Log:Asset Acquisition

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Asset Acquisition

OOC Date: May 2, 2021
Location: Tatooine
Participants: Sumi Kora, Bors Thul, Chani Tahn, Ariel Teral

Alderaanian and Bounty Hunter alike had been given pictures and locations of where to find a particular redheaded asset. Apparently bounty wasn't a good word to use in this situation. Mainly because the girl in question really had done nothing. Mos Eisley is a known place of general seediness and a place where a lot of people go to hide or they get stuck there due to something or other.

Or they are a slave and can't leave there. It's a sad thing to think of, but it happens on a lot of the worlds out there.

Sumi and Bors might be starting off on their own paths, asking around or whichever way they are going to go about this. A few people look at the picture, but no one has given the name of said girl to the Mandalorian or the Alderaanian yet. Though there looks like there is plenty of eyes that shoot their way when they pass.

Of course looks go the way of the Alderaanian! Look at him. Standing there before a fried ttiyoopi stand looking like the suns and the sky were made for his magnificence. Beaming a too bright smile and looking to the stall runner through the aurodium monocle of his. A contrast to the military grade armor worn and the ee-3 close to hand.

"My good... sirmadam?" unsure of the species, surely there might be means of making memory flurish here?" a credit chit casually landing on the counter. Alderaanian? Yes. Noble? Certainly. Understanding money talks? Amongst these rough folk? Of course!!

Searching street to street had never been Sumi's style of bounty hunting or people finding. She went to the local magistrates to get access to surveillance tools only to find that their antiquated equipment had seen more years than Sumi had living. So she was reduced to searching the local 'watering holes' and places where any settler might visit for basic necessities. The market, the pubs, cantinas, and even an outdoor grill that had some of the best Bantha burgers..

Sumi steps back out into the sun, donning her helmet and starting to scan again. Tatooine was home away from home, away from home. The clan had made this their haunt once, so some of the places still checked out.

Bors knows how to get people to talk, but the stall owner doesn't know the name. Though 'They' have seen the girl before. "She runs cargo most days. Probably over in the spaceport." they motion with their hand in that direction. Then the credit is taken and tucked into their pocket. Information had dried up apparently, but it was a lead! Though if Bors does start for the landing fields it's hard to miss the Baragwin that is looming in that area.

Sumi sees that there are a few kids that keep peeking around the corner, checking to see if the Mandalorian is paying attention. There's whispering after they disappear around the corner, "No you do it!" one of the kids whispers a little too loudly.

Oh joy, a baragwin, that's an absolutely delightful experience! Strolling through the starport, whistling some sort of dock-shanty aloud to himself while approaching the great, moist, odd eyed creature.

"Hello sir! Fairing fine on this oh so hot of days?" lifting up a flimsi display showing the image of the missing woman, "Roaming eyes seek out this figure what is lost to her kin. I am given tell that she frequents to move cargo in this port." trying to hold the image steady,

"Might thee be able to point me in the correct direction to further my search?"

Sumi had the advantage of a reflective visor that concealed where she was looking. One might assume she was looking at them, but Sumi's eyes were occupied by some other detail. The children did not escape her perception though and she saw AND heard them through her armor's various auditory amenities. Judging from the 'No you do it!', Sumi safely assumed they must be playing some sort of game. Sumi had a soft spot for children; their playful innocence and eager enthusiasm for life was a refreshing beacon in an otherwise dark, and dreary galaxy. Even in places like Tatooine, their smiles and laughter brought alittle levity to this dangerous place.

She moved onward, allowing her face recognition software to idly run as she passed by people.

The Baragwin looks to Bors as he's approaching and there's a grunt when he doesn't keep moving. Apparently they were easy to irritate or he was huffing due to the air. Pretty hard to guess. The lumbering hulk of an alien gives a look to the film and there's a huff, "This way." it rumbles out and turns to limp further into the starport and towards a TL-1800 Transport.

Sumi might feel like she's being followed...or that someone is trying to catch up to her, "Miss Mandalorian!" a voice calls from behind her. "Ma'am. I have information for you." the little boy hurries to catch up. "I know who you are looking for, is she in trouble?" he asks as he looks to the Mandalorian. "Her name is Thalia, I haven't seen her do anything illegal. She has that ship over there." he points off towards Bastion.

"Fantastic!" following easily towards the big bug-like freighter by the humped and figure leading him onward. "So then, is she here? Elsewhere? I do hope there lacks an intention to try and rob me in daylight. I would ask you re-think if such is the case; I'd be most unhappy to have things turn to blasterfire."

Still jocular while he gabs, Bors keeps pace, humming and keeping a weather eye for the baragwin while they make their approach to... well assuming that freighter. Unless it turns out to be a walk to cake. A seed cake and a bit of champagne. Oh or even a light ale. Yes. Seed cake and a bit of ale.

Oh wait, here to find the missing lady. Should have had lunch before he left for Tatooine.

Sumi turns when the name 'Mandalorian' is used and glances down to find a boy there. When he began, and asked if the acquisition was in trouble, Sumi shook her head no. <"Not at all, young man. Her family misses her, and she does not know this. I have come to tell her.">

Sumi turns when prompted to look at the Bastion, the ship the child claimed was Thalia's. Looking back to the child, she drew out a local currency that was recognized to be at 100 in value. <"For your information."> She casually tossed it to the kid before turning about with a subtle shift, and stalking off toward the ship in question.

Chani Tahn is late. She's missed the rendezvous time set up with Lord Thul for the goal of trying to locate and identify a woman for an Alderaanian noble house, but she had the foresight, at least, to broadcast him a message in the interim. It's that back and forth communication that allows her to begin tracking down the man after arriving on planet. Disembarking from her starfighter, Chani glances to the droid in its astromech slot. "Stay here and keep the ship on lockdown. Notify me if anything happens." The young Naboo woman descends to the ground with a slight grunt and a kick up of dust and dirt. That's all this planet seems to be: dust and dirt. Drawing her feyd-cloth robe closer about her shoulders and drawing the voluminous hood up over her head, Chani then closes her arms around herself and leaves her assigned docking bay. Save for the glimpses of cream trousers and brown leather boots, there's little to identify of her save her height. She could be any traveler coming from anywhere. It's that anonymity she likes to utilize. And it's that anonymity that might mask her presence right up until she's among the pair that are currently on-mission and attempting to find the woman they're looking for.

The gnarled Baragwin looks to Bors as he jabbers on, "You're annoying." he grunts out. As they near the ship, the boarding ramp is down. So wouldn't be that hard to get in. The large hand comes up and bangs three times in rapid succession and then two short ones. Probably a 'special' knock. "We don't rob people. Since others have robbed us." the alien points out. "She should be out in a moment." he tells Bors and then shuffles to the side so that he's not blocking things.

"Family? But..." the kid trails off as Sumi produced the local currency. "Bless you." he tells her quietly as he accepts. "If you ever need more information just give us a holler!" he waves to the Mandalorian before rushing off with his prize. That would buy food for himself and other children for a good while.

Minutes go by and then someone starts to walk down the boarding ramp, "We have company?" the voice calls. The red hair is wild in the wind and her pale face is dirty given the work today. She's dressed in a simple flight suit and is holding a rag that she's been wiping things down with. She gives a look towards where the Baragwin is and then her eyes flick to where Bors is and where others might be appearing. "I...can I help you with something?" she asks with a confused look.

Chani's ability to find Bors at the landing pads is easy. Armored, beset by perpetual stubble and his new courtly scar (such intrigue!) on the side of his head - and utterly unerring in his optimism!

"Annoying, sir - I think you must re-think aspects of your life if my chatter and intention that we not come to blows is annoying! But perhaps you're not used to genial conversation, that's unfortunate - hopefully things will be rectified with a little time and meditation on these problems!" and then the baragwin is leaving. "OH. I hope you've a fine day sir!" please beware of that ugly tree just over that cliff! You can't risk another fall your poor soul!

When the red head comes forth, the flimsy is out and he stares at her, holding it up so as to have a side-by-side comparison. "I am looking for a lost woman who has been separated from her family for some time. This may feel rude - but do you recall being kidnapped as a child? Or lost?" no need to be subtle, beating around the bush will only get this planet to dry out his hair further and he's already going to need to do some deep moisturizing.

Bors soon has a shadow in the shape of a Mandalorian. Her presence was not always the most welcome, though Sumi wasn't doing anything particularly hostile. Her armor is distinctly blue, with silver pock marks and brands along her right side. There's an emblem of a Krayt dragon, and then below that, the sigil of her clan. The sash that hangs from her waist bears another emblem, intergalactically recognized as the Guild's; she is very clearly a bounty hunter.

Sumi arrived at the tail-end of Bors' question. Sumi didn't speak, but instead ran a facial analysis of Thalia against the image she had on file.

"That is not very diplomatic," Chani offers the Alderaanian Lord in a rather abrupt entry into the conversation and their investigation as a whole. Stepping forward, Chani's hands appear from within the deep sleeves of her robe and her slender fingers gather the feyd-cloth hood to ease it back around her shoulders. Her dark hair is swept back and held in a tight bun, which means none of her face or even her neck is obscured by the black tresses. "Forgive us." Chani bows deeply to the woman that is asking if they can help with anything. "I am Chani Tahn of the Naboo. This is Lord Bors of House Thul, and behind us is Sumi Kora of the Bounty Hunter's Guild." Best to address her, Chani thinks, in the manner in which she is present.

Any other failures are pure ignorance on her part, as unintentional as they may be. "We have come from House Teral of Alderaan in search of someone who went missing some time ago. We believe that you may be that person. Would you allow us to take a small sample of your blood so we may see if you are this missing person? Her family misses her greatly and we are merely trying to help them discover what has happened."

Thalia gives a bit of a look to the Baragwin and then to Bors, "Wait...what?" she looks instantly confused. But that's something that might happen when people come around to talk. "My mother sold me into slavery when I was a baby on Kafrene." she states simply, if there was bitterness it was probably well masked. "So no...I don't remember any kidnappings." she squints at him. "You're probably looking for someone else." she states in a diplomatic way.

Sumi's analysis would come back as an exact match. The photo matches Thalia one hundred percent.

Chani's words make the young woman look at her and there's a moment she takes to process information that is being given to her. "It's nice to meet you all, though I don't think that my blood will match. I'll give a sample." she tells the woman quietly as she hops down from the boarding ramp. She looks like she's anxious. News like that doesn't get dropped on everyone.

"How terrible, I'm sorry miss." Bors notes, looking to Chani and then back to Thalia. "At least we know how she went missing - if she proves to be whom is sought." a small, sad, smile for the redhead now as he looks from image to woman and then back to the Jedi - lacking his own medical kit to take the samples and being forced to rely on the others.

Which is when he notices the blue shadow behind him, "FffATHER and Mother! M'lady you do sneak about!" running a hand through his hair, "I say, mmm. Yes, terrifying."

Sumi handed the datapad to Chani, since she had been the one to introduce them and their purpose more thoroughly, let it be her who announces the match, should there be one!

"Please do not yell. She's quite nervous." Chani's aside to Bors is brief. She doesn't need any special powers to see the apprehensive gaze the red-haired woman regards them with. There's a wariness that signifies her caution all too well. Maybe Chani only sees it because she, too, has acted in such a way. Next to a seasoned Bounty Hunter and a commissioned officer in the New Republic's military, such things might seem alien. They are, after all, signs of weakness, and the galaxy is not a hospitable place for the weak. Sumi provides the equipment with which the woman can take a blood sample. Chani regards the offered datapad a moment before taking it. "Thank you. Your analysis seems to have solved the issue for us already, but I believe a second positive test will only help."

Thalia's eyes dart to Bors again, "Nothing for anyone to be sorry about." she tells him. "I...don't really want to talk about things though." she adds. Then she gives a look to Sumi, "I keep running into many Mandalorians." she dips her head to that. Apparently she knew a few. Then the woman is stating that the face recognition came back a match and she's super confused. "I...we'll wait." she whispers as her shoulders tense just a little and she pricks her fingers with a quickness to draw a crimson droplet of blood up from the wound and she lets it drop onto the device.

It takes a few moments, but the results are...a match. Chani gets that update from the pad.

"I'm not really sure they'd want me out in New Alderaan." she tells the three of them in a quiet tone.

"As a Lord of House Thul - Alderaan's arms are always open to her children. Even those that must find forgiveness for past actions or those stolen from us in one form or another." Bors eyes flick to Chani for her chiding, brow lifting slightly, "And I'll not yell when that one" jerking a thumb over his shoulder, "Stops defying physics and doesn't sneak up to me in that armor!" still smiling, cheerily, Bors looks back to Thalia as she gives over the blood for a scan.

"And after all, how many get the chance to be a noble rediscovered and find a path away from one life to bring those experiences to the nobility; lessons to learn from and those who might judge poorly are worthy of derision and even censure."

Sumi offers no comfort or validation for Thalia with regard to Alderaan wanting her. It was always hard to read nobility, or their underlying motives. While this might have seemed motivated by love or some sense of responsibility, it could also be a relative finding people to 'finish the job.' Besides, they had an Alderaanian here that could convey whether or not the world wanted its strays.

Bors comment about Sumi defying physics to sneak on him makes her chuckle. It's a sound conveyed through her helmet, hearty and amusing. Anyone who could make Sumi laugh was alright!

Sumi looked to Chani, nodding when she agreed a second test would be good. She continued to watch the Naboo native as the test ran, awaiting the verdict of their little adventure here.

"It's a positive match." The announcement to the gathered should come as no surprise. The Bounty Hunter's Guild is one of the only organizations outside of academic archives that contains such a treasure trove of information. Its files are painstakingly compiled in the pursuit of providing their hunters with critical, necessary information for accomplishing their tasks. Ignoring the jubilant Lord of Alderaan for a moment, Chani first holds the datapad out to the Mandalorian so that she may retrieve her property. She addresses the red-haired woman next, and does so with a deep bow. "My Lady," Chani addresses her with more formality. "With geneprint identification it is confirmed that you are the grand-daughter of Lady Pelia of House Teral of Alderaan. On behalf of Her Royal Highness, Princess Cortess, I formally invite you to accompany us to meet with your grandmother. She has been searching for you for some time."

Thalia's eyes look to Bors and there's a bit of a frown, "Lord Thul...I...while I thank you for that sentiment some things can't simply be washed away." she admits. "Thank you for being so optimistic though. Truly." she tells him quietly. Then she looks back to Sumi and then Chani as she confirms.

Which makes all of the blood drain from her already pale face. She's quiet for a moment, but she finally shakes herself enough to answer, "I'll go with you. But I have people I'm taking care of here. I'll need to return if I can after that." she explains to Chani.

"No it cannot be washed away at all, M'lady. Nothing of the past can, the past is etched in the firmament. But we can help you step forward with it." offering his hand and bowing in the same motion, a partial genuflect to her.

"Lady Teral. We will be happy to help your aid to those you tend to here. You are come to family with space to spare and the means to aid what you've taken upon yourself." motioning to where the A-Wing is parked at the landing bays. "Know you shall have full escort to New Alderaan as well, as a member to the nobility of a member state of the New Republic. It will be my grand honor to be as such." looking to Chani - not outing her by name or position but giving the much younger woman a polite nod of his head before he offers one last to Thalia.

"House Thul will be most joyous to welcome back one lost to a noble house of Alderaan, I assure you."

"I appreciate the gravity of your situation, my Lady, and I thank you for accompanying us despite the pressing nature of your business here." Chani says nothing of whether or not she can return. It is not Chani's place to tell her that she can. In truth, the young Naboo native has no idea what the woman's future will hold. All she can do is hope that it is for the better. What influence she can exert over the situation will take another form entirely. "I will relay to Her Royal Highness the nature of the business, if you do not mind. The Princess may be able to help in some way." Again, she promises nothing, but an offer of help is better than no offer at all. "Shall we utilize your ship, my Lady?" She gestures to the freighter behind the woman. "We should be on our way as soon as possible."