Han Solo
Han Solo
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Smuggler
Homeworld: Corellia
Organization: Rebel Alliance
Ship: Completely Legitimate
- Log:Splinters of the Future
- Log:Kef Bir
- Log:TFA: Assault on Starkiller Base
- Log:Resistance: StarKiller Briefing
- Log:TFA: The Battle of Takodana
- Log:Array Consortium: Drinking Solo
- Log:Jakku: The Rathtars Arrive
- Log:Sips with Solo
- Log:Lets Cut A Deal Into Danger
- Log:Solidarity Shindig
- Log:AoA Classic: Chamber of the Dead
- Log:AoA Classic: Ace of Sneeeda
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster
at your side, kid." - Han Solo
Background and History
Han Solo was a male human smuggler from the planet Corellia. His best friend and first mate was Chewbacca, a Wookiee from Kashyyyk, whom Solo affectionately referred to as "Chewie". Solo piloted a customized freighter, the Millennium Falcon, which he had won from fellow scoundrel Lando Calrissian.
Solo and Chewbacca would later join the Rebel Alliance after rescuing Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan from the Death Star, a battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire capable of destroying entire planets, and assisting in the destruction of the same battlestation in a later battle. Solo would later become a General thanks to his efforts in a number of Alliance battles against the Galactic Empire.