Log:New Alderaan: Break the Rist

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Heroes defend the Teral Estate

OOC Date: November 9, 2021
Location: Yavon Forest, New Alderaan
Participants: New Alderaan, Ban Iskender, Bors Thul, Chani Tahn, Ulani Kalgaav, Rune, Yuun, Aryn Cortess

The Teral estate was no small stretch of land. Its battlements had been raised many years ago to thwart the threat of local wildlife and rival Houses. It's those same walls that have kept them from harm's way now (at least for the moment.) House Ulgo, the militant family with a formidable army has laid the groundwork for a siege to strangle the Teral, and their retainer, out of their (new) ancestral home. Formations of troops stand at the ready as shadows shaped by the orange fires of the night. Snow falls quietly, perhaps unnoticed, to the troops who hold up shields and ward off the Teral blaster fire from the ramparts. Siege equipment is being moved by droids to cast down the large gates and allow a means for the troops to move further inside the grounds.

Duke Jace Cole, Aryn's father, observes this and conveys it to the group assembled with his soldiers. They have not moved on the enemy yet, but prepare to do so once they have an initial plan to make contact. Animal mounts nervously paw at the snow covered ground anxiously waiting their masters to return, ride them in, and go to war. Dawn soon approaches punctuating the end of this long night, and hopefully, the end of this small campaign for New Alderaan.

The First Sword walks closer to the group and speaks. "A siege is a rather bold and obvious strategy. I daresay it lacks the finesse that comes with House Ulgo strategies." Implying there had to be something more at work here.

"Aye," Jace comments, "But they are in our way. First heat should be to contend with the troops outside the gate."

Jace's group stand at the top-crest of a snowy hill looking down at the estate and current predicament for the Terals. They are concealed, at present, by the snowfall and tall Fir and Pines of the forest.

"So you recommend we hit them from behind before they have a chance to get the siege equipment up?" Chani's breath mists with her words when the humid hot air from her lungs merges with the cold air surrounding them. There's no mistaking it. It is cold. The young Jedi has her arms folded into her sleeves and across the front of her body, using layers and proximity of her shivering muscles to help generate heat among them. Her boots are buried into the snow, and her gaze is trained on Duke Cole and Sir Syrush discussing strategy. She glances around, as if to search for someone, before turning her gaze down from their current place to observe the Ulgo troops and their positions just outside the Teral walls, ready to take them down.

It has been a long, arduous campaign. A fight to protect and preserve New Alderaan from foes who /should/ be brothers and sisters. An interplanetary civil war that has claimed the lives of countless, maimed several more, and left scars in both home and hearth that may never heal yet will serve as reminders that "Never again" meant something more than wishful thinking.

Ulani is standing up to her ankles in the snow, arms hugging themselves tightly, and shivering. Somewhere along the line, a kind soul had given her a heavy fur cloak to drape over her armoured form but even that now feels like a blanket of ice. She's grateful all the same. At the moment, all she can add to talks of tactics is the chattering of her teeth.

Rune stands just at the edge of the group assembled, wearing the traditional voluminous Jedi cloak over his usual robes. He too has his hands crammed into the sleeves of the opposite arm, gritting his teeth and doing his best to prevent the shivers, called on by the weather, to overtake his resolve. Curious eyes peer over the ramparts before ducking back away lest he become an accidental target of some random Ulgo soldier, they keen on wiping out whomever they can.

"That certainly could work, would give us a probably advantage. Though I wonder if they are attempting to do something of the same, working behind our defenses to take us unawares?" the Ysannan initiate looks to the back walls of the fortification, an eyebrow lifted and gaze hard as if he could pierce the stone and see the enemy's intentions from there. While watching, he tugs at the hood of his cloak, trying to force more heat to be gained from the garment.

"Ere I regret my yet to acquire a decent long gun for proper distance work." Bors hunkers at the crest of the hill, just before the top of the ridge, "Or that I couldn't have been in position as air support." grinning to himself as he adjusts the settings on the old EE-3 and checks his charge now.

"Might I make suggestion that any cavalry, animal or conventional, be moved around towards the flank of their formation, while ground forces attack from the rear. Then our mounted forces would catch them on a flank and at a much less expected path as from the rearguard." Lips drawn into a line. "If aught any here had a long arm I might position myself for long range engagement with targets of opportunity as well." smoothing a hand over a bit of grass and snow, eyes turning over the ridge again and then towards the First Sword and Jace.

Ban Iskender regards the lower movements of the Ulgo soldiers. "If there are yet Terals within those walls, it matters little whether we are baited here: we cannot fail to aid them. If we control space and sky, the only dreads the foe may unleash upon us are personal. I daresay we must face as much, though certainly not with all our present strength. Only enough to scatter the foot and expose the nature of their machinery."

"From behind and the flanks; good strategies all. Scattering the troops to the woodlands will bring them to our sights," Intones the Duke, who has taken to tying his long hair back in preparation for the battle ahead. Even for being slightly overweight, and much older than he might have liked, there was little to be done to hide his excited expression; soldiers would be soldiers. "I will take my riders down the hill and hit from the flank.. encourage them away from the wall and into the forest. With any luck, their ranks will be in such disorganization that the scattered combat in the forests will be their undoing."

Jace points to Lord Ban. "The second element, the unmounted, will be led by Lord Ban. Coming off this hill top will leave you with high ground. Ranged and melee combat will prove treacherous."

Jace points to Bors, "Lord Thul.. I need you and a team of your choosing to take out their siege machine. With it autonomous, our best option is to disable the droids and leave it inoperable. You will have to move between the fighting to reach it."

Jace puts his helmet on and one of his riders arrives with Cole's animal in tow. Jace climbs up and saddles with a grunt, drawing a vibroblade from the sheathe strapped to the beast's saddle. "I will get my men situated. You lot pick your teams and follow us in." Jace makes a noise to encourage his beast onward, leaving the group to decide on what to do teamwise.

Aryn arrives with a piece of jerky in hand. She tries to bite off a piece of the rugged meat, but it's already frozen and giving her trouble. She looks to the others, still not giving up on the jerky.

Ser Lars brings over the officers from the ground element and they report to Lord Ban. Another group of infantry have arrived to volunteer for Lord Bors' team as well. The mounted soldiers were beginning to get back to their mounts, moving for the flanks Duke Cole had mentioned...

Everything was nearly in place.

Chani's attention swaps between Ban and Bors at the behest of the Duke's pointing finger. "I'll go with Lord Thul and help with the siege machine. I can make sure its inoperable." Chani looks to Bors in the end. "If that's alright with you, my Lord." She steps back and away from the gathered, ensuring she's in no position to block others moving to set up and prepare for the three-pronged operation Duke Cole has worked out after observing Ulgo's placements. She exhales slowly, breath misting thickly. The burn of the wind is apparent in the redness of her cheeks and nose, but her teeth aren't chattering viciously. The homespun fabrics of her clothing seem to block out some of the wind and the cold. She lapses into silence while decisions are made.

Ban Iskender inclines his head to the marching orders, instructing the regular infantry to, "Organize by fire team, to support a rapid advance. Marksmen keep the heights, and dread not the skies." He inquires more discreetly of the other Jedi, "Are any of our Order here present skilled in the saddle? I dislike leaving his Excellency isolated at distance deprived of a Jedi." He includes Chani, Rune, Yuun, and Aryn with the inquiry, before assenting to Chani's plan to join Bors.

"It shall be done, Duke Cole." pausing momentarily at the sight of the princess gnawing on the jerky. Looking to the infantry being brought to him and then to the others, "Ulani, thou art a demolitionist... your talents would be choice. Chani you read my mind - thou detests harming people, a siege engine I suspect holds no aegis against thee; I was to ask if you would accompany" Still hunkered, keeping low while they plan.

"I would say Glows- Rune you should aid Ser Lars or Lord Iskender, a good sword arm on their flanks yes?" rolling his head around his shoulders to loosen himself up - waiting for protest or other suggestions before another customary check of equipment, hands patting down himself before the blast shield of his helmet is pulled into place. Bors offers all a final grin and if it were possible there'd likely be a ping.

How? How is everyone here not freezing their tuchus off? Tuchuses? Tuchusi?

Ulani gives a futile rub of her arms with gloved hands, trying desperately to bring warmth where there is none to be had, promising herself that the first warm day she sees again, she is going to sunbathe like a spoiled cat.

The sun that creeping closer to rise over the horizon certainly does not count.

Neither a terribly experienced soldier nor a Jedi, that feeling of being a fish out of water remains ever-present as Ulani looks from face to face to face as they talk. And briefly to Aryn as she gnaws on what amounts to a cold piece of protein rubber. Tasty, tasty rubber. Ulani's stomach growls and she quickly clutches it with both hands. Not now.

A red-haired nod to Bors and Ulani is trudging through the snow towards him. "Right. I c-can do that." She only hopes that the rising sun and the soon-promised adrenaline will warm her up.

An eyebrow is lifted at Duke Jace's excitement. At least someone is having a good time, Rune rather feels more like the jerky Aryn is trying to eat: frozen and troublesome. He rubs his forearms within his sleeves, trying to coax more blood flow from the chill in his veins. Once the plan has been given, his hazel eyes drop from the Duke to find the two Lords, that arched eyebrow staying high as he waits for his assignment.

Ban's question receives a shake of his head, "No, I have not ridden a creature more than once. Needless to say that once did not bode well." There's a vague expression that crosses the young Jedi's face, wistful yet pained all in the same moment. A quick wiggle of the head shakes that memory free and all attention moves to Bors. There's a quick grin a the cut mention of his new moniker a nod to the suggestion he stay with Ban or Jace. "Copy, Lieutenant."

Persons assigned, directives given, Rune waits for his final command, stepping through the snow to shift his gaze between his fellow green sabered Jedi and the Duke Cole.

Yuun has been quiet taking in what is being done and said. He quietly thinks on his own as he walks over to where Ban is, "I'm not skilled on a mount, I'm sorry, but I will go where ever you need me." he states as he looks to Ban, and the other Jedi present. He knows he hasn't been here since the begining only part way. He takes a breath and he bows his head waiting for where he will be sent.

"I will ride with my father," Aryn answers Ban. She casts her jerky aside giving up on it finally, and pulls out her pistol, arming it, then saddling it again in its holster. Aryn glances up briefly to see that the snow is falling more heavily now, then turns with a gentle swish of her heavy cloak to go toward the riders.

The infantry, who respond to Lord Ban's orders, organize appropriately and begin to move toward the hill. Designated marksman lay out shooting mats with spotters setting up beside them. They use slugthrowers with compensator suppressors to mitigate muzzle flash and deny the enemy the courtesy of knowing where the fire is coming from. Those in the melee ranks begin to move down the hill to form a line. The First Sword is among them, eager to take to the fighting instead of the leading, for once. Lars draws his sword and dirk, then waits.

After several minutes, they can hear the sound of the siege device hitting the estate doors. It makes a sonic boom noise, but the material on the gates hold for now. A runner comes from the woods to find Lord Ban and Lord Bors, "My Lords!.." He stumbles, falls, rises back up.. "The Duke has begun the charge.. make ready!"

Sure enough, the thunderous noise of the beasts sounds, and the Ulgo troops react appropriately. Riders emerge from the treeline and rush right into the formations of the Ulgo soldiers. The sound of battle follow. Ulgo break ranks to fall back to the woods, and the friendlies holding the line begin to move forward, emerging from the shadows of the night and snow to cut off the Ulgo retreat. It's utter chaos now!

The only way forward to each team's mission is down the hill and into the fighting. They have to make it through the chaos to reach the present objectives! Enemies are everywhere whilst moving DOWN the hill toward the Teral estate.

Ban Iskender bows his head and shoulders to Aryn at the princess's decision, voicing only, "Highness," in temporary parting. Those with him are instructed, "We advance in echelon toward the foe's flank opposite the Royal cavalry. Strike fierce and swift." Drawing a deep breath together with his sword, the dragoon ignites the green blade with a thrumming screech, and voices aloud, "For Alderaan: For-WARD." As he starts down the hill, the nobleman raises his lightsaber in a salute en masse to the Ulgo soldiery before descending upon them.

Time spent with the gathered infantry is best used to identify who the 'old men and women' are, rather than bark orders when he's only just met the lot. Sergeants identified and relayed the plan so that when the calls go out and the Ulgo forces are properly distracted by Iskender's forces and the cavalry, Lord Thul only needs give the nod.

Trusting the NCOs to manage their forces per the guidance and tactics given, Bors goes out among them, carbine barking and doing more good to add to the chaos, and one injured soldier, than anything else while he gets the lay of the land.

"Lady Tahn, keep close to Ulani - you two are the 'demolitions experts'." pointing also "And thy blade would be apt to help assure you two make your approach successfully." half sliding down the hill on the snow, nodding to a lady in house fatigues and blast helmet,

"Sergeant, see if we can angle them to put Ladies Kalgaav and Tahn out of their mind for now."

The distant sound of blaster fire and the cries of soldiers fighting to the death rise towards the dark sky like murmurs from this distance. The powerful boom of the siege weapon is much louder. It acts as a signal. When it sounds, the runner delivering the Duke's messsage arrives to tell them to begin their own advance. Chani draws her lightsaber off her belt and moves down the hill with the other forces in reserve. She does not go with the vanguard, but lurks behind, eyes searching for openings in the crowd to advance farther along. "I'll cover you until we get there," Chani asides to Ulani as they move, and takes general pace ahead of the redhead to help ensure she's protected from any would be shooters that might stop her from reaching the siege machine.

With the battle joined and the mounted infantry leading the charge, Ulani follows Bors and her team into the fray; rifle at the ready and a few explosive devices tucked into the pouches of her belt. If she keeps this up, people might start thinking Ulani is actually competant beyond just the nerdy tech stuff.

Keep close with Chani. That she can /definitely/ do. She's seen the magic those lightsabers can conjure when it comes to deflecting the blaster bolts. What with the shooting her and such. "Very much appreciated, Miss Tahn."

Ulani attempts to help clear a path to their target; firing at the enemy as they rush through but not stopping to aim or fire again. It, of course, misses.

There's literally no risk of anyone thinking Ulani is competant at being a ground pounder.

With Lord Ban it is, a final nod given before the groups part ways and Rune trudges through the snow with his chosen commander. One thing good about the movement and the upcoming engagement, at least then there may be some warmth to be had. A nod is given to the First Sword as they push their way through the snow to the hill, Rune's heavy cloak dragging along behind him to create a divot in the powder behind.

That mentioned piece of clothing is discarded when the messenger comes from the woods, lightsaber hilt retrieved from his belt in preparation... and then as if calling them all to action, the sound of the siege weapon against the gates booms in their ears.

"It is time..." he claims, moving over the top of the hill in a light jog that turns to a run. A second emerald blade ignites on the charge as Rune's thumb drifts over the activation button on his saber, the blade casting an eerie glow about him as he delves into the enemy's midst.

Perhaps giving the bad guys advance notice that a few Jedi are descending the hill by igniting their sabers so soon may not have been the best idea. He comes to this determination when the fellow he had chosen as his first combatant dodges a couple of swings easily. Not as much can be said for the third strike, the verdant blade parting the solider in two before Rune is on to the next.

Seeing Aryn go with her father, he smiles. He didn't want to embarrass himself or the Order by either falling off a mount, getting bucked off or screaming as the mount drags him off to the Force who knows where. Still Yuun moves quickly to unclip his lightsaber from his belt. The old weapon feels comforting in his hand, he grins a little to himself as he holds the weapon, but he doesn't light the weapon yet, there was no need for him to do su yet.

Taking a moment to get familiar with the group he's going to be going into battle with along side Lord Ban, Rune and Ulani as Chani is with a different group. "May the force be with all of us." he says loud enough to those around him. As the order to charge is sent, Yuun allows himself to submerge himself into the Force, he was it's vessel.

As he moves down the hill, Yuun is light on his feet. He is able to move and not surpass the formation that he's in and as he comes down, he sees a few of the Ulgo Troops coming in their direction. He leaps twoards them, his weapon comes to life with a snap-hiss and the electric blue blade lengthens and he comes down slashing through one of the troops. A second is able to squeeze off a shot at him, Yunn brings his weapon up to deflect the beam away from him and as he lunges towards that soldier he misses. Though as he gets his bearings, he is able to strike again and this time as Yuun's blade hums through the air, he is able to cut down that trooper before brining his blade bak into guard position.

Aryn is riding with her father when the combat begins for them, and together they wade into the Ulgo troops. The formations do not hold up to the assault, and troops from the Ulgo ranks fall back to try to claim the terrain they know yields the higher ground, but instead run into Alderaanian blasters and swords there too.

The fighting is thick in the clearing by the estate, with mounted riders going in every direction. Aryn has chosen not to use her lightsaber for fear of marking the location of her father. Aryn watches her father between shots taken, listening to him laugh, then yell. He is not quite in the shape he used to be, but she witnesses him swinging that massive sword, cleaving through a passing foe. The hit is so hard that she's peppered with their blood.

The fighting on the hill and surrounding forest continues to be chaotic. Despite being caught off guard and cut off from a good retreat, the Ulgos hold their own. Shield walls form during the chaos, the formations are taken back. The Cole sharpshooters do their best to take out NCOs and unit leaders from afar, but the sifting chaos makes it very difficult to pinpoint friend from foe. They engage the ones they can though, creating loud WHIP-CRACK noises overhead which are sounds created from the slug rounds passing overhead.

Lord Bors' group manage to make it to the clearing where they can see the Teral walls, and the automaton battering ram currently charging for another hit. To reach the castle, they have to navigate the everchanging field of cavalry/grunt fighting. The chaos of melee, of mud and blood and burning air have grown all too familiar to Ban, of late. For a moment in the course of turning aside one bolt and cutting short three lives in as many instants, the captain of dragoons worries that he is growing complacent; risking too much by feeling too comfortable that he grows sloppy.. but instinct remains the greatest guide and the swords an flown on the ugh the battle in a serious of simultaneously smooth a d meticulous steps, punctuated by graceful and abrupt motions of his glowing sword.

On the flat ground, blaster bolts and mounted forces all around, Bors pauses for only a moment to view the potential paths for the siege engine. Another of the NCOs in his charge signaled for, "Vrett, clockwise envelopment to heard, keep yours between Ladies Kalgaav and Tahn, highest priority." Ducking backwards and turning with the momentum of a cavalry beast charging past close enough to smell its musk and the hay it had bedded in on nights prior.

With some effort he gains his footing once more and calls to the lady commander addressed before, "Kell, vanguard operations, plow the road." a hard chopping gesture made as he speaks the last before his blaster is raised for a quick burst of shots into the mix ahead of them, spinning and downing one of the Ulgo forces. All before he is made to make a courtly step, actually putting a foot backward and dipping to a step that might have led to twirling a lady if he wasn't carrying a gun. Only to go down and fall into a roll over his shoulder to evade another, springing up with wide eye. Only one. The other still pinches his monocle in place. Yea a poor day for the foemen. Hence they shan't pass the line from whence one must Go. No wages may be collected.

"Pip pip! Forth and charge to victory!" moving with Sergeant Kell's troops, taking shots where he can find them, seeking only to help clear the path. "Ula, Lady Tahn, close to my six, if you would!" ah yes... having a grande olde time. One can tell, because of the extra Es. But among it all the Lord Thul keeps pressing forward, in the face of blaster fire and trampling - even issuing a hard slap to the rump

"We're almost there!" Her shout may or may not get lost in the cacophony of combat. Spying the siege weapon trying to break through the Teral gates, Chani quickly glances back over her shoulder to ensure that Ulani is still with and behind her before turning her attention forward. She engages no one, but moves around the battlefield, avoiding the pockets of fighting and placing her feet with sure steps that don't cause her to spill to the ground. A dangerous prospect, when one has a lightsaber in hand to flail on the way down. Her gaze searches for others, too. Lord Thul and the rest of his group have, so far, succeeded in their movement forward. Lord Thul calls for them to move closer and Chani does so, while keeping a distance that doesn't leave them grouped up so close to be easy targets.

Marksmanship is not her forte. The past several skirmishes in various terrains have proven that fairly well. But hey, it's good to know one's strengths and weaknesses. It allows for the focus necessary to hone in on an objective till it is seen through.

Keeping alongside Chani, Ulani manages to hold pace with the young Jedi as they make their collective way through the chaotic masses around them. Forces are clashing. Blast bolts rip through the air; one in particular whizzing by so close it burns the fur on Ulani's cloak and she can feel the heat streak across her shoulder blades.

"Copy!" This time six months ago, that word meant something else. It spoke of duplicate files. Forms to be signed. Contracts in triplicate. Now? It meant ducking low in a fluffy or snow as a rider is forcibly dismounted from his steed and flies screaming over her head as she finds Bors in the fray and stays close behind.

There's hardly room to breathe within the melee. Swords, blasters, maces, a few lightsabers, and whatever weapon you might name it is represented in some fashion. The forces clash against each other, many being struck down simply because they were facing the wrong way and an opportune strike was delivered from behind. Rune attempts to keep this from being his fate, trusting in the feel of the Force to guide him in their mission.

He dodges a wild cut from a particularly nasty looking sword, the blade flashing with a deadly shine as it sailed over his head. The Ysannan returns the favor, though he doesn't miss. The weapon that bit the air above him mere moments ago drops into the snow as useless fingers unclench.

Given a bit of room, most likely due to the humming glow that sprouts from his hilt's emitter, Rune's next cut goes wide, a few snowflakes evaporating when the blade catches nothing but space. The Jedi's third stike slides home, slipping under his next attacker's guard to drive a saber into their gut to blossom from their back. Blade yanked free, he turns to find his fellows in the crush around him, hazel eyes spying the green and blue that liter the field.

Yuun doesn't move to far from the others of his formation, wanting to help those he can see who are in trouble. So with fleetness, he moves to fill up a gap as three enemy troops start to push their way through.

Yuun wasn't going to allow that, sliding along the snow a little bit until stopped by the mud, Yuun steps forward, his electric blue blade swinging in a horizonal slash agianst the lead soldier. He moves in the tight area with precise steps, and as another Ulgo Trooper move in to attack with a stab, Yuun shifts to his right and stabs him through the chest. Controlling his breathing, he hears the hum of the few other lightsabers and the screams of blasters being fired. He doesn't let that distract him from what he's doing. He's been in many combat situations and this one is no different. He sees moves to his right and stumbles as mud catches his foot pausing him and as this happens he does a sweeping strike, which is able to catch the third soldeir he was aiming for, taking them down as well. Yuun manages to get to his feet.

Lord Bors Thul group makes it through the chaos to arrive at the siege machine. The machine is a rather large device, not much different than a big speeder truck. It is operated by a little R2 unit that's seated at the controls, its dome head spinning one way, then another. It is protected by Ulgo battle droids, who activate stun staves and twirl them into place, closing in on the group looking to halt their operation. There are a total of five (5) Ulgo battle droids. Yet something sinister has happened...

(For those who pass spot)Bodies are thrown from the ramparts of the estate's protective walls, and the gates begin to open on their own. The same distortion that was present in the Yavon forest during the tracking party with Fair Aubrei reveals the unseen plan of the Rist.

The Ulgo's had been a distraction, and the Rist infiltrated the defenses to open the gates; the Rist, however, did not anticipate seeing Alderaanians at the gates, or tying up the ground forces outside. An unknown number of distortions leap off the wall and atop the siege device to begin fighting the siege team.

Aryn's mount is cut from the leg and gravity takes over. She spills from the saddle, rolling upon the ground and into chaos. She hit hard, but the snow and mud saved her from a terrible injury. She's lost sight of her father, and on all sides, it's cavalry or infantry. She reaches for her lightsaber and scrambles back to her feet; then she's hit again by a passing mount and sent back into the mud and blood, then someone steps on her. She crawls away from the chaos and toward a tree. It became a focal point for her.. make it to the tree, then deal with what comes. She achieves that first thing.. but what was to come?

The lines fighting in the woods and on the hills with Lord Ban are now making progress forward. They advance into the open, fighting in the field in front of the Teral estate. Much of the cavalry has returned to the forest, not wanting to risk obstructing the advance of the infantry too much. That gives the field to Ban and his group. Pockets of fighting remain, but the Ulgo troops have been greatly reduced. So much so, that Ban's group has a clear view of Bors' team and their arrival at the front gates.

A salute to the temporarily retiring cavalry as the field thins, a d for a moment Ban's brows draw behind his visor as the swordsman sees the Duke still ahorse, but not the Princess. He begins to reach his senses outward, before his head snaps toward the opening gates. Green eyes widen unseen, and the dragoon calls to whichever infantry are within immediate earshot, "To the gate, in all haste!" Sprinting as fast as ground and gear permit, he reaches the squad commanded by Bors in time to strike down a battle droid assailing the demolitionists.

Forward advancement comes with the nasty shock of a bolt charring kinetic weave and slagging armor plates that sends him skidding backwards with the shot of impact. Coughing and resisting the urge to use FOUL language. Like Bollocks, or bugger all, or even (perish the thought) stang, or kriff.

That is until.

"Bastards!" getting his footing, mostly, before his EE-3 sings, sending bolts past potential quarry before he is dropping to a knee, blinking hard and swallowing to keep his composure, hand lifting up to put his wrist near his mouth, "Any air units in vicinity... anyone able to make a strafe, but drop foil chaff?" looking back up, forcing himself back to his feet.

"Watch out!" The outcry is sudden, and Chani acts even while speaking it. It precedes the blaster bolt lancing in out of nowhere. A quick adjustment of her wrist and angling of her cyan lightsaber blade puts itout and to her left so that it catches the bolt and sends it angling off into the sky, lost and not hitting the woman that she's dedicated herself to protecting en route to the siege machine. Shimmering figures jump off of the wall and Chani loses sight of them in the mix of activity around the weapon her team is set to destroy. "Rist assassins! Watch yourselves! Stay close to me," Chani mentions to Ulani. "Let's get close to the machine so you can set up your charges. I'll cover you again." Chani glances around with quick, darting movements from her eyes.

They make it to the seige weapon in time for the droids programmed to project it move into formation to do just that. Ulani skids to an abrupt, awkward stop and turns torwards the sound of Bors taking a hit. All of this, of course, makes her a rather easy target for a blaster bolt heading her way. At the very last second, a flash of teal knocks it away like so many Bayb Ruthe, famed Corellian batter. It's true.

"Thank you!" It may go unheard in the din, but the sentiment is there for the cosmos to hear. "Bors! Are you okay?" Also might go unheard over the blast of her rifle blowing through the motherboard of one of the droids; frying its system in a glorious show of electrical sparks before it falls over, sizzling in the snow.

Wait. What that was that? Rist assassins?! Ulani looks around frantically but, big surprise, she doesn't see them.

Something doesn't seem right and a prickling on his neck leads his eyes to the top of the ramparts. There, allied bodies are being thrown from the height by unseen forces... that's not completely true, there are faint distortions that line the walls: THE RIST. With the thinning of the field around them and the withdraw of the Calvary, a path has been opened for Ban and his crew to assist the siege team. With the distortions leaping from the ramparts and the droids they already face, they very well might need the assistance.

Pouring everything he has into the rush across the field, Rune leaps over downed bodies and navigates past still standing attackers, shoving them forcefully out of the way should they venture near. His boots crunch loudly in the snow as he traverses the area, his eyes locked onto a particular anomaly lest he lose them in the chaos.

When Rune draws near, up flashes his lightsaber and down swings the humming blade, bisecting nothing but the air particles that had the misfortune to be in the way. He steps back and moves over to cover Lord Bors, his eyes wide and searching for the distortion fields that are certainly around them. "Are you well?"

Yuun is able to dodge as he is attacked again, as one of the enemy troopers tried to attack him but he was able to use a free hand to parry the strike away from him. He disengages as he is taking down by one of his allies. Giving a nod of his head to the trooper who helped him. Taking a moment to take a breath, he looks around to make sure no one was in immediate trouble but that is when he sees Ban pushing forward. Feelign the danger, Yuun quickly rushes with Ban, following in behind him.

Running across the field, he taps into the force as he runs, adding a a burst of speed to clear the open areas and as he sees Ban move off to attack, Yuun is able to spot the troops near the doors and he quickly rushes in past Ban but letting Ban see him and know he has a ally nearby. Yuun's blade finds an opening and he quickly takes down the Rist trooper, he brings his blade up in a guard.

The attack by the entrance of the Teral estate becomes a bit chaotic. What's left of the droids attack Ban and Rune, swinging their purple glowing staves at the Jedi!

The Rists, who have jumped down from the walls to land on the device, leap from the device to attack members of the Alderaanian party. Chani finds herself the target of two! Rune has an assassin on him, and Yuun has one on him. It seems they've targeted some of the larger threats on the field and intend to work their way to the others. They use straight edged blades, razor sharp, and laced with a slick poison! They do not talk, or even grunt, they just attack relentlessly, staying with their intended target until they're killed!

Meanwhile, the fighting out in the field is beginning to die down, with pockets of it here and there instead of widespread melee and blaster fire. Sharpshooter rounds pour in as well, picking off the Ulgo troops who find themselves open for ripe shooting!

Ban Iskender parries the crackling purple staves swung toward him by the Ulgo battle droids in a radiant flurry of screeching energy. Yet when the Rest are uncloaked, the dragoon abandons this duel with a hard shove and swift step clear of the droids. The armored swordsman advances on the pair assailing Chani with a long lunging thrust followed up by a deft cut aside that a deadly nimble assassin manages to avoid, before turning the missed cut with a shift of shoulders and extension of arm into another mortal thrust. Only then can a moment be spared to gauge the injury of, "Mistress Tahn?"

"Just hit the plates." Answering Rune and Ulani in one, watching the blurrs and giving the young man a brief nod before he actually moves forward. What is this? Will this be some fantasy, for some people, come true? Will Ulani be shocked and horrified! Will Chani be excessively confused by all of this tomfoolery?

Probably not!

Though momentarily part-chest to chest with Rune, Bors's rifle is braced on the man's shoulder, and further steadied with a hand on the foregrip, "Ula! Clear a spot for those charges!" the blaster is focused on one of those Rists whom had slashed at the Naboo before Ban has put them down, leaving him to adust before a shift to block the ear on the side he's shooting from/on. The Lord Thul opens up in a pair of three shot bursts that disrupt cloaking fields before setting cloth and flesh alike aflame, casting the would be assassin down a bundle of sticks into the snow to hiss and smoke.

Rune is given a nod for his service as a bracing post, and even a blast shielded form of la bise issued before he is moving on.

Two Rist assassins seeking to stop them from what they're doing attack Chani. The shimmering fields around them dissipate and both strike. Chani's free left hand grabs the hand of one just past the wrist around the heel of the thumb. She wrenches it back, making it impossible for the blade to reach her. The pommel of the other strikes her in the side of the head, causing her to cry out in pain as skin splits and warm blood begins pouring from her scalp. It trickles hotly over her skin, itching around the hair follicles and curving around the inner curve of the shell of her ear. It's already starting to show on her cheek and oozing down the side of her neck. Chani kicks her foot forward, forcing the Rist she'd trapped away from her and warding the other off with a quick, electric hum of her cyan blade menacingly swiping through the air near her. No sooner have they stepped back than are they cut down by the angry yowls of a green blade. "I'm alright, thanks. Ulani setting the charges is more important."

Rune is able to get his lightsaber up just in time to block the overhand chop from the siege droid, a loud sizzle heard as the electric field meets his blade. As if one seen foe wasn't enough, a distortion field suddenly drops to reveal an assassin who moves in to attack, the Rist taking advantage of Rune's tied up state to try and drive a hearty blow.

The Jedi pivots and draws the droid's purple stave down between himself and the Rist, effectively parrying the assassin's advance with the already locked weapons. The devious enemy is driven back for a moment, their eyes flashing angrily at the hindrance between them and their prey. Rune pushes away from the droid and backs up against Bors to let the Lord use him for a convenient weapon brace. No sooner than he had switched targets did the newly cloaked Rist find his end as the recipient of Bors' carbine blasts. "Do not mention it." The former savage replies, a nod being given in turn before he adjusts to attack the remaining droids.

A quick slash at the body of the first drops the machine beyond repair. The second droid, having swiveled its head to notice the incoming attack, fares a little better at first, Rune's blade slashing where it was just moments before. It wasn't so lucky the second time when his emerald blade lopped the torso in half, the scrap metal clattering to the siege weapon before plopping into the snow.

Ulani takes a surprised step back as the nearly impossible-to-see figures appear all around them; making their silent, deadly blade attacks. A Rist is suddenly in front of her, their knife already coming down before Ulani can even piece together what is happening. Flinching, the blow doesn't connect; instead Chani intercepts; taking the hit to Ulani's horror.

"Chani!" Ban is already moving in on the assist and Bors is yelling something at her. Something something charges.

An assertive nod later, Ulani rushes forward; shoving her way between two distracted killdroids and finally makes it to their objective. A jerk of her arm flutfters the singed fur cloak out and back. Any Alderaanian would be proud at the woman's budding cape maneuvers. But no time for that now!

The charges are quickly taken from her pouches and attached to some of the weaker spots that she can find in such a rush. Beep beep beep. One by one, she starts to activate them and then quickly backtracks, calling out: "The irons are hot! Fall back! Fall back!" Is that the correct term? She heard it on a holovid.

The Rist trooper who landed in front of Yuun misses as it tries to take him down, having seen the shadow and feeling them through the force, Yuun was able to hop backwards a step. Once he lands and evades its' strike Yuun lunges forward impaling the Rist trooper through the chest. Seeing where Rune and Ban are, he quickly rushes the droids, trying to keep close to the two and the remaining members of thier group.

Yuun glances towards one of the droids who came up on his left, he quickly spins in towards the center of the droid slashing at the same time. He misses as the droid is able to duck, but as it ducks, Yuun slams his blade down towards the head of the droid destroying it.


The explosion punctuates the end of the battle with a tower of flame and raining cloud of shrapnel that penetrates the surrounding wall and grounds. The device intended to breach the Teral estate, perhaps the gates further inside the stronghold, is no longer functioning. The same can be said for the droids assigned to protect the device.

All of the Rist have fallen, too, and those on the field who remain begin to cast down their swords and surrender. The storm from the night finally breaks in the following moments, and dawn's light peeks through. Red flares are shot into the air in the surrounding forests, and a red flare shoots up from inside the estate, too. The battle for New Alderaan is finally concluded; friendly fighters pass over the location by air as a corvette slowly flies by with its escort.

The First Sword has survived the small scale war, throwing his final foe from the end of his sword and coming to rest on a tree, tired and barely able to hold himself up. Aryn deactivates her weapon and falls back into the mud, leaning back against the shattered remains of a tree. Her gaze settles on the red flares slowly drifting down from the sky, and she manages a small smile.

Alderaan endured.