Log:Sith Empire: Hush

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A team infiltrates the compound of Count Raddik Kree. Plausible deniability in full effect.

OOC Date: December 20, 2021
Location: Coruscant
Participants: Sith Empire: Midne, Tamsin Cas as Self/GM, Tarq Najjic, Xavier Harcourt

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The brief had been succinct. Count Raddik Kree was to be eliminated. All care was to be taken that the Empire's involvement not become known. Such equipment and disguises as would be necessary would be provided. Councilor Cas would be the mission lead.

It all sounded easy, didn't it? Get in. Get out. Don't get caught. It was always that easy. Until it wasn't. Tamsin, who had waited until the team that had been assembled had gathered, stood by a crate full of supplies, which she began to hand out. "Let's begin with the immediate briefing. We will be going into the compound through a service entrance, provided we can effectively access the security system. We should have enough time to use the system to locate the Count. If you have any weapons at your disposal I would suggest making them ready. We will be using no lightsabers today. If you have no other weapons, we will make do." As Tamsin spoke, she began to hand out the gear they would be using, completely ignoring the fact that she looked generally unlike herself. Her hair had been dyed black, and her flesh covered with makeup to disguise the normally golden hue of her skin. Even her eyecolour was different. The usual dark blue now a pale, icy grey.

The most obvious bit of kit, were the Coruscanti robes which had been chosen in each of the team members sizes. Well, not quite, each was about a size too large. Just enough to accommodate their actual clothing underneath. Adjustments had been made, even for the trooper's armor, "One for each of you. They are, in case you are wondering, in the colours of one of the Count's rivals. No helmet I'm afraid, Trooper."

The rest of the equipment was an odd assortment of items, which she allowed time to explore. Each team member was assigned a full dozen tranquilizer darts, as well as a small handgun with which to shoot them. "I have no skill in guns of this sort myself, but I imagine at least three of us have no need of a physical delivery system." Additionally, each had a gas canister, which looked as though it could be attached to the an HVAC system, "Knockout gas. It should offer temporary memory loss as well." Finally, each had what looked to be a single use computer spike, and a syringe. "For the Count. The chemical will mimic a heart attack, which is the goal of the mission."

"Get in, eliminate the Count. The optimal mission success would be to make entry and remain unseen by guards or staff, and then get out again." A beat, "Questions?"

The shuttle they had hired would soon deliver them to Independence Plaza, within walking distance of Memorial Park and the Count's compound.

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

There's always at least one member of the team wearing makeup. Today he's as different from himself as the mission lead is. Tarq is now a blonde, for one thing. For another, he has blue eyes. If he had dusted himself with gold, he might be able to pass as the opposite-sex twin of Tamsin Cas. Alas, he instead simply darkened his complexion considerably - he is within the range of human normal, but olive-skinned instead of pale. He's been thorough - his hands and ankles and so on all have the proper color.

Is the rest of him similarly altered? Impossible to say.

He pockets the tranq darts. "Am rubbish with guns. Is a sad day when saber skills go to /waste/." He plants the gas canister under his new Coruscanti noble-wear. Likewise the computer spike and the syringe.

"At least have trusty-" He twirls his fingers and knife comes from nowhere - presumably the sleeve? - but then falls right to the ground, the sharp tip embedded in the shuttle floor. Tarq stares at it for a moment, then reaches down, picks it up, and slips it back up his sleeve. He starts makes vowel noises, in the fashion of an actor before a show loosening up.

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

Xavier shaved for this.

Let me repeat that. Because it bears repreating.

Xavier. Shaved. For this.

Without the short beard, Xavier immediately looks a solid thirty years younger. A baby-face, really, in comparison to his normal visual start of two ales away from a street vagrant with good hygiene. His black hair, usually left to its own devices -- falling where it may -- is slicked back and held in place by an obscene amount of product. Eyes temporarily blue but no less expressive. To top off the ensemble, a pair of wire-rimmed glasses rest on his large nose; the lens fake but looking real enough.

He looks like someone's college math teacher.

The dart gun and darts are stored on his belt. Guns are least one thing on his list of skills. The syringe in a pouch on its own. The gas canister he inspects curiously. "I would imagine we would need to be careful with these." The accent... is not his. Not that hodgepodge of dialects that is his normal way of speaking. The distinct mixture that is utterly unplaceable.

He speaks with a clear and practiced Coruscanti lilt. "Save for knocking ourselves out with it."

[ Midne (Mi)]

It's easier to account for something being too big than it is for it being too small. "No helmet's fine with me," SN-6428 replies quietly, as though talking too loud even now would compromise the mission.

It's clearly the first time she's ever worn a robe as she fumbles to get it on over her crimson-plated armor.

The Mirialan unclasps her helmet and leaves it behind, hidden within a shipping container. The postal service isn't going to pick it up, even at this hour. Hopefully. Probably. Right?

SN-6428 powers on the black and red Sonn-Blass F-11D blaster rifle she brought with her, activating the cooling unit and readying it for live fire as it emits a high-pitched thrum. Slung around her back is a longer rifle, though similar in appearance, for long-range encounters. A red-and-black Seeker droid trails quietly behind her.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

"Ah. I knew I had forgotten something." Tamsin turned away from the group, digging into the crate as she removed four rebreathers, handing one out to each of the team members, keeping one for herself. When she rose, she did not have an accent to match Tarq's or Xavier's, but she had switched from Galactic Standard Basic to Imperial Basic. Some small benefit of having been raised on Moneyland. It was the best she could do. "We would be in a sad way if we accidentally gassed ourselves as well as the current denizens of the compound." As she watched Midne prepare herself, she dug back into the crate and removed a cloak, which she offered to the trooper. "Your weapons are more difficult to disguise than ours." She did glance towards Tarq and Xavier, "Fee free to take ones for yourself, if you like. I know you miss it, Tarq." See? Tamsin could be cheerful. The shuttle sounded a chime, "Ah, here we are. We can walk the rest of the way." Tamsin tucking away the equipment they had brought with them, nodded towards the droid, "You too, if you please." Finally, she handed out a small datapad to each, which had all of the information they had managed to scavenge on the Count and his compound.

Once they team was as ready as they were likely to be, they were off, heading down along one of the main paths through the tourist trap that was Memorial Park. Of course, the visitors were reduced, but, this was the center of high society on Coruscant, and in some ways, it was still business as usual, if at a reduced volume.

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

The Kuati follows Tamsin. Being a noble on Coruscant isn't /that/ different from being a noble on Kuat. You just had a lot more poors to dodge on the former Imperial Center. "Security activity is higher than you would think, unless they are expecting trouble. Right by the hotel, too." His eyes drift across the street, being careful not to settle on any one point and thereby give away 'interest.' Clearly the only interesting people were people of his social station. His steps forward are a sort of glide - this is not the first time wearing a robe. "One night without a cape will not kill me." Though: "Do miss it, though. It is dramatic."

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

Xavier takes the gas mask and tucks it to his belt at the small of his back; concealed under the Coruscant clothing. The robes do help. He walks out with the group, making to sure to stay at least slightly away from them but within the group. Looking through the crowd, he catches an eye here or there and offers a friendly, toothy grin in response.

Some grin back. A few make a face and turn away. One gets a little awkward and drowns himself in a large drink from whatever it is he is holding. "A party here? Some kind of outdoors soiree?" He ponders quietly to his companions. "I see them, too." He adds to Tarq then a lazy gesture fountain-ways. "Over there, as well. No sign of our guest, though."

[ Midne (Mi)]

SN-6428, or, tonight, Midne Starcaller, follows behind the other two, bearing a heavy cloak over two reasonably-sized blaster rifles at her back. She walks and talks like she fits in, but the way she's walking in the robe indicates that she's clearly never worn a robe in her life. Maybe not even a skirt. She glances down at her attire from time-to-time with a look of puzzlement that asks 'why do these exist?'

The Marked generally follows behind the other two, though she glances down at the screen of her datapad from time-to-time (red text over a black background, of course,) in which in the upper left corner in a tiny box she has a camera feed from the Seeker droid that's gone high above the group, as well as an operational status and a comm-relay so the droid can ping messages to her. The rest of the datapad screen shows the stock prices of nearby commercial venues, so that any onlookers won't know its true purpose. She looks about as she walks past guards and civilians, musing to the group, "nobody's really talking about anything important, though they're also -not- talking about the security measures, so I don't think they're really concerned about anything tonight specifically. If that means anything." Hers is a very overt Imperial accent.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The trek through the park was a meandering one, as Tamsin fell into line with the rest of the group. They walked as most people who had not a care in the world, or work that needed to be done walked. As if they had all of the time in the world to get where they were going. They did, in their roundabout way, head in the direction of the Kree compound, which was one of the largest and the most ornate, the entirely bounded by high walls from which a glass and gilt dome rose, covering the entirety of the compound in the sort of reflective glass that allowed those inside to see out, but nothing to be seen if one was looking in.

The longer they walked, the more quiet it became, as the center of activity which was the central memorial drew further away, and they began to enter into the more residential streets and alleyways that ringed the park. Tamsin, switching to the comms units they had all been given, which allowed her to speak sotto voce, "We should be arriving at the avenue which leads to the rear of the compound shortly. It's been marked on the maps. There are a number of delivery entrances we may be able to use. Trooper, I believe we will need the droid."

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

Tarq passes by each delivery entrance at a casual stroll, never looking towards the estate as he does so. <"Are people at every entrance. Can't separate differences, am afraid."> This comes over the comms. <"Still think is best option, if only because if dome section rises and we get inside, we are better at this than them."> He keeps walking for now - turning around immediately might be suspicious.

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

Xavier positions himself closer to the open; allowing his compatriots to find their way in. From this position, he can look out towards the crowd in the distance and watch their movements. He takes out his datapad and pretends to read it with a bored, unimpressed expression. As if waiting for a ride that is already three minutes late and counting. <"No movement up here so far,"> he rumbles in a low register to the comm in his collar. <"I'll move in last when we advance and make sure none follow.">

[ Midne (Mi)]

Midne presses a tongue to her lightly-painted lips. The Mirialan never wears makeup unless she's out on a covert mission, so she's a complete amateur at it, but luckily Tarq is around to help with that kind of thing. Hers is a matte black liquid lipstick to match the (admittedly few) black tattoos that adorn her face. She approaches the side entrance a little forward of Tarq and keys for the buzzer. No response. With a grunt, she puts one hand to her hip, and presses the buzzer again.

<"Whaddaya' want? Next shipment's not fer twenty minutes,"> comes the modulated response from the speaker. "I'm looking for Donovan Sturm," she says, holding the transmission button and putting a tone to her voice that suggests that of a betrayed lover. "I KNOW he's here, and I'm not waiting for his shift to end before I let him know what I think." There's no response for a time until, <"Lady, you're nuts. Get outta here!"> Midne narrows her eyes blues at the buzzer and it takes everything she has not to blast the thing out of frustration.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

There was no sign of activity outside of the walls, and no sign of a lessening of movement within, or so Tarq's senses would convey to him. So...what to do? They must get in some sort of way. Unless they wanted to pull a Falleen and ring the front door and wreck everything. Ah, those were the days. As the group lingered, Tamsin frowned, attention focused on Midne, as she made her way to the intercom. She looked up, signaling for the droid to approach her. "ID10, can you attempt to locate a hardwired control box for the security system of the compound? We could use an unlock on one of the doors. And see if you can access the camera systems inside."

The droid blinked its single eye, acknowledging the command, as it pulled away from the group. After a space of perhaps five minutes, it relayed the information to Midne's datapad. Access had been granted. Images from the interior showed that the activity in the loading area appeared to be in preparation for some sort of banquet. Crates were being unloaded, with space left for the delivery...which would be coming in about twenty minutes. It recommended making entry through the entrance furthest from the dock which would soon be in use.

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

<"Good effort,"> comes Tarq's voice over the comms. He walks back to the door most distant from the incoming banquet delivery, looks both ways, and then crouches in front of it. There are always cables that are external or spots where maintenance is done. When he moves his fingers gently and finds the edges of such a panel, he starts to work it open, jimmying it with a shim of black metal until he has access.

He stares. There are remarkably few wires in here. He plucks one, removes another and plugs it into the slot. He waits for a moment.

Nothing happens. Nothing obvious, at least. Make there are six alarms in there. He slides the panel back into place.

Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

With no action on his end and foreseeing none in the immediate future, Xavier takes a few casual steps backwards into the alley then turns fully on his boot to pick up his steps. Rejoining the group, Xavier puts a hand on Midne's shoulder and the other presses a forefinger into the button.

"My good sir," he says in that thick Coruscanti accent. The kind that reeks of money and entitlement enough to fry the circuitry. "My daughter had demanded you open the door and surrender Mister Sturm. And now I, Lord Starcaller, are commanding you the same. He is a cad and a liar and he will face retribution for the offense against my family. Insult must be answered."

There is a moment of silence before the intercom clicks back on and the voice on the other side sneers back, <"Buzz off, Lord Fancypants.">

Xavier's blue eyes darken and his finger /slams/ the button again. "So be it. You have made your bed."

Well, that didn't work.

[ Midne (Mi)]

Midne paces in place for a moment, her frustration building. Perhaps it's actual annoyance when she stabs her finger back in to the intercom's transmission button, even while Tarq has his fingers in the electric socket. "I don't kriffing CARE get out of here! Tell that LYING, CHEATING LASER BRAIN to get his wimpy Alderaanian rear out here and confront me! Coward!" She is clearly the hot-head that her 'father', Lord Starcaller, is not. With a growl, she releases the switch. Ice blues peer from beneath black eyeshadow, glancing at the three Councilors. Maybe it's method acting, but she's actually angry now, pacing back and forth while she waits for some kind of a response. A door clicks open in the distance. Oh, good, maybe the distraction is finally working! Midne takes a calming breath, nodding her silent thanks to Xavier, and reaches a hand back to feel that her rifles are still slung around her back. Sometimes it helps just to be sure.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The door does indeed open, outward, so close that it might have struck the two Starcallers if they had been just a hair closer. Two things were immediately visible. First, the sheer number of servants and hired help who were now gawping at the pair beyond the door, the half open crates forgotten at the moment. What low paid slave wage worker didn't like a bit of fun to save them from the drudgery of the day?

The second and more pressing was the three armed guards who came out to confront the pair, rifles raised and looking not at all disabused of the desire to use them. "You have ten seconds to clear the area. No one will miss you." They were sure of that. The Count had connections.

Tamsin, who did not approach or make any attempt to assist, instead moved to take a turn behind ne of the decorative statues that peppered even this residential street, keeping out of view as she made for the door which the droid had unlocked for their use.

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

<"Droid! Follow Tamsin inside. Set the feeds to loop on empty street."> Tarq hustles behind the door, staying out of sight. <"Xavier, Midne - walk half a block, loop back once the door closes. We'll have the feed scrambled by then, you can just walk in."> He is not a slicer. He's promising a lot here, but that's going to have to work if it isn't just going to be two of them, and they'll probably need /more/ than two of them.

Then he slips on inside, resuming his 'I'm an entitled noble' walk once he's indoors.

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

'Lord Starcaller' is quick to step in between the armed guards and his 'daughter'; bodily protecting her from the rifles pointed in their direction. A man of airs, to be sure, but a parent all the same. Or so the guards may think. "There is no need for that," Xavier says in a calming voice. It is smooth and inviting; a hint that once upon a time, he was quite skilled at working into the minds of others. And likely will again some day.

But for now his only weapons are a piercing gaze, a haughty accent, and some quick words. "Are you a father, sir?" He asks the one who spoke but doesn't wait for an answer. "Maker have pity on that boy." And that's that.

"Darling," Xavier says over his shoulder then turns towards Midne. "We will approach him another time. Come along." And that hand goes back onto Midne's shoulder and helps guide the ruffled, jilted lover away from certain doom.

[ Midne (Mi)]

Midne's hands clench in to fists - she must be an adoptive daughter as her skin tone clearly doesn't match her 'father's'. Or maybe the mother is Mirialan? Who are these guards to judge. Right now they have a bigger problem: legend has it that in Mirial, women are more dangerous than blasters. And the glare this woman gives the lead goon would make all but a sith lord uncomfortable. She lets out a dramatic 'hmmph!', folding her arms as she deliberately turns to face her 'father'. "The longer I have to wait for him," she insists, "the worse his night will be." As she walks off she continues in to a diatribe on how screwed this Donovan Sturm is. Truly, it would be awful to be him right now.

Though, as the pair walk off, Midne immediately relaxes, dropping the persona, and her body, too, to creep back toward the door, catching a few of her fingers behind it just as it closes. She nods to Xavier, ready to pull the door open at his command. "Let's get in there, this lord isn't going to stick around forever."

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

"I'm more inclined to have pity on this Sturm, if he saddled himself with that." He waved the gun in Midne's direction, but did not look inclined to take potshots at the pair. They were leaving, after all. And that was the point of guns and aggression. As soon as the pair were out of sight, the guards returned through the door, locking it with a resounding click behind them. There was //just// enough time to hear one of the guards comment to the rest, "No tail is good enough to be worth that, am I right?"

Meanwhile, under cover of partly shadow, but mostly the need for people to get in on the latest gossip. Who was this Sturm anyway? They needed to know! Tamsin and Tarq and borrowed droid had made their way into the compound, and the droid was soon hooked into one of the security feeds preparing the way for Midne and Xavier to make their way back inside, once it sent them the signal that the coast was clear.

"Tarq, there's no way we can move under cover in this place. It looks as though every paid member of his staff is in here."

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

As Tamsin said, there aren't enough nobles in here to wander around pretending to be one. There's just the Count's people. So Tarq goes full undercover, slipping into a door into the interior building of the compound, but at the side. A dart held in hand, he steals through the hall. They have a basic floor plan of the place. He glances right, then crouch-walks down the left, where the hall extends further. Server Room... Maintenance... this is clearly not the place the master of the house frequents... aha! HVAC.

Does the interior security suffer because external security is so tight? Tarq's hand presses the door control. There's a nervous few seconds as the door disengages, then slowly opens. Within he follows one line of pipes to an attachment point.

<"Masks on, people!"> And he presses the canister in, turning it a quarter turn to the right to lock it in place. <"Now, not in five seconds. Now now now."> Maybe he should have given more warning.

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

Xavier 'gently' guides Midne away; the hand on her upper arm tightening just a little to make sure she doesn't rush in and start fragging the guards for their commentary. It's a short walk out of sight before the man stops and releases her. "Well thought out," he commends with a low, hushed voice; eyes looking beyond her to study the group in the distance once more. Just to make sure. "Guards are always thick of wits, however."

The Councillor counts to twenty then nods, leading Midne and himself back towards the opening in the alleyway. They don't have to bide long before the call comes across the comms. <"We have to work on your timing, Najjic.">

Slipping nonchalantly into the alley, Xavier breaks into a run as soon as he is out of sight again; the mask slipping over his face and opening the unlocked door that leads inside.

The first few eyes that fall upon him widen in surprise. "Stop!" "You can't be here!" "Guards!" But the yells of shock and alarm fade in seconds. Eyes turn glassy. Mouths fall agape and eyelids fall. Xavier pulls out his datapad and brushes past the walking zombies, making his way towards the second level. <"I am en route.">

[ Midne (Mi)]

A trooper doesn't need to be told more than once to put their mask on. Though the urgency is certainly appreciated. In that moment, getting that mask strapped around her head is the most important thing in the galaxy. After that moment? Getting inside. Once 'Lord Starcaller' releases her, she's in, and she's heading across the first floor even as Xavier starts to head up. She crosses to the other side of the building, pausing to look at an unconscious estate guard as she calls the lift. It opens immediately, having already been on the ground floor. The Marked steps inside and keys for the treasury.

As the turbolift begins to ascend, The Marked sheds her cloak, revealing her blaster rifle and powering it on like before. She checks the ammunition status. Plenty. Midne watches the floor display as the lift ascends one after the other, getting closer and closer to the treasury. As it nears, she prepares herself in a battle stance. Just in case.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The gas took effect almost immediately. Whether Tamsin had overdone it on the potency would remain to be seen, but, well, they would not be here to see it. What was here now, was a compound full of psychotropically stunned bodies, and one Count, passed out in his counting room. (One! One bribe, ha ha ha ha ha!). The team would meet no resistance, for the moment.

As soon as the call came, Tamsin slipped the rebreather on, following in Tarq's wake, in case more gas was needed, before she began to head in the direction of the second floor as well. "Once we eliminate the Duke, if he is in the treasury, I suggest taking as many high value items as we can carry in our pockets. A drugged compound and a dead Count will be hard to explain. A successful robbery, and a bad reaction to the drugs pumped into the system...much easier." She talked as she walked, glancing over as Xavier moved to join her on the stairs.

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

As Tamsin passes by, she must pay the Tarq Tax: present your drugs for confiscation and use. He takes her allotted canister in hand and steps back into the room responsible for the most precious of all commodities: air. He watches the meter on the first canister descend as dispersal is complete.

Now it's time to make sure everyone stays under until after we're gone.

With a slow twist to the left, he removes the canister from the ventilation pipes. Then he puts in another, rotating it in to lock it in place. "Drop by here when deed is done to pick up Tarq Najjic. May need more gas by then. Is big place."

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

The mask held tight to his head, though not making a dent in his slicked-back hair -- it really is an obscene amount of product holding it in place -- Xavier breathes steadily through the filtration as he navigates the floor plan. Up the stairs, he meets up with Tamsin and, by proximity, Tarq in the HVAC room. His own canister is revealed from under his robes and tossed the 'blonde man's' direction. <"Use it in poor health, friend.">

Long strides find the Treasury about the same time Midne does and Xavier finds their target within admiring a statue with a far away look. More admiring the wall behind it, really. The next item to be revealed from his clock is the syringe; the cap popped off and slipped back into his pouch. No evidence.

<"Take what you like. Or you can opt to dose him twice, but I've no doubt one will do it. Cas doesn't skimp on the good stuff."> The Coruscanti accent remains even with a grin pushing against the mask.

Approaching the Count, Xavier wastes no time; sticking the needle directly and deep into the man's ear canal and pushing his thumb into the plunger.

[ Midne (Mi)]

The turbolift dings and SN-6428 steps off of it slowly, blaster raised as she rounds the hall toward the treasury's side door. She pauses a moment, predicting the time it will take Xaiver to reach the other side of the chamber, and with a literal lifetime full of training, rounds the doorway into the room roughly at the same time as the other. The difference of course being that her rifle is raise and ready to blast. But it's unnecessary, which is fine with her as she lowers it to hang on its sling around her midsection. She nods at the Councilor's instruction and looks around. She's never been a thief. What would a thief take..?

Another thing Tarq would be good to have around for.

The Mirialan peers from behind her mask at the object throughout the treasury. Gemstones and collectibles.. a datachip detailing majority holdings in a mid-rim asteroid mining company? The Mirialan flips it around, examining it. Working similarly to a chain-code, it allows an anonymous block-chain type possession of a legal-only-by-technicality mining operation. Perfect for stealing. It would come in handy for a future operation, maybe. She shrugs, sticking it in a pouch on that detestable robe she's wearing. She nods to Xaiver. "It'll look specialized. He'll think a rival did this."

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Tamsin reached the treasury only a short while after Xavier. She didn't enter, though she did retrieve her syringe, just in case. Tamsin glanced at her wrist, which did not, it should be pointed out, actually have a chrono on it, as Xavier injected the poison, which had been designed to mimic a heart attack, before it dispersed in his system. "Countdown to five, four, three, two," the Duke crumpled, the statue, poor thing, shattering on the edge of the table as his fingers went limp, as did the rest of him, "one." And then there was none. "We need to get out of here, and back to the shuttle as quickly as possible. That delivery is arriving in...less than five minutes."

[ Tarq Najjic (T)]

Meanwhile, Tarq is pumping the third canister into the system. At the word over comms that the deed is done, he detaches it and puts it back under his robes. He's carrying three now, and they jangle a bit. "Take something secured in its own case. Will be more obvious is missing. Also, Tarq Najjic has idea." The accent is jettisoned.

When the others return downstairs, Tarq has a sports-speeder already running and up against the outer door, one with a full covered top of one-way glass. He has the driver's side window down. "Pile in. We came in disgrace, but we leave in style." It's a bright purple. Maybe the Count enjoyed fast vehicles? Nobody cares now.

[ Xavier Harcourt (Xav)]

Xavier looks at the crumpled mass at his feet with cold disinterest. It's a mission completed. <"Roger that,"> he replies, picking up the statue from the floor and carrying it with him. Stealing things! With a jerk, he spins around and casually walks back out again, heading back downstairs and ultimately finding Tarq with his new ride. <"Is this how we're ending the night?"> In the fresh air, the mask is torn off to reveal the smirk underneath. "Pity I didn't get to crush that guard's throat. Ah, well. What awaits him will be far worse." And Lord Starcaller hops in.

[ Midne (Mi)]

Lady Starcaller isn't far behind. Though the scowl on display behind her mask isn't very befitting of the title. As the group make their way outside, SN-6428, or, still Midne, slings her rifle back around to rest at her back and quietly follows the others out to the waiting speeder. She stops when she sees it, a black brow quirking. "I was wondering what you would take," she says with a smirk of amusement. "Must a Lady let herself in?" She pretends to scoff as she clearly lets herself in to the speeder, riding behind Tarq. "I found a datachip with majority holdings in some kind of mid-rim mining operation, if one of you think it'll be useful. Taking that will look like this whole thing was some kind of corporate espionage, if foul play even comes up." She settles in as the speeder takes off and the -first- thing she does is start to shuffle out of that robe.

... And just like that...they were gone. In style.