precarious surfaces. Gymnastics and acrobatics have to be good for something. "Helloooo? Here to help, please be okay anyone. I don't want to try moving stuff in case we make the hole worse and deeper and I don't know how far down the fall would be and I'd rather be certain before I risk doing anything extra silly?" she calls out and winces in case even her voice and the echo can trigger a further collapse while she still can't find anything unless she trips over it. "Anyone else coming down be very careful. I can hear the girl but not from where. Weight might be an issue and I may be too hefty on my own." Any other time heavy would not be how one could describe the would be detective.

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

Wrr chirrs her thanks as Cas returns. She willingly passes off the patient as she gingerly moves towards the shifting debris. Without much effort, the Wookiee does what Wookiees do, and starts shifting away the heavy housing materials. She's careful not to refill the whole with further detritus, but to instead keep the sink hole clear. Seeing the detective, she calls down to Violet. "rwarrl wrall, rwarrl rwarrl rwal?" ​ Wasaka (21433) repeats after Wrrlryyhn, "Light Purple, are you alright?"

[ Khalim (Kh)]

Tamsin's handoff of the rope prompts Khalim to move to Whirl, and the point at which he presumes Violet had descended into the collapsed pit. "That's where?" he asks the Wookiee, before moving to find something to secure that rope to. He finds it, in the form of a chunk of... is that a petrified tree trunk? Or millennia old petrified Rancor dung maybe? Doesn't matter, it's rock now, and the rope is secured. He lets it down, little by little, into the depths of the hole. "Violet, a rope is coming down. Use it however you need. It's secured up here and it will carry your weight many times over so you can trust it."

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The sounds of voices, and movement, and the light that Wrrlryyhn's demolition work (in the best possible way!) causes a shuffling sound that Violet can hear, and soon enough, she can catch sight of a duros female, a toddler of perhaps five or six standard years, trying to climb over the ground of the sinkhole. She's literally caked in mud and grime, and she'd holding her right arm to her chest, the shoulder at an ugly angle, her expression obviously pained. "Maman?" Violet was not Maman, but it was not that bright and she was in pain. "Maman, help."

Above the ground, Wrrlryyhn's work had cleared enough of an area that the rescue team could move comfortably, for some value of comfort, Khalim's supports keeping the second shanty from collapsing on top of them.

Mother and son looked, literally, agog, as Wrrlryyhn got to work. It was an awe-inspiring sight, but as the faintest sound of her child's voice came up from the hole, it was all Tamsin could do to keep her from bolting over there, "Peace, mother. They will get her out, and we can't risk another collapse." For now, she and her son were staying back.

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

The Coruscanti-Kuati woman keeps on calling out hopefully so she can get a response from the girl trapped down with her. Easier to search when you have a more direct thing to listen for over the echo. At least she sees the rope and secures it to her waist. So at least now she can at least be pulled up later. Finally when the girl makes her presence known, the human hunches down and sets the rope around the girl. "They can always send more rope down after if need be." she states and moves the girl to a slightly less rickety spot. "Got her, haul away. Gently. She has been shook up enough for one lifetime." she adds and hangs on herself while also holding onto the girl. At least if Violet goes the little Duros won't end up back in the hole.

[ Khalim (Kh)]

With the child secured, and both child and Violet being hauled up by Whirl, Khalim takes a couple of steps around to the side of the hole they will presumably emerge from. He's bent down, ready to intercept the Duros toddler, giving Violet back both hands to help extricate herself. "Violet, when you get up here, hand the kid off. I'll get her away from the hole."

[ Wrrlryyhn (Wrr)]

Once Violet has lifted the child, and secured her with the rope, Wrr begins to haul them up. While the weight is easily within the Wookiee's range of managing, she moves carefully and slow, not wishing to loose the precious cargo. Also, she can see from here the child is injured and is making the effort not to cause more damage. She gets them up though, with a rumble of triumph.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

As Wrrlryyhn pulled, and the rope held, Violet and her passenger were soon visible above the hold in the ground, both looking a lot worse for wear, if, in Violet's case, only that she looked a mess. Hope there's time for a change of clothes before our meeting, Violet. Say sorry. The little girl, letting out a little squeak of surprise as she saw that, yes, there was a very large wookiee pulling her up, and no, Violet was not her Maman, immediately tried to look all around for her real mother. (You're not my Real Dad!). The mother, who let out a cry of happiness as she saw her child, and her son, were soon off towards the pair, but, mindful of the danger, did not run right up on where the two who had visited down below were being brought up. "Maman! I fell down!" Despite the pain in her shoulder, the girl sounded absolutely delighted. Ah, children. Tamsin, who came closer, waited until everyone was back on the ground to see about providing more medical treatment, "We will need to find you a new place to live, mistress." The mother, looking around at the team, spoke again, in that halting basic, "Thank you! You saved her! Thank you!"

[ Violet Spectra (Vio)]

Thankfully Violet was already wearing gloves, shock gloves as they might be so the rope is less stressful on her since the most she has of it is a loop or two around hands and wrist. The other arm holding the child so the rope ride is mess bumpy for her. Even still, Violet does her best to keep her back against the side of the hole so again adding some extra cushioning to protect the poor injured thing. Violet can handle a bump, the child, not so much. There's also extra smiles and reassuring even through some of the strain of her own weight yanking on a shoulder but at least she can hand off once other arms are in reach of the ascending pair.

Once the family is reunited the dark haired human woman finally sighs some relief and massages out some of the strain in her own shoulder. Big tired smile aimed at the appreciative response from the mother and children.