Log:Sith Empire: Commander Traega and Nim's End

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Taking Nim's Palace

OOC Date: July 8, 2024
Location: Troiken
Participants: Ban Iskender, Tamsin Cas, Qar-duun, Bors Thul, Kol Goren, Aryn Cortess

Nim's palace is a grand estate built atop a mountain with a distant view of all Troika's industry and business. It is not a beautiful view, but the old adage said beauty was in the eye of the beholder. For a man like Nim, the view represented a conquered people, a controlled economy, and an industry funded through servitude and war. These ideals were constituted in the early days of an old Empire, where governors and military officials drove local politics, controlled local interests, and made currency both ways. This was as good as being a King.

The only view that greeted the occupants of Nim's palace now was that of utter warfare. Columns of ebony smoke climbed skyward as snubfighters whipped back and forth in the skies, littering shades of green and red bolts at one another. High up within the clouds, occasionally seen when ordnance detonated or lightning flashed, was the Merciless, a SSD that dominated the capital and drained it of any hope of resistance. Its shadow cast two shades, one with the absence of hope, and the other a promising future under a new prince, one (allegedly) chosen by the people, for the people.

Unfortunately, the total domination of Nim's forces was not accomplished. Yet. Elite units led by an enigmatic AI commander named Traega fortified the palace, protecting its 'King'. Its large walls and elite guards awaited the worst, and the worst was just arriving.

Sith Lords and elite units arrived by way of shuttle, and a bomber penetrated the main gate with a fantastic explosion. There was only one objective this evening, and that was to take the palace. Shuttles began to land outside the battered gate, providing temporary cover for units to disembark, then pour into the courtyard and fighting. Within the walls, the chaos of war awaited.

Palaces, fortresses, battlements, battlegrounds. They all run together.

"You are a man committed to peace and so are ever bereft of the experience." Murmured within his helmet, too soft for the vocalizer to engage. Blade resting in one hand, edge resting against the pauldron covering his shoulder, nestled in a a groove worn by the motion. Descending into the morass of screams, battle cries, and detonations.

<<"I don't suppose the prudence of ending this quickly was one out by a necessity to convey a message, My Queen?">> Finally speaking loud enough for comms, Lord Bors looks out at the outpouring of red armor charging and hurling energy bolts upon the defenses.

The shuttle transport had been quick and relatively painless, as the pilot navigated the ongoing air battle to deliver their cargo. Achlys sat at one of the many jump seats, lightly secured, the fastenings discarded in the moments before the shuttle touched down and began the process of lowering the ramp to disembark the crew. They rose, glancing towards the acolyte among the assault team, "You training will carry you. The trooper units will support you." To the gathered team, "Like ants on a mound, they are particularly thick along the walls, and the inner courtyard. Wave upon wave. Clearing the entry will make for an easier assault." And then they moved, making their exit from the shuttle and stepping aside so as not to crowd the ramp.

Qar-duun *huffs.* "'Message?' A message supposes communication between parties. An exchange of information. Far more effective to declare their defeat a completed transaction. 'A thing now unreachably in the past-tense.' We are merely merging the past with the present."

The furious dogfight wheeling through the clouds pitted the crescent-shaped Hydian Zeta fightercraft against squadrons of TIEs and a handful of natives in Porax fighters. Air supremacy may not yet be secured, but the defenders had been unable to prevent the assault shuttles deploying the elite storm battalion. Among these was Darth Durandus, masked and armored, sword in hand. On the same object of messages, the Knight of Tears noted, "It is the first duty of any officer to secure victory as swiftly and completely as they may, sir. I daresay we shall all do our duty, this day."

The dismount begins. DT-X10 is quick to step from aboard the shuttle and already he's removing a long-handled device from one of his explosive pouches. To the Sith known as Achlys, Exten comments crisply and succinctly, "We're on the edge of its area of effect. Throw deep," he advises. Then to those around he calls out, "All units, eyes down!" The thermal detonator begins to chime and warble its warning when it's armed. He doesn't delay in deploying the explosive as he puts back, shoulders, a fair bit of ass, and plenty of love for the Empire into his throw.

The bomb arches into the air and upon reaching the pinnacle of its climb, it's as though the thing is bat away from its trajectory by an invisible hand. Through the aid of Darth Achlys the thermal detonator's range is extended as it flies yet higher and faster toward a particular destination. Its path is hardly natural and is obviously under the direct control of an intelligent entity.

Which is a horrifying thing for those sheltering behind the great wall to the left of the ruined gate. The explosion is blinding to those without proper eye protection or who hadn't heeded the warning to avert their eyes. The explosion is definitely as matter is vaporized within the blast zone. An untold number of lives are lost in the explosion.

Now the assault may truly begin in earnest.

<<"He must feel what our people felt. He must see what they saw. History repeats itself and its lesson is his to learn.">> Aryn spoke back, her voice slightly robotic sounding given the encrypted band masking their transmissions. Aryn was not among their number, she stood upon the bridge of the Merciless watching from the viewport, hands clasped at the small of her back whilst the Count Ulgo quietly pointed out the successes of their strategy from their vantage.

Below, starfighters scream by overhead as a massive explosion consumes the left side of the gate and respective wall, the blast so bright and devastating that bits of debris and chunks of wall melt away, falling in molten pieces whilst the defenders are consumed by the nuclear light and vaporized in an instant.

The number of enemy dead was already high, and the Storm battalion was /just/ then pouring into the court yard and establishing a field of fire, red bolts crisscrossing with multi-colored from the defenders. Stormtroopers fell, their enemy fell, and the chaos ensued. Sallying out into the courtyard to battle the Sith Lords and troopers was a fantastic force of resistance. Close quarters battle followed. At the center of the enemy units stood a 12ft tall automaton and organic, its species was not known as its lower half was comprised of metallic legs; twelve in total! Six arms held glowing melee weapons, not quite lightsabers but likely resistant and capable of holding up to the blades. Commander Traega swept into the fray, dicing troopers it crossed with loud laughter. Glowing red eyes tracked high value targets, and with great agility, the AI leapt from one section of the battle to the next, its many arms moving in a manner that disabled, disarmed, and dismembered! "ORGANIC WEAKNESS!" It decreed.

<<"Spoken like a young pup bound to frolic in the past's mistakes while believing them unique to their own circumstance.">> Noted to Qar-duun before The Black Knight of Alderaan's head inclines partly towards Durandus,

<<"My Lord, if My Queen had wished this be done swiftly and completely I dare say she would have beckoned 'Ser Bors, get thee to thy fighter and win me this day,' knowing full well that it would be so within the day. Mostly, I have heard such rueful telling, that it would be my prattle upon the comms that would drive them to end their resistance on the end of noose, blade, or magnet in the case of the computer brain running this whole ordeal.">>

A sniff and his head turns again - the detonation of the thermal sucking away color and then crushing sound beneath its heel. His expression concealed, but one foot falls back to help the elder man absorb the shockwave, even if lessened by distance.

<<"Truly I find it a curiosity that my speech at length would ere be the soothing balm for battered minds, to know that prosperity comes and their salvation. But then I am surrounded, most oft, by ears deafened by their own peripheral bloodlines.">> Choosing yet to move forward. Inside his helm his eyes move over wireframes and blink commands, sending data to the ground troops and observing.

As the thermal detonator did its duty, and the wall along the left side began to crumble, potentially allowing the incoming sith troops a greater point of entry, Achlys continued forward, moving in concert with their usual trooper, saber hilt falling into their hand and the fireblade igniting as they moved. They did not immediately move to engage the AI. More likely than not, it would be drawn to them, but they did watch, and study, and consider.

Qar-duun must trust in the Force to reveal his path, whatever lies in it: though he's replaced his stunsaber with a fresh one since Ban destroyed his first, he wades stoically into combat, silvered saber swinging contemptuously through the declared enemies of the Empire at the Empress's command!

Unseen behind his mask, Ban’s lips bent in a small, sad smile at the answer of Bors. "The Sir speaks as befits his quality," the gentleman noted before lowering his masked gaze when warned of the imminent flash. Striding forward in the radiated aftermath, his sword was lit and raised vertically before him in a smooth salute to the assembled forces ahead. Blaster bolts fly back and forth, but Durandus' green stare fixes promptly on the towering cyborg, toward whom he stalks through the wild battle.

Close quarters fighting is among some of the most dangerous and fierce fighting. DT-X10 remains close to Achlys as the Sith forces march inexorably into battle. As incoming fire increases, of course the need for strategic and tactical movement will become all the more important. Fortunate for Exten, his cover for this advance is Darth Achlys theirself. While their lightsaber provides the shield, Exten takes to peeking around the veritable shield that the Sith weaves through the use of their lightsaber. From there he snaps off shots of opportunity; though with devastating precision.

Sith forces poured in and met Nim's forces, close quarters proving brutal as Nim's maintain the advantage of higher ground and begin to establish a powerful platform for sustained fire. Three (3) gunners (Elite) fire at the cyclic rate toward the smoking entrance, cutting down Stormtroopers quickly. Many troopers find cover, returning fire at the risk of being cut down. Soldiers fall from the ramparts, and close quarters fighting makes it difficult to move because of melee weapons or the prominent blaster bolts trading back and forth!

Commander Traega is struck after battering away Ban's lightsaber. Six blades begin to attack the Prince, earning the Commander's ire in full. "Time to finish what I started, Dragoon." It said, red eyes glowering as it pushed the offensive against the Dragoon Captain.

A nod when Durandus gives his compliment before setting forth. Watching the other wade in before he himself leans to let his backed foot lead his stride. Left hand folding to rest with fist at the small of his back, the length of the unpowered blade resting at his shoulders still.

Approaching the height of the conflict with steps of a man born to believe they were crafted for the honor of carrying his weight. As if the weapons fire turned towards him were heralds, rather than threats. Turning with a speed that mocks his own age while simultaneously sends lances up his joints to sing.

<"Come now, which of you want to become a legend?">

Declared aloud when another shot rings over one shoulder and the old man is moving, sweeping forward in a series of steps that carries him beneath the raised stock of a rifle meant to take him in the cheekguard of his head protection, the answer to their cheek being the vibrating power sword suddenly hissing the life and dragging across the inside of their knee - sending the fighter to the ground, blood pooling.

The next in line finds the point surging through their back and the glowing edge cleaving out their side, nearly bisecting them and falling in the wake of Ser Bors.

<"Neither of you lot, then..."> Blade hefted, saluting the next in line while he comes on, an inexorable thing, a will rather than flesh and blood.

"Don't fall behind, X10." There was no censure in the Sith Lord's tone, only an offered comment, as they moved, neatly avoiding the incoming blaster fire, before they sent their lightsaber flying away. They remained in position to protect the trooper as best they could. The fireblade did not, however, hit the target for which it was intended, and the blast spiraled back to Achlys' outstretched hand.

Qar-duun's ability to soak blaster-fire is neither extensive nor unlimited, and soon his breastplate bears multiple melted holes as he twirls his 'saber on the attack! He persists, but not without consequence or injury! As a Sith, it cannot be said to "empower" him as much as "further enrage him," which-- six of one, half-dozen of the other? He snarls behind the mask, bass-shifted fury howling while he wades through the carnage!

"So it is," Ban answers Traega's taunt in the course of sword ft parries and smooth sidesteps. "Thy death has long been looming, let this be the hour all debts of destiny are paid." Despite the precision and skill of his defense, the sheer bulk and aggression of the cyborg forced the Alderaanian to give three steps backward before shifting suddenly back into a lunging flurry. Sparks flew from each potent impact where saber struck armored plates. Though outmatched in stature, the great power of the Knight of Tears now forces Traega backward.

"Understood," arrives a crisp and succinct answer from DT-X10 and delivered to Darth Achlys. The fighting is grueling already and DT-X10 strives to stay nearby the one whom he has been attached over the years. He's only human - or at least appears to be - and that means that on account of the extreme volume of fire, blades being swung, grenades exploding, and everything else that a battlefield has to offer: something's bound to get through. Grenade sharpnel stutters across the plates of his armor, but fails to penetrate. A blaster bolt however finds its way around the bit of left-over masonry and Achlys' own lightsaber to blaze a charred path across his shin. He doesn't scream out in pain. Likely on account of the enhancements that the Death Trooper has endured begins stifling the pain receptors in that location.

The battle continues to favor the defenders. Heavy blaster fire from the turrets on the wall cut down incoming stormtroopers hindering reinforcements and making it increasingly difficult for the attackers to cut through the defenders. The fighting continues, but the troopers who had established a foothold within the palace court yard were beginning to get overrun.

Commander Traega was struck harshly from Darth Durandus, molten cuts made against its complex exoskeleton, yet its functionality continued and its attack was boldened against the Alderaanian.

With no immediate reinforcements, the attacks grow harsh, and those who remain within the front line become the focus of the defense as they hope to wipe the slate clean and push the Imperials back outside their gates!


The shot had impacted the more thickly plated guard-arm side of the old man, a weal in the plasteel shoulder pad forming as sparks rain down. Striding forward as if to attend to such low beasts were a matter meant for his butler droid... or one of his several flesh and blood valets.

<"None of you, then.">


But the banter between Durandus and the monstrosity he is locked in conflict with. The bilari sword dipping into a wheeling spin at the old man's side, singing across his breadth and then it comes up - sparks and fluids spraying in macabre firewords while the glowing blade-tip cuts a path along the length. The shock of impact pushing Bors into a spin that carries him back, away in attempt to evade potential riposte.

All the while aimed at another broad-stroke cut across Traega's form.

Qar-duun may not be trusted or skilled enough to attend to Commander Traega, but 'work is work?' The rhythmic *hum* of his sword punctuates his sneering attacks as he occupies the lesser series of "obstacles to Sith supremacy." Zermmm-mmmzzzrrR, et cetera!

Achlys paused once again, leaving themselves as an easy target, one would imagine, as they centered themsef, setting aside, for the moment the sounds of combat, of pain, of loss, of war. "Fail until you don't." The words were spoken softly, and only to themsef, as Achlys drew on the force, allowing the resonance of it to flow around them, into them, as they bent their will on the very walls and foundations of the fortress in which they found themselves. And then, with all of the anger and rage which so rarely allowed itself to find expression, Achlys manifested their will on the surround. The stone itself seemed to scream as its very essence was torn asunder, the walls collapsing in explosions as powerful, though not as bright as the thermal detonater with which they had announced their arrival. Sections after section collapsed into torrents of rubble and clouds of smoke taking the enemy forces arrayed upon it and beside it with it. A poor burial, but such was all they deserved.

Ban Iskender continues pressing the cyborg champion of Nim, turning aside Traega's counterattacks with increasing force and ease. When Ser Bors joined him in assailing the fading commander, Durandus noted aside to the elder Alderaanian, "Crossing your left, sir," before shifting to Bors' other side, allowing him a fresh angle to methodically beat down the six-armed foe's defenses.

The battle continues on and DT-X10 keeps on the move. He dips into cover as he finds it and continues to advance. When Achlys comes to a halt in the midst of the battle, Extent maintains position nearby and begins laying down blaster fire toward his surroundings.

With the wall gone, the turrets down, and a good chunk of the defending force trapped beneath rubble and crushing rocks, stormtroopers were finally able to reinforce their comrades, jumping into the conflict and attacking with enthusiasm. The battle began to favor the Imperial forces as battered defenders began to abandon their post and fall back into the palace itself.

As the setting for the battle changed, and the invaders found themselves within the palace, they'd be witness to Colonel Nim's rotating holo-projected image. He was giving orders, but the message was stuck in a loop, likely due to the damage from a piece of the roof hitting the respective consoles.

"See that my transport is prepared." Is all it said, the sneering expression heavy from defeat with eyes eager for escape. Nim was no where to be found inside, and it seemed that even though orders came through here; -he- was somewhere else.

With the last of soldiers battling within the palace proper, Commander Traega squares off with Ser Bors and Prince Ban, fighting both simultaneously, and taking a tremendous amount of damage as a result.

A nod, spinning close enough to practically touch the younger when Durandus comes in, wheeling to come around. Blade hefted when Traega's strikes rain down. Disengaging the power with a brush of his thumb to allow his gauntleted left fist to half-sword his weapon, driven down to one knee by the force of a strike that rushes out his breath.

The next brings the unpowered edge down hard enough to crack the visor of his helm, exposing one eye ringed by gold monocle behind the cerulean glowing transparisteel panel.

Leaving back to regain his balance, digging a boot into the ground to push forward with a crackle of the blade reengaging again metal glowing and running like water with the edge of it carving through metal and clinging like it were magnetized as Bors steps. A spiral being cut in the monster's frame; attempting to make an opening for Durandus.

With the walls down, Achlys returned to themselves. They offered no comment to the destruction they had wrought. Instead, they followed the retreating forces into the inner structures, moving at pace, as much as the battle would allow, until they reached the room from which Nim had 'overseen' the battle. The saber disappeared, its bright light snicking out as they withdrew, instead, a datapad from their robes and began to work at repairing the console and the underlying system, assisted by the computer interface built into one of their bracers. Who know Sith Lords had hobbies. It was the work of a few minutes, before Achlys spoke again, transmitting now to the ship above. The message, of course was audible to the members of the assault team as well. "Kalus, Nim is not at this location. I am sending you the location of the hanger as well as the shuttle which he is attempting to reach for his escape. Can your forces cut off his retreat?"

Qar-duun's twirling stunsaber carves a path through the guards, laying some low and sparing others-- caprice and strength carry the day when skill and injury would dictate otherwise. He carries on, resolute and grim!

Ban Iskender spares enough attention from his own advance to observe how Bors fares against the badly damaged cyborg's death throes. He shows enough trust in Lord Thul's skill that Durandus doesn't intercept any of the blows, nor deny the man an opportunity to win a valiant scar. When the stricken Traegus staggers back once again, the Knight of Tears steps near, mercilessly pressing his advantage. Before striking, he informs Traega, "Alderaan endures." The crippled cyborg was dispatched and dismembered, orders would be given afterward for technicians to claim the remains, to make certain no digital ghost would outlive the mechanical corpus.

The supposed command room captured, DT-X10 begins calling out orders without the Death Trooper's encryption. He knife hands resolutely and substantially. Instructions are sent out to the stormtroopers in the immediate area, assigning teams and squads to strategic positions in order to defend the command center in the event of an enemy counter-attack. Following those instructions, DT-X10 goes quiet and moves to watching over his Intelligence assigned ward. He keeps a secure grip on his carbine and assumes his own position in preparation for the possibility of a surprise assault.

With Traega down, the forces remaining begin to crumble. Stormtroopers over power the defense and fan out further within the palace, searching rooms and kicking doors in. Traega was uttering, "Transferring control to--" before its chassis was halved into a pair of molten slabs, sparking and short circuiting.

<"My lords,"> announces one of the troopers. <"..the palace is taken. Only opposing forces occupied the estate; no political prisoners.">

Lord Achlys message reaches Kalus, and she answers. <"All forces are currently occupied with ground operations. I am routing a vessel to you now with new orders. Find Colonel Nim, and prevent his escape.-- Good work. Let us be done with this once and for all.">