Log:Iridonian Proposal

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Iridonian Proposal

OOC Date: April 11, 2020
Location: Gath Rulenta (Gath Town Hall)
Participants: Jax Greystorm, Sesti Greystorm

“/words in between these symbols are spoken in Iridonian/”

Stepping off the ramp of the Birena Tai, the Greystorms are swept into the tide of zabrak humanity. The streets are seething with activity as they walk towards the Fiiros clan compound, and Sesti scans the marks on the faces as they go, naming off the Gath clans represented. “Morzeth… Zur… Gunsos…” she shakes her head slowly. “It is not time for the Res Selenoren, or festival, those are usually the only times you see this many of the clans gathered.” Her shoulders straighten even more than usual, her chin even higher, her posture more confident and self-assured to hide her signs of growing unease. “Something is happening, or has happened.”

They are about to turn in to the gates of the Fiiros compound of Sesti’s clan when they hear her name called in surprise. The young male zabrak who recognized her turns and hastens back towards the Rulenta, calling loudly. “/Tell al’edar S’Praz and the others, Sesti Greystorm is here!/” He himself rushes in the door hard on the heels of his words, and some others who had been leaving turn back around and return to the Rulenta. This behavior not only of the young man, but the others returning to the clan’s main hall brings Sesti up short. She glances over to Jax, her eyeridges raising ever so slightly.

Jax looks at Sesti with a shrug, "Hey don't ask me." As he follows Sesti off the ship, "Saber in the open or hidden?" He didn't know how the Clan or err clans would react with a human with a saber among them. He, though, was carrying the bags. He looks around as they're half way to their quarters, "Did you tell Zaya, we're coming?" He'd been looking for Senin since they arrived. Then as the youth calls out, "That boy better not have been causing mischief."

“As you wish,” Sesti replies. “You are with family, your saber will not provoke antagonism any more than the rest of the blades carried here.”

Just as Sesti's name is called out, a human boy and young Zabrak female are leaving the gates of the Fiiros. The human five year old hurtles through the legs of the taller people to find Sesti's legs, and he muckles on. "Heeey," Sesti says, reaching down and picking him up to spin him around once before setting him back on his feet. "What did you do?" she squats down, giving him a mock stern look. "Did Oenlin* have to call all the clans to figure out what to do with you?"

Hard on Senin's heels comes a young Zabrak woman, she speaks basic when she comes close enough. "Sesti, Jax, we were just going out to meet you. Oenlin's been meeting with the leaders of the Gath clans." She gives a shake of her head, “They began arriving right after the announcement came from Chandrila.”

"From Chandrila?" Sesti looks over to Jax, her eyes questioning.

Jax reaches over to muss the hair of Senin, "Hey Monkey Lizard, you been behaving for Zaya and your Grandmother Gath?" Jax sticking to basic as he chooses to keep the saber hidden. The Corellian looks at Sesti, "I figured you heard while the Tai was on the Flurry. The New Republic is basing the Senate out of Chandrila."

Zaya nods in agreement when Jax mentions the Senate and Sesti shakes her head slowly. "No... no, I was not paying attention to news that much," she says quietly, perhaps a little guilt in the lowered angle of her head.

"/Because the last representative came from the Fiiros clan, the Ambassador Gath, it has been decided that the Gaths should again send a Representative from Iridonia, and they have been meeting since yesterday here to decide who it should be.../" Zaya breaks off rapid fire of Iridonian that she had lapsed into in her excitement and looks at Jax. "Oh, I am sorry. I should speak basic."

"I can't speak that fast but I can keep up." Jax says to Zaya. "I can take the boy and let you guys discus this." Jax may be family, but there's family and then there's the weird other species outsider cousin Sesti married family. The Corellian say and reaches down to grab his Nephew in a bear hug and throw him on his shoulder. "Alright. I brought you an Uncle Wyrrick's Tasty Cake." He looks at Sesti, "Well you can only blame so much of this on me. You get some of the blame too."

Sesti just stands for a moment, and looks to Jax, "I have not been called. If I was to be a part of the deliberations, mother would have summoned me." Her eyes roll skywards as the monkey lizard dances with his hands up for the cake. "You are going to have him addicted as badly as you," she tells her husband. Her nephew pays no heed to her warnings as he wiggles his fingers in grabby motions.

As if Sesti's words had been heard, her mother appears at the door of the rulenta, and she calls to her daughter. "You, as well, Jax. The two of you are wanted within." She waits by the door for them to enter with a slight smile, holding it open.

Jax sighs as he doesn't get to dodge the politics, "Alright Senin. I'll let you have it but only if you BEHAVE for Zaya." He looks to Sesti, "This is why we don't go to Greystorm Family cookout." He says moving to follow Sesti inside the door.

Zaya collects Senin and their bags from Jax. “We will get these put away for you,” the younger zabrak assures, then gives Senin a nudge with one of the bags and jerks her head towards the gates. “You heard your uncle, you have to behave for ME, if you want cake.” The boy looks up at Jax hopefully, trying the cute look to snag the early treat, but when it doesn’t work, he gives one kick at the dust, and turns to follow his kepnuin.**

S'Praz Gath smiles to her daughter as she approaches, and pauses her at the door with a kiss to her forehead, then aims her gaze into Sesti's eyes. "/How are you?/" she asks with genuine concern. Her daughter directs a look to Jax with a slight smirk to one corner of her lips.

"/Fine, thank you, mother. I am fine,/" Sesti replies, repeating the litany of the past few days. Receiving a pat from her mother, she passes inside, then waits for Jax to come up next to her. "I did not know there were Greystorm family cookouts," she murmurs quietly to him as they approach the back of the room. The heads of the clans stand at the front of the room, two steps up on a dais. As S'Praz joins them, they look down the room towards Sesti.

"There are. We don't go. I can't remember if it was my father or my mother." Jax says as an aside. Then he looks around for a moment to realize that everyone is looking at them. He says quietly, "You think your Mother told them about the baby?"

Sesti gives a quick shake of her head at Jax's question. "Zabraks have babies all the time," she says quietly. She lifts her chin, a little unnerved at the looks, though, and glances her husband's way. She keeps her composure as her mother beckons her forward. She walks to the front, straightening the hem of her tunic before she walks up the steps.

Turning to the group, S'Praz holds up her hands, and addresses the assembled. "/You have all voted, and we have come to a consensus. If anyone wishes to raise an objection, do it now./” The words and tone are formal, and the invitation bears the weight of a formality, a rhetorical request that expects no answer; and it receives none. S’Praz dips her head and lowers her hands. “/Then it is time for you to depart as we finalize the writ. We will reconvene in the morning to bring our petition to the other clans./" As the others file towards the door, Jax is beckoned to the front as well. "This will affect you as well, please come forward."

Jax mumbles, "I'm really wondering what that boy did now." The Corellian starts to shuffle to the front with his wife as the Zabraks of the various clans go in the opposite direction. Then he joins Sesti and S'Praz at the front. He turns back to watch people go and then looks at S'Praz, "What's going on? It doesn't involve the Well does it?"

S’Praz gives a small shake of her head to Jax, then turns away. While the people below the steps leave, those at the dais remain, one for the head of each clan. They step to the table, and invite the two Greystorms to join them. Sesti steps up and, after a moment, she sits.

"/Now then,/" one of the other Zabrak speaks up.. "/As we are sure you have heard, the Senate is to be established on Chandrila. We hear that you were there recently, and aided in their freedom./" The old man's lips purse together slightly, and he gives a nod, turning towards S'Praz.

"Sesti," S'Praz begins, her shoulders and head high, held in fierce pride, but also something of an odd entreaty in her eyes. "/Iridonia has been given a Representative's seat in the new Senate. There is a possibility of it becoming a Senator's seat in the future./" She looks to the others around the table. "/We have discussed who the Gath's should put forward as our candidate for this position. As your father was the last to represent our planet in the New Republic, we were approached to provide the first representative, to serve out his term, if you will./" She takes a deep breath, and folds her hands together on the table in front of her. "/Your unexpected arrival is fortuitous, it saves me having to send for you. We have chosen you to represent us./"

Sesti seems frozen in her seat, her eyes don't even blink as she just stares at her mother. After a swallow and licking her dry lips once, she manages to speak. "Mother, me? I am not a diplomat... I have no idea..." She shifts slightly, glancing at her husband for assistance.

Jax looks at Sesti for a moment and shrugs. "Don't look at me. This is all you. I mean I'll support you but you're the one that would be going to the Senate to debate." He then turns to look back at Sesti with the others and gives them a smile.

"/Neither was your father,/" one of the older women tells Sesti, which brings about a general chuckle from the table.

A bulky man, with biceps like tree trunks, leans his forearms onto the table, lightly clasping his hands together. "/We Zabrak do not breed diplomats,/" he begins wryly. "/We breed warriors and scientists, people that /do/ things, not people that /say/ things. The Res Selenoren does not push one to see the limits of their ability to debate. It is too... abstract a concept to test. Therefore, we do not look for a diplomat to represent us, simply because we do not have any./" There is a general murmur from assent around the table.

"/It was your father's experience with the Rebellion, as Kimrath Claw,/” the old woman picks up the discussion again, “/and his connections he made there that made him a valuable asset to us. Like your father, though there were many zabrak who fought with the Resistance, you were one of the few that is at least known to the higher ranking officers of the Resistance. Also, like your father,/" she takes a breath, "/your experience among the Resistance has given you valuable insight into dealing with other aliens, although,/" her eyes spark with amusement as they light on Jax, "/you did take your interspecies relations a step further than your father did. Can you understand what we are saying, young man?/"

Jax nods his head, "/I do./" He says in Zabrak, "/I know you're speaking of her time with the Resistance. You're speaking of Sesti's father./" Then he looks to Sesti, "/And our Marriage. You want her to be Iridonia's Representative./"

There's a slight murmur around the table as Jax speaks Zabrak passably enough for them to understand, and no one remarks at his accent. The woman who asked the question smiles faintly, which is about the highest approval a human will receive from her. The beefy elder picks up speaking again. "/It is because we do not focus on words, or the polite way of saying things, our bluntness often leads other races to view us as being.../" he pauses to consider the expression, then says in heavily accented basic, "full of ourselves". There's a snort from another older man across the table, but he continues on, back in his own language again. "/Again, not the best trait in a representative. And as al’edar K'Bron has mentioned, it is evident that you have acquired at least some ability to communicate with other species without offending them. Which is another very important aspect we considered in our choice./"

Under the table, Sesti took Jax's hand when he was speaking, now she gives it a little squeeze as they listen.

"/You should also know that we are not expecting you to do this alone,/" S'Praz finally interjects. "/We have also discussed some candidates to assist you, as well as a compliment of droids such as your father had. I believe al’edar Noltooth has found a promising vessel to be outfitted for you and the needs of a representative to the Senate./" She smiles at the shell shocked look on her daughter's face. "/I know you are surprised, I am guessing that you came here for some... peace during this time./" She looks to her son-in-law, "/and perhaps to stay out of trouble?/" There's a knowing look on her face. She knows her daughter's condition, and she knows her daughter.

Sesti clears her throat. "/It will certainly keep me off the front lines,/" she manages to push from her lips. Her fingers squeeze a little tighter around Jax's a moment, then she realizes and she forces herself to loosen her grip, then let go, and bring her hands up to fold them on the table in front of her. As Jax can understand, she continues the conversation in her native language. "/So, you are sure that you want me? I can give you no promises that any of my, I guess you could call it 'war time', connections will be present or have any influence in the Senate. I don't suppose one of these candidates knows the state of Iridonia presently? I'm sure I will spend some time learning the overview myself, but I don't think I will be able to know everything thoroughly?/"

Jax shrugs at the mention of keeping his wife out of trouble. He keeps holding his wife's hand so he and shrugs, "I can't promise I'll stay out of trouble. Though Perhaps I should spend more time doing more honest work. I mean you can't have a Senate Represenative with a scoundrel husband." Han Solo says 'hi.' THough he looks around. "/What type of ship is it?/"

"I think she meant me staying out of trouble," Sesti tells him in a low voice.

The older man who spoke earlier answers Jax's question. "/It's a Baudo Star Yacht,/" he says. "/Apparently had room for a wookie at some point, so it will need to be retro-fitted to be more comfortable to humanoid sized races like Zabraks. It has no record, and does have a couple turrets for self defense. Which, hopefully you won't need to use, but this galaxy.../" he lifts both hands, palms up.

S'Praz studies her daughter as she waits with the others, their case made and now the decision to be made.

Sesti looks over to Jax. "/I think we could probably find a couple people we know to work with us,/" she considers, and then raises an eyeridge to the table at large. "/I am allowed to add personnel as I see a need?/"

There's a general nodding around the table to the question, although al’edar K'Bron speaks up again. "/You will, of course, take responsibility for said individuals should they compromise Iridonia's interests./"

"/Of course,/" Sesti replies, and her eyes shift once more to Jax, raising her ridges in question of what he thinks of the proposal. "I know you will support me either choice I make, but what do you think?"

Jax looks at Sesti for a moment, "The Resistance could always use an ally in the Senate. You can make sure people are being taken care of. I mean it's different but it would still be you fighting and protecting people. " His voice dropping low, "Besides the other option is probably your ex." He then shrugs, "So I think you should do it."

Sesti nods to Jax's words, although she flashes him a quick look and snort at his lowered comment. She looks back to the table, then to her hands. She separates them and brings them to the edge of the table in front of her, pushing her palms against the edge and tapping her fingers on the top. She exhales, her head bobbing slightly, then she looks up and turns it into a formal nod. "/Alright,/" she agrees, and flashes a smile at her mother. "/You are correct. I came here for a nice, quiet, and.. well... safe, pregnancy. I was not expecting this sort of welcoming committee./" She nods again. "/I am honored to accept this position./"

  • Grandma
    • au pair, nanny