Log:Explorer's Guild: Library Lunacy

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Explorer's Guild: Library Lunacy

OOC Date: May 3, 2018
Location: Empress Teta
Participants: Explorer's Guild: Corr Waldin, Siha Archer, and Netep Muri; with special Guest Stars, Usha and Dosk


What is there on Empress Teta? A GREAT LIBRARY. This library is a massive library in the middle of the capital city and a veritable wonder, as you can see in the description above. As the explorers make their way inside, they are greeted by a prim protocol droid, polished silver and dim-lit eyes, whose slanted angle makes it seem condescending despite the fact that the face never moves.

"Greetings, Explorer's Guild, esteemed colleagues from Nar Shaddaa. That cesspool." A chrome hand lifts stiffly in a wave, dropping to its side again. "Please, this way."

Corr leads the group along behind the droid, giving everyone a glance over his shoulder like 'this is gonna be good,' pursed lips and a roll of his eyes.

"The section of the library you will be exploring is deep under the structure you see before you," the droid explains, leading the way back through the rows and rows of bookshelves to a door in the rear, pulling it open to reveal a staircase down deep into nowhere. "After you," the droid announces, and Corr takes the first step down into the staircase.

"Let's get it on," he mutters encouragingly. Take heart, adventurers.

"It is a less than optimal place of residency," Muri concurs with the droid's judgement, voice sounding way more far away than she is (practically ON someone's heel) as her face angles in every direction BUT the one they are going in. She's squeezed (hah) into the sorta too big scout suit and helmet thunks clumsily against her hip where it's been clipped every step of the way. Her hair's been twisted into something that might pass as a braid, best it can, in the hopes it'll fit inside if/when the conditions call for it.

Dosk listens as the droid speaks and looks to Corr, following as he leads the group down into the libraries underbelly. He had just finished a cargo run when hearing of the Explorer's guilds announcement for people to attend the excursion and opted to divert course to explore.

Siha Archer is already bored. She can feel it in her cheeks, her teeth, her toes, her nose. A library. But, a contract is a contract and Siha did say she'd provide transport and her bad-self to the guild, so. She's here. Sword on one hip, pistol on the other, the woman decked out in her beskar'gam though the t-visored helmet is on her hip, clasped neatly, so that her eyerolls and stifled yawns can be viewed by all.

"Oh my goddesses ...an old musty library, you nerds are gonna have soooo much fun down there." JUST IGNORE THE FACT SHE'S UNI LEARNED. That's a secrit, "Awh man, I bet you despite the cool hidden book case stairs, we're gonna find ..gasp ..more books." Her grey eyes widen as her hands fly up, fingers spreading as she gives a little jazz handy sort of wave as she follows, "Sweet breakfast cakes, Corr, man. Dude. Move your ass. You walk like an old man. Let's hustle down into this sub-basement of learning and wisdom." Said as Corr takes his FIRST STEP.

Oh how lavish this all feels! Usha, who had answere the call on the Holonet, is following along with the group wearing some olive colored jumpsuit that she thinks adventurers wear. Her sunglasses have been replaced with sport orange ones (because it's cool af) and the library around her is tinted like it's golden hour. "Oh goodness! is that a REAL Kalto painting?" After being on Nar Shaddaa for a while now, Usha feels like she's back in civilization. She wouldn't dare swipe anything, though you can tell she's day dreaming about it by the way she trips on the first step. Quickly she collects herself and continues on.

"These are not just any books," the protocol droid responds primly as he follows the adventurers into the stairwell, closing the door behind him. It's... not well-lit. The lighting is pretty dim, unless you've got a helmet or lowlight vision or something, in which case, maybe you're fine. The droid hobbles along at a rate that could actually be described as 'like an old man', one step at a time, needing to get both feet on the same stair before shimmying down to the next one. It's a terrible design.

Up ahead, Corr takes Siha's advice, moving more quickly, the others following behind. Thumpa thumpa thumpa, down the stairs, thumpa thumpa CRACK, a quick grunt of surprise from Corr, and then a BOOSH as he drops through the staircase to crash into something below. Is he dead?

"...I'm okay. There's some kinda garbage down here. Don't fall on me!"

The droid halts at the edge of the hole, looking past it towards the stairs beyond. "Oh dear. Imagine things going wrong so quickly with the fabled Explorer's Guild. I am so pleased to have hired you. I will need assistance in crossing."

Muri's drooling over everything she lays eyes upon and those fingers of hers are just aching to touch whatever's in reach. Reverently touch. She might pray to eight different entities in here before this assignment is at end. It's too bad that they've passed it all by in favor of these dark, questionable steps, but then she remembers that there are even more precious things waiting at the bottom and that drift back to the here and now is all that saves her from bumping into that droid and tumbling them both into the hole that Corr's just 'discovered'.

Her breath sucks in sharply and hands hit the brakes by planting on the wall and clinging like an urusai to the cool stone. "The Great Library is in need of renovations," she whispers the obvious to the droid. "I know a guy from Nar, if you're wantin." She claps the droid gently on the shoulder, then takes a small leap of faith and hops over the missing step to land - and stay - on her feet on the other side. One knee bends to lower her center of gravity and both hands outstretch. "Someone give it a boost and I'll grab from this side?" Then, a little more loudly to Corr who's advanced way ahead "WHAT KIND OF GARBAGE?"

Dosk follows behind Corr as they head down the stairs, listening to the protocol droid speak and picking up the pace as it changes. two of his four arms spreading to the sides a bit as the lower two move in rythm as the stairs then give and he drops through the obviously aged wood. Falling below onto something but managing to avoid Corr and Siha miraculously. Pushing himself up he scans about the dark area with his nightvisioned visor.

"Not just any books? They seriously look like 'just books' to me, what. You open them up and you're sucked into some other dimension? They other-dimension books, droid?" Siha asks, being a complete and utter arse right up until Corr breaks the steps, which breaks the steps SIHA is on, which sends her falling down into darkness, her heavily armored arse SMACKING down on the ground, back clattering hard next, the woman winded. All the air out of her chest, "SNNN...HNNNN...Corrr..cival ....I ..I kill you ..." Wheezed out, Siha not dead, and apparently able to breathe though only just, her deflated lungsicles straining for air as she does a turtle motion with her limbs, scrambling, slowly, to get up. Oh man, "Oh ..that's gonna bruise ..like ..livers and ish."

"I have said, not just any books," the droid deadpans to Siha as the ladies begin lifting him to maneuver his chrome-plated body over the hole in the stairs. "These are forbidden manuscripts that detail the process of sentient modification and cloning, a great taboo when they were-" And down he goes, CRASHing to the trashheap that's collected under the stairs.

"Looks like some kinda-" BOOM, droid falls. "Some kinda ref-use," Corr yells back up to Muri, a flailing chrome arm missing him by a hair. "Welcome to the ground floor. It's real special," the explorer informs the droid academically, pulling the sputtering thing upright and casually kicking his foot through the side of the stairwell, booting out a few adjacent boards so that they can clamber out into the basement itself.

"This is not even the sealed area," the caretaker droid all but sniffs, primly hobbling towards a door on the far wall, the dim light shrouding the view of the room somewhat, although it's a fairly large space, like a wine cellar but books instead of wine. And plenty of dust that spirals up from the floor in musty motes.

"Yeah okay," Netep nods at Usha with an inappropriately broad grin considering 3/5 of their team has fallen in a hole. "Where'd you find those shades? More importantly, how can you see?" And then the droid goes on about sentient 'modification' and suddenly....it's down the hole.

Well, they tried. Right? Netep's suspiciously not sweating. Before karma can be a bitch, she's trotting down the remaining stairs and bumps around until she's reoriented enough to join the rest of the group, her helmet in hand, fumbling with putting it on to illuminate the situation down here a little better. The cellar layout becomes a wash of green and gold contrast as her visor switches to nightvision and she steps in small circles around to get a sense of..."What?" The woman's voice doesn't /sound/ like it's smiling, anymore, and she gravitates toward the symbol-framed door and reaches out a few bare fingers to touch. "Waldin?" Yup, definitely concerned. Her fingers spread, trying to get a gauge on what size hand clawed so desperately here.

As the droid falls too, Dosk rolls out of the way and scans the room. "Everyones good here it seems!" he calls out as he scans the room "What's all this?" he says aloud, looking about and approaching the arcane symbols and murals on the wall. As well as the extremely secured door with scratch marks on it. He raises his visor as the others get situated down on the lower level and takes a pull from his flask. "Ill take a pop at the locks, aint too good at it though"

Dude, Siha is so over this place already. The books. The dust. The boredom of falling flat onto her backside through broken stairs. She can do this stuff at home! Eventually the downed Siha is up, coughing a little, both hands snagging her helmet off her hip, the thing brought up and down on her head and twisted into place after she does a few little tucking motions with her fingers to get all her hair in, "Oooh hoooo, /yes/, finally ..." They've been here, what, five minutes? But the sight of the claw marks has Siha grinning broadly beneath her helmet as the HUD on it kicks into life, seeing what the others are seeing. SHHHNNKKKKTTT, "You're going to /pick/ the locks? No, Codru-bro, move." Siha says as Dosk tries to fiddle with the padlock, the dusky Mandalorian bringing her katana up in both hands and down with a satisfying SWWIIIISSSHHHKKK through the metal of the chains holding the door closed, the padlock left, hanging, in Dosks possession should he keep hold of it, while chains tumble to the floor. The sword comes to a stop full-slice at her opposite leg, laughter playing out from within her helmet, "Haaa haa, okay, this place isn't /too/ bad, c'mon." A jut of her helmeted chin at the door, "Let's move. Find ya'll some 'forbidden manuscripts' and maybe some cool dead things."

"Do you like them? I don't like to kiss and tell, but all I will say is that it involved the most GORGEOUS pilot with the TIGHTEST little bottom," Usha luxuriates in he memory but brightly admits, "I can't see at all!" And she seems completely unbothered by it. It's amazing she's made it this far really. She trots down after Netep to join the rest of her party, and seems utterly lost when everyone starts asking questions. "What's what? What do you guys see?" Because....she can't see crap. In an attempt to get a closer look she bumps into something accidentally with an "OW!"

"...I had a key," the droid remarks dryly, and he'd roll his eyes if they did that, but they don't, they just stare slanted ahead. He brushes past Siha and Muri on toddling feet to ungainly slide the chain locks back and push the door open, with a creeeeeak that suggests the squeaky joint hasn't got the grease down here in the last little while. Or long while. "After you, explorers. Please, take care with the manuscripts."

From the trashpile under the stairs, Corr heads over, squinting at the symbols indicated by Muri there, the scratchmarks, and all of it. Arcane, twisted symbols. Does Corr read them? No, he barely reads Basic. "I'm sure it's nothin' we can't handle," he mutters to his linguist and long-time associate, peering into the dark room ahead as he steps in. Nothing jumps out at him, so... "Seems fine!" Nothing to worry about.

"The manuscripts we are seeking are in the furthest corner of this room. They will not be easily located," the caretaker intones in his chipper but arrogant voice. "They will be hidden, the sentient modifiers were careful and clever."

"So why have the library caretakers not simply hauled a kriffin work light down here and cleaned house if you know what bloody corner they are in?" Netep challenges quietly, feeling less than reassured by Corr's mutter. "Who did you lock down here?" she challenges a bit more loudly to the droid, then. "One o'them /modifiers/?" It seems to be a sore subject for Miss Muri. She takes a very gradual path toward the aforementioned corner, moving just tiny shuffles at a time while eyeing the space in between, above, below suspiciously. One hand snakes out toward the lost Zeltron to take hold of her camo sleeve and tug her along. Seeing-eye Muri.

Well, Dosk failed his attempt after farting with the lock for a few moments he just remains in place for another moment as Siha slices the chains like nothing. His visored hlmet looking up at the woman and her insturment of death for a moment before he opts to drop the lock and stand up. "Well, apparantly I found an alternative to a lockpicking kit, those scratches kind of irk me though." Saying in the womans direction as he steps back and draws his pistol before the door is opened. The scratches alone enough to invoke a bit of apprehension within the Codru'ji. As that is happening Usha bumps into him. "Hey!" he calls out, "watch it!"

Corr opens the door and he follows in to see a vast hall fill of manuscripts. "Alright, we got our work cut out, at least it's narrowed down to a certain area."

"Well then, you stupid droid, why didn't you /give/ the key at the outset, instead of being all vague and mysterious." Asks Siha who is, and was, only too pleased to chop off the chains to the doors all dramatically. Her question is tossed after the droid as he wanders/toddles past to further impart upon the party the importance of what lays within, "Yeah, answer Muri, you got sentient modifiers trying to kill stuff, or were those marks from other parties trying to get into this place for your clonin'? Oh, I bet the books are sentient, guys! Watch out." She so impressed. Her sword is given a little twirl in her right hand as she glides past book cases, her night visioned helmet helping her avoid slicing and dicing up her compartriots as she walks along, eyeing books, sword lifted up to poke at a spine (ON THE BOOKS) or seven, fabric sliced away on a few, a slightly guilty look tossed over one shoulder as she quickly eyeballs the others to see if they saw her. And she keeps poking. Only more /gently/. While seeing book. After book. After book.

"Woops, sorry dearest, you just have so many arms!" Usha manages to both apologize and state the obvious to Dosk. Happy to be dragged around by Muri, she lets herself get guided but keeps the frames on because why try and see for yourself when you've got your pals with you. "What sort of markers are we looking for? Anything distinct that we can point out easily?"

Staying close to the group, Usha picks up a few dusty manuscripts, using the dim lighting to squint her way through the search. Nothing thus far. She sneezes, and then asks, "Scratches? Was someone trapped in here before us?"

"Well they've gotta be around here somewhere," Corr mutters to the others as he heads towards the indicated corner along with them, peeking at spines as he goes, running rough fingers over the dusty shelves and mostly succeeding in spreading dust into the air. Good work, Corr. "Maybe they're hidden in plain sight, like with a code or somethin'," he suggests, picking one out and popping it open, eying the pages. "This is a cookbook. Maybe it's a cookbook /for people./"

A dry metallic laugh. "So clever, explorers. You are most skilled, this is exactly the sort of quality service I was expecting," the caretaker droid remarks, the voice far-off as he has remained near the door. Abruptly, the dim light filtering in from the other room is cut out, although no sound accompanies it, and when the droid speaks again, the tone is changed, deeper, almost menacing. "This is everything I hoped for and more."

Netep's yellow eyes are narrowed into surly little slits as she noses along her own row of manuscripts while a small piece of her inner self continues to flip head over heels with joy at the sight of all this dusty parchment, leather, polymer, and whatever else material predates the modern mainstream medium by many thousands of years. It's all precious. It is. Taboo or no. Veeeery cautiously, she wiggles one loose for closer inspection at the space behind it, reaching in to give the wall a testing shove while her cross-eyed gaze gravitates back to some language she can't read (yet) scrawled on the cover. "Maybe," she answers Usha huskily around a little puff of fog condensing on her face shield. It's an allergen-free zone inside that helmet!

And then visual acuity inside that helmet sharpens just a little as the ambient light disappears completely to the tune of snarky droid - turned scary. A muffled sigh barely registers over her comm, followed by the grumble of "rusty bishwag". Rather than put the manuscript back on the shelf, she shoves it over her shoulder into the little pack there and then casually fishes around with her left hand for the blaster stowed on thigh.

As the droids announcement is made, and the light cuts out, Dosk slides his pistol out of its holster. Having not discovered anything of note, though the menacing tone and his nightvision cutting on once the lights are completely off jolsts a reaction. He looks around a bit confused. "Somethings up!" He says aloud in the hall, stating the obvious

Another laugh joins that dry metallic laugh, Siha's own throaty delighted laugh which is partially mechanized via the t-visored helmet atop her head. Though while the droids is kept, you know, all evil and dark, foreboding, really, Siha's lilts up to an almost manic level of hysterics, one hand on her armored stomach, the other lifting up her sword, "HA HA. YES. /This/ is everything I hoped for. And /more/." Not just your average guard detail over boring books and papers, Siha grinning darkly beneath her own helmet, grey eyes narrowed as her sword is given a one two swirl around as her night vision kicks in similarly to Dosks, HUD lightin' up her world, "Hey, Corr, everyone, we ain't supposed to be cutting up the books and crap, right? Keeping my aim tight?" Asked casually as she gets into a readied stance, her body ready. Slicin' and dicin' time.

"Okay, no one panic. It called us most skilled, right? We're everything it wanted and more. Now, I'm no genius, but those all sound like compliments to me." The sudden spike in tension of all those in the room is starting to get picked up but Usha's empathy sensors. And in fact, Siha's delight is the only thing keeping her balanced at the moment. "Let's all just ... you know, take a deep breath," she says as if talking to herself more than anyone else. Usha breaths in an out and in and out. And in the pitch black darkness sounds the distinct SNORT of Usha taking her the 'medicine' for her nerves.

"It was simple enough to lure you down here," the droid intones with a growing menace in that mechanical voice, "just like the last crew of adventurers. It's amazing what a cash reward will do." It's dropped nearly two octaves, and the figure of the chrome-plated robot has changed as well, limbs extending and joints shifting their angles to more agile positions, the whole body of it altered into some sort of nightmare-ish etiquette bot gone wrong, a pair of mean guns withdrawn from its chest cavity. Apparently the speech is over, because it opens fire on the two biggest members of the crew, blasting into Corr and Dosk before darting behind a bookshelf.

Corr is hit, biting back a shout of surprise, dismay, and pain all rolled into one, dropping his hand for the blaster pistol worn low on his thigh and swinging it up towards their former guide, pulling the trigger to no effect. Without hesitating the old cartridge is ejected off into the never-never and a new one slammed home, a quick shot fired off as he rounds the corner of another shelf to get line of sight before dropping behind it, grabbing distractedly for his shoulder where the blast has burned through his armor. "I don't give a rip about the books! Kill this thing dead!"

While Corr's yelling that, a few compatriot killing machines trundle out from the darkened corners on the door side of the room, some sort of unfolding astromechs that lift their domes to reveal miniature turret emplacements. What kind of library is this?!

"What kind of library is this?!" yells Corr.

Netep's dreams are dashed in so many ways just now. Maybe it's the suit filtering out pheremones, maybe it's just that hard of a hit to realize you've been deceived by a /kriffing/psycho/droid/ and there won't be an in-depth library tour of this sacred place in the near future. Ever, probably, as this bridge gets swiftly burned by blasterfire and cries of dismay. "S'not the modifiers you hate, it's the kriffin sentients, you bolt-buggered..." *PEW* Netep's arm is held at length, lil peashooter 'aimed' at one of the morphing astromechs but it evidently trundles faster than she can shoot. Or her hand is just that shaky with hurt feelings. The petite scholar embarks on a slow advance toward the door around another row of shelving with that shitty Czerka held out in front like the shield it's not. "What's your beef?!"

And, because hubris will always be the downfall of those who practice it, Siha, though her body may be ready, is not prepared to take on those droids. She advances on the big droid, the one who delivered the evil monologue, swinging her sword up and down twice, aiming to eviscerate the big thunker, but what she eviscerates are books and manuscripts instead as the big guy deftly and easily dodges out of her playdough swinging, "Shavit ..the ..the freaking ...organics always stand still at first, this stupid can is not following the rules." But she owns it! "I shouldn't have had that burrito on the ride here .." Oh man, it's ..it's pulling her down. And the whiskey! OH THE WHISKEY! That she might have shared with Usha on the way here, or kept to herself, who knows! Papers and motes of dust fetter up into the air with Siha's hacking, the droid unblemished from her attentions.

It's sudden, but a bolt of light zips right past Usha's orange frames, narrowly missing what she feels is her eyebrows. Such a close shot is what gets her to admit, "Oh crink! I was wrong! I-I was SO wrong!" Belatedly, Usha scrambles to pull out her small blaster and takes a reactionary shot at the other droid that shot at her. Its shoulder recoils back as her blast hits, but it does very little to slow its roll, and it continues to head straight for herself, Siha, and Muri. The Zeltron's second shot is worse than the first, missing its target altogether and instead burns a hole through a beautiful, beautiful old text.

"Foolish fleshbags," the homicidal protocol droid growls hungrily, Corr's shot knocking one of the guns from its grasp, a small blessing as it levels the other weapon at Siha, who has done the favor of getting very close. BOOM, he blasts her from point-blank range, not even beskar is going to do a lot against that sort of thing. Muri's demand to know what 'his beef' is just makes him laugh, but he was laughing already, a weird mechanical husky chuckle. He seems like he's really into this whole 'slaughtering organic life in the basement' thing.

"We're in a tight spot," Corr mutters to himself from behind the bookshelf he's taken cover with, popping up to take a quick shot at the guide turned murderer, and he doesn't miss, it's worse than that. The bolt ricochets off the chrome plating and thuds into a book next to Dosk's head. "You gotta be kidding me," and he shoots at the turret droid instead, missing that one too.

The astromech is rolling around, dome discarded, a turret gun whirling around in its place, taking aim at each of them in turn, spitting hot fire while its audio chip plays a loud "WWWOOOOOOOOOWWWW", as they do.

There's a lot of blasterfire happening and the bright zings of light are blinding as they cut across her vision or leave a wake of sparkling stars in her peripherals. To nightvision or not to nightvision? Netep feels like it might be a loss either way, so she squeezes one eye shut to try and preserve it's usefulness for later (if there IS a later). "I'm gonna try for the door!" she squeakily whispers into the comm in a voice that's barely louder than her panicky breathing. "I can see it!" A flash of chrome moves between charred gaps in the shelf beside her but it's firing at some other poor soul so she takes the window of opportunity while it lasts and ruuuuuns, still with the blaster waving around in front. Her surge of hope is short-lived as one of the turret domes wheels suddenly into her path, spitting fire as it does. Her right hand flies up too late to ward off the flashes of light while that twitchy trigger finger responds in kind but it's a wide miss. Wiiiide. Maybe it's the brief disorientation, maybe the shock, but it takes a sec for the gal to realize she's been hit. The distinctive hissss of depressurizing suit cues her in and she looks frantically to the source, under her left arm. Oh no. Ohnoohnoohno....the allergens! Also blood. The murky splotch burned into her bodysuit says as much and she pants in disbelief at the sight of it. "I--is everyone still here?" she queries over comm and tries to make herself smaller against that shelf while waiting for another run at the door.

Shots whizz by Dosk's head, hitting bookshelves. He manages to roll his extremely wounded body behind a bookshelf just as a hail of fire comes from the elite. The smuggler pops off a couple of return fire shots, both missing as he adjusts himself up and wonders what Mandalorians were good for aside from wearing armor. One of his arms holds his chest as he stands up and starts ramming himself into the shelf behind him. Throwing himself into it like an idiot a couple times, a bit weakly before calling out. "Help me knock the shelves on this thing!"

You know what's holding Siha's body together? That beskar'gam which did nothing to save her. She is literally being held together by fabic as that point blank shot hits her, well ..you know. Point blank. In the chest. It's real gnarly. Like, for all that blaster wounds are supposed to self-cauterize, because, you know. Heat. But her flightsuit beneath the armor plates is completely eviscerated, leaving the skinny broad with no boobs hiding behind beskar'gam plates which only help to cook her insanely crazy wound on her chest. Oh man. Her skin is charred black, and rivulets of red begin to immediately crowd around and fall, eking their way down in around her non-existent hips and down into her underthings and boots as she stands there, stunned. Her body immediately begins to go into shock, and it's only the yell of Dosk that has her numbly reaching out, insane strength found in her adrenaline ridden state, to drag down those shelves the codru-ji was trying to drag down, the things topping and knocking down the big droid, pinning him beneath books and old-arsed wooden shelves that probably weigh a ton because of all the knowledge they hold. HA HA. No seriously. Weakly then, all effort and strength expended on bringing down the shelves, Siha reaches out with her katana, or tries to, weakly, and effectively, knighting the droid with two gentle taps, "We prolly ..we prolly wanna run." DROP. Down she goes hard onto her knees, body splating onto her side.

Much like Muri, Usha is also making her way toward the door, staying low and squatting her way over. And she's almost there! But its hard to dodge a weapon that literally sprays shots at you. "Ack!" She takes a shot to the leg, and falls to the floor. Quickly she takes two shots, and the latter one manages to pop the turret of the droid, reducing it to an angry hunk of metal without the projectile power.

"I got this one, Muri get over here!" Usha beckons to the girl while she heads for the exit. But despite losing its turret, the droid is still salty af and runs over to the Zelt, shoving her against the door, which shakes a little bit. This catches her attention, especially as she's repeatedly pushed into the door. "Guys!" Shove. "Door's a little loose!" Shove. "I think-" Shove "They used a padlock" Shove. Shove. Shove. "HALP!"

With the killer protocol droid pinned under the bookshelf, it begins to howl in a deep mechanical scream, almost like the beginnings of an air raid siren. "We're in a tight spot," Corr repeats again, because apparently that's just his thing that he says when they're in a tight spot. The fearless leader decides to take a few pot-shots at the pinned droid where it's flailing uselessly for the gun that toppled just out of reach, kicking up a few books in the process, but again, his shots go wide, one hand still babying his shoulder.

Visually, he scans over the group in the low light, and it's readily apparent that everyone is in some stage of injury. "Ain't nothin' but a thang," the man assures Dosk, hauling the Codru-ji upright and pulling Siha up too. "Let's get out of here. Siha, can you chop that lock too? Muri! Do... something clever with the lock! Somebody! We're in a tight spot!"

The CRASH of toppling bookshelf nearly puts Muri through the ceiling but at the very least launches her with zero hesitation to answer Usha's call before the boss man can harp on her to use her brain. Now that the astromech is reduced to typical astromech ability, maybe the worse they'll suffer is bruised heels and zaps from its arc welder! She ignores it and its comical-not comical 'thumping' of Usha's legs while stuffing the Czerka away and grappling with items on her utility belt. What she comes up with is a pin and immediately jams it into the lock with a nervous look around. Sweaty hands and a hastily picked pick foil her attempt to jimmy the thing open. *SNAP* the pin breaks, one half porcupining her thumb as the other ping-skitters out of sight. "HOLY stars..." she laugh/cries at the absurdity that the last ten minutes have wrought and slumps aside to let someone with a little more muscle and sharpness do their thing. And while Siha's doing that, Muri's collecting one more souvenier off the floor to tuck into bag while repurposing herself as a prop-up for Siha so big man Corr can do the same for big dude Dosk.

Dosk gets up as Corr helps him, the wound will definitely leave a defining mark, and he manages to move as fast as possible, though lagging a bit from the pain. One of his arms removes his helmet and attaches it to his waist as a deep breath of 'fresh' air is taken, though in these depths the air is stale, it still seems a bit cooler on his face. His holster is replaced as the droid doesn't seem to be a focus in his case anymore. "Thanks" he says to Corr as they make their way out.

Siha Archer finds herself upright and ready to go. Wow. That was weird. She had this crazy dream, "I had this crazy dream I was like ..dying .." What, chopping locks? One hand will scratch the top of her helmet, itch itch, and with a squint to the door that she suddenly finds herself looking at she will lean in, "Oh yah, I got locks and I'll knock their socks ..somewhere to there. Move, woman." Muttered as her hand drops from her helmet, the woman wrapping both hands around her katana to SNAP down the blade, knockin' off dat lock. SNAP. The blade hits the floor between her legs, Siha nodding off briefly as she leans in against the sword hilt, head dropping forwards, a slight snkkrrttt of sound coming from her helmet as a pool of blood puddles around her feet. Snnkkttt. Snoorrrt. Snzzzz.

With the sorely injured party members all but hanging off each other, the door breached by a choppy bloody loony lady, and the murderous droids disabled, the Explorer's Guild and Co drag themselves back up the stairs to the main library area, where they're greeted by concerned attendants. And an emissary of the local security force, a mustachioed man with crazy red hair barely combed into place and threatening to burst into flyaways at any moment. "We came as soon as we got the report... sounds like you done trapped the Quest Killer." He lets a beat pass before he steps in closer to them to whisper, "I wanted to call him the Adventurer Eviserator, and I still think it's a better name." Grumble. "We'll take it from here, and uh. There's an appropriate reward for your trouble, and um. Discretion. Your discretion." Another pause. "Don't tell no one this happened, uh. That'd be... Just don't say anything about it publically."

Corr just... stares. They're all shot up, he's burnt in two different places, Siha's dozing off from loss of vitality. "Yeah, we sure did. How's about you get out of our way now?" Shouldering past, the big man heads for the door, waving the others on. "Let's get outta here."

Another job not really well done!