Log:Mos Espa: In The Swoop of The Night

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In The Swoop of The Night

OOC Date: May 5th, 2022
Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Participants: Amal Jha, Hahtavi Kora, Risslan, Fshmaw, Caius Sentari, and Kohnner

Swoop Gang - Hostile NPCs

This is a swoop gang consisting of 12 armed thugs all riding various types of swoop speeders. They are bullying locals in to paying them some of their profits in order to keep the town safer.

These types of criminals have been showing up in greater number since the Hutt Lords returned to Tatooine in recent weeks.

OOC: Town profits from vendors are effected negatively by crime. Run an Event to defeat the enemies, or send them packing. Submit a log to prove the RP took place!

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Nethaniel Kreep, and the Kreep Swoop Gang have been terrorizing Mos Espa for a spell now. None of the Damyos or even the Hutts have decided to do something about it. Kreep, his right hand man Pretty Bob (Who was anything but pretty) and the rest of their dastardly henchmen are living fat and happy of the protection money they've demanded from the local vendors along with slaves they intern and sell.

When last the Klatooinian had visited Tatooine, the Boonta Eve classic was ongoing. He had won a good sum of currency whilst betting on the winner of said race. After perusing the vendors and noticing how close the Swoop Gang was monitoring things and their connection to the slave market on Tatooine, Kohnner was quick to be on his way. However, spying a data cylinder in the pocket of the gang leader, he became curious as to what was on it and if it may hold the answers to where his sisters are.

In true barbaric fashion though, instead of trying to steal or play the long game or even be stealthy, the Canine decided to put a call out for mercenaries in order to defeat the gang.

So here he was, sauntering at a mild pace from the Starport to the Town Square where ten of the gang members zipped by slowly on their swoops patrolling the streets. Pretty Bob and Nethaniel Kreep were sitting out side one the patio of a cafe enjoying a blue milk and admiring their own little empire they've built, smug grins and all. Of course their swoops weren't too far from reach.

The suns on Tatooine were waning now and the orange dusky sky of night was settling in. The wind started to pick up a bit as well and perhaps there was a sandstorm on the way in.

[ Amal Jha (Amal)]

Oddly enough, when the call had gone out for assistance on the Klatoonian's assignment, it had passed through the Echani's newsfeeds, and either for her own reasons, or because the swoop gangs were a problem for the Hutts, Amal had sent a message back that she would be joining the team. And so, as Kohnner made his way towards the two purported leaders of the gang, the white on white Echani moved with him, ignoring the wind that was fluttering the fabric of her white duster which, even in the heat of Tatooine, she had not removed. A glance left, and right, to pick out the faces of the team whom she knew, but neither known or unknown received any sage words of advice.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

Among those whom have answered Kohnner's call for assistance is a Mandalorian. Not much of a surprise there. Mercs for hire, this one is no exception and was one of those presant at said swoop race, the Boonta Classic. Hahtavi arrived a bit ago to check out the location, how the street is laid out, where vehicles are parked, and generally to decide where he wants to be. Right now? Up on a roof top overlooking Kohnner's position and watching the Swoopers moving through.

Rifle off of his back, the Kora is currently lying prone up on the roof and using the low rim around it for what cover it provides from shots that may come up from below. A ragged awning of very much sun faded ragged cloth partly obscures and shades him, attached earlier in the and angled to flap gently in the breeze - such as it is.

Lastly, the Kora shared his coms frequency with Kohnner so they could speak to one annother when communications are warranted. Otherwise? Hahtavi awaits the hunt to begin. Oya.

[ Risslan (Reese)]

Risslan had been onworld when the familiar Klatooinian had sent his call, and the young warrior had hissed and growled in something like agreement, and walked to the side and a step behind Kohnner as the other moved through the sand blown streets. The Trandoshan checks the charge on his carbine, and a finger claw flicks the switch from kill to stun and back to kill, idly.

[ Fshmaw (Fsh)]

Fshmaw appeared, for the purposes of the 'sting,' to be an unusually tall but properly-attired Findsman. Before they go in with a plan, Foosh has loosened the knee actuators on S3-P0Y, for whom '... go walk in circles on the sidewalk?' is neither illegal nor orders that cause harm. The 'droid lurches back-and-forth, honking and buzzing polite excuses in Gand while causing not a little chaos...

[ Caius Sentari (Cai)]

<"Make... your shots... /count/.">, Caius voxes quietly over the common channel - whatever channel the mercs have shared, really, open or not - as he fiddles with the scope of his EZ-Snap. He's on a low roof with good overwatch on the area, just prone enough to be in decent cover - but he's not doing himself any favours being in over-bright crimson armour. And that light on his scope is blinking harsh and red. Yeah, people can probably see him. Does he care? It's Sentari, making his shots count.

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

If it wasn't for his Void armor's helmet shaped to fit his head ridges, and of course his height, Kohnner might not of been recognized as a Klatooinian. He looked to his side as Amal came to his side and started walking with him. He nodded silently, picking up the pace a bit as he made a b-line right for the outdoor Cafe where Pretty Bob and Nathaniel were posted up enjoying their evening meal and drinks.

Stealth was not for the large Canine, unlike the Findsmen who could clearly use what was going to obviously happen next as a great opportunity for distraction.

Between the large Klatooinian now practically charging towards the gang's leader (because he wasn't at all smart) and the obvious sniper on the roof (Caius), people stopped and looked. and then panicked.

This is exactly when Nathaniel stood up, almost nocking over their table and spilling blue milk all over Pretty (Ugly) Bob and screamed in very high pitched vibrato, "TOOO ARRRRMMMS!"

[ Amal Jha (Amal)]

Well, that went...about as well as one might expect, and so, Amal simply advanced her forward momentum, eyes scanning the street as she reached back beneath her duster to withdraw the slim rapier, the slightest flick of her wrist activating the crimson plasma core of the blade as she moved to bridge the distance between herself and the targets ahead. She was aiming for the one who had made the call. Drop the leader, demoralize the troops. Possibly.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

Hahtavi isn't feeling much like diplomacy today - hense why he's made himself a bit of a hide up on a roof top and laying in wait to ambush those below. He is content to leave the talking to Kohnner and Amal, if that's what the pair want to do. Until it's not.

Even the Mandalorian is a little surprised at the sudden turn of events and Kohnner charging outright into the fray. Haht isn't /quite/ as ready for that as he should be. He has to choose his target suddenly on the fly while he was still studying the situation as it evolved. Things go sideways and he goes ahead and takes the cue to pop off a couple of shots at Nethaniel, the Swoop gang leader. A little love tap - alas not a double tap as the second bolt misses when the fellow suddenly lurches.

And the osik hits the fan. One moment people are sitting down to have a drink and chill as the evening comes on after a day of baking heat, and the next moment things are heating back up!

To himself, Hahtavi mumbles, <"So much for expectations.">

[ Fshmaw (Fsh)]

Fshmaw's act is to spot his "oodimoo," possibly even one of their own(!) for the sake of the performance, to gain an unfriendly 'jostle' of the injured gang-leader. Pushing the injured man aside, he deftly hooks his hands within Kreep's garments, making it possible to come away with whatever intel he carries! [Language: aqualish]

[ Caius Sentari (Cai)]

Caius seems to be in sync with Amal Jha for the moment, the barrel of his gun trained towards the leader of the pack. The fact that he's knocking tables over and bellowing likely makes him an easy target. It does.

PHEOW! The bolt hits Kreep square on the torso and drops him. <"Heh heh.">, Caius voxes through as he trains his gun then towards Pretty-Ugly Bob.

[ Risslan (Reese)]

Risslan gives a long, rattling growl as the swoop riders scramble for arms, bringing his own blaster up to fire. "sund straippryap smoou sund yimaeism!" The N'gant-Zarvel *thuds* twice, blasting a blackened chunk out of the overturned table, and leaving the chair Pretty Bob had been sitting in burning and broken when the target moved clear. [Language: Dosh]

[ Risslan (Reese)]

S3-P0Y (3P0 Unit 20936) repeats after Risslan, "The Goddess loves the brave!"

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Nathaniel didn't even see it comming. First he was shot through by the Mandalorian, pushed back against the wall of the Cafe. Too shocked to notice the Findsmen slip through and steal his precious data cylinder. Kohnner wasn't even half way there, sword not even drawn when Cias's bolt eviscerates the man's center mass, leaving a large bloodied and smoking hole. Bob starred on in Horror... THe Klatooinian stared on in disappointment. The entire gang was stunned, shocked to watch their leader fall so quickly. Who was this expert deadly force…

Jokes on them, it was probably just luck.

Despite the loss of their leader Bob was still there and even if he was Ugly, he certainly had charisma. "Don't just stand there... Shoot!" And so the Town Square erupted into blasterfire!

Kohnner drew his sword and attacked, slashing expertly at the Ugly one, but slippery Bob (which should have been his moniker) evaded every slash. Finally a challenge.

Bob wasn't on the same page as he decided to go after the one with the more dangerous looking electro whip... potentially a big mistake. The thugs tried their best, but being rocked by such a leaders death left them unsure and ultimately, they couldn't get a hit in on anyone of the team.

[ Amal Jha (Amal)]

The whirl of battle was a storm, with an Echani, a Klatoonian, and a Trandoshan in the center. But this was a storm Amal was accustomed to, and so, she let the exhaust fumes and the revving of engines as the swoop gang charged in wash over her like a wave, moving to close the distance between herself and the Pretty One. Moving with that odd echani grace, she semed to slip between the blaster bolts, until she made her target, the rapier thrust high through the second in command's chest, plasma sizzling blood and flesh, before Amal shifted her weight, pulling the rapier back and out, snapping it into its whip form as the weapon slashed at one of the riding swoop thugs, wrapping around his neck and pulling him off of the bike. By the time his body fell to the ground, it was sans head.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

Things don't seem to be getting out of hand by the Mando's reckoning so Hahtavi stays put, still prone up there on the roof and taking his leisurely time shooting fish in a ... thugs in a barrel! Some of his attention is on watching Amal because Haht /knows/ what she's going to do and well, let's face it, he just LOVES watching her do it. Amal twists just so and her chain whip licks out like a Krayt Dragon's tongue to caress her targets like a lover. A lethal lover. It's kind of like watching art. If you are a Mandalorian.

Both of his own shots score hits. The first of the Swoop gangers he fires upon gets hit square in the back, obliterating the fellow's spine and back of his neck, taking him down into the dust of the street in a smoking ruin. You can smell the burnt flesh and the defication.

As people shout and try to scatter, bolts fired his way are ignored. Hahtavi selects and shoots another Swoop ganger, this one getting nailed in a shoulder and almost falling, but managing to get behind tables and trying to go for cover.

[ Risslan (Reese)]

Risslan looks briefly startled as a droid within earshot echoes his own words. One red eye blinks more rapidly than the other, until the you g warrior's attention is forcibly drawn back to the fight by the first of several blaster bolts sizzling the air in passing him. With a reckless courage, the young reptile eschews taking cover and continues blasting away at the foe, while stalking forward. One of the wounded swoop riders is burned down (humans grow heads back, right?) with another shot chasing after a second rider.

[ Fshmaw (Fsh)]

Fshmaw, having liberated the leader's body of his worldly goods, works mainly to keep the chaos going so as to better disappear into the milling crowd! He does reach behind himself to scatter pursuers with a parting shot from his pistol, though...

[ Caius Sentari (Cai)]

<"Aww.">, Caius whines as Amal artfully annihilates the sideshow Bob, though unlike Hahtavi he doesn't linger to watch as he snaps his gun over to shoot at the target Fsh just shot at. He must've been annoyed at losing his mark, because he goes wide. <"Aww.">, again. But there's no doubt in his voxes that he's smiling beneath that helmet as he lines up another shot.

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Just as their leader Nathaniel went, so did Bob. One single strike and his head was rolling on the ground, body collapsed before the Echani warrioress. If their moral was low before, it's even lower now. The zip around, somehow finding the motivation to stay as they lay fire into Ciaus as others, actually landing significant hits this time around. There are cheers a taunts from the 7 remaining Swoop Thugs.

Kohnner is having a little trouble, swinging at them as they zip by him. Thankfully they can't land a hit on him either. He twists around, trying to keep up with this type of combat... but it's different and hard to anticipate the swoop bikes.

Except Amal, she's doing just fine.

[ Amal Jha (Amal)]

Amal's body moved in perfect time to some music, perhaps, that only she could hear. She appeared to have no fear of the swoops, as she darted out to clear the tables and the dead bodies of the thugs leaders. Which put her right in range of the swoops, as her whipe snapped out, catching one of the thugs, the hands revving the engines only serving to send his swoop careening into one of his fellows, the pile up ending up screaming towards Amal, to sidestepped, the rapier returning as she thrust it through the bodies of the hapless swoop thug who had, in the end, been killed by one of his own.

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

It's a pretty easy gig if you are going to get paid for lying around, right? Hahtavi continues lying there on the roof, firing away. He nails another thug, drops the guy, but he keeps moving and tries to get back up, so Haht shoots him /again/. That ends him. A quick glanec at his powerpack to see how many shots he has left but he's doing fine.

Plenty of time to watch Amal do her thing again, swapping from whip to sword. <<"Lovely, Amal. Pure grace.">> Some of the others like poor Kohnner aren't having as much luck, not to mention Caius. <<"You all doing all right? I'm your medic if you need help. Just holler.">> He did just see Fshmaw get shot, didn't he?

The Mando keeps his place for the moment rather than breaking cover unless they need him. Pick off a few more and they'll be done anyway.

[ Fshmaw (Fsh)]

Fshmaw, having indeed been wounded in the firefight, attempts to grit his tusks and eliminate "ghevaethie haeradae," but his reflexes and vision are possibly compromised by injury. He snaps off another shot, which soars wide to *PAFF* in a shower of non-lethal sparks against a nearby adobe. [Language: aqualish]

[ Fshmaw (Fsh)]

S3-P0Y (3P0 Unit 20936) repeats after Fshmaw, "the problem,"

[ Risslan (Reese)]

Risslan keeps stalking forward, turning in place to blast at one of the circling riders, and missing cleanly, twice. While not lacking for courage, the young warrior is struggling to adapt to this unfamiliar and fast moving foe.

[ Caius Sentari (Cai)]

Oh, they've done it now. It may have been Caius' fault for coming into this backwater reflecting all the light the two suns of Tatooine would shine down on his prone ass... not only /shooting/ that ass, but also /jeering/ at shooting that ass? Oh, they've done it now.

There's a low, voxed growl reverberating on the common channel as Caius lines up his next shot and takes it, hitting the bastard who shot him square in the ass, /square in the ass/, likely leaving a second hole in it and taking them out of the fight. And all in the space of seconds. Caius is clearly a man whose vanity is not to be trifled with.

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

Watching Amal, Kohnner is renewed with a bit of energy and focus. He stops and waits for one of the swoop bikes to come at him, turning his sword and using more as a sharp bat to knock the thug off. Too stunned to do much, he stabs the fellow as he lays on the ground leaving him alive but very very wounded and out of the fight. He attacks a second Swoop Thug who attempts to take revenge on his fallen comrades only to get gouged in the leg by Kohnner's blade.

Ciaus is able to put the one who shot him out of the fight by returning the favor. THe Mandalorian blasts apart another poor soul, and Amal is slinging body parts around the sand like it was Life Day. It was glorious, and bloody. Just lovely.

The last member of the gang who is uninjured calls to the one with the gouged leg, turning tail and heading out of Mos Espa. The injured one follows, leaving two of their men to the now victorious mercenary force.

[ Amal Jha (Amal)]

This was the part that was never as glamorous as they made it seem in the holovids. The cleanup. But, this was war, and this was what warriors did, in the aftermath. Amal, stepping away from her last kill, began the process of assessing the bodies on the ground. There would be neither heroes nor martyrs among the swoop thugs today, as Amal's blade came down, once, twice, as she ended the lives of the two who had not quite expired, but were in the process of bleeding out their lives on the sands. In the grand scheme of things, this was mercy, in the only way the Echani knew it. At least she killed with the same lethal, purposeful single-mindedness as she had shown in the midst of battle.

[ Fshmaw (Fsh)]

Fshmaw, leaning heavily on S3-P0Y as they are reunited, passes Kohnner the data-cylinder. "sat rhemit, 'sigh miefewood ghevaethie iekoove atyfoo oomapijyf ovi.' sat eapeadaefa saerigiwie ghevaethie rephiku ghitiety ooweloo gyry." [Language: aqualish]

[ Fshmaw (Fsh)]

S3-P0Y (3P0 Unit 20936) repeats after Fshmaw, "He says, 'This ought to be what you need.' He is going to find an illegal clinic."

[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht)]

They are fleeing, which suits him fine. The Mandalorian bothers to get to his feet and is about to decide if he'll jump down or go after one of those on the run. Haht decides to try and get one for Kohnner to play with or question, whatever. It's his gig. So flipping his rifle to stun mode, the Kora leaps off of the building and fires off his jetpack...

Only, it doesn't go at all as planned.

The jetpack fires but for some reason throws Hahtavi off balance and nearly tips him head first into the ground! A sudden effort on the Mando's part saves himself by throwing his balance back and getting his boots under him - as if that's /exactly/ what he'd intended all along! Not terribly graceful though. (Hopefully Amal didn't see that).

Back on his feet in the street, Hahtavi lifts up his rifle and fires upon one of the gangers that's scrambling up into his swoop bike. The first shot misses or but the other nails him, stunning the biker. <<"Got a gift for you, Kohnner. Something to question or play with for information, if you like.">>

The Bounty Hunter produces a pair of flex cuffs and starts walking over to bind the unconscious thug's hands behind his back. Gift wrapping - think of it as a bow.

[ Risslan (Reese)]

As the last riders veer off for the open desert, Risslan plants his clawed feet, braces the butt of the carbine on his hip (Trandoshan forearm articulation and limited Dexterity made a shoulder brace impractical) and fires off two more thudding blasts after the solitary rider. He starts to roar in rasping triumph- "yastrya-!" before abruptly looking aside toward the translator droid and going silent. [Language: Dosh] [ Risslan (Reese)]

S3-P0Y (3P0 Unit 20936) repeats after Risslan, "Yeeeaaay-!"

[ Caius Sentari (Cai)]

<"SCUM!">, Caius voxes out after the gangers as they, well, run. He's about to epitomise how unglamorous war can really be, scrambling to a kneeling position from prone with a grunt and using the strap of his gun as a brace as he twirls it around the barrel. Wounded as it may be, he still uses his left arm to shore up the rifle as he lines up his shot at the one runner on his bike.

PHOOM! goes the rifle, and it strikes true - and for a third time this night, it strikes an ass. Metaphorically, yes. Literally, yes again. Do not mess with Cai-ass.

<"Hahahaha-aaaggghhh.">, the cop manically exclaims as he plops down onto the surface of the roof on the damaged goods that are his buttocks, grunting out his comedown and letting the rest clean up as he recovers.

[ Kohnner (Chon)]

While Amal cleans up the mess, Kohnner sheaths his blade and moves to Nathaniel's body. He searches through it unable to find the cylinder he had spotted before. He starts to become frustrated, that is until Fsh and their droid shows up with what he needed. The data could have easily been destroyed after Ciaus' well place shot. The Klatooinian is surprised, taking a moment to wrap his meaty hands around the data cylinder. He gives a nod in thanks before pocketing the data…

To Haht, Kohnner responds in that deep growl of a tone, <<"The Data Cylinder has been procured... I will question them, see if there's anything more I may gleam. Thank you.">>

Of Course Ciaus is able to dismount and put down the last thug.

Night was now starting to creep in, the moons rising and distant stars becoming visible. The public starts to creep out from their shelters to clean up and scavenge from the dead and perhaps thank or meet their saviors. Drink tonight would be on the house.