Log:Meeting Senator Khan

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Meeting Senator Khan

OOC Date: April 10, 2020
Location: Chandrila
Participants: Aras Khan, Vhe Tenara, Septima Carnine, Barad

Hanna City is surprisingly peaceful today. Not unlike many of the days that have followed since the planet was liberated from the First Order. And there seems to be a good number of visitors to the planet. Some merely touring and looking at what the place has to offer, others have business here. Septima has been running around for most of the day and has found herself on the steps that are leading up into the military academy. There's a datapad in her hands and there is a younger woman that she is talking to. Seems to be planning. Everyone knows that look!

It has been days of study and exploring that has occupied the young woman's hours and this day is no exception. Training aside for the day she finds herself idly chewing on some food from a local establishment in such a way as to make it last. She turns about, taking a few steps backwards to get a look at some of the impressive architecture.

One step back and then another as she tilts her head back to get a look upwards. This puts her in a path of a few others occupying the thoroughfaire and they part for her wayward inattentive self.

Coming from the nearby landing pad, is a white skinned Mon Calamari. He is carrying a datapad, dressed in what looks like pilot's attire and is taking in all that the city and area have on display. He references the datapad, and seems to be passing along those steps towards the Senate. He pauses, looking to Septima, "Hello there, I am sorry for interrupting you both." he gestures in a direction. "The senate is indeed this way, correct? I am finding my way about after just arriving and familliarizing myself with the area."

Septima is dressed in a dress that doesn't really befit the station or title she's now carrying. This is not surprising given the newness of all things and her day to day job before this. Many others are just getting appointed as well and working on things. She gives a smile to some of the passing people and there is a wave of a delicate looking hand. "Good day." she states with a bright smile. When Khan asks his question there is a dip of her head to the alabastrine Mon Calamari. She sends the young woman she was speaking to off before turning and approaching Khan and in turn, Vhe, "Yes! The new senate is going to be down that way." she nods to this. "Welcome to Chandrila, I am Senator Septima Carnine. We are so glad to see new faces and to see the return of our friends." she tells them with a bright smile.

Khan blinks before confirming the direction and offers a smile to Septima. "A pleasure to meet you Senator Carnine, I am Senator Khan, and feel less worried about my attire after meeting you." he stands a little straighter either way, before continuing. "Thank you for the welcome as well, it is, slightly intimidating as this will be a largely new experience for me. Though, it is nice to be friends again and explore what that can bring us all."

Vhe finds herself near a rather open conversation about the new senate and thus the architectual splendor is soon abandoned. Her attention shifts to both Septima and Khan before her gaze settles on the building before her. "How soon will it convene? Forgive me for interrupting. I would like to see the Republic at work, never had much of a chance to really dip my toes into governement. Even as just an observer."

Septima inclines her head politely to her fellow Senator, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Senator Khan. You are from Mon Calamari, yes?" she asks. Wanting to confirm as there were many species from some different planets. "And yes, I...well, fashion has not been the highest priority since we were overrun and I'm sure that it has been the same on a lot of other planets." she admits. "It is a good chance for us to come together again and work towards peace and rebuilding." she adds. Then there is a smile to Vhe, "Welcome to Chandrila." she greets her as well. "And as far as the first meeting, I think that is still being worked on. We have a lot of planets that still need to send Senators or representatives so that everyone has a voice." she offers. "So hopefully we will have the chance for people to see things soon." she smiles to that.

Khan nods politely to Septima, "Yes, Dac, or Mon Calamari if you prefer." he turns his head slightly so he can regard Vhe as well as Septima. "Yes, we are all waiting it seems to be christened into this new chapter. I will make a serious effort to find an attire proper to the occasion." he turns again, looking about the area. "Is there a large market here I could explore?" he turns back to look between the two, "If I may ask, have you been in politics long, Senator Carnine?"

"I am hoping that I will be here when you have your first meeting open to the public. I hope that it comes together without much trouble, though with so many voices I have to admit I am not sure how you get anything done," she intones. A smile curls her lips higher as she pops the rest of her food past her lips. She politely chews as she brushes her fingers against each other. "Chandrila is a lovely planet and if I might say a perfect place if one was wishing to begin again." Khan's question quiets her.

"Wonderful, I am genuinely excited to meet the Senators and Representatives that will be coming to us." Septima tells them. "We do have a market and I hope that we can find you suitable clothing for when meetings and things of that nature start." she tells Khan. "And I have been in and out of politics since I was in my early twenties. Politics in Chandrila are something that most dabble in, but, we've always tried to remain peaceful, even in the darkest of times." she states. Then there is a soft nod to Vhe, "I will hope that we have some public meetings so that we can gain trust and build rapport with the people that want to be in the New Republic." she states. "And I am hoping that people do enjoy the planet. We have a lot to offer." she nods to this. "And what is your name?" she asks Vhe with a smile.

Aras Khan chuckles softly and smiles to Septima, "I shall stive to not look like a retired pilot who stumbled into the wrong building. And from the sounds of it, it would be easy to say you are the Senator for this world. You do speak very highly of it." he takes a deep breath, "My political experience is the opposite of yours, but still my people felt I would be the right choice to speak for them. I am used to being responsible for the lives of everyone on my ship, but, this is a little above scale." he turns to Vhe as Septima inquires as to her name.

As her name is asked for, Vhe inclines her head, "Vhe Tenara, senators." She inclines her head respectfully as the large mass of hair that is more of a mane shifts forward around her face. A hand sweeps to the side with an elegant flare before she straightens up to offer each a smile. "A wanderer," she intones warmly and with some self identified amusement. "I should leave you to it but may I suggest something, as someone that was targeted by the First Order for aiding the resistance. Find those that helped move items for the movement..protect them. The First Order is still out there in pieces but still a threat. Just a request from one of the many."

"Were you a pilot prior to your becoming a Senator?" Septima asks as she looks to Khan. "If you ever need help navigating the waters of politics I am more than happy to help." she tells the Mon Cal. "I am sure that they have made an excellent choice in you, Senator Khan." she states with a softer smile. Then she looks back to Vhe and she smiles, "That is a lovely name." she offers. Then she listens quietly and there is a soft nod, "That is something that we definitely need to take into account. The Resistance and others have done a lot for us and we will not ever be able to fully repay them." she states.

"Yes, I have been a pilot most of my adult life, and been shot at many more times than I would like to count." Khan replies, "I will do everything in my power to make sure their choice was the right one, Senator Carnine, I would sincerely hate for them to feel they have made the wrong decision." he looks back to Vhe, "A pleasure to meet you Vhe, it seems like there are a lot of people who wish to be remembered, or recognized, for the sacrifices they have made before the Senate reformed. It would be impossible for me to forget them, but thank you for the reminder. Some debts cannot be repaid, but they can be paid forward."

"It is merely a matter of safety and security, that is all. Not so much remembered as in, seen to." Vhe inclines her head to them both once more. "It was a pleasure senators, truly. I wish you all the best in your endeavors." The wild maned Ysanna offers a warmer smile before she takes a step back and continues on her way. Her path once focused on taking in the sights though she does offer a backward glance and a raise of her hand to the two.

The streets of Hanna City are seeing lots of life and there are groups of people out enjoying the day. There is a small group of people that aren't far from the steps of the military academy that are talking, one having just excused themselves to leave after having spoken to a human and a Mon Calamari.

Septima gives a smile to Khan, "Then you are doing what some politicians fail to do in everyday life, you're putting your people first and that speaks volume of your character." she dips her head to that. "And that is very good advice as well on debts and being paid." she smiles. Then she watches Vhe head off and there's a smile, "It is good to see so many new faces here." she admits.

Aras Khan turns with Septima as Vhe departs, watching her go. "I will say that there will be a great many coming to your world, with the Senators just being a small part of that. Many will follow, not just for the business of the senate, but for the business the senate will bring. The world may change." he looks back to Septima and offers a smile, "Thank you for the kind words, for now, all I have done is the same. Speak the words, and they are nice words, but they are still just words. I have to take the steps that make them more than that." he blinks a couple of times. "So many new things to determine. Where will I live while I am here, will we all have offices that I need to staff? I almost told some of my own crew they were tagging along on this with me so I'd have people I know along for this ride."

Barad -is- in fact one of those 'new faces' of which Sep has spoken. . . but whether or not his face is 'good to see' might well be a topic open for dissenting debate. :) Barad turns his ugly, shaggy, craggy canine -esqe visage from side - to - side, taking in the whole of the scene. He'd been here before of course. And just a few short days ago! But at that time the streets were packed with celebrants and revelry. And it's hard to learn under such conditions. Barad likes learning. He's unabashed about his rubber - necking, poking his nose into this and to that. Not offensively. Merely: curious. He seems content, and yet with - questions . . . . Seeing a small group of friendly looking people standing on the steps, Barad trundles over to greet them!

"I am hoping that everyone will try to back their words with actions. That is something that we will need so desperately. It'll give more hope to the others that are fighting to become free of the First Order and others." Septima nods to that. "And it will be a change for Hanna City, but, we will take this as a learning experience and work with others to be stronger." she smiles. "And I think some of those things are still being figured out. I'm sure we will have them sorted shortly though given things." she nods to that. She does turn her greenish-golden gaze to the man Klatooinian that's trundling over and there's a smile, "Good day." she waves to him.

Aras Khan nods once to Septima, "I hope so, and look forward to being a part of it, even though I feel like" he pauses, "And forgive me for this phrase, a small fish, in a very large pond." he offers her a smile, and then checks his datapad. "It seems I have a meeting to attend, perhaps some of my staff is arriving. I shall leave you to it, and am certain we will see each other soon." he offers a wave, then starts to walk off, with a "Good day sir." to Barad in passing.

Barad says, "Hello." gruffs Barad, in just about the exact sort of voice you'd expect to come out of a sentient bulldog. Barad doffs his cap politely to the departing unknown Mon Cal, and them shyly and tentatively smooths his two big 'ole floopy ears back our his eyes and out of the way. "Can't help but hear you sayin' 'fighting to become free' and all, and I would like to ask s'more 'bout that . . . " Barad opens, a tremolo quaver audible. He's never had this sort of conversation before, having been a Slave for over 20 years. So he pauses, and looks, and listens a bit, just to check how this is going . . ."

"Have a good evening, Senator Khan!" Septima waves to the departing Mon Cal. Then she gives a look to Barad and there's a bit of a smile as she listens to him, "You wanted to ask a question about fighting?" she asks him with a bit of curious look. "I'm Septima, welcome to Chandrila. We're happy to answer questions for people." she tells him.

Barad pauses to check back over his shoulder, to see if one of the Hutts or one of there minions is watching and listening and taking note. Not that you'd be able to tell, but, well, it's an old habit born of necessity -- a lesson freshened up with whip - scars and worse. "Erm." posits Barad, pausing. "I don't think so. . . . no, not fighting . . . " Barad muses. Another pause. "I wanted to ask a Question about . . . _Freedom_." There. He's said it. Out in the open, Huttspies - be - dam'nd. Barad gradually straightens up to his full height, which is now considerable. His shoulders roll back. He's said it. Out in the open! A Leap in the Dark. Barad's soft brown doggo - eyes search Sap's golden - green ones. Earnest. Wondering.

Septima gives a look around Barad, just checking to make sure that there isn't anything behind him. Then she looks back to the large man. There's a bit of an understanding look to that, "Surely. Go ahead and ask your question." she tells him. "We're still new to it after the last few years, but, I understand that other planets and people have been oppressed for far longer." she frowns at that.

Barad nods. "It's even newer to me, I'm afraid. So new, that, I'm not even sure -what- it is. I know tha' it's not whips and chains and confinement, sep'ration from your pack and fam. But those are just things wha' Freedom -aign't-, neh?" Barad looks down at his paws, then back up to Sep's green-gold eyes. "But . . . What -is- Freedom? And . . . what do you -DO- with it?" Questions not often asked. What, in point of fact, -is- the Essence of what Freedom -IS-?

Septima gives a look of concern when Barad starts to speak, but, it softens as he goes on. She listens to him carefully and there is a bit of a soft smile to him. "You live." she tells him in response to 'What do you do with it'. "Freedom is when you can act and speak without fear of reprisal. Without fear that you are going to be beaten or silenced. And if we have it we should hold tight to it because there are others that don't have that luxury." she frowns. "And if you are free then you should try to live your life. Because in this time in the galaxy we don't know when another huge war will happen or if there are going to be more forces incoming that want to take it from us." she admits.

Barad nods. "So, it's 'Living without Fear?' then?" Barad wonders, musing aloud. "Klatooinians are not used to that. We just, well, Live. Exist. Carry on. Without thinking about what -kind- of Life we have, I think. We're stupidly loyal. Instinctively open. Willing to be friends with anyone who doesn't shut us out, or hold us at distance. We weren't even -conquered- . . . we -agreed- to be Slaves. The violence did'n come 'till later. When the Hutts made us into 'Armies' and used the armies to . . . fight other Hutts, mostly." Barad recalls with a squint and a pensively quizzical brow. "I don't really understand the Hutts' ways of thinking. But now _I'm_ Free. And I feel . . . " Barad searches his mind for the unfamiliar word, finally identifying it as: " . . . -happy-! And this Freedom within me . . . whatever it is . . . it's a quiet, happy thing. Earnest, innocent, and yes: unafraid. Like a puppy. Willing and able to make more of itself. The Klatooinian have been Slaves of the Hutts for twenty five thousand years. Mostly without complaint. But having tasted this Freedom thing, I wish more of my people could feel . . . " Barad pauses, " . . . the happy." he finishes.

Septima gives a bit of look to that, "Well, I wish that we could say that we can live totally without fear, but, I still am afraid of some thing. Like messing up being a Senator or failing my people. Messing up what the Resistance worked so hard to accomplish here." she admits. Then there's an 'ah', "The Hutts are well known slavers. I am sorry that you've had to live your life like that." the willowy woman states with a frown. It was not a good life. "And yes, happy is a normal feeling for when you are free. It's a thing to celebrate and to cherish." she nods to that. But she sobers and there is a nod, "Yes, a lot of the galaxy is still not able to be happy." she admits. "But we're going to work to help them." she adds.

"OK. Me too." Barad decides. And it's as simple as that: he's decided. Some things are simpler for Klatooinians. If the Way of Freedom is to live without fear, Barad will live without fear and see what happens. "Thank You. If Freedom is as you say, I will Live - without - fear, and see what comes to pass." Barad bows his shaggy angular head, politely, turns about and heads off into the city to learn more . . . poking an inquisitive nose into flower beds and restaurants, looking, listening, taking it all in . . . a whole society of people each listening to their own inner voices, thinking their own thoughts, pursuing their own goals! Infinitely diverse, infinitely complex -- entwined and interconnected in a thousand thousand thousand ways. Obeying no master, confined in no chains, scarred with no whips -- simply: Free. It's a lot to take in. A lot to Learn. But Barad has Decided, to be Un - afraid. He goes out into the world standing up straight with his shoulders back. He looks, he listens, he learns -- Un - afraid.

Septima gives a smile to him, "That will be a great help to the New Republic." she tells him. "There are things that we should fear, but, those are things that are engrained in us since we are small...and you know, if you look at a Rancor and think 'Oh I can take that!' it might be a good time to check and see if your fear meter is stuck." she muses. "But, you have a new lease on life now. It's up to you what you do and where you go. Make lots of friends and be a good person and it will get you far." she tells him with a smile.

Indeed. Barad has, indeed, been given a 'Second Chance.' Very much so. And if it is his Free choice to decide what to do with it, he could do worse than to devote it to Freedom itself. Septima's words stay with Barad as Barad wanders about the city. He thinks about them. Slowly, as is the Klatooinian way. Loyalty is very strong in them. Barad learns about what it means to be 'Loyal - to - Freedom - itself.' It's a lot to learn. It's more than facing down a Rancor, he thinks, as admirable as that sort of physical courage might be. It's an ever-present thing. Not like an iron studded collar is. Not at all, but, perhaps its opposite. It's a quiet sort of Listening, he thinks. Listening, and Trust. Trust in what you heart -already knows- and not in what a man with a whip is saying. Barad Learns, slowly, but surely, what 'Loyal - to - Freedom - itself' -is- . . . He Learns -- because he -wants- to, and, because, his Heart is strong.