Bacta Queen

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The Bacta Queen's Flight History

"She flies, she endures, she scares anything with a pulse." ―Talvan Marte, about cargo inspectors.

The Bacta Queen is a CEC Barloz owned by veteran smuggler, Talvan Marte, released from impound by the generosity of a patron left unnamed.

Purchased at an auction on Teevan, in the Kalamith Sector of the Outer Rim. With a missing suite of comms gear, faulty and outdated IFF transponder rigging, and a leaky Hilleman accelerator, it had an original designation as smelter feed. Purchased by Talvan Marte out of desperation, he continued working for his employer, a Duros cartel boss named Lomei Des, herself working for one of the lesser-fun Hutts. With profits from his work going directly to buying up other ship components and building a safe space, he was working back-to-back high-risk, moderate-reward ventures until the payday that solved the issue - and he had his own ship: a full-sized and operational CEC Barloz freighter, originally named Harpy's Coils. Since then, he has repainted, repaired, and renamed the ship: The Bacta Queen, named for her first-ever cargo haul - sixteen metric tons of industrially-spoiled bacta, courtesy of a Thyferra production facility experiencing locally-sourced sabotage issues.

Originally designated as a simple cargo hauler, it worked on a variety of common shipping lanes, mostly moving bulk foodstuffs and the odd batch of medical supplies in support of assorted Hutt factors in play at the time. It was boarded by authorities from the Oricho sector, with the pilot and former owner/operator, Svante Racto, being sent to the closest slave labor camp to fulfill their full sentence, while the ship would be put into municipal use as a hauler for debris cluttering the lanes and bypasses of the local trade routes - which lasted about six days until it was struck by a rogue holonet film crew's ship, and put out of working order immediately. Sold for scrap, it was bought by Talvan Marte, stored for six months, and then returned to active service on a contract with a bacta farm located on Thyferra's second-largest production moon.

The Crew, Past and Present

Talvan, Captain
Xzann Zuss, Gunhand

The Sheer Audacity Of It All
