Log:Below the Jundland Wastes

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Over the years, various safehouses and covert routes have been established to help smuggle supplies and people under the ever-watchful eye of the Sith Empire. Brave souls maintain these anchors of freedom and rebellion, but one such has gone dark.

The Silca Mines outside of Motesta, Tatooine are a labyrinth of old passages, older equipment and dangerous tunnels. It is here that a safehouse had been hiding for nearly ten years. Now contact from that safehouse has ceased and a team of Rebel-friendly spelunkers and mercs brave the dangers to find what has happened.

Below the Jundland Wastes

OOC Date: August 12, 2023
Location: Motesta, Tatooine
Participants: Valeska Kora, Colo Nell, Rieve Selki

...< Silica Mines - Motesta, Tatooine >...___../~~\|~~||~~|/~~\...___../~~\|~~

In the arid desert of Tatooine's Jundland Wastes, just outside the small settlement of Motesta, lies the weather-beaten Silica Mines. This mining facility has been a vital source of the valuable mineral, silicax oxalate, and other salts for generations. Despite its age, the mine still stands as a testament to the tenacity of the locals who tirelessly run and work within its depths.

The mine's machinery, though outdated, continues to chug along, but it's an ongoing battle to keep it operational. The harsh desert weather takes its toll on the equipment, causing frequent breakdowns and demanding constant repairs. Inside the mine, the air is thick with the scent of minerals and dampness as the miners delve deep into the earth, seeking new veins and unearthing the precious resources that keep Motesta's economy afloat.

Navigating the mine is a hazardous endeavor, as haphazardly dug shafts and tunnels intertwine throughout the vast network. Some passages have collapsed years ago, forming unstable dead ends, while new veins are eagerly started, an ever-present sign of hope amidst the darkness. Torches flicker along the rough walls, casting eerie shadows on the uneven ground, and the distant sound of dripping water echoes through the narrow passageways. It's a place of both opportunity and danger, where the grit and resilience of the miners are as valuable as the minerals they unearth.



The gathered task force of would-be spelunkers is smaller than Valeska had anticipated. Who would have thought that the idea of crawling around a maze of unpredictable and dark mining tunnels would prove unattractive. Granted, the call-out could only go to a small pool of trusted /and/ capable allies, all of whom are likely tangled up in their own agendas.

"Regardless of what anyone tells you, boys, smaller is better, yeah?" Valeska is leading Colo and Rieve through what mapped areas she has. The rest will have to come from gathered intel and scant clues they can find along the way. "That way, if this place goes down, only three will tragically die. Right?"

The darkness isn't much of a problem as the Mandalorian armors have built-in head lights. The passageway isn't claustrophobic yet, but it is certainly promising to get there as they venture further and further away from anything remotely safe to traverse.


Valeska's not allowed to go on these sorts of treks alone anymore. That is to say, Colo has a quiet rule to -himself- and would never actually think of breathing such a thing to her. But he makes it plain as day in his insistence on joining her on just about any venture that might see her in danger. Spelunking? That's gonna do it. So he's geared up, armored out, and tut-tutting through his vocoder, albeit at a quieter setting than normal.

<<"Well, I might have some quibbles on that...">> He remarks while his eyes journey along various portions. Of the tunnels, of course. Where else would they go? His headlamp flickers this way and that, searching...he's not sure where. Mostly just keeping on the straight and narrow with a hand on his blaster and a wariness about getting trapped. <<"Y'know, I'm pretty sure Corellia doesn't even -have- mines any more.">>


"I'm not entirely sure I agree either... I've had some rather pleasant encounters in which uhhhh... oh I see! Oui!" Rieve replies as he stalks alongside Colo and Valeska, his sword drawn and held low, thumb hovering near the switch that will spin the blade into quite the deadly blur of snagging teeth and viciousness.

His gaze drifts about, his helmet providing both night vision and illumination alongside that of the others, ensuring the Hapan is more than capable when it comes to spotting his surroundings. "I do hope they are okay..." His voice softening somewhat as he pads carefully, pausing every now and again to cant his head and listen out for the noises of the mines, filtering out their own footsteps, before continuing onwards.


<"I think you'd be surprised what is under the Corellian surface. You remember that small vault we found?"> Valeska's helmet turns towards Colo in regard. <"Imagine that but filled with old Imperial assault weapons. Or so the rumor goes. No one has ever found 'em, yeah? Probably all rust by now but I sure would love to blow up an old Walker.">

Their treck takes them down a few more forks in the path until they reach what is undoubtedly a point at which most sane people would turn around and go back the way they came. Could it be the rubble everywhere or the large, hastily-crafted sign that says 'CONDEMNED: KEEP OUT' in streaks of runny paint?

The crimson-painted Mando stops at the sign with both hands on her ample hips. <"Welp. This is where the map stops and we figure out how good our skills are. Somewhere in the mess below is a safehouse, yeah? If we can find it, maybe we can find out what happened to the people there. And--"> Rieve says it before she can and all Val can do is nod solemnly.

<"Okay. We're on the look out for traps, dangerous steps, disturbed sand that would hint to something moving down here, and any kind of subtle carvings or hints that can point us in the right direction.">>


<<"They're gonna be fine...">> Colo speaks, thoroughly unconvincing in his efforts to convince himself and Rieve. He knows the Hapan's senses are dulled in these kinds of confines, but perhaps his vision can make up for it in some way? Rieve with his hearing, Colo's expert eyesight, and Valeska with...sense and sensibility to make up for both her followers. Even Valeska's ample hips can't dislodge his attempt to keep both of the other two out of danger by way of his going first.

Keep out? 'Get in', reads the Corellian and proves it by ducking past the sign to prowl along. His movement is languid, careful, yet purposeful as he skirts the edges of the walls. <<"Figure any traps are likely meant to deter attackers, right? So they won't keep anything much near the edges?">> It's reasonable from a very reasonable man. At least the logic of it is to -him-. Whether the universe agrees or not...

<<"A-ha! Gotcha!">> He triumphantly announces with a squint--okay, his helmet is pretty emotionless, but it's there!--at the symbol spotted. <<"Val, you're better at this symbol-reading stuff. What's this?">>


Rieve doesn't mention the walker that Colo probably still has, lest it end up shattered into a thousand pieces like his noodle stall. Colo loved that noodle stall. "Hold up!" The words are hissed swiftly as Rieve strides past them both, holds up his hand, fist clenched and gestures to the thin slither of trip-wire that glistens in the light. "Trip-wire... I'm confident, but it's easier to step over and perhaps if we get chased out of here, the pursuers won't be as fortunate." The words are offered lightly as Rieve shifts to his hands and knees, his gaze shifting along the wire from one end to the other.

Like a cat on the prowl, Rieve slowly rises and steps over the tripwire, keeping the wire between his feet as to ernsure the two know where to tread. "Just be slow and steady..." And with that said, three rocks are gathered and placed just an inch away from the wire in a uniform pattern to mark its location. And then over he steps. "We got this... yeah..."


Hm? Valeska inspects the symbol Colo finds, touching the side of her helmet to do a quick scan of it. Fifteen years of being married to this man and Val can no longer claim she doesn't know computers. She does. She's just not terribly great at it. <"Definitely marking the path, yeah? But is it telling us to go to the left or to avoid the left?">

Rieve spies a tripwire the width of a hair barely catching the light of their helmets which gets Valeska's attention. <"Hey, that's a good sign, yeah? Means that either no one has come through here or those who did saw the wire."> Or that there are multiple ways in and out of the safehouse. Or that the tripwire was placed -after- assailants went through. Or...

The more she thinks on it, the more Valeska's tone takes on a frown that the vocoder can't hide. <"You know what we don't need, though? This causing us trouble in the future."> Pulling out a pair of small cutters from one of a dozen pouches, Valeska follows the line with her gaze. Here... there... up and around. <"Head's up."> A quick snip and... the tension of the line releases without triggering the trap. <"There we go.">

Valeska and Rieve ponder over the symbol a bit more, combining their scattered knowledge of the Rebellion Underground to decipher the... cipher. <"The symbol is one of safe passage. We're, uh, fairly sure.">

Which is fractionally better than the 50/50 shot they had before. So down the left tunnel they go and after a few turns, things start to get very narrow and personal.


Well that's odd. Rieve feels his foot get snagged in something as he wriggles and squirms through the tighter passage, his foot getting caught between two rocks, and that pauses Rieve's otherwise slinky and artful progress instantly. The slink is derailed and Rieve seeks to tug at his foot a second time, and a third, and a fourth. Well rekt... Rieve mutters over the comms as he pauses and relaxes, exhaling a warm breath into his helm.

<<"I think my foot is stuck. Or rather... I know it is stuck. It is not going anywhere... oui... rekt.">> The warm words drift over the comms. <<"Go on without me mes ami... leave me here... let this mine be my tomb and never forget me.">> Oh the drama, the woe, the misery, the turmoil! Admittedly one can hear the smirk in Rieve's voice as he struggles so, giving his foot another wriggle and kick against the bonds that have held him fast. Light bouncing about the cavern as he shifts his gaze back and forth. <<"Nope... stuck...">>


Gulp. Trip-wire? Colo doesn't need to be told twice to freeze in his rekking boots when -that- little note comes over the line. He pauses and doesn't even breathe for a couple of moments as Rieve and Valeska bring up the rear and try not to get him...what, blown up? What do Rebels even attach to trip-wires these days?! When he's sure the Hapanly gentleman has fixed a location for the wire, his chest puffs up again and he glances over to find the others are working diligently away at making him safer. Er, them safer. <<"Wait, what do you mean head's--">> He begins and ends in the same breath.

Colo's wince can be felt through the cosmos. He should really learn to trust Valeska's intuition, but he'll likely never get over his reticence to test fate where wires and booby-traps are concerned. The breath that comes shuddering out when nothing happens is audible over his comms, but he settles and begins to breeze right on through now that his wife's confirmed some semblance of safety. <<"Safe passage, huh? Well...One way to find out.">> Convincing, yet again, Colo starts forward once more, into the breach. Rieve's just a step ahead, too quick for his own, careful steps--and too swift to avoid getting his foot caught.

<<"Ahh, cor'tur, my lord...I told you not to rush in. Corellian saying: 'Always be in the middle where danger is concerned'. Stay put!">> He 'orders' his noble companion. A peek is shot over his shoulder to ensure Valeska's in no danger of her own before he sets upon the trapped Hapan. Investigation first, scrunching second. Hands rapidly assess the crevasse and engage Rieve's booted foot before he grunts, throws his weight into the obstruction, and nudges it with a shoulder to break the isolating rock free of its counterpart on the other side. <<"How about now!?">> He chirps.


With Colo heading back to help the Hapan out of his situation, Valeska continues to scout ahead. Pressed up against the cold, stone wall, Valeska is sidestepping inch by inch to get through a slit in the tunnel where two large boulders had fallen and nearly blocked the place off completely.

<"I won't go far. I just want to make sure the next few yards are clear for us, yeah? You get His Highness unstuck?"> There is laughter in the woman's voice while she shimmies to the other side of the cave-in. Once there, she pauses to look around, turning her helmet light on brighter to scan the area. <"Please opens up into a natural cavern. I can hear water running somewhere, but it's rekkin' dark in here. I think I see where the old mine---DREK!">

One step forward is all it takes for the ground to start crumbling under her feet and Valeska quickly staggers backwards to save herself from a several-foot fall that sinks into the inky blackness below. <"Woof!">


<<"My hero.">> The Hapan words are positively purrrrred amidst a great deal of merriment as Colo frees the beleaguered Hapan Princeling from his fate. Any longer and he might well have had to saw his leg off. But thankfully, with Colo coming to his aid, Rieve is finally extricated from his hazardous predicament while Valeska almost plummets to her doom a few feet away.

<<"Are you okay?">> Rieve calls out after Valeska's woof. And assorted Drek. Free of the rocks, Rieve makes sure nothing is injured and finally nods as he grins at Colo through the helm. <<"I think we've further trouble up ahead...">> Of course, Rieve pushes on to aid Valeska! Which of course means Colo has to save him from himself. I mean he did save the party from being exploded and scattered about the mine, so he's still up on deeds that helped the party, but he's rapidly using up every last favour. <<"Oh my! A hole! Oui! I see what you meant!">> The Hapan teeters!


<<"Yeah, yeah, I almost got him, just give me a couple of seconds and...!">> Is there a 'pop' or not? Maybe it's just Colo's brain melted from watching too many children's holos with Riho but he swears he hears the auditory cue of someone being released when Rieve wriggles free. There's a look of bliss that just about seeps through his helmet when he inspects Rieve and ascertains the Hapan's going to be okay. <<"Got him!">> He announces, perhaps unnecessarily loud.

All the mirth seeps from him in the wake of ice-water flowing through his veins in the next moment as Val gives a squawk of discomfort. It's enough to have the wary Corelli on his feet, leaping ahead, with blaster drawn without so much as a moment to think on it. Rieve? Left in the dust, forgotten for a moment if Valeska's in need of anything as simple as the ache rubbed out of her ankle. When he rushes up, he damned near trips over her but skids to a stop--and holds an arm out to help Rieve brake his own, semi-blinded pace. He snags the Hapan's shoulder and reels him deftly, carefully from the precipice.

<<"Uh...">> Eloquent. <<"You two are going to make me have a heart attack...">>


Valeska is getting to know the cave wall intimately with her back pressed against it so hard that it could be considered lewd on many planets. She's not quick enough to stop Rieve from sashaying himself into oblivion, but thankfully Colo is there to stand sentinel to them both. <"A heartattack is not how a Mandalorian dies, yeah?"> This is Valeska's version of reassurance. <"I see where the mines continue on over there--"> pointing to the other side beyond a sizable break in the floor. <"Just gotta hop across.">

And hop they do, though it is not at all graceful. Valeska goes over first with Rieve second and Colo third. Three guesses on why the Hapan is in the middle and the first two don't count. Val extends her hand out to help catch Rieve when he inevitably misjudges the distance or the weight of his own armor. He is caught and pulled up safely to the other side with a pat on his back. <"Gettin' better.">

Colo, however, surprises her. He, too, misses the jump but instead of falling short, he catches the edge of the rock with enough landing force to send it crumbling. Valeska snatches him with both hands, pulling him with all her might: a yank that has him colliding with her in a full embrace. <"-This- is why you gotta wear your armor more often, Colo."> Scolding but also scared and relieved. <"You're not used to it as much. Gettin' rusty.">

All this movement dislodges some stalactites from above, sending several of the spikey rocks plummeting down upon then. <"Look out!">


Well that was close! Rieve makes it over, but manages to suffer a rather brutal assault by the mines themselves as a chunk of rock plummets from above. dislodged by noise and vibrations, and wings Rieve as he spins about and stumbles, managing to throw himeself up against the wall of the cave as he is left a touch breathless and winded by the blow. <<"Okay... this isn't going as swimmingly as I expected, but if anything... it's an experience oui?">> Rieve asks, normally somewhere in the midst of an urban riot or somesuch as he finally finds himself a little out of his depth. But one thing for sure, he's assessing just what he should focus on for next time.

<<"I'm fine, I promise... you both okay?">> The question asked as he looks across to both Colo and Valeska, grinning beneath his helm as he reaches up to adjust a few straps and such on his scratched armour. <<"Anyways... lets continue, I can tend to my wounds once I get back aboard the Enadara my dear sweet compatriots, you both good? Let me know if you're not!">>


<<"Is that what they tell all Mandalorians before they go get their heart pills? I swear, you two are going to worry me to death.">> Colo shoots back, quick-draw on the quips as ever. He scowls more to himself than anything and flexes his arm another moment just to ensure neither of his beloved companions gets a wild idea to jump ahead again. Just a hop? Hm. That's permitted. This time.

He brings up the rear for the best reason possible--to play sheepdog to these two he cares for. Just a brief sigh and... <<"Hup!">> He grunts as he prances over the gap and nearly smashes into Rieve in so doing. The rocks...aren't so lucky. He squawks but briefly and flails around, almost ready to ignite his rockets when Valeska's hands seize and he, in turns, clings desperately to her. And then warmly. She can't see the smile beyond his visor, but she can feel it just in the way he holds himself nearer to her in something not-quite-lewd of a fashion. Even her scolds aren't enough to melt his feelings. <<"Give me some incentive and I'll wear whatever ya like, cyar'ika.">> The second gauntlet of the night is cast.

Colo doesn't even need to think twice about dodging the next lobbing of the mine. Stalactites descend, he nets ahead--with Val in his grasp--and practically cackles at Rieve's words. <<"Never been better. Might need to hose the armor out when we're done.">> Just a breath and he shakes off some of the worry before challenging to the Hapan. <<"You wanna lead the way this time?">>


Valeska walks away with a bruise forming under her pauldron but nothing further. Colo's confirmation along with Rieve's gives her all she needs to keep pushing onwards. <"I swear, whoever found and established this safehouse is an absolute unit. That or we're going in the worst way possible."> Or both. Both is good.

Val and Colo linger back, letting Rieve take the lead this time in their trek towards... hopefully a rescue. The mine is both eerily silent and a den of worrying noises. At times, the close quarters seems to suck the very sound from the air. At others, it only amplifies the slightest shift of pebbles under their feet.

Rieve hears it first. Fast enough to turn around and grab Colo who is directly behind him. Valeska, moving quietly in the back, isn't so fortunate as something large and heavy bursts out from a fissure in the mine wall and grabs her with prickly, spindly legs to YANK her into its den.

<"What the--help!">


With a serious yoinking off of Colo, Rieve's thumb slips to the button that powers his blade into a wwhirtring mass of thunderous teef! There's no pause, no thought, just a swift and noble charge and a slice of blade towards Rancor. Teeth whirrrr! Flesh is rent. Blood is spilt. Pain? LIkely delivered in a way that should hopefully distract from a poor battered and bruised Valeska. Feet scrape the floor, with Rieve moving somewhat gracefully, his moves are of course honed by years of dancing and fencing lessons, both in his later career and as a once noble Hapan of high station and breeding.

The blade is dug deep, with Rieve grunting as he seeks to drag that blade through his opponent, making sure every inch of that attack is felt as the teeth cut deep and all too easily, slicing and dicing, splitting flesh... as Rieve issues forth a vicious growl!


<<"I think we're going the wro--">> Colo begins but decides to clamp down. No need to add insult to quite literal injury from the little bonks that his compatriots have claimed. That there even -is- another avenue to enter is enough to encourage him. Going the wrong way? Eh. Maybe it's just a different right.

One he's not so sure of in the wake of the next few moments. Rieve guides them on, but the Hapan scout only serves to keep both him and the Corellian bringing up the rear safe from harm. Valeska is...er, not so lucky. Yet she has two champions that rush to the fore, eager and willing to charge after her, and yelp her name for what seems the umpteenth time in such a short span. <<"Val!">> He roars as he lashes with his blaster. The sizzle of the modified W-35 lights up the dark tunnel with enough force that one might think a slugthrower's gone off.

Yet Colo's aim is sure. He cracks off two bursts from his Mandalorian gift straight into the creature's hide without even considering that he might hit Val. Her armor's beskar, right? Mostly. She'll be fine. <<"We're coming!">>


The only light to be found down in these depths are the trio of beams that are coming from each of their helmets, each one moving erratically as Valeska is dragged into a side chamber and Rieve and Colo follow close behind. Details of the monster come in flashes and glimpses. Wild, bright yellow eyes. Nasty, jagged teeth. A hairy carapice. A glance is all that is needed, but it makes following its movements near impossible.

Or it would if the three weren't equipped with nightvision. Valeska doesn't manage to get hers on as she wrestles in the grasp of this creature. She's already pissed and now more injured than she was moments before. <"I"m fine, I'm fine! Just kill the rekker!"> The blade of her dagger releases from her vambrace and the force of a punch stabs the creature in the leg.

It wails in pain, swinging angrily at the three, hitting Rieve with a mighty blow before throwing Valeska into the nearest wall. She manages to engage her jetpack to stop herself from slamming into it only to look up in time to see a foot come STOMPING down on her. She grunts heavily, pressed into the ground with a beskar-denting crunch.


Rieve takes a good clawed swat that sends him arse over tip, though thankfully or perhaps not too thankfully, the stone of the mine shaft cushions his 'fall', allowing him to bounce back with more than a few aches and pains, and trickling blood within his armour, he can feel that tell-tale warmth seeping, contained. Thankfully though, such close quarters, it allows Rieve to swing his blade with a certain viciousness, the blade digging deeper into the creature both times, raking and rendering muscle and sinew, tearing the inside apart as the blade slices through the heavy dense flesh and bone like it was butter. Rieves panting steams the inside of his helm. <<"He can't... hold up for much longer, surely!">> His lilting voice ragged as he steps about, one foot almost doubling under him as his leg almost buckles while prowling about the creature that flails so wildly, illuminated as it is by the lights of their helms.


Colo's pulse flares the highest it's done in...weeks? Months? He can't recall the last time that he and Valeska had something both unpredictable and dangerous. When it's just a wild mercenary gunning for him or a bounty they've needed to drag in, it was always the both of them under threat. That makes things easy to take. With Valeska being dragged into the depths, his mindset is stuck solely on rescue of the most important cargo. Rieve's blur of activity and the flash of a vibroblade in tandem with a *snikt* of a dagger rending into the monster registers somewhere, but not before he just keeps blasting.

Years of training ensure his first shots are on-target as crackling red bolts slice through the air and into the flesh of the brutish beast. Does he even need to -aim- after years of rattling off cans on Dantooine or aiding in the reclaiming of Mandalore by besting raiding clans? Hardly. By now, it's second-nature to bring the barrel and sight up as one before he squeezes off the next double-tap. It's already lurching to its doom before the second bolt connects, but that doesn't stop Colo sealing the deal with another. Just in case.


Flares of red energy bolts catch the flash of vibroblades and snapshots of a massive creature being cut down. It all happens in a matter of seconds; not even a minute whole from its first attack to the very moment it collapses to the ground as complete deadweight. It reeks of mange and sand now mixed with the iron of boiling blood and burnt hair. But it's dead, Maker be damned.

Valeska crawls out from under the heft of its foot... leg? Whatever the hell is on her. She gives it a curse and a kick for good measure, getting back up to her feet with a stagger. <"Everyone... okay?"> She has to lift up her helmet to spit out blood. "Rekkin' thing. What /is/ that?">

".... hello?"

The voice is coming from further into the den. Upon inspection, because of course they will inspect, the trio find an older man in his sixties wedged between a few stalagmites and another crack in the wall.

"Oh, thank the Force. I was running out of wamprats to eat. Are you friend or foe?"


Blade sheathed, with the flesh and sinew shaken loose and likely still a good deal more snagged within the teeth, Rieve clutches his side and looks to Colo and Valeska as they stand, safe, winded, hurt, but safe! Rieve exhales warmly and relaxes some, which only serves to give his left flank cause to sting, ache, and jolt. Rieve stiffens for an instant, and pauses as he hears the call of the voice from deeper within.

"We're friend... all three of us." Rieve offers brightly, his voice only tinged by a hint of his own pain. Even so, he moves to kneel beside the old fellow, taking but a moment to assess the old fellow's state. "We'll get you free, you the fellow we're looking for oui? I guess this is answer enough as to why there was no answer to our hails and more."


Sizzling skin? Check. A gronking noise on the way down? Check. Valeska in...one piece? Double-triple-check. Colo's thumb eases the safety on his blaster without so much as a second-thought. No, he's rather understandably caught up in rushing forward to make sure the beast is down and away from... <<"Val!?">> He blurts, heedless of much else save for the bloody woman. The hoist of a helmet has him on one knee and wishing-hoping he'd studied the first thing about first aid. Why didn't he pay attention in those field classes?!

She's not spitting teeth, though. Just a rough knocking-about that has his hands extending and gingerly gripping at Valeska's shoulders to aid in standing. <<"Cyar'ika, you've gotta...">> Colo begins, and pauses. What did she do wrong aside from getting hurt without his permission? The Corellian breathes deep and cuts his admonitions off in favor of open, exultant relief: <<"I'm okay. You're okay.">> A moment and he peeks over his shoulder. <<"Dukat?">> He inquires of Rieve's own condition, using his trained honorific. So dutiful!

And here's him without a scratch. Colo doesn't realize his luck, likely never has. It's all probability and he'll gloat about it later, when they're not in danger, not injured...not being accosted by an old man. The blaster's in his hand again before he realizes it, but the new Mandalorian at least doesn't -aim- it at the elder sentient. <<"...Friend. I think.">> Truth will out.


The hug awaiting Colo is weakened by the injuries but no less fervent in their intentions. Letting her helmet fall to her feet for a gulp of cold, mine air, she wraps an arm around him while the other hangs at her side until the dagger slips safely back into the vambrace. "It's okay, yeah? Everyone's alive and that's a mission success." Mandalorians aren't picky. Any fight you can walk away from...

She's not forgotten about the uncertain salutations they had gotten, but Rieve and Colo have things well in hand for her feel a need to be quick to reach for her blaster. One of the many things she's learned over the years: patience. "Cado Dantz?"

He nods a little, looking like he's missed a few meals and a few more baths besides. "Fraid so, aye. Something got unleashed in the mines. I managed to get our current refugees out of the safehouse before it showed up rampaging. I've been trying to navigate the tunnels since then, but damn thing kept avoiding my traps and I couldn't get back to the safehouse to send word."

With the creature dead and a light that doesn't need to be charged with weak powercells, the trio are lead to what remains of the safehouse. It has, indeed, been savaged by the beast, but nothing a bit of effort cannot fix.

"As it's not yet been compromised and word of this critter is bound to spread, I think the Sith will have all the more reason to avoid this place. I'd like to get it up and runnin' again. Motesta is one of our busiest and safest anchor points. For what that means. I wanna thank you three for finding me. I can't pay ya, I'm afraid, but you have the gratitude of the Rebellion."