Log:Hutt Cartel: Fight Night - Grom v Mujiji

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Hutt Cartel: Fight Night - Grom v Mujiji

OOC Date: May 17, 2018
Location: Pit Fighters Palace - Hutt District, Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Grom, Mujiji, Kasia Ashkuri, Usha, Myra Bale, Rheisa Dirleel, Vili, Jonn Drayson

The second evening of fight nights sees just about as much turnout as the first - a sparse crowd reminiscent of an 8-year-old's backyard WWE birthday party. An unpopular 8-year-old. Usha stands in the wings of the arena, still disappointed by shortage of heads, but has resigned to it. A pinky digs into her bag of powder and she takes a quick bump before speaking into a walkie talkie. "Show time, hoes," she says. The lights in the arena dim and stage lights burn instead, highlighting the ring itself.

The intensity of the brawl between the Hapan-who-shat-in-her-closet-once and Tarion-the-terrible-Tavers may have been short lived, but it served to satisfy a small part of Rheisa's state that needs satisfying, so she's come back to witness round 2. Both of tonight's fighters are persons(???) she'd recognized. The hulking GROM she has already witnessed in combat and the small, furry one she recalls encountering a time or two before. The match-up is a bit perplexing, but there'll be no questioning from her seat in this gory gallery. Just wide-eyed staring. And munching. Last time it was bugs, this time a hefty shank of /something/ that's still dribbling pink juices from its bony core. Messy? Yes. She doesn't care.

Grom snorts and growls with a low rumble in his chest, muttering to himself (actually shouting at the speakers) "Pronounce Grom's title wrong and YOU DIE FIRST, stupid noise box." A pointed snarl follows. "BEGIN THIS, show Grom a worthy opponent, that all may shudder at the might of Grom- which is ME."

Worthy opponent indeed. It is, arguably, a very bad idea for a one and a half foot tall, fifteen pound logomorph to enter a fighting ring of any kind. It is even less intelligent for them to do so unarmed; however it doesn't seem that the Kushiban waiting to enter this particular pit is paying that any mind. Mujiji has never been an agreeable creature, but now - her fur jet black, eyes red, and a line of spittle trailing from the corner of her mouth as she gnaws at the gloved arm of one of the unlucky attendants restraining her -she appears downright feral. Even for Mujiji, this is... Unusual behavior. "Piss in his shoes!" She spits, foaming at the mouth a little.

Well this was a curious place! Following run-ins with various parts of Nar Shaddaa's seedy underbelly, Jonn Drayson (Action Herooooo!) decided to come and see it for himself. Part of it was needing to be desensitised. The other part was him wondering to himself what had made him so soft. He walked into the Pit Fighter's Palace in his old jumpsuit, hands in pockets, six foot one of benchpressing, bodybuilding goodness. "What is going on hyere..." he mused to himself, deep rumbling voice and unplaceable accent all happily accounted for. He walked closer to the cage and gazed inside. "Oh no!" he exclaimed. "Dat poah pet is going to get sqwash'd!"

The very same Rodian announcer has returned from the previous fight, this time donning a suit printed with purple beelpop melons all over it. His tie is a glittery white. Once more he makes his way to center of the ring to announce in his shiny, baritone Basic voice:

This evening is a bout of epic proportions - literally! Two opposite sides of the spectrum join in this very ring to show that ANY fighter - big or small- can tip the scales!" There's a pause so that the crowd can enjoy that little bit. But mostly its just the cheers of children holding either a lizard doll or a bunny doll. "Ladies and Gentleman, the second match of Nar Shaddaa's moon-wide fighting competition. LLLLLLLETTT'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLEEEEEE!"

"In the RED corner, towering at 7 and a half feet tall, carrying four hundred and ten pounds - The King of ...F-...Fale (he mispronounces this), Conquerer of the Star Road, and ... Maker of Hats (mutters to Usha off stage: did I get the right card?)...


Epic music plays as spot lights dawn on the Houk and video droids follow is ascent to the stage whilst him image projects on screens above.

Rheisa Dirleel, mother of the year, has her lap occupied by one of those cheering children. Little Umak, beet red with white patterning unique to his own self, is waving around a small flop-eared plush that eventually finds a resting place between his little boy fangs so that grubby grabby fingers may pick at his mother's meat snack instead.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrom!" she calls into the mix over the boy's head while a little piece of prechewed shank escapes her bristly tongue to land smack dab between his budding montrals. Far as Umak is concerned, it was intentional sharing, and he doesn't hesitate to transfer the edible oops into his own mouth, around the toy.

When the Rodian stumbles with his titles there is an enraged bellow from the massive Houk, and Grom lurches into a slow walk, each heavy footfall audible through the floor. His bloodshot yellow eyes narrowed in seething fury on the offending Rodian, reptilian lips drawing back from bared teeth.

Sparse crowds at sporting events aren't exactly an uncommon sight on Nar Shaddaa. After all, most of the people with legs are poor as schutta. One might think that this would make this evening's Pit Fight an unattractive target for a sketchy pickpocket (allegedly...) like Vili Vakaria, yet here he is in all of his shabby glory. Sitting shirtless on one of the rows nearest the action, Vili casually waves an extremely large and ornate folding fan in front of his face, to keep the perspiration somewhat in check. After all, these displays of physical prowess always get him a little bit hot and bothered.

Although he's certainly not one of tonight's star attractions (right?), Vili is already starting to draw a small, but growing, crowd around himself. And not just because of how pretty his pink skin looks in yellowish-green lighting. Instead, they seem to be hanging around and... giving him money?

"That's it, keep it coming! I'm offering 1.5 odds that the scaly one takes the fuzzy one! You heard me right, you can earn fifty percent with a wager on... I didn't catch his name. The human one."

Big or small? "WHO IS THE SMALL?!" The groany, rumbly rage squeaks from the 'rabbit' side of the arena. The small, jet black Kushiban seethes free of the hands restraining her to roll, stumbling and snapping, onto the pit. She spins a moment in place, red eyes failing to choose focus on the announcer or the Grom, leaving little splashes of drool. WHO THE SMALL NOW

Yup that's right. There's mostly kids in the audience today. Kids and cosplayers. And the one that are wearing some sort of green, dinosaur, lizard themed attire go crazy when Grom makes his entrance. Announcer Rodian shivers in his beautiful purple digs when coming face to face with the Houk's teeth. But! The show must go on!

"In the BLUE corner, reaching and impressive 1 foot 7 inches, fleet footed at only 15 pounds, quite possibly the LEAST cushy Kushiban you'll EVER meet, and ... Proprietor of Exotic Acquisitions ... for business inquiries please see her after the fight - I really don't think I have the right cards tonight:


The epic music starts again for Mujiji's entrance. Usha barks into the walkie talkie, "Keep the video bots low! I want her to look massive." And the video bots do indeed go for the same angles that Tom Cruise gets in his movies to seem much taller than he actually is.

"No, pet rabbit! Get auuut! Get auuuuut!" Memories of his daughter's pet rabbit being caught in an enclosed area with a far larger and more hostile creature were flooding back to Jonn, and far be it from excited about the fight, he had a face twisted and contorted into something resembling parental worry. His heart had been welded to his sleeve in the recent past, see. "He is going to crush der girly-man and den come for you!"

Grom enters the fighting arena, not slowing his steps until coming within arm's reach of the Rodian. Then, with deceptive speed, one skull-sized hand seizes hold of the announcer by his garish coat, lifting him up to eye level with a grunt and instructing in a bellow that sets head-spines to flattening backward, "FALE. FAH-LAY." Hurling the Rodian bodily out of the arena and into the crowd, where some human cries about a pet rabbit, the Houk adds, "Stupid Shiny eyes is lucky Rodian flesh tastes sour!"

Kasia is late, and tonight she's sans her greener counterpart, which is odd considering this is violent and usually he's the one who shows up for that stuff. She's here all the same, carrying a little green flag that she probably paid too much for off a vendor outside, giving it a little wave as she cuts her way through the empty seats further back to claim one closer to the action. She finds a seat near the front, which has her settling in pretty close to Vili, who she gives a gentle tap on the shoulder from one row back and a couple over. "Hey."

Coming in from the front is a tiny woman in plain clothes, platinum blonde hair bouncing around her ears from the vivaciousness of her step as she makes her way to the stands, blithely giving the audience the ol' once over as she goes, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Vili's bookie activities go unnoticed for the time being, too focused on beaming the widest possible smile at everyone she sees as she heads up the stairs, almost tripping on one of the benches in the process. "Oh, goodness!" she chirps, green eyes flashing with startlement, using the higher vantage point to look around for Usha. "Usha, darling, where are you?" she calls in her lilting Coruscanti accent, eventually just surrendering to the fact that she's too short to see much and it's probably easier to just yell.

This Kushiban isn't handling any business inquiries in her current state - there's something wrong. This doesn't occur to the 'rabbit'; those bloodshot red eyes have focused in on the... Flying Rodian. "Never liked that guy no how." She snarls, twitching dramatically on the last word. She stares, angrily, up and down Grom - big, stupid, evil OPPONENT. That's her target, she knows it - whatever angry demon driving her on this night rages and she lets off like a spring board, all four paws connecting with the side of the wall to provide ample surface to bound off and fling herself at Grom's head, jaws aimed to snap around his nose... And lacking that, at least one of his chins.

If you though the Houk's fans were weird, Mujiji's fans practically lose their minds when she steps out into the arena. Grown adults out number the child fans in their black bunnie onsies and they scream, "We love you!!" at the perpetually angry Kushiban.

The Rodian announcer goes flying into the crowd as punishment for his awful mistake. Luckily the Houk fans in the crowd barely catch him and crowd surf him to the edges.

The referee meets the fighters in the middle. "I want a good clean fight. No weapons. No fancy alien power-ups. Protect yourselves at all times and everything I say you must obey." The fighters are given a minute more to prep, and then DING DING!

Grom snarls at the referee, "If Tiny rabbit dies too quickly, Grom will smash you, next-" The threat is cut off by the suddenly springing murder-rabbit, likely making Mujiji the sudden favorite of the referee.

Wait, pet?? She didn't eat it! Rheisa's moment of inner, guilty panic brought on by someone screaming about a pet is thankfully short lived when she makes the connection. "IS NO PET!" She shouts to correct Jonn's misplaced concerns, beaming a broad, toothy smile around her next bite. Umak's terribly cartoonish(speciest?) stuffed animal drops from his jaws as the real life version goes rocketing off the wall to take on the BIG guy.

Two individuals were settling into a commentary desk next to the cage, one of them with terrible hair and a natty suit, the other a portly man with a hat the size of a small continent..

"And we are live, coming to you tonight from the Pit Fighter's Palace where a brutal brawl is underway. On one side, Mujiji, two feet of fury, and on the other, King Grom from Fah-ley."

"This is gonna be a real slobberknocker of a fight, Michael! King Grom has already taken out the announcer!"

"Well it's a good thing there's no disqualifications tonight, JR, or this fight would have been over before it began!"

"What? You mean to tell me dat der little rabbit is nahd a pet?!" Jonn was confused as all hell at the shouty alien sitting near him. As if to reinforce the new message, the reincarnation of the killer rabbit from Monty Python And The Holy Grail was rocketing around the arena and had obtained Jonn's full attention. "Dey look like dey are about to myurder each other!"

Lit cigarette hanging from her purple lips, Usha has the datapad of Grom and Mujiji's vitals open in front of her. The bloodlust of the crowd has her quite somber, but Myra's presence comes in like a sunshine on a cloudy day. The Zeltron looks over at her and simply lights up. "Darling! Look. At. You." The sunglasses come off (because yes, Usha wears her sunglasses indoors too). Forward she leans for a very fashionable peck on each cheek. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you here. These fights have been going dreadful!"

Turning to see who tapped him, Vili suddenly puts on a warm smile that makes his yellowing teeth peek through the blue beard he's been growing the past month. "Mrs. Ashkuri? I knew you'd be back for another taste of Ol' Vili, but I didn't expect it so soon. Come sit with me..." He pats the space next to him with one of his grimy pink hands.

"I'm going to need some help keeping track of the credits tonight anyway, and I heard a rumor that you understand how to work numbers."

With his other hand, Vili continues fanning himself, and trying not to look too aroused by all of the violence. After all, he has to maintain a certain air of impartiality if he wants people to wager with him.

Pet? There is a lot of shouting about 'pets' and Moo takes a long moment, caught up in the heat of her flurry of attacks to register that. But she'll have to murder those later - her launch off the wall is a success relative to the challenge she is tackling. Teeth find flesh, claws and tiny fists go pounding away at Grom like an angry, horribly unfashionable scarf. "Affrmmf a heerk kri-NAHHHHHG!" She scream-snarls around a mouthful of Grom. Translation? Who the eff knows.

"The one and only," Kasia replies with a smile, getting up from her seat after a moment of hesitation so that she can move down the row, disrupting other people along the way, and then move back down the next row in order to drop into the seat beside Vili. "As it happens, I do understand how numbers work, which is a good thing because Hex doesn't." Slight exaggeration, but close enough to the truth that she doesn't feel too bad in saying it.

"Nah," Rheisa says more quietly, throat still a bit hoarse from the previous fight spectating. "Last time, fight stop before death happen. Am sure is okay." *Chomp*Squish* Another portion of half-roasted groat gets swallowed mostly whole. "Sit. Eat." She advises.

"Mrrrgo!" Advises Umak, before he launches precariously to his feet balanced atop her knees and points at Mujiji's attacking. "Adu'ku!"

Grom growls through bared teeth as the Kushiban clings and claws at his eyes, his left hand- on its own significantly larger than the raging Mujiji- seizing hold of the fluffy black pelt in a crushing three-fingered grip, tearing her loose of his face. One eye blinks rapidly over a scratched yellow eyeball, before the big Houk spikes the rabbit onto the floor, idly curious how many times he can make the rabbit bounce. "BAD HAT."

"Really? Captain Flaccid Ears doesn't know how to count? Excuse me for a moment while I pretend to be shocked..." Vili's face slowly contorts into a lugubrious version of mock surprise, before quickly settling back into its normal roguish grin.

"Oooh! That's gonna sting! But she's still in it folks, and she could still win the whole thing! In fact, I'm so confident that the furry one is going to win that I'm willing to offer..." Vili does the math in his head really quickly, apparently slightly better at it than Hex. Whether he's hoping that Kasia will add it to the list of things he's better at than Hex is perhaps best not examined too closely...

"Three to One Odds! That's right folks, you can turn your ten thousand credits into thirty thousand just by placing a wager on the ferocious furry creature who is almost certainly just waiting for her moment to turn this whole thing around. Don't be a chump, bet on Mushy Zee!"

Mujiji clings to the Houk, her thought process not progressing past 'rip, rip, tear, tear' when she is yanked free. Mushy Zee lets out a strangled gasp of pain as her entire being is flung bodily to the ground, and she struggles, wavering for a few steps, before she flattens back to the ground with a snarl. "Am... Am not a hat, sealard!" The black-furred sentient twitches and flings herself at the Houk, soaring right between his legs.

"Vintage bite by Mujiji there."

"I hear that's on Craig Jerusalem's list of one-thousand-and-four holds, Michael."



The commentary team were really riled up after Mujiji got spiked into the ground! Blatant murder equals high TV ratings after all!

"This is gonna be a real slobberknocker of a fight, Michael! King Grom has already taken out the announcer!"

"Well it's a good thing there's no disqualifications tonight, JR, or this fight would have been over before it began!""

"Oh," Myra titters at Usha even as she is being kissed, the poor little Kushiban up there in the ring taking a socking. "Who planned this fight, dear? It seems terribly one-sided, really it does, I mean, have you seen the little one? I pulled her out of a box once, she's not all that terrifying. And... the big one... goddesses, this is frightful." A delicate hand lies across her chest, considering the bout. Something catches her ear, and she glances over her shoulder at Vili. "Three to one is taxiway robbery, really, you'd be taking leave of your senses to bet for less than ten to one here, really you would."

"His ears aren't flacid," Kasia defends Hex's ears at least, and then adds, "Neither are his lekku. I think you're misinformed, or confusing him with your Gungan boyfriend." Her eyes go from Vili to the fight, and she cringes back slightly from some part of it. "Poor Mujiji. I wouldn't want to be up against Grom. I've seen him fight before and he's tough."

Grom moves with more speed than one might expect of a hulking reptilian monster; as the Kushiban flings herself at him a second time, Grom turns as she leaps past, and lashes out with a gigantic foot, booting the murder rabbit like a spectacularly violent kickball, glaring at the referee in mute reminder of his prior threat.

"Well I don't know, she isn't dead yet so I think that has a lot to say. Look," Usha taps at the datapad with well polished magenta fingers and hands that stats over to Myra. "You have to remember dearest - " Peeking around to see who might be nearby, Usha smiles cheekily at Vili before leaning in to whisper something in her colleague's ear, "...prize ... killing .. experimentation..." And then she takes a deep inhale of her cigarette and her words come out of her mouth with the smoke, "You should have seen the poor scum that lost yesterday. He was practically bleeding from every hole. Some good stuff, I tell you."

Don't let Moo hear you talking like that, Myra. Mujiji, wheezing, meets Grom's foot and, with an almost comical squeak, is flung across the length of the pit. She hits the opposite wall and slides, slowly to the ground.... She stands, shaky on her two hind legs, swings a punch at nothing - and the momentum carries her the rest of the way to the ground. Limp, unconscious, and in a puff of dust, Mujiji is out for the count.

"King Grom again with the kick there."

"Ooooh, straight into the cage wall! That is not a hit that the rabbit is going to stand up from!"

"I think you're right JR, is the referee going to come and count her out?"

"NAAAUUUUUUUU!" was the cry of anguish from Jonn Cen-- Drayson. It was like looking his little girl in the eye and telling her that her rabbit had been eaten by a Denon biowolf!

The referee runs out to the puff of fur and with a dramatic swing of his arms he counts:





"Yeah, yeah... he's a real catch." Vili's voice is almost dismissive, as if he's actually kind of wrapped up in the fight. That's a bit unusual, since he's really not the sort of person who usually gets into sporting events at all. For some reason though, tonight's entertainment has stirred something inside of him.

"You actually know that succulent pile of scales? Or... whatever those are?" Vili looks at Kasia with newfound appreciation. "I haven't docked with a prizefighter in ages. You absolutely have to introduce us!"

While he's busy fanning himself and trying not to swoon, Vili catches the smile sent his way by his fellow exile from Zeltros. His kind aren't exactly rare, but they're rare enough on Nar Shaddaa that he notices when he runs into one. He returns the smile, showing off his yellowing teeth, and the gemstone that sits where one of his teeth used to be.

"Of course, darling, but this is terribly crude," Myra remarks, unimpressed by the methodology if not the end result, glancing down at the datapad she's handed, mercifully spared the final blow against poor little Mujiji, instead only seeing the screen suddenly light up in furious red warning signs. "The huggable little hairball actually seemed quite willing to work with me, and I daresay she may have second thoughts the next time she sees your stylish shades coming into the room." Green eyes dart towards the shades in question, then, apparently forgetting about the fight for a moment. "Wherever did you find those? They're absolutely adorable, I must have a pair." The dinging pulls wide eyes back to the area. "Is it over already? Goodness, that was quick."

"KING GROM WARNED STRIPED HUMAN," the Houk roars, seizing hold of the referee by the head, and lifting the unfortunate fellow off the ground to remind the ref, "Say 'Grom wins'," he growls, before throwing the second official after the announcer. "GROM IS STRONGEST. Let any stupid soul speak who can challenge the King of Fale!"

"And that's the match, King Grom scoring victory by technical knockout."

"I haven't seen one of those since Rock Blesner broke Brandy Woreton open at WinterWrath!"

"And King Grom moves on to the next round, facing up against Sajin the Beautiful next week at the Pit Fighter's Palace."

"Did you see what he was wearing yesterday, Michael?"

"I couldn't drink enough bleach to un-see it, JR."

The pocket-sized loser proves an easy form to scrape out of the pit, even as she lolls and mumbles against the pit employee's chest, curled up like a toddler. "Dun' let th'green ones eat me, Vakky..." Mujiji certainly bit off more than she could chew this time.

Kasia laughs quietly at Vili's response, though her eyes remain on the fight. "You're just sore because he said you owe him rent." It's not until the question that she looks back to the Zeltron beside her, nodding. "Grom? Yes, I know him, he's in Defiance, and is... a King." She leaves off the part about how he's King of an asteroid, that'll be a fun surprise to discover later. "I'll be glad to introduce you."

Umak's energy deflates a little to see the Kushiban crumple like a wad of paper, least until Grom picks up somebody else and slings them around. Rheisa's mowed her food down to the bone and offers it to Umak for slurping before pushing to her feet and keeping him loosely tucked under arm. "Is more fast to be over than last. Maybe Heksash'kuri last longer tomorrrrow," she laments.

"Winner by knock out - AH!" The poor referee is Grom's third victim of the evening, screaming as he is lifted from the ground. He is flung into the crowd yelling desperately, "GROM WINS GROM WINS GROM WINSSSSSSSSS!"

Speaking of eye bleach. "Hard to watch, love? This is how it happens in the wild, but at least we're making money off of it. I have something that might help you," Usha replies languidly, using her pinky to take another bump of her mystery pouch powder. Blissed out, she digs in her pockets to pull out a small bottle and hands it over to Myra. Tapping her glasses, she indicates that this particular drug is intended to be dropped into the eyes. "Family heirloom. Remind me to tell you about it sometime," she responds about her sunglasses. Vili's smile and particularly his shiny tooth replacement catches Usha's gaze. "Gorgeous. Simply Gorgeous," she marvels at his excellent taste, so much so she hardly pays attention to the Houk smash that's going on in the arena.


That was the booming voice of one of the humans in the crowd. It was Jonn Drayson, anguished over the defeat of his pick of the fight. "For der honour of der rabbit," he explained, walking towards the cage door with a narrow-eyed scowl of... not quite murder, but something resembling steely determination in his eyes. "For der memory of my dautta," he said, opening the cage door and stepping inside, "and because I am rusteh and need der practice..." And with that, he unzipped his jumpsuit and pulled his arms out of the sleeves, showing off an upper body that was stacked in muscle upon muscle upon muscle upon more muscle. The gym was this man's happy place. He tied the sleeves around his waist and looked up at the hulking alien. "I must break you."

"I was terribly wishing for a little more action, sweet thing, really I was," Myra coos despondently towards Usha, taking the bottle without question and discreetly dropping a droplet into her eye, blinking rapidly, one green peeper ringed with red now. "I don't suppose the next fight will be two delicious titans of the ring duking it out no-holds-bared, their frightfully large muscles flexing and oiled, and..." she trails off as she registers Jonn approaching the ring. "Actually, I take it all back, you've really outdone yourself. How many are you dosing tonight?" The little woman consults the datapad hurriedly. "That one's not showing up, something's wrong with your pad, terribly sorry, I swear I didn't break it."

Looking down at his pitiful winnings, Vili can't help but frown. It's always a terrible night for gamblers like himself when the fighters are so obviously mismatched. Unless one knows about a fix, which Vili apparently didn't tonight.

"What garbage. This'll barely cover my spice for tonight. And here I was going to ask you and those ladies over there to join me for a few hits tonight." Vili nods in the direction of the other Zeltron and her lady friend, though he's probably out of earshot.

But what's this? Another fight to be had? Suddenly Vili's countenance brightens, and he gets right back into the game.

"Looks like we've got a fresh challenger folks, and he's not a tiny little household pet! Step right up and place your wagers everyone!"

Grom snorts and snarls, as he stomps around the arena, visibly pondering which wall to tear down in order to leave when that challenge is shouted. Turning with a slow sinuous motion to stare down the bold human, booming in return, "Stupid human rights for food he will not eat. I will rip off your arm and beat you with it, so that we still fight hand-to-hand. HA. SO SPEAKS GROM." That appears to be an accepted challenge as the big Houk stomps toward Jonn, skull-sized fist drawn back for a punch.

And just when she'd given up all hopes of ... whatever's drawn her here. Rheisa backsteps to her former seat despite there being an abundance of seats to choose from. Eyes on muscles.

"You can keep my hit for yourself," Kasia assures Vili, reaching out to give the Zeltron's arm a ginger pat. "I'd be happy to introduce you to them, too, if you'd like?" But then there's shouting, head turning to look over at Jonn. Her brows creep upward as the challenge is issued, and there's a soft 'Oooooooh' that follows. "I don't know who this guy is. Or--" she squints. "No, I've met him. He might die tonight though, so the fact that I can't remember his name might not matter."

His face frozen into that neutral expression of scorn, Jonn was ready. He didn't need any old rusty fighting instincts to see that fist pulling back. The human juggernaut moved forward and to the side. He was getting used to the idea of being the smallest person in the room these days, and made the calculated decision to get inside the hulk's range. He didn't punch Grom, so much as apply the entire force of his body starting from his ankles, up through his torso, building up in his shoulder and channeled through his fist into a powerful punch, sunk straight into the alien's gut as he stepped beside him. There was a quiet pop from his shoulder. He was getting old, and definitely rusty. "Der bigger dey are, der harder dey fall!"

"That is a stupid, small human expression!" Grom yells back, grunting and staggering back a step at the impact, bellowing back, "The bigger they are, the MORE BONES GROM BREAKS." Banter and grammar clearly not his strong suit, the Houk settles for drawing both fists overhead and smashing down at Jonn.

Usha sighs with resignation as she flips her blue hair back. "Myra, I feel like you've taken that description from a novel or something. And if so, I would love to borrow a copy." AAAAAAANND another fight breaks out and she picks her walkie talkie back up again to summon some medi droids to get lifeless Mujiji the fuck outta there before she gets smushed into nothing. "This damn moon I tell you. Everyone is on a weird cycle. Please take as much as you want. I've got plenty."

Usha's ears however, do pick up Vili's words, and when a fellow Zeltron calls, she must answer. It's customary. "Mmm, darling no no. You'll have what I'm having. I've more than enough." And when Myra's done with the eye dropper, Usha indicates that she should pass the love on to Vili and whoever else.

Jonn Drayson had miscalculated. He crossed his arms above him to block that incoming hammerblow, but when you've got a massive amount of mass behind you, it's like trying to stop a grav-train with a toothpick. Jonn's arms held. The rest of him didn't. He collapsed down to one knee, his frame shaking, as he held the Houk's fists away from his cranium. His arms were aching badly! "I godda BONE to pick wid you!" he cried out, and ineffectually headbutted the rock-hard torso of the alien. Well done Jonn.

"Grom.. has a RIB BONE. To pick my teeth with. And.. IT WILL BE YOUR RIB BONE," the big alien roars, haltingly, glancing briefly aside toward Kasia in a brief effort to gauge whether his banter is working. His chest stirs with a rattling chuckle, dropping his weight to return Jonn's attempted headbutt with one of his own. One of his own, bone reinforced Houk forehead-crested headbutts.

It takes Myra far too long to figure out that Usha wants her to spread the love with the eye drops, but when she does her eyes pop open, that one ringed in red making her look a bit Christmasy, a little "Oh!" popping out of her mouth. Bustling over to Vili, the vial is offered out with a big, beaming smile. "Here you are, mister, this is a treat from my good friend, Usha. Isn't she wonderful? And so beautiful too, I wish I could be half as beautiful as she is," she gushes at him, clasping her hands together as she spares the Zeltron lady a dreamy look. "And you are? I don't believe we've met, I would remember someone as frightfully charming as you are, surely I would. And such an unscrupulous bookie, as well, how marvelous." A sweet smile for him.

Oh Jonn, why did you do this? Jonn's sudden freedom of movement was rapidly stymied. "I hate to RIB you der wr-" CRUNCH.

Not even Jonn Drayson, Action Hero, could withstand the force of a Houk headbutt. He went down like a sack of potatoes, all lumpy with muscles sticking out everywhere, bleeding profusely from a skull wound. Consciousness? What was that? As he faded, he dreamed of little killer rabbits chasing his daughter through a sunflower field and came to the conclusion that some rabbits could just go frack themselves.

Normally, Grom would praise a worthy adversary, or at least declare aloud that he had won. Presently, however, the Houk still seems enraged for some reason, and as Jonn falls, the Houk plants a foot on the prone human's chest, leaning enough weight to shift ribs, clenches both hands into fists, and roars in wordless triumph, a trickle of human blood dripping down the alien's forehead.

Kasia hears the trash talk from Grom, and when he looks in her direction, she gives him a discreet thumbs up. Not that she's entirely sure he understands what that means, but she risks it. Worst that happens is he break off Jonn's thumb, right? The little green flag she holds in her other hand is also given a wave, but it halts as CRUNCH, Jonn goes down. Ouch. He might need a new face after that.

Leaning back in his seat Darius makes a grimance as Jonn Drayson takes a devastating blow from Grom, but can't help but have a little smirk grow across his face. Maybe these fights in the pit are growing on him, or maybe he just enjoys the background noise of chaos as he focuses on something. Not a datapad, or anything electronic, but it seems the young human is using a pencil to scratch notes into a paper book, quietly laughing to himself before tucking it into his coat and getting up. Wandering a bit he spots the familiar face of Kasia and makes his way toward her. "Now, did the one you want to win, win? Or...?" Darius asks with a smiles.