Log:Resistance:Shadows Over Orvoar

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Resistance:Shadows Over Orvoar

OOC Date: March 13, 2018
Location: Orvoar II
Participants: The Resistance, Ambrosia Greystorm, David Ironside, Devii, Kaiden, Maeve Zavir, Sar Yavok, Pennywise ST

The mission was not going to be easy tonight, but the Resistance was seeing an uptick in their missions not being easy as of late. So this shouldn't be anything new for them! Tonight their mission is straightforward:

First Order Shadow Troopers have been spotted on the mining moon of Orvoar II. Intelligence suggests that these soldiers are there to kidnap the young and to kill any witnesses. Shadow Troopers are not your everyday Storm Troopers, they are the elite that dress in all black armor, so the mission is extremely dangerous. But when has that ever stopped the Resistance?

Ambrosia's along for this ride, but she's not back 100 percent to ship shape. As such, she's seated far from the landing ramp and tinkering with some sort of remote. As they get close to the intended drop zone, she takes a deep breath and begins the usual mission summary to refresh brains and prep trigger fingers.

"Our priority is to locate and extract any children they may presently have in their possession and escort them somewhere safe before the blood really starts flowing. Any hot zones, like whatever bird they flew in on, needs to be clear of civilians casualties before you blow it sky high. We cannot risk killing anyone BUT those shadow shitters, copy?"

Wagging the remote thing in hand, she goes on. "I'll do what I can from here - set up a perimeter around the ship to sing out if any shadow comes sneakin up on our way out, and send out a drone to see if I can't spy something that'll help you out. Keep me posted on comms best you can and if we need to, we'll get this bird off the ground and meet you at your coordinates for emergency evac. Listen to what your visors are telling you. If they're any good, you won't see these troopers with your own eyes until you're in knife's reach. Be fast, be quiet...be careful. We don't want them abducting these kids but we don't want them - or their parents - dead, either."

Sar Yavok sits across from Amber, barely paying attention. No, he's too busy cleaning away at the large repeating cannon in his hand. The coolant tank for the weapon rests between his legs. "Copy," is his response to the older woman, as he racks the charging bolt back on the cannon.

Devii is giving her weapons one last check and putting her visor in place when Amber comes over the comms. She looks to her, her orange gaze just barely visible through the vizor. Data starts coming over the HUD. "Understood." She says after Sar, looking to the others who have come along as well.

Unlike the others that have come along, the Zeltron doesn't have armor -for all appearances, he looks like a mere civilian, and his knowledge with a weapon is just as minimal as the part. The male is there among the soldiers not insofar as to fight, though he certainly won't cower, but for the civilians -children, parents, innocents. A bit of diplomacy could very well be needed.

David's flying the shuttle the group's using to get on the ground. For the occasion, and in case he's needed, he's pulled on his own set of infantry gear. The Sheathipede shuttle isn't -that- different from any other ships, but it's telling that it was designed with a droid pilot in mind. Glancing at the displays, he turns his head just enough for the ground pounders to be visible in his peripheral vision. "Coming up on the LZ, get ready." he offers, flipping a switch to extend the insect-like landing struts.

Landing is no problem for the group of Resistance folks. It's not like their ship has ‘HEY IT'S THE RESISTANCE!’ painted on the side of it. Which is probably the best for this current mission. They are able to land unhindered and David Ironside doesn't have to give too much of an explanation as to why they are there either. This was the easiest part by far.

"Your arm good enough to hold onto that thing?" One of Ambrosia's brows goes uuuuup in Sar's direction. But she's not in any position to give him shit about injury and old age. When the craft shudders down, she unstraps herself from the seat and stoops low to drag the motion sensors bundled up out from under this row of jump seats. "Good luck out there." A couple fingers move to lower the visor on her own helmet as she gets her things together to go set up shop under the buggy shuttle.

At David's call, Sar stands up with a grunt, his arm still giving him trouble. It's supposed to be in a sling, but what Maeve don't know won't hurt her. Sliding his helmet on, he reaches down and grabs the coolant tank for the repeater and maglocks it onto his back. Straightening out the long, connected bandolier, Sar holds the cannon at the ready and moves to the ramp. A flick of the safety, and the cannon whirrs to life. "We'll find out," is his answer to Amber, before he turns to the rest of the motley crew.

"Stay on my ass. You stray off, I'm cappin' you in the leg and handing you over to the enemy. You're a green crew, and I'm gonna make sure you reach old age, is that understood? Good," he says, slapping the button next to the ramp. He waits for it to lower, and scuttles down, heavy cannon held aloft.

Devii stands as soon as the shuttle comes to a rest and turns to make her way towards the lowering ramp. She raises her rifle as soon as she can see outside, looking around and scanning. She makes sure to grab the said drone with a freehand and as the rest of the crew spreads out to set up the perimeter she tosses up the drone which shoots up and away. "This is Keva," She comes over the comm, "Recon Drone is away." SHe truns heading back towards the perimeter to meet up with the unit again despite not being very far from them in the first place. May be one of her first real missions with the Resistance, but it certainly wasn't this mirialan's first rodeo.

David powers down the shuttle, switching off the cockpit lights and heading to the exit ramp himself. "I can stay behind and make sure we're out of here quick if we need to." he offers to the senior officers.

Kaiden, on the other hand, was now fully geared and with blaster pistol that he has very little right wielding. He wasn't one of the pointmen, but still kept his eyes peeled and scans like the Mirialan near him -he's following the man with the heavy cannon, behind and just to the left of him. "I suppose residential would be the first guess, but..." He has no idea the layout of the mining colony, relying on the superior officers for that entirely. He quiets, listening to strain.

David powers down the shuttle, switching off the cockpit lights and heading to the exit ramp himself. "I can stay behind and make sure we're out of here quick if we need to." he offers to the senior officers. Glancing outside the ship, the night air on Orvoar suspiciously quiet. There's not even any ambient noise. "Keep in touch over the radio, I'll be ready." Even though he's offering to keep back, he unclasps the button keeping his blaster secured.

This moon's definitely not one of the classiest places. So the people around them dont really give them much of a second glance when they disembark. Another night, another ship landed. A few people do shy away from the group though. Up ahead of them, theres the towers that can be seen that hold mining conveyor belts.

And as they continue on down the way, they can catch the reflection of light off of the black armor from the Shadow Troopers. There's five of them in total. Two in the front and three of them in the back. Between them there is a group of about 10 children that are shackled together and in differing stages of disheveledness. They are silent though. None of them daring to cry for fear that the Shadow Troopers with their rifles will gun them down. It's nothing for a child to go through.

All of them see this. Except for David and Kaiden of course. Maybe something shiny caught their attention.

Ambrosia watches the rest of the party (redshirt paawn npcs) file out and reaches aside to rap David on the elbow with a few knuckles. "Yeah, hang here. Last thing they need is me tryin' to fly this thing in for pickup, if stuff goes sideways." Ne'er was more truer a thing spoken! And so, lumbering around in her own suit of armor - with a couple shadow plates strapped over chest and back, she starts jamming stakes into the moon rock around the ship, one every several meters. Once the sensors are in place, she taps away on the datapad to link them to it as well as check on drone status. The drone relay is filtering on through as it whirwhirwhirs away into the night. The sensors, on the other hand...

"Ah, kriff," she grumps and begins the process of figuring which thing hasn't been set properly. Ah! This one...is facing the wrong way. She scowls to self and crouches to fix it. As she's doin' this, her helmet chirps out a tiny alarm. The drone's spotted something! "Heads up, team," she cautions to those now well beyond their sight. "You seein' what my eye in the sky is?"

"Hold," Sar whispers, raising a hand and kneeling down next to a beat-down repulsor-craft used for carrying ore to and fro. "Eyes on, General," Sar remarks into the comm, before looking back at the team. He sniffs and looks back at the enemy. I want everyone here, to dig in nice and hard and get ready to fire /on my mark/, clear?"

Without waiting for an answer, the Lt. Colonel slips around the barricade and crouch-walks his way toward the enemy in a roundabout fashion. He ends up hunkering down near their flank. "General? That drone expendable? Fly it in close enough to notice. Try and draw at least a couple of 'em away from the kids." look

Devii signals towards Yar that she understands then looks to the small squad she's been given to command. She points to the opposite flank of where ar had gone and to a number of crates and buildings that are there to take cover behind. She assigns her people then gets a move on herself, keeping crouched low and moving soft until she meets her area. She glances towards the troopers, looking over the shadow troopers, her visor picking them up as targets. Well some of them, depending how much their stealth armor screwed with the targeting system. "Eyes on on the enemy, in position."

Luckily, the rest of the group noticed the Shadowtroopers, because the Zeltron likely would've continued to get lost in reveries and memories, and wander right into the group! In this instance, he very nearly collides with Sar's backside when the Lt. Colonel whispered the quiet command to hold. It's all he could do to keep himself from cursing as he holds tight his pistol, still of which he had close to absolutely no skill in using. He was glad there was one familiar face -as a result, he inches nearer Devii a step, but ultimately keeps from wandering out of hiding from behind a crate that serves as his cover. He didn't have to use his empathic abilities to know how scared those children were. Dave grins at the General. "I'm sure it can't be -that- bad. Flying's pretty straightforward. Literally. Push this forward and the ship goes forward." he explains, indicating the throttle. "It's just a matter of knowing when to do so. Right now, for example, we'd just drill a shuttle-shaped hole in the ground." He grows quiet when the General calls her findings to the team, standing behind her and looking over her shoulder at the drone's visuals.

As ordered, Maeve Zavir moves as quietly as she can to gain the relative cover - or lack of same - provided by the crates and dilapidated buildings in various stages of disrepair or decrepitude. She takes a knee near a puddle of something that smells odious, resists the instinct to gag at the smell permeating the area, and keeps an eye on the area around where they are all crouched or squatting. The doctor is careful to avoid looking to frequently at the children themselves, knowing that their obvious state of distress will impair her decision making logic flow-chart.

Those black armored Shadow Troopers move along with the children, not stopping in their pace. One of the children stumble and fall, which stops the whole group as the two troopers at the front work their way back to the one that's fallen. "Up with you, filth. We don't have time for you to be on the ground." the Shadow Trooper orders the child to right himself.

"Can do..." Ambrosia mutters back into the com and after righting the sensor, activates their little perimeter and then motions David to follow her back into the ship. Her fingers move as they walk, giving the drone its directions and causing the thing to drop from its height and swoop lowly over the back of the rear trooper's head, loops 'round one accosting the kids, then zooooooooooooooms off to the northeastish, away from the current group. Fly for your life, little drone!

"Mark. Open fire," Sar says, standing up from his seated position and using the duracrete divider to steady the cannon. It's built-in targeting system has been linked to his helmet, so the chance of anything flying wide and hitting a kid is slim to none. He squeezes the trigger and a trio of bolts goes flying.

One of the Lieutenants with a fancy pauldron turns, but doesn't react in time, managing to catch a fresh new hole in his head for his trouble. Another is struck, but doesn't hit the ground.

Devii pops up and waits for the first volley from Sar after the mark. "Keep your shots on target." She says, tracking the other ranking officer who might be confused that the fire that just took out his buddy is coming from a different direction than the scarlet bolts that slams into the shadow troopers back platting.

The Zeltron had no idea the butt from the barrel of his weapon -he was trained in hand-to-hand combat, devoted most of his life to it, ironically, that he'd be so useless trying to wield an actual blaster. But those Shadowtroopers are closing in on that child, that poor kid who didn't do anything wrong! Very unlike his species, the pink-fleshed man takes aim at the Private closest to him. He pulls the trigger.


A blink. Likely from both Kaiden and the Shadowtrooper. Scrambling, Kaiden tries to jam a clip into the pistol, but it's angled wrong, and the clip makes a loud clank and hits the ground.


The only thing Kaiden's mind could come up with, faced with his opponent's very real weapon and his ammo-less pistol that he hardly had any business holding, is simple. By the handle of the weapon, he flings it, releasing it airborne and causing it to hit the Private in the helmet with a solid 'thunk!'.

Dave watches the drone's camera-work intently, seeing a Stormtrooper go down, then.. Kaiden.. throws his pistol at a trooper? Hm. Scratching his temple, an incredulous look on his face, he turns to Amber to ask, "What the hell did I just watch?" Then his own hand frees his blaster from its holster as he turns to train his blaster on the shuttle ramp. He's got this.

And now they're down to it. Maeve Zavir exhales as she takes aim at one of the troopers, remembers everything she's been taught so far about how to ready the weapon, aim and fire. Most importantly aim. In the general direction. Like storm troopers are trained to do. General direction.

This wasn't how their operation was supposed to go! But someone had to throw a wrench in it at some point. A few of the kids find their backbone again and take off, but none of the Troopers go after them. There were people here blowing their leaders head off, so priorities went to getting them under control first and then they could round up the children again.

The Drone makes the one turn and he loses sight of what he's going for and ends up shot in the back by Devii. Not a horrible thing, but he's still standing. It takes him a moment to get turned back around and back into the fight though when he's realized that they've been ambushed.

The other two Shadow Troopers take aim, one still in disbelief that Kaiden threw a gun as his attack, but he can't see that. They fire their blasters, hitting Sar and Kaiden in the process.

Ambrosia doesn't answer David's query, save for a smoldering frown forming on her mug. What, indeed. "Keep outta sight, back there," she advises aloud to David when the pilot goes to post watch at the hatch. "Juuuuuust in case." Cuz despite having tech as first stage warning at their disposal here, she doesn't trust it. As for her part, she steers the drone back in for a second pass, after making a general run about the mining town to reinforce their map of the area. Like an angry, overgrown bee, the thing hovers annoyingly near, its one big 'eye' trained on the shadow troopers.

"Keep the pressure on!" Sar commands, before the Lieutenant that Devii shot turns his sights on the Old Corellian. A bolt rips through Sar's torso and sends him stumbling back. A moment is spent cursing as he throws himself forward to lean against the barricade, but he steadies the cannon once more and fires back. The mean Lieutenant pays for his transgressions, and another hail of bolts find their way into the torso of one of the Privates. Leaving the rest up to his team, Sar's feet give out and he slumps down against the barricade, pressing a hand to his now-bleeding abdomen.

Devii moves from behind cover and pushes, encouraging her small squad to do the same. "Push!" She shouts and the whole unit pops out and presses the assault. "We've got these black armor wearing emo dummies..." He rifles raised, she watches Sar gun down two more and then she places on hell of a shot right through the blast helm of the last shadow trooper. If one was standing behind the body before it collapsed dead they might be able to make out the trooper gear clad mirialan through the large hole in the troopers head, smoking and burning still with flame. look

Kaiden has a moment of victory after his impromptu chuck of the weapon at the Shadowtrooper before his opponent fires, the bolt taking a direct shot in the Zeltron's shoulder. The male spins from the force of the impact, falling to his opposite hand and knees. Nonvital, he knew enough biology to realize that, and the man grits his teeth as he lifts himself to his feet. He's quickly moving across the way toward the children, sliding to his knees at their bonds and muttering soothing reassurances as he scrutinizes them.

David steps into the shadows near the shuttle's entryway, making sure he's invisible to anyone outside with any other light sources illuminating their views. "How are we doing? Need back-up? A pick up?" he quietly asks into the mic, his eyes scanning the perimeter slowly, trained for any movement. "Talk to me, General." he directs his question to Amber now that he doesn't have direct eyes on any screens.

More than a little mortified to see that even her best attempt at aiming does absolutely no good, Maeve Zavir exhales a few muttered choice words as the rest of the team does the rest of the work. That being: Shoot the enemy troopers full of smoldering holes until dead. Once this is accomplished, the doctor glances up at the angry mechanical 'bee' and tips a subtle salute in its general direction before rising to her feet and moving closer to the rest of the team, though she keeps a wary eye on the area around them. She may not be able to hit the broad side of a barn from more than a foot or two away, but she can at the very least spot shifty looking mischief makers should any arrive on the scene with intent. "We have wounded," she speaks into the group com in a quiet voice, "and some of those kids could use some medical attention and a meal."

The motion sensors placed around their lil landing spot remain quiet for now, not telling of any unseen bodies breaching the safe space. Ambrosia confirms Maeve's report into the comm. "Resistance wounded and civilians in need of R&R and escort home. Affirmative. There's what looks to be a store house just a hundred yards west of your position. Why don't you get everyone tucked inside and post a look-out. We'll taxi in as close as we can get, drop supplies. I want somebody taking names and addresses so we can get these kids home before the sun's up, if they've a home to go to, and while folks are getting settled, Ironside can fly another pass around and see if we can't locate the Shadow Trooper's drop ship. If it's still here. If it's not, well we're gonna have bigger problems on our hands before long."

Closing her eyes, Amber says a silent prayer to nothing in particular that they /can/ locate and destroy the thing. "Follow the drone." The drone, lucky to still be 'alive', starts cruising at low speed to the west toward that indicated shelter. "Pull up those stakes while you're out there!" the BG takes advantage of David's convenient post.

Sar Yavok has taken a few moments to catch his breath and apply a hastily-fastened bacta patch. Now, he's standing back up and walking over to the group of kids. The Old Man kneels down and extends a hand to the one that seems to be the alpha of the pack, "You kids wanna go home?"

"Secure the area, We're Oscar Mike is ten." Devii says to her unit, her orange eyes looking over to Kaiden. "You going to be alright there Champ?" She asks of the familiar Zeltron. "I know this isn't exactly your gig. Doc will fix ya up." She looks over the permiter while those more qualified deal with the kiddies and wounded.

The Zeltron shrugs one shoulder, the non-wounded one, as his gaze looks over Devii in distinct familiarity, "Yeah. I'll be alright. Gun didn't fire." The children, of course, are much easily swayed by those empathic abilities, reassuring and comforting all the while. "So I tried to reload. Dropped it." His face flushes in embarassment. "I'm used to hand-to-hand. And, you know, not fighting."

David runs out of the shuttle, his gun hastily returned to his belt. When he double-times back onto the ramp, the first thing he does is drop a bunch of sensor stakes in a crate. "Alright, let's get outta here then." he calls to Amber as he assumes his position at the controls. "We're in the air, Colonel. Where'd you want us?" Dave flies low, looking for the squad and also aforementioned dropship. "Don't see the dropship. Making another pass before heading to your location."

"Copy that, general, will keep an eye out," Maeve Zavir remarks into the comm as she stows her weapon in the holster she's carrying at her side. Because, while it isn't a neat discreet location, it absolutely does the task for which it's designed; holds the blaster where it's conveniently located for future use.

And soon, everyone is heading back to the shuttle to get back to the Renegade. The kids are safely delivered back to their families with a million quietly whispered thanks to the people who brought them back. All in a night's work really for the Resistance.