Log:First Order: Crash Goes the Boom

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The Vanguard has to escape a pro-resistance area after being shot down on Nakadia

OOC Date: June 14, 2018
Location: Nakadia
Participants: First Order: Kylo Ren, Lioria Thrace, Asiir Cuul, Grayson Oakfell, CV-4377, Emma Starflare

It's a beautiful night in the neighborhood, a beautiful night in the neighborhood ..did you die? A pro-resistance group had managed to scramble an ground to air attack on the Vanguard Transport, sending the ship spiralling down earthwards to crash into a sleepy little country side. It's high summer, fields of gold and purple muted in shade due to the pallow of darkness that has claimed the land on this side of the planet, stars twinkling high above.

Houses in the distance seem to come to life with windows lighting up in a glow as lights are turned on, the crash not having gone unnoticed by some keen eared locals, the baying of akk dogs sounding in the distance as well.

The transport has been split into two, most everyone, save for Lioria and Asiir, escaping unscathed, the Cathar and White Lady suffering concussions as the ship tore apart upon it's descent. Scratches and bruises sort on the others, with seats scattered around, the pilot dead, having taken the brunt in order to protect the Supreme Leader. Ya'll others are coo, too, just. You know. Pilot would have died regardless for not evading those missiles.

Fire burns and smoke rises up into the night sky, the comms coming to life in a quiet crackle, << Vanguard Transport, we received your distress signal. We can not approach your coordinates. Make your way to Quarrow for extraction, sending exact coordinates. >> Datapads, wristunits and the like gently chirp (unless on silent), indicating coordinates.

Grayson groans as she undoes her seatbelt from the chair that fell away from the transport, on her side, falling to her knees and immediately getting up, "Okay, I am to be treating as we move any injuries, but ..if none serious, then we wait till we are extracted." Time is money! The sound of Akk Dogs barking and baying comes in louder, the group will have to move to try and avoid the pack.

Thank GODS Lioria wears that helmet. Or she'd probably have her head removed. That still doesn't get past the fact she can taste blood in her mouth. "I hate rough landings." her vocoded voices states to Asiir as she looks to him. "Guess we'll see if we can see if we can keep ahead of the cats." she states. Waits. Dogs barked. Cats meowed. Don't tell Lioria that right now!

Picking himself clear of the wreckage is a man clad all in black, a ragged cape around his shoulders, cowl lowered for the trip home. The scar across his face stands out more starkly than usual, skin pale and the mark an angry red as he tugs his body away from the bucket seat where his half of the ship is lodged into the earth. It's the front half, because of course it is, and his tall frame stumbles purposefully into the cockpit to check if the pilot is still alive. There's a crash of glass as one of the unbroken viewports shatters outward, and the ship computer abruptly crushes in on itself, before the Supreme Leader comes shambling back out of the cockpit, collecting his helmet from the debris as he passes it, lucky to have found it at all. "We need to move," he announces to no one in particular, looking around to see who's still alive with a sour expression.

The sudden impact of Asiir's head into the durasteel of the First Order transport had been enough to blast the thought from his mind and to send a loud ringing echoing into his head. That's what he gets for not wearing his seat belt. He rolls over to his side on the ground, groaning in pain as he puts his back to the ground and stares up at the sky from where he'd been tossed from the halved transport. "Krif," he finally grunts, lifting his hands up to press to either side of his head as he forces himself to sit and then finally to stand. He hears Kylo's command, but it seems as if it is from further away than it is. Still, he straightens himself as blood trickles down the right side of his face, readying himself to move.

CV-4377 was lucky enough to come out of the crash without taking the brunt of the force. The stormtrooper takes a moment to himself to overcome the initial delirium of the incident before unbuckling himself from his seat. The man rises up, adjusts his armour, checks his equipment, and leans over to snag his blaster rifle. He silently examines the other passengers, listens to their commentary, and falls in line behind the group in an effort to be ready to move.

Luck is not on the side of the group tonight, those baying akk dogs catching onto the scent of the fire, a voice of a woman calling out, "GO ON. Go on babies, go catch them evil bastards." Four dogs will careen through wheat fields, clamoring over one another to be the first to catch first blood of those who survived the crash. The wheat is illuminated by the flames from the wreckage and the glowing creepy eyes of the dogs come into view as they separate to encircle the group, big eyes watchful, teeth slathered with saliva as they pant in excitement, claims digging into soft earth as bodies crouch back in anticipation. Not too far behind them their owner will make an appearance, a Nakadian woman with dark brown skin and steely green eyes which flash in the firelight, a pistol drawn in her left hand. She stares towards the group, blaster raising up, "If it isn't the boy who cried Akk Dog." She snarls, likely referring to Kylo, You all feel like surrendering? Or we attacking." That last command is to the dogs who let out blood curdling snarls, the keeping in place however, well trained, though if attacked they'll lunge forwards and attack.

Grayson for her part is drawing out her blaster, a glance given to the Supreme Leader with a sidelong look, her lips parted, breath coming quickly. She follows his lead, no doubt, but the blaster is waiting. So are the dogs, "I'm guessin' we're attacking." A click sounds from the Nakadians free hand, a signal for the dogs to attack, and like coiled springs the dogs lunge towards the group.

Lioria is her usual quiet self once they get moving. She's not really in the mood to be bitten by a dog tonight. Or ever. She swings when the dog lunges, but, she really doesn't have a chance of hitting with either hits. She's not even close to either of her marks. The crimson dressed Knight is probably hurting under all that armor. But, she looks over to Asiir, "Can you hit that?" she laughs.

They barely have /time/ to get moving before the homey lady and her akk dogs are on them, before Kylo even has a chance to pull his helmet on. The man turns with a snarl towards the dogs, mimicking that aspect of their attackers, and with an abrupt crack of angry red, his lightsaber comes growling out into the darkness, spilling an unsteady crimson light around him. One of the hounds leaps forward to attack, and the savage chop of his blade splits the widespread maw into two smoking pieces, the head and body of the thing parting ways around the joint of the jaw to fall in a sizzling heap.

Asiir's hand had already been drifting to the hilt of his lightsaber at the baying of the dogs that drew ever nearer. By the time the Nakadian Lady arrived to give her speech, the weapon was already drawn and soon after a ruby and emerald glow mingled with the light cast by the flames as the multi-colored saber staff powered on. No words were spared for the woman, though with the pounding headache that was making the Cathar slightly woozy, it was all the man could do to remain focused on the snarling and attacking dogs. The saber whipped into a figure eight before him, the hum of energy turning into an angry roar as the Cathar neatly dodged one lunging beast and sliced the head clean of the body with the green blade, before twirling and slicing the next dog in half, severing front legs from rear.

CV-4377 snaps himself tight at the appearance of the hunting pack. He had experienced simulations for disadvantaged situations, but this time it was the real deal. His heart rate accelerates as the adrenaline is dumped into his body like a pallet of bricks off a high-rise. The fellow's skin feels flush as he takes manual control over his breathing, hoists up his rifle into a readied position, and points the weapon down range at the Nakadian woman. He pulls the trigger and the bright red bolt flies well beyond it's intended target, passing by the animal handler's right side.

Oh bros, sisters. OH. YOU KILLED THE DOGS. And so viciously. Sweet, sweet yelping barks rise up into the night air, swallowed into the darkness beyond the glow of the fire which is beginning to simmer down and shift to a low burn. The group is illuminated by a low glow orange, patternings of crimson spattering with darker hues of brown as guts and gore splat onto the ground and the surrounding wheat.

Kylo and Asiir are deadly, with the latter able to take out two akk dogs, while the former completely decimates his chosen one. Lioria and CV-4377 miss their targets, with the woman dropping and rolling into the field of purple gold wheat with a heavy yelp, a single akk dog left. Unfortunately the display isn't enough to send the woman running, but the lone akk dog that Lioria tried to take out yelps out, whimpering as it's litter mates die horrifically. It turns and runs off into the sheathes of wheat, disappearing into the darkness, while the woman tries to take out Kylo while she can, the woman recognizing him (with that hair and face who wouldn't), with a single shot as she tries to use the wheat to her advantage.

Grayson for her part, well. She didn't shoot, not able to bring herself to shoot the puppers, but she will take aim at where the woman disappeared, blaster held in both hands, waiting. If she has to shoot she will! "We should not let her be escaping, she will raise alarms for others." Gray warns, perhaps hoping to goad one of the others into shooting the woman or you know, eviserating her so the good doctor doesn't have to. WUSS.

The Supreme Leader advances past the dead body of the akk dog he's just cut down, pausing only to tug his helmet down over his head, a slight hiss of actuators as the mouthplate moves into position. His lightsaber continues to crackle furiously in his hand, the other reaching out towards her and tightening into a fist that quickly stops the woman from breathing, her hands clutching uselessly at her neck for a brief moment before he tosses the fist to one side and a sharp snapping crack sounds when her head abruptly kilters at an unnatural angle. The processed voice emerges from inside his helmet, then. "Assume everyone we meet is out to kill us. When we extract we'll bombard this whole area. Let's move." With almost disturbing silence, the large figure of the man in black melts away towards the distant city.

Lio gives a look to the dogs that have died, "Well, sucks to be you." she tells them. Then she continues on. Keeping her blade out as they do. She keeps her eyes open and there's something spotted, "Looks like we've got some speeders up here guys. Let's go check them out. Looks like there's four of them?" she is trying to make sure her brain is processing things correctly.

Asiir's chest is rising and falling rapidly as his lungs continue to stubbornly pull oxygen in and then perform a forceful exhale as he squints his eyes, attempting to maintain his balance through the woozy headed concussion that clouds his vision. He doesn't bother to extinguish his lightsaber yet as he looks toward the Supreme Leader and nods in agreement before beginning to follow along with him, though at a louder pace. He sees the speeders that Lioria points out, but he does not move immediately for them, looking instead to Kylo.

CV-4377 holds his weapon out in front of him even after the female animal handler has been dealt with and the dogs have ran. The trooper uses the break to steady himself internally. He falls in line with the lightsaber fanatics, trying to keep himself somewhere near the edge of the column to act as a human buffer between the flank and the shuttle passengers. The front of his helmet snaps to Kylo as the shuttles are called out, an action similar to Asiir's, but without the soldier spotting the ground cars for himself.

Sometimes it was creepy how quietly and invisibly Em-1710 moved, especially since she lacked the 'enhancement' of the lightsaber wielders. Yet when she'd at first been thought lost among the wreckage, the woman simply steps up behind the others, weapon in hand and raising the other to point at the speeders. "The third one looks like it may struggle, but it will do in the moment unless we have time and skill for a field repair."

The speeders, slightly grown over by weed and tendrils of grass, the quad of speeders looking like the best bet for getting on out of the area. The noisiness of Gray and Lio's footsteps and perhaps even breathing (Asiir, even while breathing as heavily as he is, seems to time with the gentle breeze that whispers through), alert those gathering in the middle of the town to the presence of either the akk dogs and their mistress, or others not of their group. A loud, "Castinella?" Comes from the cluster of small homes not too far off in the distance, perhaps a mile at best, small beams of light from torches skimming through the air as small dots.

"Okay, as much as I am liking to make sure these work, I would like to say we have a full village who will come upon us. Let us run, or hop on these." Four? Only four. Grayson will traipse up to the speeders once they've been pointed out, and she'll start ripping off the weeds, "We have to ride in pairs, the Supreme Leader can have his own. Who can drive these?" Huffed out, nails digging and weeds flying in the dark, the light from the crash barely lighting anything, only the moon and stars gently infusing the area with barely there light. She then pops up on a speeder, hands going to her thighs after a quick adjustment of her medical pack on her chest, scooting back to allow someone to sit in front of her to control it. The voices get closer, "Hurry, no drawing of sticks, let's go, now." Chop chop!

The chrome-lined helmet stares towards the lights in the distance, the black hole of the visor not giving any clue as to what the Supreme Leader might be thinking, but the implication is clear. Maybe he wants to the whole village to come upon them, but after a long moment the lightsaber in his hand goes thudding home into its hilt, the side blades dying out before he turns quickly to throw a leg over one of the speeders. His boot kicks at the starter, bringing the vehicle's repulsorlifts whining into life, knees straddling the seat while his fingers depress hidden switches on his helmet, lifting it off again and shaking his head free to drop it over the 'saddlehorn' on the seat. The night is dark, and the mask doesn't help him see.

Lioria gives a nod to that, "Pair up. If you can drive one of those things, please take point on it. And hurry." the vocoded voice states. She KNOWS she can't drive. Does she ask Kylo to ride with him? Probably not. It's not like she cuddles up to him like people on dates do. The red armored figure gets on and clamps one hand down so she doesn't fall off when he does start to go.

When the general command seems to be that they will leap upon these glorious steeds and make off into the night, Asiir doesn't argue. He waits until someone has hopped onto one and fired it up, taking the moment to extinguish one of the blades on his weapon, before leaping onto the speeder behind Emma. One hand takes hold on the woman's waist while the other holds his lightsaber at an angle that won't kill his driver. "I'll try to take out anyone that gets too close," he growls to the Trooper.

CV-4377 moves over to the speeders after a consensus is made. He examines the damaged one for what feels like ages. Inside the helmet, the man is likely making all sorts of funny faces as he tries to figure out how to go about starting this model of speeder. His hand dips to the controls, giving it a go but the man soon realizes that he is too goofy to figure it out in a crunch, or that the vehicle is broken beyond repair. The stormtrooper quickly aborts his attempt to start the broken bike and sprints over towards Grayson. Feeling disheartened by his first try, the man isn't about to make a second go with the time constraint...he needs to get the doctor to drive. His gloved hand frees itself from his rifle, motioning the woman to the front of the bike.

Em's hands go to the controls for the speeder and for the moment she turns it on the vehicle almost surges forward immediately. It would have been a short trip into a wall, but it seems that fate was on her side. Breathing a small sigh of relief, the woman nods her head and then slings her carbine, reaching instead for the blaster pistol on her thigh. It's not that she didn't believe Asiir's promise to try and defend them, it was more a case of trusting her own blaster. "We are lacking the ammunition to take on the whole village and make a stand. Unless we have means of changing that, escape remains our best option."

Graysons head falls back as she glances around her, realizing ..she's going to have to drive. A soft exhalation of sound drags from her mouth as she notices, barely, CV-4377 motioning to her to scoot forwards, and she'll do so without argument because, well. She a good doctor, and knows what Kylo can and has done to those who fail to perform. This is her maiden ride on a speeder, never having ridden one before, but ..she's ridden as a passenger on enough of them to mimic the motions. A hesitant reach out of her hand there, and a kick down of a heel there and the bike rumbles to life, briefly sounding like it might stall but ..nope!

"You have to be doing the shooting if we're found." Grayson murmurs over her shoulder to CV, kicking the speeder bike into life, the thing picking up speed and zooming off, the headlights those fun auto-day time running lights, so their path is laid out before them through the wheat. All the speeders hum to life and seem to be in working order despite their previous state of being covered in weeds and the like, and the group zooms off into the night, beams of their speeders illuminating old worn paths to take through the fields, the glimmering lights of the city off in the distance providing the direction they need to go.

However, the crashing of the ship sent ripples of word throughout the area, and a group of people, seven in all, have gathered to create a roadblock on the course that they assume the group would take to get to the area, and luck is on the side of the sympathizers with the resistance, because they see the headlights coming down their way, sending bolts of green off through the air towards the speeders, hitting the speeders and cracking windshields, a foot rest on one, and the complete front panel of Kylo's speeder, the panel flipping up into the air -- "Gah! Are we pushing to smash them with our speeders and go through, or are we stopping to fire into their faces, Supreme Leader?!" Gray yells out, the blockade of people and their own speeders aligned ahead of them about a quarter mile up.

The incoming fire blows bits off their speeders, and it would seem they're being hit hard here. Kylo's response to the front panel of his vehicle being shot off is to gun the engine, his jaw clamping down, manipulating the controls in an attempt to pull greater speed from the thing. It's likely he'd have kept driving in silence if no one had asked for his opinion, eyes staring dead ahead as he hurtles toward the barricade, but Grayson's question breaks his concentration. "Fire back and keep driving! We need to get out of here." He's back to concentrating again, and the air feels... tight.

All at once, the villagers attempting to block the road are bodily pushed back, their speeders spinning around as though moved by an unseen, enormous hand. The effect is not large on any individual but across the group, the road ahead is changed significantly, a path being cleared while the attackers stumble backwards, a few shots flying off into the night sky.

"Keep us steady!" Asiir growls out to Emma as he shifts his grip to be around the joint where her armor meets the helmet at the nape of her neck. He lifts himself up higher on the seat of the speeder as they hurtle along, relying on his Cathar dexterity and the grip he has on Emma with one hand to keep him from falling from the vehicle. The single blade of his lightsaber still burns, a fiery red omen to the barricade that fires at them from ahead. The lightsaber swishes out twice, flashing through the darkness to connect with blaster fire to send one bolt, and then another flying back at those shooting at them.

Lioria doesn't really want to get on Kylo's bad side, but when the air gets 'tight' she knows what's coming. When it's confirmed with the pushback the woman swings her arm out, her fingers spreading wide as blueish white lightning arcs from her fingers and sprays out to hit the people that are giving them trouble. The Knight brings her own fireworks with her. She didn't have a lightsaber, she did have her favorite thing next to them.

CV-4377 braces himself as the speeder races along. Once the plasma starts flying, he has to dedicate a good portion of his thoughts to making sure to keep his feet from dragging along the ground...as that would be painful. As the group approaches the checkpoint, and the hostile militia is cast to the ground, the stormtrooper rests his rifle's fore against Grayson's shoulder to stabilize a shot. Just before passing through the line, a red bolt of plasma frees itself from its barrel prison and strikes a knocked over enemy. "Will that suffice?" The man asks Grayson with sarcasm.

The shift in position has Emma balancing the bike a little differently, but she manages to adjust...even so, the whirling of the lightsaber to deflect bolts around her does have her biting her lip in the most subtle sign of fear for her limbs that was thankfully hidden by the mask of her helmet. Fear however, couldn't stop her from doing her job. Even as her passenger fends off bolts headed towards them, the Vanguard NCO keeps one hand on the controls and raises her blaster pistol with the other, firing a shot neatly into her target's face while they speed by.

With Grayson's janky steering of the speeder, it's any wonder that CV can manage to shoot anything. But, the force seems to be with the group tonight as they manage to raze the blockage of people and their speeders, Kylo pushing them back and the rest giving them hideous deaths, "It is sufficing, yes." Graysons thick accent calls out over her shoulder, the woman trying to keep that bike straight.

With the blockade defeated, the rest of the trip is pretty standard for your typical escape on a speeder bike. Flashes of light come from all sides from those trying to catch up with the group, but they motor faster than those on foot can go. On the industrial outskirts of the city of Quarrow their ride awaits, a transport shuttle awaiting the group. When they arrive and abandon the bikes a Officer on the ramp will greet them, "Supreme Leader-" The man on the ramp of the ship bows deeply, the ship ready to take off, the rest of the group waved on, "We are ready to launch and bombard the area per your wishes." When all are aboard the ship launches with the ramp still pulling up, and jettisons out and up into the sky, moving to the crash coordinates to BOMB THE CRAP out of the small village, obliterating it, fields also burned down, before the happy fun group mows into the atmosphere and off into space, safe and sound, for the most part, Grayson moving in to give medical aid to those who need it. FIN.