Log:Jedi Order: In the Shadow of the Sith

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The Jedi rescue a new recruit

OOC Date: March 10, 2023
Location: Ord Mantell
Participants: Rey, Ben Solo, Yuun, Zev, No'Koh Kenobi

Ord Mantell City is an isolated city under the control of the Sith Empire; a sprawling, makeshift settlement that stretches across the barren landscape. The haphazardly constructed dwellings are made of scavenged metal and rusted durasteel sheets, with tattered tarps and ragged cloth serving as makeshift roofs. The structures are clustered together in a seemingly random pattern, with narrow, winding alleys snaking through the maze of ramshackle buildings.

The town is a grim and desperate place, inhabited by those who have been pushed to the fringes of society by war and poverty. The residents of the town eke out a living by scrounging for resources in the harsh landscape, bartering what they can with passing traders and smugglers. Despite the hardship, the people of the shanty town maintain a sense of community, banding together for mutual support and protection.

Dominating the center of the shanty town is a towering garrison, constructed from imposing slabs of dark, matte-black concrete. The fortress is a stark contrast to the ramshackle hovels that surround it, its angular walls and razor-sharp battlements a testament to the might of the Sith Empire. The garrison is heavily fortified, with layers of durasteel plating and reinforced blast doors guarding its entrances.

It's not a welcoming place for the Jedi Order, and the group gather in a small and half-covered alleyway a few blocks from the towering and imposing garrison.

"The information should be good," the former hermit announces, leaning to the side as a patrol of Imperial army troops march by, "They're holding him outside of the garrison, so we should be able to get to him. He's the priority. Getting him out of custody and off-world."

He pauses, one eyebrow raising as he glances back at the group.

"I shouldn't have to tell you we're not here to settle scores, right?"

Rey is manuevering her way through the unusual location. Dressed in white clothing, with a grey cloak wrapped around her shoulders, its high collars offering some obstruction from viewing her face. She looks ahead to Ben. "I've certainly no such intentions." She quietly says while stepping past a discarded piece of an old droid drive system, her cloak swaying around her form, as she looks back over her shoulder to the others with them on this journey, peering over that high collar's edge.

"I came to this world once, a long time ago." Rey states, looking ahead once more. "Not much has changed... for the better." She quietly comments, her new robotic hand at her side, covering the satchel she's wearing slung over her torso.

The young Lepi has not been to Ord Mantell before. This was his first time stepping foot on the planet, and judging by the kinds of conditions, the rule of the Sith Empire has not done much to improve this world.

Little does he know how long it's been like this.

"I will follow your lead, of course. And keep the mission in mind." He replies to Ben, as he takes a moment to peek around the corner of the alley towards the garrison, "Do we know how many guars will be on him?"

"First I've been here; not a score to settle on this rock. You don't need to worry about me," Noki comments, her heavy core accent making it sound more mischievous than she intended. In place of the standard robes of a Jedi Knight, Noki looks every bit the part of a spacer, right down to the long leather coat. If she's armed, it's not obvious, and if she were dangerous.. it'd be laughable at best. She fools with her hair as they move, brushing the auburn length back so it stays out of her eyes.

Yuun dressed in baggy clothing and criss crossing belts on his hips to keep his pants up and ties along his shoes and up his ankle, similar to a fighter. He has on blue flowing jacket with a black long scarf which he has covering his lower face and his jacket hood up over his head. He moves stealthily, just keeping out of the way and still moving. His eyes glances around as he takes in the shanty town.

This is Yuuns first time on Ord Mantell, or maybe he's come here in passing once but he doesn't recall. A soft sigh escapes him as he moves with this team. "Keep your heads on a swivel and trust your senses." he says to the team. He looks to Ben and nods his head, "No scores to settle, get in, get out, hopefully quickly and quietly." he says.

"As far as the Sith are concerned, he's untapped potential," Ben explains, gesturing for the group to follow him across the street to another alleyway once the troops have passed. His hands are plunged into the pockets of his coat, his head down. The stance of oppressed peoples everywhere. Once they arrive on the other side, he continues to speak:

" ... which means they don't think he's an immediate threat. They like students like this. Raw power, but they get frustrated by their lack of control. Makes them a lightning rod for the Dark Side."

He clicks his tongue against his teeth at Yuun's suggestion, but says nothing. Instead he shifts his coat, hand brushing across the handle of blaster pistol briefly.

Coming to a pause by the end of the next alley, he peers across the street and spies a pair of stormtroopers in red standing on either side of a door to an otherwise unremarkable hotel.

"Stormtroopers. They know what they've got better than I thought. So why are they holding him out here ... ?"

Rey crosses the street with a casual stride to her step. She pauses a moment to let a small group of wheeled droids roll past, then she keeps up with Ben. She spares another look back at the others, before she hears of Stormtroopers.

This draws Rey to a stop, and she spares a look over the high collar of her cloak, then draws in a light breath.

"They're not pulling their punches anymore, Ben." She says to the tall man. "They're vying for dominance here, and they're stopping at nothing to get what they want. The deception tactics have been far more dangerous than they ever were before too..."

Rey looks to Noki, and Zev. "Be careful, assume that we're already being watched."

"Could it be a trap?" Zev asks, as he hears the descritption about the Stormtroopers guarding the door ahead, "Could be they keep him somewhere with less security to lure someone in."

After what happened with the shuttle the last time, he's especially worried about it happening again.

Placing her hands within the respective pockets of her coat, Noki walks casually. "If I had to guess, it smells like bait. That's how I'd catch a predator in the wild; put something out that it wants and wait. In my experience, if something is too good to be true, then it is..." Noki tries not to look suspicious, though she wonders if being outside would make one suspicious. She makes a face like she's thinking, or she's just using her tongue to pick her teeth (the dead giveaway she was thinking).

Yuun is bringing up the rear of the group, though he's still walking casually and keeping to the group as he watches everyone. Taking in what is being said, Yuun does a little stutter step and he smiles a little. "Relax." he says to Zev, "ANything can happen, we will just need to be mindful." he says gently. He looks around as Stormtroopers are mentioned and Rey's words do call to him. He nods his head, they have gotten pretty aggressive, though he didn't need to voice that. Yuun looks towards Noki and he nods in agreement with her.

"If it is a trap," Ben murmurs to Zev, still watching the stormtroopers, "They don't know what they've hooked. But I think it's more likely they've filled up their detention level. Nothing these troopers like more on some backwater dustball than bringing in 'undesirables'. It's like sport for them."

The silence that follows suggest Ben ought to know all about such things.

A nod is given to No-Koh, followed by a quirk of his brow at Yuun, then his attention is back on Rey.

"If they're not pulling their punches, then neither should we. If we hit hard enough, we'll be back on the Falcon before they know what's happening."

Rey listens to the words from her companions, then gently nods her head to what is said. Another glance is given to the crimson armored troopers, before her eyes scan in the general dissarray of their surroundings as a whole.

"We'll need a distraction." She says, spotting a rather unstable looking structure on the corner of the shanty-town that they're amidst.

"I think I can...."

Rey closes her eyes and starts to call upon the Force....

She focuses her mind upon the shakey looking structure that she's indicated, a three story tall tower of scrap metal, that looks clearly abandoned, next to a large junk pile where a lot of droids and scavs are milling near to...

It's becomes clear that Rey is attempting to just simply.... nudge it, while taking out what support it has from beneath it, to topple it over in to the junk pile itself.

Looks like the plan is to go in hard. Zev readies himself, taking a deep breath as he thinks about what Yuun says. Be mindful, right. He bounces up onto his toes a little bit, getting ready to move as soon as that tower comes crashing down. No way would that not draw the attention of those troopers.

At the call for a distraction, Noki watches Rey in part awe because of her command of the Force, and to know when she should move. Waiting for the moment to move and do something was key, and she assumed the thing they were going to do was collect this person. The thought had not entered her head that they might engage in violence until a few seconds later. It prompts her to scramble for the hilt hidden at her side, preparing, so it was held beneath the long sleeve of her jacket and within her grasp, ready. "Ready," is all she offers, assuming they'd be mindful, like Yuun said.

Looking to Ben, for a moment, he offers a nod of his head. Happy to have him back, Yuun does look to Rey as she mentions needing a distration. With that, the vetran Jedi Knight turn to watch for any possible threats. He wants to be ready to head things off if the dynamic changes. He hears Noki say she was ready, Yuun nods his head as he continues to watch their backs.

As the unoccupied shanty nearby begins to groan and collapse, there's the loud shriek of tearing metal nearby. One of the guards steps away, blaster held at the ready as he moves towards the distraction. The first guard remains at his post, though his shoulders hunch and he seems at once much more alert than he was mere moments ago.

Ben looks to Rey, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, and he draws his blaster from his belt. In a moment he's moving, darting out from cover towards the entrance to the makeshift prison. He raises the pistol before himself, squeezing off a round at the remaining guard. He doesn't gesture for the others to follow, but it certainly looks to be the plan.

Rey doesn't move after toppling that shanty tower. Instead she just watches Ben make a go for it, and she looks to the others. "Go with him." She urges them. "I'll catch up."

Rey's metal hand reaches up to clutch on to the edge of a separate building. She grips the rusty durasteel pole that holds the shanty's awning up, and her eyes go to the mess she'd made, watching the droids, and scavengers, flee from the debris of the tower, none of them were hit by it, but Rey wants to make sure she's here to watch the aftermath, just in case.... she's not about to harm some of 'her own people' afterall!

The Lepi's ears fold back to protect them as the debris crashes down, clattering around and creating a massive mess. As soon as the sound finishes, Ben fires a shot. As he's pulling the trigger, Zev wheels around behind Ben and bounces right after the bolt, his stunsaber coming off of his hip as he swings around, twisting and extending the metal of the saber as he spins, coming in with a downward slash and catching the Trooper around the clavicle. The shock from the saber compounds the wound from the blaster bolt, and the red Sith drops like a rock.

Death was a part of life, or so the teachings of Master Yoda indicated. To bring one's death prematurely was to consciously accept that the killer was snuffing out everything that person would become. It was hard to philosophize that when adrenaline was pumping, and the purpose of a mission was driving them, but the thought was there in the back of her mind as she prepared to strike like a viper.

Much of her discipline was about defense and counter-offense, a discipline her great uncle helped define during the last golden age of the Jedi Order. She tried to embolden herself by saying this was the right thing, and paused behind cover until the absolute last moment.

The Stormtrooper ST-928 was not prepared. He heard the snap hiss and turned to face the hue of green as it came down upon him. A single slash cut deep enough to rob him of life and no more. He collided with the ground, and Noki deactivated her weapon before the swing had even gone through its total circuit.

Kneeling down, she took hold of the trooper's collar and pulled him from sight, tucking him between trash and other objects. She searched them for their comms, lifting their helmet to yank out the head and ear piece. They would need some insight on what the Imperials would do in response. So she put the headset on, dropped the helmet in the carrion's lap, and stepped off casually.

Hearing the crash, then glancing back to see what's happened. Yuun does see Ben firing at one of the troopers and Zev coming up to finish off the trooper. He doesn't rush to assist, he does keep a watch out though and slowly once the two other Jedi finish their attacks, he quirks a brow up. "Not bad." he says as he walks over to where Ben is. Still the habit of keeping a look out is there and it shows, though the distraction seems to have worked and he begins following Ben towards where they need to go.

The inside of the hotel may have been what passes for fancy around here once upon a time, but the Empire have stripped it off those luxuries. Passing through the main doors that were until moments ago guarded by a pair of stormtroopers, there is a large ferrocrete room that once served as the lobby. Behind the counter, an Imperial Security droid slowly rotates its head to look at the new arrivals only to explode in a shower of sparks as Ben Solo's blaster pistol lets fly once again.

"Yuun," he tells the Jedi Knight, pointing downstairs and gesturing to the others who he hopes have followed behind, "Head downstairs. You're looking for a male Bith named F'lix M'krall. Master Skywalker and I'll cover the street."

He doesn't wait for an affirmation, instead moving over to the door to post up with blaster drawn.

"We don't have long before they notice something's up."

Outside Rey is watching the street. She's moving awning to awning for cover, just letting her eyes remain on the hotel, as well as the aftermath of what she'd done with that tower collapse.

She steps from shanty hovel to shanty hovel, the daylight shining down between the awnings, casting a warm glow across her face, as tendrils of her dark hair dance across her forehead and cheeks.

She just stares from over that high collar of her grey cloak, and calmly walks, feeling through the Force, the life of the planet as things shift with the actions unfolding here... waiting to see what may come from this bold move on the Empire's interests.

They're here to save lives, not take them, to save the life of the captive that the Sith have claimed...

Once they're inside the hotel, Zev quickly steps to the side to allow the others who are entering to come in. Ben takes down the security droid, and Zev know that means they're going to have company soon no doubt. He keeps his stunsaber deactivated, but still in his hand, as he looks towards Ben.

Zev looks to Yuun when Ben gives the orders, ready to follow him downstairs. He's definitely feeling a bit more confident about their chances of this not being a trap so far, and that's showing in his stance.

In preparation for the Imperial response, Noki used a technique she had learned from her master, Ahsoka Tano. Her physical presence bled away in an instant, swallowed up by the shadows themselves. She watched from behind the veil of the Force, waiting for the moment to strike again, if needed.

Upon hearing his name and giving instructions, the dark skinned Knight quickly moves down the stairs. His scarf hiding the lower part of his face and his hood shrouding the top half of him. He focues on the force and uses it to shroud him, he could feel the force as he opens himself up to it. He moves all the way down the stairs, his lightsaber is in his hand but not ignited. He didn't feel he would need it, but you never know.

Once he gets below he begins looking for the Bith, trusting in the force to find them. He will begin looking from cell to cell to trying to find who they've come to get.

The Jedi move stealthily into the lower levels of the hotel-turned-prison. These were once the more sort-after rooms, nestled away underground where the smell and the sound of the junkyards couldn't bother their tenants. Now, they serve as secure prison cells. The doors have all been removed, replaced by what look to be ray shields. And behind the last one is a Bith, with his bulbous head bruised and bleeding.

Standing in front of the door, facing inside, is another stormtrooper. This one in black armor, with the mark of rank on his shoulder.

"Don't know what they see in you," his voice hisses through his helmet at the Bith, "Should've just strung you up like all that other rebel scum. But they want you alive, so eat your damn meal before I come in there and force it down your throat."

Rey sweeps around behind the half-ruined structure of a old statue. Who the statue was of, is long forgotten, but what's left are just a pair of worn stone boots, and the edges of the metal peaking up out of where its legs once rose up from. Rey stands in the shadow of the broken statue, her left hand hovering down near that leather satchel hanging at her side, the edges of her lightsaber peaking out from behind it.

She watches citizens scatter around the streets, most of them rushing to flee, while others are rushing to capitalize on the situation. A pair of them even find the Trooper that Noki had tucked away, and they start patting him down, trying to take parts of his armor, or equipment, that they think they can sell.

Rey's focus is just on the hotel's entrance though, waiting for her people...

Zev can't make himself practically invisible, but he is still dark colored in a dark room, so it works out. As he sneaks along he comes up to the edge of the hallway that the Trooper officer is standing in."

I see a camera." He says, in a hushed tone towards Noki and Yuun, "It's above the door." He wonders if he could yank it down with the Force from here. It needs to go down before they move in on the Trooper.

Zev can't make himself practically invisible, but he is still dark colored in a dark room, so it works out. As he sneaks along he comes up to the edge of the hallway that the Trooper officer is standing in.

"I see a camera." He says, in a hushed tone towards Noki and Yuun, "It's above the door." He wonders if he could yank it down with the Force from here. It needs to go down before they move in on the Trooper.

Noki remains one with the shadows for now, no threat of cameras or people picking up on her presence for the time being. She waits patiently for their mission to conclude, trusting in each member to play their role. Even when Zev indicates there's camera surveillance, alarm has not been risen yet which may have been a good sign; unless, you know, they had silent alarms!

The shadows surrounding him with the aid of the Force, Yuun eases sees the trooper and the Bith they'er here to rescue. Upon hearing about the camera, he looks up to check teh door and as he does he nods his head upon seeing the camera. A mischevious grins plays on his lips as he reaches out with the force and he moves to yanks the camera from the wall and he aims it towards the trooper. Thinking this would knock him out, Yuun is shown the folly of his tactic as the camera just bounces off the troopers helmet. He mouths, 'Ah Kriff.' as he shakes his head and he gets ready to take the trooper out.

The Stormtrooper is about to let off another barrage of abuse when something heavy bounces of his helmet. His vocalizer squawks in protest, and he wheels about on his heels to search for the cause. First he looks up at the sparking mount where the camera was mere moments ago, and then down to the faces of three beings he's never seen before. Not Imperial. Certainly not Stormtroopers.

He's quick to level his blaster, and given the narrow corridor and the relative closeness of the group, he's quick to shoot the one with his hand still outstretched. A blaster bolt lances through the air, aimed right at Yuun!

Out in the street, there's a murmuring in the distance. The sound of the crowd on edge. They part for a being in black body armor, features concealed in a reflective and expressionless mask. A cape billows behind him as he stalks down the road, approaching the hotel-prison. And at his hip? A lightsaber.

What is unfolding inside the hotel is mostly a mystery to Rey as she's unable to see inside, but she does feel the emotions of her companions through the Force. This focus is what she's committed to when her eyes snap open at the presence of someone else approaching the hotel...

Rey draws in a breath, her metal left hand flexing shining durasteel fingers as she takes a step out in to the street.

Calling upon the Force again, Rey attempts to pull all kinds of discarded trash, and debris across the street, to try and make it clutter the dark figure's path. In her left hand, she now clutches her lightsaber, her eyes upon the figure, she just stands there and stares at him, with her white, and grey, attire gently flowing in the wind around her...

She just stares at him.

Stepping from the shadow and seemingly manifesting before the acolyte named Kyrenth Zorander, Kenobi issues a greeting, flashing her own weapon still clutched in her hand. "You may go no further. We have a matter to discuss, you and I; a final lesson, if you will."

Activating her lightsaber, its green blade emerged from the dull gray and black hilt, casting its hue upon the ground and its wielder. The weapon hums idly, flickering. "Today we learn how to become one with the force. Present your weapon ere we begin!" Noki stepped forward, engaging the acolyte in the dance of combat. Each strike she made was deflected! She still held her ground!

The shot came, it was like moving in slow motion, Yuun didn't expect his attack to fall flat like it did and now he's getting blasted. What the kriff? Taking the hit, and stumbling back a step, he lets out a breath as he uses the force to push down the pain. Yeah, he was foolish, pressing the red stud on his weapon, his lightsaber ignites with that familiar snap-hiss of the weapon activating. A brilliant blue light alights the area with a blue glow. Yuun moves in quickly not wanting to let the trooper get off another shot. He swings once and the trooper is able to dodge, but it was a setup. Yuun reverse grips his hilt and steps backwards into the Trooper stabbing him in the chest, killing the trooper.

Yuun then moves to cut the lock on the door for the Bith, "Come with us, we're here to rescue you." he says to the Bith gesturing him to quickly hurry up. He would let the Bith out and once out, "Stay close to me." he says to him, as he moves forward being the Biths protection.

Zev had gone after the trooper after he had turned and fired, only to find himself overshooting the Trooper and swinging with the stunsaber as he sailed right past. Perhaps it provided enough of a distraction for Yuun to close the gap and actually effectively hit the Trooper.

"I'll cover the rear." He says to Yuun, moving behind the Knight and the Bith ex-captive, protecting their back from any other troopers that show up.

Down in the prison, the Stormtrooper collapses in a heap and the Bith stares up at Yuun in shock from behind the ray shield.

"Don't do it, gentlebeing! I'm harmless!"

He tilts his head slightly then, tentatively, gestures to a panel on the wall.

"Over there! That'll unlock the door!"

Out on the street, Zorander approaches. He growls at the sudden swarm of debris flung at him, raising his now-lit lightsaber to bat it out of the air as he approaches Rey. He points the blade at her threateningly, only to be intercepted by Noki. He's swifter than he seems, the armoured figure batting aside her saber as she engages him. He swings back with his own blade, meeting hers with a hiss and a shower of sparks.

Ben levels his blaster, aiming at the Acolyte but hissing under his breath. Not wanting to risk hitting Noki, he lowers it and turns back to shout over his shoulder into the prison.

"We're out of time! Let's go!"

Rey watches the Acolyte engage in a fight with Noki, she doesn't interfere, Noki is well trained and well practiced... she has faith in her. What she doesn't have faith in, though, is the impending threat of more arrivals.

"Chewie." Rey speaks in to a comm produced from her sleeve. "We are rapidly losing ground here. Prepare the ship, get it in the sky and come toward us." She speaks to the Falcon directly.

Her eyes dart to Ben, and she looks back to the Acolyte a moment later.

"Your masters will lose their foothold here, you'd be wise to run to them, and tel them that they've lost this captive, and will continue to lose more, until they stop oppressing the free people's of this galaxy." She says over the chaos, loud enough to carry to the dark figure's ears.

"WE're leaving!" Rey then says over the team's comms.

Zev doesn't need to be told twice that they're leaving. Keeping his saber up, he continues to keep an eye on their rear as they beat a hasty retreat back upstairs and outside, "Just keep your head down when we get outside."

Noki goes on the defensive, parrying Kyrenth's blade away with practiced poise only to counter in the same effort. The one parry was the transition of a honed flurry of attacks. She walks toward him, each swing met with a strong defensive block. She comes close to breaking that defense, but he holds out, forcing her backward. The two put some distance between each other, a bit more respect shared in their respective skills.

Yuun looks to the Bith and nod his head and runs over to the control panel and hitting the correct keys to deactivate the shields. He hears Rey's voice coming in from their comlinks, "Alright come on, we're getting out of here and getting you some place safe." he says to F'lix. "Are you ok?" he asks as he starts to head towards the stairs he came down from, making sure it's clear, "Stick close." he asys as he begins moving upstairs, "I have F'lix, we're on our way up." he calls.

Kyrenth hisses from behind the mask, his voice savage and run through with veins of white-hot rage. Though he fails to land a blow upon Noki, he batters her defenses with repeated strikes of his blade. When he speaks, his voice is distorted by the mask he wears.

"I'll claim your head," he tells Noki, their blades meeting with a clashing hiss, "Then your Master's. I'll wade through rivers of your blood, Jedi!"

Ben hears Rey through the comm, nodding his head and turning back around to make sure Yuun and Zev are on their way with the prisoner. High above, there's a roar and rush of wind as the Falcon appears in the cloudy sky and begins to lower down towards the street. Unable to land, the loading ramp opens several feet above the ground and Chewie roars and apology over the comms.

F'lix follows Yuun and Zev, stooping to grab the blaster from the Stormtrooper as they head upstairs.

With the Falcon sweeping in, Rey looks back to the hotel, and then up to the ship. She hears what the Sith Acolyte is threatening, but it's irrelevent at this point. Instead, without even thinking twice, Rey just launches herself up in to the air, touching down on the Falcon's ramp with a gentle ease. She sweeps herself around, her grey cloak whipping in the wind from the ship, as she stands off to the side of the ramp, her saber away, and her metal hand clutching the hydraulic pylon.

Her other hand, the natural one, extends out, ready to help catch others who are bound to jump up and join her upon the gangplank!

As soon as they're outside, Zev can already hear the approach of the Falcon. He looks up to where the ship has hovered above them, and reaches over to grab the Bith, "Hold on!"

He focuses the force into his feet, and pushes, throwing himself and poor unprepared F'lix upwards onto the ramp, where the Lepi quickly ushers him inside to clear the ramp, getting him to the main room, "Buckle up, getting out of here will be bumpy."

The preamble was his undoing, and Noki knew this was a weakness. Ahsoka had long ago taught her that Sith will conjure emotions through their words, instill fear, an make their opponents off balance. To those attuned and initiated to this, it held little sway. He spoke, and Noki struck. A single thrust with her lightsaber pierced the Acolyte's armor and her green blade emerged from his back.

He spit up blood, but where she struck, through the heart, made it impossible for words to follow. She pushed him off her blade, then used the force to claim his lightsaber to prevent it from finding unworthy hands among the populace. Only those who could use the Force and were trained to do so should have these weapons.

Deactivating her own lightsaber, she clipped both to her belt and turned toward the exit, making a jump to get to higher ground, she was closing the distance toward their escape.

With help from Zev, Yuun follows up last. He isn't trying to outrun anyone, wanting to make sure they're all getting out of here. Looking up he sees the Falcon and the others jumping towards the landing ramp. Once it's cleared, Yuun starts running towards the landing ramp and as he goes to jump, he trips and slides. He still tries to jump and use the force to boost him, hoping that would correct him and get him up too......nope! Yuun misses the landing ramp and he crashes and slides along the ground.

"Krif, today of all days to have a bad day!" he grumbles as he starts to give chase and starts running again towards the Falcon. He deactivates his lightsaber and is lining up to take another chance of getting on the Falcon.

Kyrenth drops to the ground as he is run through. A shock of his own telekinetic power rips through him, cracking the reflective mask and briefly revealing the face of a young man that chokes up blood. Then he's gone, slumping down to the ground. A vile worshipper of the Dark Side slain by the Jedi No-Koh Kenobi!

Seeing the rest of his team escaping to the Falcon, Ben pauses long enough to see Yuun fly wide. The Jedi Knight will feel Ben reaching down to grab him, wrapping an arm around his waist to leap with him up towards the loading ramp and dumping him rather unceremoniously inside.

"I won't tell anyone," he tells Yuun, stepping past him to move into the Falcon as Chewie wheels about to bring the entrance as close to Noki as he can.

Down below, a squad of stormtroopers open fire on the ship! Blaster bolts explode in bursts of smoke and sparks against the plating!

With the enemy Troopers all arriving to reinforce this makeshift prison, Rey stands at the base of the Falcon's ramp, clutching it in her robotic hand. Her other extends outward and she draws upon her natural connection to the Force... her lips faintly move, as she feels the debris of the junkyard all around the street below..

And soon there is a whirlwind of junk scattering around the Troopers, to help add chaos to their situation down there, to make it harder for them to target any of her companions on the tail end of this mission...

Rey continues like this, calling upon the Force to keep the junk flowing wildly across the ground, her notorious 'witchcraft' she's known for being true to form for the Troopers who may have identified her here today.

Once F'lix is safely buckled in, Zev hops over and buckles himself in across the way from him, hearing the blaster bolts bursting and exploding off the plating, "Don't worry we're fine, as long as they don't hit anything super important we'll be good." He offers to try to reassure the Bith.

Upon reaching the interior of the Falcon, Noki unclips the black lightsaber she had taken from the Sith and offers it to Rey. "Another agent of darkness has fallen, Master. Perhaps it might be used for parts, and another Jedi can make use of it?" The solemn Kenobi manages a small, hopeful smile.

"Thanks." he says looking embarrassed as he gets onto the ship after getting some help on his second attempt. Yuun winces a little more now as the blaster shot he got hit with starts to hurt. He still does his best to use teh force to blunt the pain. He does go get a medkit so that he can treat the wound, and once he does he begins to focus on healing the wound.

Satisfied that everyone is secured and in place, the entry ramp closes and Ben rushes through the ship towards the cockpit. He slings himself into the pilot's seat like his father did a thousand times before him, leaning over the controls to start their ascent away from the planet. As he does, Chewie looks to him and barks something.

"I don't know," Ben answers, glancing down at the blaster at his hip, "Just seemed appropriate."

Another roar from the Wookiee.

"Don't you start."

That said, he punches it and they rocket away with their precious Force Sensitive refugee in tow!