Log:The Shadowport: The Hapan-ing: Crisis Crossover

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Noble and Skunkworks Teams almost literally collide as their respective chases takes them across a precarious intersection!

OOC Date: December 8, 2020
Location: Hapes
Participants: The Shadowport: Rale, Ora, Sajin, Sapphira, Khalim, King, B'haav Adasta, Kaavenn, Netep Muri, with Eriu Jynx and Zhu Yan as GMs

The short story: Everybody's face right now

The long story:
Noble Team's side of the story.
Skunkworks Team's side of the story.

Eriu Jynx

The shots fired hit the aircar one after the other and the guard that was aiming from inside falls out as the car pitches. Its a long fall and likely not a pleasant one as the air is suddenly rife with heat and light. The smoking air car pitched and slammed into a condo building, caving in its side as the explosion rocked the back of the green and silver Jynell air car that currently is composed of a rough and tumble group making all sorts of problems for the Terells.

Eriu is white knuckling the front passenger side after tugging B'haav back down through the sunroof of the car but that industrious balosar is back up, climbing through it to stick his hat covered head up and through. The Jynell air car now has three gunmen primed at the back and firing in the forms of Khalim, Sajin and King.

Muri is at the wheel, doing her best in a ripped gown who's bottom is still flapping out of the side of the closed door like a streamer. The explosion behind and back to their right causes the car to pitch and lift UP, causing a cry to leave Eriu's lips, especially when she sees what is in coming up along their side. "KRIFFING HELL! MURI!"

The intersection in the air traffic they are coming to is now filled with another chase. A crazy spectacular chase and they WILL recognize a great deal of them. At the wheel of the car is Rale, the batman who is steering his compatriots around and hopefully to safety!. "What in the..." Eriu's head does a whip by as she watches the Skunkworks cross paths with them.

Zhu Yan A cavalcade of detonations plagues the street below as aircars zip past at speeds that are definitely improper, if not downright unseemly. Liz's poor throwing arm only results in more collateral damage from a team that is already very well versed in the concept. They're not the only explosions taking place. Ahead of Rale, near and to the left an upcoming intersection, is another detonation similar to the Aircar 1 prior.

And then suddenly Skunkworks Team is not alone.

The overpriced, overpowered, poor-resale-value hovering family van with the heated seats and the sunroof (which has a Shistavanen with a VERY big rifle poking through) driven by Rale, and with the mad sight of Sapphira and Ora shooting out the windows and Liz'diot throwing literal, actual bombs out the back was accompanied by the flying almost-Stormtrooper that was Zhu Yan with his legendary enchanted jetpack.

Its pursuers were two unmarked black vehicles, definitely not law enforcement and probably that beautiful heinous bitch Madam Vas's cronies, leaning out the windows like Coruscanti fashion models and shooting at Rale's mum van. More blaster bolts stitched the silver paintwork, scraping repulsors and doing damage.

Yan, in his insanity, had finally caught up from his accidental waylay through a smoke cloud and /landed/ on the roof of the more damaged aircar, sinking two huge yellow balls of death into the engine block. As he did so, he lifted his head and he saw...



Rale, his hands on the wheel as one of the repulsors suddenly shorts, swears violently and slaps several controls, spinning them around a corner expertly as their car avoids several parked vehicles, while at the same time slapping the controls in quick rapid and calm succession. He manages to compensate for the ruined repulsor just as the car zips into the intersection. The black, eared helmet (definitely rale) turned to regard Muri. A momentary pause.

A little wave, in that heartbeat of time they are passing Hey guys.

Then he is zipping along, calling behind him "You wanna drive? Keep up the fire while Boss finds out an out! This thing isn't meant for high-speed pursuit!" And then more sickness-inducing spins. So many more, to throw off their aim.


POP. POP. The loud rounds of the slugthrower Ora wields is likely heard amongst the sound of explosions and the like, the woman letting out one loud laugh, "Hey guys, I think I'm one of them people who do this for fun!" Yelled out just before the intersection is crossed, the others from their team car noted only briefly in the whipping of her hair, two more shots fired off towards their pursuit car, her smile wide as she spots many familiar faces. No time to wave though as she's quickly ducking back into the passenger side front seat to reload, "You see that?" Breathlessly asked of Rale as the woman continues grinning like an idiot, "Glad to see we ain't the only ones out for a good time. Also, Kaavenn --"

More seriously as she leans to the side to look into the back seat and up at the Shistavanen hanging out the sun roof, "I'm spendin' on stupid shavit so you ain't got a reason to kick the bucket, not because I'mma go an' find joy outta it. So no, no glitter-" Shukn, shunk, in goes her ammo as she glances down distractedly, "-stim, you die you die knowin' I wasted it on the worst /shavit/ out there, fuzzy socks, collars for the local strays. Rale, sweetie, you're doing great." Murmured as she moves to pull her upper body back outside the passenger side window, re-upping to aim once more.


Sajin's inquiry isn't answered by EJ, then again she's too busy being thrown around in a speeder to likely answer him. Nor did she even possibly know the answer. With a disgruntled and annoyed grunt, the Hapan levels his balster once more and sends tow rounds into the speeders chasing them. THey hit true, sparking and explosing against the vehicle. The other team currently isn't noticed as he's far too zoned in on his current task.


Sapphira, in the back seat of the Skunk Hovercar, ducks down low to eject a spent powerpack from her Defender, groping at her waist for another powerpack. Her hand comes up empty. "Oh, come on!" the Nar girl says, letting out a stream of embaressing swears as she shoves the defender back into place and lifts her free hand. As she does so, her usually bright-greens lift just in time to see the rest of Team Whale or whatever it is Yan calls them, and her brows lift in surprise. "How's it going!" she calls out, lifting the free hand to those she knows best, namely Khalim and Sajin. The friendly hand lowered, the opposite hand's wrist-laser opens fire in the direction of the Terell pursuers.


Khalim's half out the fabulous House Jynell aircar's rear window, kept from being sucked out and into thin air by a leg awkwardly hooked under the rear seat itself. His target had just cartwheeled out of the sky thanks to King's precision follow-on fire and the Mirialan's eyes are searching for their next target.

Until they aren't, because KRIFF IT'S A MUM VAN, passing like the space Titanic wanting to kiss an iceberg. And... no... Rale. Rale's little bat-helmet peers out of the monstrous Gloopball mom van's driver's compartment, a moment suspended in time as the Chadra-Fan waves at Miri, and that's when Khalim spots the black speeder Team Numbskull is exchanging fire with. A quick sight and the Mirialan squeezes the trigger, sending an energic bolt of charged particles streaking forth, angry and red and violent, to impact the speeder. A second trigger pull and... nothing. An exclamation and Khalim quick ejects the spent powercell and after a dip into a pocket, slides a replacement into place. No second shot this time.

He then waves to the Rale and Co. Because that's what friends do.

King Still hanging out of the window of the aircar, King's eyes light up as he sees the incoming Skunkworks team. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious as to what kind of nonsense they were getting up to in their time of this ridiculous planet. He grins and holds his Enforcer out straight, one eye closing as he looses three shots. Two of them hit their marks, digging mean, fist-sized holes into the armor of the vehicle that's chasing them.

He offers a salute to anyone in the Skunkworks vehicle who may be listening by tapping the foresight of his revolver against his head and flashing them a wink.

B'haav Adasta

B'haav continues to make these sweeping gestures with his cane, indicating their continued travel to the baddies behind, but is temporarily distracted as he recognizes the occupants of a nearby air car being similarly chased through the fair city of Ta'a Chume'Dan. At the helm is everyone's favorite Chadra-Fan and B'haav offers the other car a brief wave just as the Jynell air car turbulates itself in the shockwave of an explosion. In almost slow motion, B'haav feels his hat fly off his head and - for one brief moment - he fleetingly tries to grab the blue bowler from the air when the intersection he's been waiting for arrives and Muri calls out a direction. In that exact instant, B'haav throws every ounce of his body into pointing exactly the opposite direction of the Jynell car's turn, hopefully misdirecting their pursuers into chasing the wrong direction or - if they're really lucky - into a nice durasteel wall.

"EAT PSYCHOLOGY," he yells into the wind, muffled by the explosions and gunfire, in the single most fantastic display of the profession ever perpetrated in the galaxy. At least, that's how B'haav Adasta will describe it later.


<"Got more company incomi- Oh!"> Kaavenn breaks off as he recognizes the motley crew that is wrecking that poor innocent Jynell aircar. There are more explosions, and at least they are not the victims. For now. He inhales and exhales slowly again trying to ignore the absolute fire that is his right lung. Lying forwards like this isn't good for the blood pooling either. <"Steady, damn it!"> He's still angry at himself for missing the shot. His first rifle shot missed in... he cannot remember the last time. Pistols yes. Sniper rifle? Even with these extenuating circumstances.

Kaavenn unconciously spits, and doesn't see the red sliding down the bottom part of his visor. His whole world is two distinct sights. Through the scope, and his open left eye giving him more situational awareness. The massive anti-material rifle barks harshly again, and he snarls as the shot slips high. TWICE! In the same year! What did he do to deserve this space-karma?! He buckles down, and pushes out more onto the roof. He locks his legs against the front seats. He braces again, and King smokes his target. Ignoring the distant buzzing pain, his left eye is open for a new target and he shifts that rifle, screeeing the bipod across the paint and braces the barrel down with his left hand. Another hard blast from the rifle, and this time there's a smoking aircar as a result.

Netep Muri


The serendipitous, flyby encounter turns Muri's head with a slack jaw for three...two...handwaveforRale?

"AW SHAV" Muri's jerked from her stupor by an inner proximity alarm going off in her brain. VEHICLE! MOVE! It's a pursuit car gunning for the Ralemobile and we are on a collision course! For a sec.

A fiery death is avoided by a narrow margin as Netep pulls their speeder UP and aside. So narrow that those doing the shooting might manage an elbow knock or fistbump! "AHahahahah, did you thee thath?? YETH!" And it's about that time that the swift save comes at a price, sort of, and while the Tyrell guards are eating psychology, the Jynell car is eating foliage. Nature's air freshener, anyone?

Muri'd plowed through an ornately suspended weave of fragrant vine, purple flowery clusters, and brittle twigs of yesteryear's growth.

It just couldn't be avoided. Could it? Rather than apologize though, she's got her window down and is trying to tug some of the ornamental plant scarf off their viewscreen. Just maintain a steady course, Muri. Steady, steady, WHOOPS DIP, steady...

"Wemembew whath I thaid abouth complainths."

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