Log:Jedi: Starting Rumors

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Starting Rumors

OOC Date: March 4, 2024 (Optional)
Location: Somewhere in The Unknown Region
Participants: Rey, Galen Dawnstar, Saito, Yuun and Qutha Buvu Pah as GM

The rocky landscape, near the craft that carried the Jedi to this unnamed world on the edges of the galaxy, stretched out to the horizon on all sides. The violet hued wisps of a nearby nebula visible in the evening sky, stars were clear as gems caught in a flashlight gleam and darkness was wrapped around everything, save to the south where moving lights rose.

Moving lights, angry shouting and the periodic high voice wails that they chased.

Shivering in the gloom, Qutha stands while trusting in The Force to give him the means to see in a place where he might otherwise be utterly blind for the lack of even moonlight. Arms wrapped around himself and his robes cinched tight in their embrace, the zelosian stands in the gloom

"Certainly seems th' place we been tugged to..." head turning nigh imperceptibly in the dark, towards the others.

"Yes, it does seem like it." Saito's voice comes from somewhere close to the Zelosian as he exits the ship that took the Jedi to this planet. "I'm alwayss curious and eager wheneverr we are called by the force.. In the last time I not only found my crystal but was also the first time that I had meet Juria. I'm always happy wheneverrr a few of us are together like this." And with that, he closes his eyes, trying to let the force guide him.

Galen stretches a bit as the ship's flying closer towards the rocky landscape of the new world, "Well this is a new world and that's exciting. I wonder what's called us here though." His gaze goes to look out on the world letting the Force flow around him.

Rey had been in one of the flight chairs inside of the cockpit, monitoring the navigational ship systems. After landing, she gathered up her things, slinging a satchel over her head, and crossing the strap over her form. With a dark robe of near black worn on her shoulders, the Jedi Master strides through the ship's interior, the lights in the ceiling shining a pale light down upon her as she passes beneath them, her eyes downcast on a datapad reader screen, observing information about the planet. With two thick strands of hair framing her face, and the rest tied back in a circular bun on the crown of her head, Rey raises a hand up to pull her hood up over her head...

Like the others, she strides out of the ship, the calm wind gently swaying the fabric of her dark clothing. She listens to the others, as her eyes gaze up toward the stars that they had just left behind.

"I'd save merriment f'later..." the words being chased by a sensation like icy wind carrying over the stone strewn plains. The sensations of fear and anger swirling like eddies and ripples that break over the quartet and the mystic begins walking again, arms loosing their self holding grip to draw down, hands slipping within his sleeves.

"Well..." wail "Best git t'gittin'..." striding forward into the gloom, leaving the ship behind and the others if they don't deign to follow.

The crossing over the gulf of vast blackness slowly lifting in incline, knots of stone and brows of earth creating steps that carry forward towards the glaring white lights stabbing at the sky. Leading up to a ridge where the rock juts like jagged teeth and providing a grim horizon curtaining what can be spied beyond. The sounds beyond growing ever more clear; voices distorted by vocalizers, men and women passionless as they shout commands and small voices cry out.

Rising into view, aa blocky transport craft ascends, angling for the sky as a growing comet streak grows from high up, headed for where the lifting craft came.

"Well, we'll find out soon enough." Saito offers a smile to Galen. "Do we know the name of this planet?" The Padawan muses, curiosity clear. He raises the hood of his robes, once again trying to sense their surroundings with the force. He casually walks with the others, raising his head as the transport craft launches. "It is.. Cold." Saito says as he feels the sense of anger and fear around them.

Galen tucks his hands into his robes as he follows along with the others movements a bit more efficient as the feeling of an icy wind hits. He's quiet for now just listening to the sounds of the distorted voices for the time. "Hopefully this isn't what I think it is."

Once down on the earth beneath her boots, Rey draws in a breath of the planet's oxygen. "Lovely place. Reminds me of... a lot of other places." She states, showing a faint smirk over toward the others before she begins to focus on the flow of the Force itself, her eyes going a bit distant, as she remains standing outside of the ship.

When Qutha speaks up about pressing onward, Rey's eyes re-focus, and she indeed moves out. Hearing Saito's words, Rey glances down at her datapad, then back up to him. "No name on record. Would you like to name it?" She asks him, smiling faintly toward him now.

But it is the ship traffic ahead, let alone the lights, and sounds of commotion that draw Rey's eyes back toward the situation before them.

She moves toward a bit of cover, her metal hand placed down upon a rock, the crimson band wrapped around it gently whipping in the wind, along with the fabric of her clothing.

Yuun walks off the ship as well, for the first time in a long while, is wearing his Jedi robes and clothing, he likes the colors he choose. The dark skinned Jedi keeps his cloak pulled around him, he smiles as he walks along with the other Jedi. He looks around, the fact that he always is out and about, it still amazes him what he gets to see. Listening as he hears the othes talking, Yuun keeps close to the group.

At the crest of the ridge the rise looks down into a shallow bowl, A trio of blocky transport craft rest with their main hatches angled towards a larger central craft. Half the length of the old CR-90 corvettes designed before the death of Alderaan, but much wider. Raised on thick landing claws with a main ramp down and small figures being herded up it by red armored figures. The column bracketed between repulsor prams that bob along, their dome tops sealed but that does nothing for the voices calling out for parents.

Voices calling out in pain or terror.

To one side of this camp, this processing center, a heap lays. Tattered clothes too filled out to be empty. Several field desks with armored forms behind them taking scans as standing figures take hold of figures herded towards them, blaster shaped devices pressed to heir arms and swiped downward with a dull red glow and a wail from each figure before they're shoved along down the chain.

Qutha hunkers at the ridge, brow creased and lips pressed together. Somehow his expression remaining neutral as his seemingly inherent serenity holds at the sight below.

A ragdoll, carried by an ankle down one of the smaller transport ramps sets up fresh howls below before being unceremoniously hurled by crimson plated arms onto the pile.

Saito would glance to Galen. There is curiosity in the redhead's eyes but he remains silent, simply continuing to walk, trying to ignore the cold. He would glance to Rey, smilling with mild humor. "Well, I thought about naming it Nowhere rock 1." He watches as figures wearing red armor herd what Saito thinks are children into the CR-90s. When he speaks, his voice remains calm, though his expression hardens. "By the force I.. Don't believe this.. Do any of you knows who. They are?" he asks, pointing to the beings wearing red armor.

Galen just stares at the piles for a moment... "They're...." Then he glances over at Saito, "Not any groups I'm familiar with. The ship doesn't follow any of the typical patterns I've seen before either." His gaze sweeps back towards the others for a moment before back towards the pile and transport below..

Rey keeps close to the rock cover she'd found on the edge of the ledge. She pulls a small pair of binocs from her satchel, and uses them to spy on the situation unfolding in the distance. Hearing the others asking, she lowers the vision aids, and looks toward them. "It's hard to say from here, but as we know, the Sith love their crimson colors. Lets be mindful of our surroundings, they may already know we're here if they are members of the Sith, being that they're rather well equipped." She notes as she starts to step forward.

"Lets find a way down, though, and get closer." She says on her way to do just so.

"Force sensitives?" Rey quietly asks Qutha as she gets close enough to quietly ask him that question of the people seemingly being herded like bantha.

Yuun moves where he can see but he doesn't speak, seeing the ships and the red armor. He does hear the mention that it could be Sith, he gives a slight nod. Yuun closes his eyes for a moment; he allows for calm to radiate through him. His eyes open and he looks from where armored figures are to where he may be able to see opening and guaging from where they are, "Yeah, we should keep quiet and if any of us are able to hide your presence in the force, we should do so. It's possible they may know we're here and they may not be paying attention but I agree with Grandmaster Rey, we need to get down there quietly." he says.

The descending craft finally reaches the bowl, turning as it lands to point its aft end towards the transport corvette, ramp already descending before it has touched down. On the opposite side of the formation another, it's hold apparently emptied as another ragdoll is rolled down its ramp by an armored boot, begins to lift off, angling to send down still another before the gangway rises.

Two more forms clad in crimson move to gather up the bundles, passionless as their helmets faceplates. Blood red with a rim of black across the 'beak' and fieldbase lights reflecting off of the dark pits of their eye lenses. Moving across an area better lit by the ground lights of the gathered ships.

The armor distinct. The onyx black sigil emblazoned on the left shoulder pauldrons unmistakable.

The Force had drawn them to where the Empire was bringing their newest batch of 'conscripts'.

"I ain' feel any down there, ma'am... but I reckon I have a feelin' as t'why we'se here..." Left hand moving to motion, "Easy path down there... Ifn' we wanna be quiet like... But ifn' we'se a mind t'get in there quick... well..." Qutha trails off, frowning down at the sight below before he slips over the ridge to begin slide-stepping down.

Saito slowly moves alongside Rey to try and move closer. He cilently nods to Yuun, eyes going between the other Jedi and the children that are being herded into the ships. He closes his eyes and atempts to center himself. Now isn't the time to act impulsively. When the light iluminates the armor that the beings wear, Saito shakes his head. "By the force, they are.." he goes cilent, gazee going between the other Jedi and the children.

In situations like this, Rey often found herself relying upon her focus on the Force, and her ability to sense danger before it happened. But in situations like this, time was also of the essence. As the group got closer, and it became rapidly more clear that this was a Sith operation, she paused to glance toward the others. "If it is as it seems, which our intel suggested it would be, we need to get those prisoners away from them, before they're shipped off." She states, which the others likely know all too well already.

"I'll create a distraction." Rey states, her hand going to her lightsaber hilt behind the satchel hanging against her hip. "Qutha, take the others to get the prisoners. Try to do it under cover, without fighting, as we don't want any of them to get hurt on behalf of our attempts to rescue them."

She starts forward then, lowering down to keep behind what natural cover she can, while her eyes scan for dangers that may give her presence away...

Yuun studies the troopers and he looks to the new conscripts, and he shakes his head. He backs away and moves to follow the others, he looks to Saito and offers a warm smile. Yuun then rolls his shoulders as he prepares himself mentally. He looks to the others, "Whatever happens, we have a job to do. Keep one another in view." he says. Though as Rey speaks, Yuun goes quiet.

He nods to her, though his inclination was to move with her, but the hostages needed them and he looks to Qutha as he's the master. He watches his fellow Jedi, "Ready when you are." he smiles

"All're in view, if y'keep in touch wit' th'Force, Yuun." Qutha's voice floats back like a breeze drifting through branches and between the natural rubble on the ground. No smile in his voice as he descends, already, but the viciousness tainting the area makes the echo of his words in their minds seem to be said through heavy cloth. "Be ready in case we cain't do this quiet like..." The number of troopers visibly numbering at least a dozen. visible.

The children being moved along, after being branded, are herded towards the line being shoved and shouted at to get aboard. From the new craft more repulsor prams begin to descend, life monitors attached to the sides showing life inside. Save one that is unceremoniously opened and dumped over the side, out of sight.

The transport craft simply looms, swallowing each life up in preparation for molding its cargo into future generations of shock troops.

Saito offers a silent nod to Rey. He moves to stand beside Qutha and the others. As much as part of him would like nothing more than to fight, he knows that now isn't the time for that. He returns Yuun's warm smile with one of his own. He can't let his emotions distract him. Not now. He closes his eyes. He manages to find peace, letting go of the eagerness for a good fight and of most distractions. When he reopens his eyes, he appears to be calmer,, being able to better control his emotions in preparation for whatever is about to happen.

Keeping low, and not getting overly close enough to warrant her presence to be easily noticed, Rey crouches down to press one knee in to the soft earth beneath her. She peers over the rock in front of her, the bangs framing her face gently swaying in the wind, one streaked across her face. She dips her eyes back behind the shadow cover, and slips her eyelids shut...

She quietly move a hand up and out, her lips voicelessly speaking a few words of helpful encouragement as she calls upon the Force.

The classic for the woman never go out of style...

A number of large rocks begin to suddenly float up off of the ground, gently twirling in the air, as they move closer toward the red armored troopers, clearly visible now, the rocks defying gravity as they hover in the air, not yet flung, or aggressively threatening the Sith soldiers, but likely causing them all to look away from the hostages, or at least most of them, so Rey hopes!

Having allowed the calming energies of the force to flow through him, Yuun looks to Rey as she goes. He turns and nods his head to Qutha as he speaks to him. "I am." he smiles. Yuun moves his head from side to side and he shakes his arms and legs as he prepares for their part in this mission. Yuun continues to move with the group bringing up the rear.

Heads moving when the rocks lift and twirl, weapons being raised, a number of troopers do look from their 'charges' to the display. The bobbing of helmets and the shift of shoulders showing speech being had but all of it being kept in private channels.

Until lights fall on Saito and Yuun.

<"HEY!"> Weapons swing, training on the pair while Qutha stands in the shadows, the cylinder of his saber in hand, waiting and ready.

<"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"> voices broadcasting at high volume by the helmet systems the troopers begin to divide - some moving to keep the children corralled while others continue moving the processed ones and the prams up the transport ramp. Another's head bobs and two of the dozen fixated on the Jedi look to the ramp where a trooper in jet black armor has begun to descend - children parted like waves around stone by his strides.

<"Arrest them.">

Even as he walks with the others, Saito watches Rey from the corner of his eye. He watches as the rocks floate close to the soldiers. It isn't the rocks that call his atention, it is the idea behind them. Were as the redhead would see the rocks as imediate projectiles, Rey sees them as a way to distract them, without wanting too necessarily attack. He leaves his musings aside and continues to walk with the others, doing his best too use the nearby rocks as places to hide while he walks. It fails spectacularly as the redheadd is unable to hide himself. Saito mutters a curse as him and Yuun are easilly spotted by the storm troopers. The redhead closes his eyes, reaching into the force. "We surrender.. Let me just raise my hand." That is exactly what he does. As he raises his hand, several rockss raise of of the ground,,, being quickly urled att two of the nearby storm troopers. There are screams as the heavy rocks break through their armor, causing them to stumble.

Rey's ears alone can hear the danger growing rapidly as members of her team are spotted. With a concerned expression falling across her face, Rey's flexed fingers spread further apart, and her eyelids quiver as she commands the Force, and through it the flowing energy around the floating rocks that she has suspended in mid-air.

Suddenly, the massive boulders begin moving once more, quickly rising up in to arc patterns, that end with them slamming hard in to the ground. One by one the giant rocks splash in to the ground, sending up dirt and detritus in blooming waves around them, creating craters beneath the rocks, barriers to help keep those on the other side a little safer from the troopers.

Rey's hand drops, as she stands up, her saber held out to the side, as she ignites the golden sun-hued beam, further attempting to draw heat off of the prisoners, and her team, as she makes herself the target in the opposite direction from where the others are located!

Yuun hasn't had a lot of action lately, having just been keeping under the radar though as he trips and he and Saito are seen. Yuun chuckles and shakes his head, "I should've known I would trip." he says. He looks over at Qutha and the Troopers telling them to halt. He sighs a little and as he hears Saito tells them to let him put his hands up, he feels the force around them and as rocks go streaming towards the troopers, Yuun quirks a brow up at the Padawan. 'Nice.' he thinks to himself.

Though they have work to do and and Yuun shifts into a fighting stance and cups his hands together, "I'm sorry." he says to the troopers ad thrusts his hands forward. Using his connection with the force, allowing it to envelop him and flow through him and into his hands as he sends a telekinetic force of energy out and directed at the troopers who've been injured to send them flying away. Noting the dark clad trooper, "Looks like he's in charge." he says as he unclips his lightsaber from his belt.

Hurled stones fly and troopers duck, one calling out in icy calm, <"Jedi!"> the volume of speech forcing externals online when they call out. Those knocked down by rock hurled by Saito scrambling to get to cover. Blasters come up and plasma bolts are hurled with precision in mind.

Yes the Empire drilled their soldiers of such method used against wielders of the force; but going in with fists and stun-batons was an even more dangerous option. Soldiers falling as they're berated by hurled matter hitting the ground in a clatter of plastoid plates. Still nearly twenty remain, with half that now making to rush kids onto the primary transport while the four smaller craft are raising their ramps, repulsors picking them off of the ground.

Crimson figures point towards the golden saber igniting and continue to fire as another engages, intensely cool blue and brought to bear. A single bolt flying true batted out of the air and into the chestplate of the trooper who had been aiming for the redhead.

Saito watches Yuun pushing the storm troopers away with clear amasement. He's about to say something when the soldiers start to fire. The redheadd closes his eyes, letting the force guide him. He manages to avoid the shots, the force enhancing his natural speed. When Qutha deflects a bolt that would have hit Saito, the redhead offers a grateful smile to the Zelosian. Reaching out into his robes, Saito ulls out his lightsaber. He ignites the weapon. With force-enhanced speed, he moves gracefully, decapitating a storm trooper with one swing of his lightsaber. His second swing hits a second soldier in the chest, the laser blade going trough his armor, flesh and bone. The third storm trooper manages to get out of the way of Saito's third swing.

Rey stands on the far side of the landing platform, her golden saber blade aimed off toward the ground at her right side, while her black hued robes wave in the wind around her form. When the shooting begins, Rey starts walking toward her attackers, her lightsaber blade growling as it sweeps upward, slashing, and swiping in front of her, causing the bright bolts of blaster fire headed her way to get sent away from hitting, and harming her. Her saber blade growls like a hungry ghost, as she simply walks ever closer toward the Stormtroopers, her eyes focused on those across the field, that were herding the children directly. Her left hand snaps upward, and sends a call through the Force, pulling upon the invisible strings that bind the galaxy together, to puppet-master the Sith Troopers across the landing field, sending one flying northward, another flying to the south, and the third thrown straight up in to the air, and over the ships parked upon the landing zone!

As Rey walks, she passes by the 'branding' equipment, and simply slashes her saber down upon it, to attempt to slash through the heinous equipment used for misery and markings of the innocent!

Yuun recovers from his attack he's made on the troopers he was targetting, he sees the shots as they're being fired and he simply just turn side ways letting the blaster bolt just streak past him. He quirks a brow and presses the red stud on the hilt of his lightsaber and his weapon ignites with that familiar snap-hiss of it's activation and a bright light blue beam of energy grows in length.

Yuun watches Saito as he wades into the fight, Yuun does the same though he's not calm, well he is but this is where Yuun has always been more intuned with the force. Leaping into the air and coming down with a double handed grip on his lightsaber as he cuts through one of the storm troopers. Upon landing he spins feinting and making one trooper move where Yuun wanted and he slashes through the trooper from hip to hip. Though as he moves to take on the third, the Jedi Knight slips and his aim is off missing the trooper. He quickly regains his footing as he looks to see the rest of teh battlefield.

When the Jedi lay into their number the troopers begin to withdraw, opening fire, attempting to fall back out of lightsaber reach even as their numbers are cut down one by one. Those troopers moving the children begin to backtrack faster, leaving the kids not already on the ramp where they stand - said ramp itself beginning to raise.

The black clad trooper drops to a kneel, sighting along his rifle as the troopers on the ground cease fire and simply turn to run for the ascending gangway, sprinting and leaving the kids not boarded behind. Already the smaller craft are airborne, headed for atmosphere with their thrusters burning at high power.

Qutha, a pair of troopers left behind him continues to approach, expression calm even when the blaster bolt strikes him in the center of the forehead, showering sparks and leaving not even a carbon score in its wake while the larger craft lifts off, spilling a trio of small children to tumble roughly onto the ground, crying out and holding injured limbs.

No waiting for the ramps to finish sealing as they go, the pair of troopers that had survived the onslaught gripping the edges before their fellows haul them aboard.

With the wind casting across the landing platform from the ships that are lifting off, Rey walks toward those left behind, not yet boarded to the prisoner transport. Her black hood is cast off of her head by the gusts of wind, while her bangs whip wildly around the sides of her face.

She watches the ships lifting up in to the air, and departing for orbit, while she surveys the situation left behind. She moves toward the scared children, her saber beam still ignited, with the tip aimed toward the ground.

Her eyes look toward the scared faces of the children, and with a soft exhale, Rey speaks up to them. "We are Jedi Knights, and we are here to rescue you." She tells them, her

Yuun watches what happens and he looks up as the ships take off, he sighs and shakes his head. He's getting tired of them arriving late, letting out a breath he allows the frustration to fall from him and he deactivates his weapon and clips it to his belt.

The Jedi Knight, Battlmaster moves over to where Rey is and he starts to look at the children and he offers them a smile and a bow of his head. He looks around to make sure they aren't being targeted or the children for that matter. "We will need to move soon Master." he says to Rey. He looks over to where Qutha and gives a bow to him and Saito as well.